I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

repeal obamacare
impeach Obama

time is up.. the new congress did nothing except attack Obama ..

talk about a platform for Hillary to use against the Republicans ....

it's obamas fault ..

It's pointless to answer their questions and spend hours on minutiae they'll either ignore or quibble about. They have no legal training, no common sense, nothing better to do than sit here ripping off their government employer who couldn't care less or might even rather they did no work that would then have to be redone. You can smell their panic....they know they picked a joke of a president and a man who's intimidated by his wife (who may also be a man) and who's kids laugh and yawn at him. They know he's a serial liar and an arrogant airhead who got through Harvard as a affirmative action attraction with a foreign exchange student loan. Everything about him is a joke....and so why wouldn't they be attracted to him? :dunno:
Yes, and, I think, 'the panic' is actually beginning to sink home, now that they've lost the Senate as well, effective January 2015.
i know that i'm liberal, and that my own biases probably play largely into this, but i'm far from panicked.
there are essentially two things that can happen now - 1)republicans can govern moderately, and the country will be better off for it or 2) they can't, and instead turn the senate into a body devoted to the witch hunt and infighting.

i think 2 is far more likely than 1, and that their behavior over the next two years will cement a democratic presidential victory, a democratic retaking of the senate, and democratic gains in the house.
If impeachment (and a successful subsequent conviction in the Senate) DOES materialize, what difference the charges?

Obama's ever and vastly and swiftly -increasing circle of opponents and adversaries can certainly conjure-up something sufficient to the task at-hand, that can be made to stick, when the time comes, yes?

Why tip one's hand in advance of calling the other's bluff at the poker table?
you do make a good point. if republicans chose, and could somehow get the votes, they could impeach for whatever they wanted. it's not a criminal court, they don't have to prove anything, they just have to have the votes.

where you go wrong is in thinking that people are either so upset with the president or so enamored with republicans that there wouldn't be huge backlash for impeachment on unfounded allegations.

The people are upset enough to want this man out and probably out NOW. They are so disgusted with this president and his party that they are turning to the Republican Party for help. This is the time when the Republican Party will show what they can do. Let's see what they have.

If there would be an impeachment, rest assured it would not be on unfounded allegations.
you honestly think there is enough public support to warrant impeachment?
you also believe, without evidence, that there is legitimate grounds for impeachment, and that the congress just hasn't moved forward on it?

There's evidence. Obama has announced himself that he circumvents Congress, making this a two branch government! He;'s done it again and again. The immigration bill will be the epitome of injustice.
as has been pointed out, if his executive orders are illegal, that's something that the courts decide. issuing an executive order that does not meet legal muster is not a crime though - or at least it's never been treated as such.

If the EO is counter to existing law, it should not be legal.
Feel free to name the felonies. And those 'mountains of proof'

18 U.S. Code § 872 - Extortion by officers or employees of the United States

18 U.S. Code 872 - Extortion by officers or employees of the United States LII Legal Information Institute

Eric Holder, at the behest of Barack Obama, has engaged in an interstate extortion ring.

Operation Choke Point, as it has been known, was a DOJ initiative that was intentionally designed to pressure banks and lenders into avoiding certain industry-specific businesses. Ostensibly, Operation Choke Point was designed to fight money laundering and fraud. The secretive initiative was launched with little fanfare in 2013. According to the Justice Department, it was aimed at “choking out” companies the Administration considered high-risk, despite the fact that they were legal businesses that had shown no signs of fraud.

In other words, the program was aimed at punishing businesses for merely existing. One of the primary victims of Operation Chokepoint has been gun manufacturers, and legal firearm dealers.}

Darrell Issa Takes Aim at Eric Holder s Extortion Racket - Michael Schaus - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page full

Using fear and intimidation to extort money from legitimate businesses is a tried-and-true mafia tactic. But what happens when the federal government gets into this racket, demanding billions in “settlements” from an ever-expanding array of companies by threatening them with a corporate death sentence if they don’t knuckle under? We’re going to find out. Because this time, maybe they chose the wrong victim.

Tired of closing down state-approved medical marijuana dispensaries and seizing the property of their landlords, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California Melinda Haag, an Obama appointee, is hunting for bigger game. Flush from shaking down Walmart, Johnson and Johnson, and UPS for tens of millions, she has indicted the FedEx Corporation on drug trafficking and “conspiracy to launder” money charges. The prize purse this time? $1.6 billion.}

Please FedEx Fight Back Against Federal Extortion - Forbes

Obama is a two-bit Chicago thug, who has turned the Federal Government into a criminal gang. With Rahm Emanuel and Eric Holder at his side, this is no surprise - this is more the makeup of the Mafia than it is a government.

And explain why the Republican controlled House hasn't even considered starting impeachment proceedings.

Until January 20, such a move would be stupid.

I would like to see Holder arrested the day he leaves the AG position. IF we are a nation of laws, then no man can be held above the law.

Obama belongs in prison - start with his Shock Collar, Eric Holder, then impeach and prosecute Obama.
Why don't Republicans concentrate on DOING something in the short window they have the Senate?
you do make a good point. if republicans chose, and could somehow get the votes, they could impeach for whatever they wanted. it's not a criminal court, they don't have to prove anything, they just have to have the votes.

where you go wrong is in thinking that people are either so upset with the president or so enamored with republicans that there wouldn't be huge backlash for impeachment on unfounded allegations.

The people are upset enough to want this man out and probably out NOW. They are so disgusted with this president and his party that they are turning to the Republican Party for help. This is the time when the Republican Party will show what they can do. Let's see what they have.

If there would be an impeachment, rest assured it would not be on unfounded allegations.
you honestly think there is enough public support to warrant impeachment?
you also believe, without evidence, that there is legitimate grounds for impeachment, and that the congress just hasn't moved forward on it?

There's evidence. Obama has announced himself that he circumvents Congress, making this a two branch government! He;'s done it again and again. The immigration bill will be the epitome of injustice.
as has been pointed out, if his executive orders are illegal, that's something that the courts decide. issuing an executive order that does not meet legal muster is not a crime though - or at least it's never been treated as such.

If the EO is counter to existing law, it should not be legal.
i don't disagree. so the eo counters existing law - the recourse for that has always been a court challenge, and the act itself is not criminal. why would that change now?
i know that i'm liberal,

No you're not - you are a leftist - there is nothing even remotely "liberal" about you.

and that my own biases probably play largely into this, but i'm far from panicked.
there are essentially two things that can happen now - 1)republicans can govern moderately, and the country will be better off for it or 2) they can't, and instead turn the senate into a body devoted to the witch hunt and infighting.

i think 2 is far more likely than 1, and that their behavior over the next two years will cement a democratic presidential victory, a democratic retaking of the senate, and democratic gains in the house.

It would be nice to return the rule of law to this land. Rule by a Mafia Don has been a disaster.
Feel free to name the felonies. And those 'mountains of proof'

18 U.S. Code § 872 - Extortion by officers or employees of the United States

18 U.S. Code 872 - Extortion by officers or employees of the United States LII Legal Information Institute

Eric Holder, at the behest of Barack Obama, has engaged in an interstate extortion ring.

Operation Choke Point, as it has been known, was a DOJ initiative that was intentionally designed to pressure banks and lenders into avoiding certain industry-specific businesses. Ostensibly, Operation Choke Point was designed to fight money laundering and fraud. The secretive initiative was launched with little fanfare in 2013. According to the Justice Department, it was aimed at “choking out” companies the Administration considered high-risk, despite the fact that they were legal businesses that had shown no signs of fraud.

In other words, the program was aimed at punishing businesses for merely existing. One of the primary victims of Operation Chokepoint has been gun manufacturers, and legal firearm dealers.}

Darrell Issa Takes Aim at Eric Holder s Extortion Racket - Michael Schaus - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page full

Using fear and intimidation to extort money from legitimate businesses is a tried-and-true mafia tactic. But what happens when the federal government gets into this racket, demanding billions in “settlements” from an ever-expanding array of companies by threatening them with a corporate death sentence if they don’t knuckle under? We’re going to find out. Because this time, maybe they chose the wrong victim.

Tired of closing down state-approved medical marijuana dispensaries and seizing the property of their landlords, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California Melinda Haag, an Obama appointee, is hunting for bigger game. Flush from shaking down Walmart, Johnson and Johnson, and UPS for tens of millions, she has indicted the FedEx Corporation on drug trafficking and “conspiracy to launder” money charges. The prize purse this time? $1.6 billion.}

Please FedEx Fight Back Against Federal Extortion - Forbes

Obama is a two-bit Chicago thug, who has turned the Federal Government into a criminal gang. With Rahm Emanuel and Eric Holder at his side, this is no surprise - this is more the makeup of the Mafia than it is a government.

And explain why the Republican controlled House hasn't even considered starting impeachment proceedings.

Until January 20, such a move would be stupid.

I would like to see Holder arrested the day he leaves the AG position. IF we are a nation of laws, then no man can be held above the law.

Obama belongs in prison - start with his Shock Collar, Eric Holder, then impeach and prosecute Obama.
law enforcement is now extortion?
i know that i'm liberal,

No you're not - you are a leftist - there is nothing even remotely "liberal" about you.

and that my own biases probably play largely into this, but i'm far from panicked.
there are essentially two things that can happen now - 1)republicans can govern moderately, and the country will be better off for it or 2) they can't, and instead turn the senate into a body devoted to the witch hunt and infighting.

i think 2 is far more likely than 1, and that their behavior over the next two years will cement a democratic presidential victory, a democratic retaking of the senate, and democratic gains in the house.

It would be nice to return the rule of law to this land. Rule by a Mafia Don has been a disaster.
you are so far out in right field you can't be taken seriously. when you use a phrase like 'rule by mafia don' it just proves that you aren't remotely interested in having a fact based conversation.
Feel free to name the felonies. And those 'mountains of proof'

18 U.S. Code § 872 - Extortion by officers or employees of the United States

18 U.S. Code 872 - Extortion by officers or employees of the United States LII Legal Information Institute

Eric Holder, at the behest of Barack Obama, has engaged in an interstate extortion ring.

Operation Choke Point, as it has been known, was a DOJ initiative that was intentionally designed to pressure banks and lenders into avoiding certain industry-specific businesses. Ostensibly, Operation Choke Point was designed to fight money laundering and fraud. The secretive initiative was launched with little fanfare in 2013. According to the Justice Department, it was aimed at “choking out” companies the Administration considered high-risk, despite the fact that they were legal businesses that had shown no signs of fraud.

In other words, the program was aimed at punishing businesses for merely existing. One of the primary victims of Operation Chokepoint has been gun manufacturers, and legal firearm dealers.}

Darrell Issa Takes Aim at Eric Holder s Extortion Racket - Michael Schaus - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page full

Using fear and intimidation to extort money from legitimate businesses is a tried-and-true mafia tactic. But what happens when the federal government gets into this racket, demanding billions in “settlements” from an ever-expanding array of companies by threatening them with a corporate death sentence if they don’t knuckle under? We’re going to find out. Because this time, maybe they chose the wrong victim.

Tired of closing down state-approved medical marijuana dispensaries and seizing the property of their landlords, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California Melinda Haag, an Obama appointee, is hunting for bigger game. Flush from shaking down Walmart, Johnson and Johnson, and UPS for tens of millions, she has indicted the FedEx Corporation on drug trafficking and “conspiracy to launder” money charges. The prize purse this time? $1.6 billion.}

Please FedEx Fight Back Against Federal Extortion - Forbes

Obama is a two-bit Chicago thug, who has turned the Federal Government into a criminal gang. With Rahm Emanuel and Eric Holder at his side, this is no surprise - this is more the makeup of the Mafia than it is a government.

And explain why the Republican controlled House hasn't even considered starting impeachment proceedings.

Until January 20, such a move would be stupid.

I would like to see Holder arrested the day he leaves the AG position. IF we are a nation of laws, then no man can be held above the law.

Obama belongs in prison - start with his Shock Collar, Eric Holder, then impeach and prosecute Obama.

LOL.....You go for that one.......that is the kind of crazy I want the American people to associate the Republican Party with it-

You go girl!
The people are upset enough to want this man out and probably out NOW. They are so disgusted with this president and his party that they are turning to the Republican Party for help. This is the time when the Republican Party will show what they can do. Let's see what they have.

If there would be an impeachment, rest assured it would not be on unfounded allegations.
you honestly think there is enough public support to warrant impeachment?
you also believe, without evidence, that there is legitimate grounds for impeachment, and that the congress just hasn't moved forward on it?

There's evidence. Obama has announced himself that he circumvents Congress, making this a two branch government! He;'s done it again and again. The immigration bill will be the epitome of injustice.
as has been pointed out, if his executive orders are illegal, that's something that the courts decide. issuing an executive order that does not meet legal muster is not a crime though - or at least it's never been treated as such.

If the EO is counter to existing law, it should not be legal.
i don't disagree. so the eo counters existing law - the recourse for that has always been a court challenge, and the act itself is not criminal. why would that change now?

there was a law suit although I don't know what happened to that. Bohner, I think is weak.
It's pointless to answer their questions and spend hours on minutiae they'll either ignore or quibble about. They have no legal training, no common sense, nothing better to do than sit here ripping off their government employer who couldn't care less or might even rather they did no work that would then have to be redone. You can smell their panic....they know they picked a joke of a president and a man who's intimidated by his wife (who may also be a man) and who's kids laugh and yawn at him. They know he's a serial liar and an arrogant airhead who got through Harvard as a affirmative action attraction with a foreign exchange student loan. Everything about him is a joke....and so why wouldn't they be attracted to him? :dunno:
Yes, and, I think, 'the panic' is actually beginning to sink home, now that they've lost the Senate as well, effective January 2015.

Panic about what?

Elections happen. Clearly the voters were not happy with how things are now.

You think voters will be happier if Republicans focus on impeachment.

I think thats nuts, but certainly I am not threatened by the whacko's who think that Michelle Obama might be a man.


The only reason I am opposed to impeachment is that I think it would be bad for America- but it would be great for the Democrats.
law enforcement is now extortion?

You're not literate?

Harassing legal business for doing business with other legal businesses is not "law enforcement," it's extortion - and a felony.

Because you hold party above all, you don't give a fuck, but Holder and Obama are irrefutably guilty of extortion.

'Irrefutably' doesn't mean what you think it does.

It doesn't mean 'in your opinion'.
It's pointless to answer their questions and spend hours on minutiae they'll either ignore or quibble about. They have no legal training, no common sense, nothing better to do than sit here ripping off their government employer who couldn't care less or might even rather they did no work that would then have to be redone. You can smell their panic....they know they picked a joke of a president and a man who's intimidated by his wife (who may also be a man) and who's kids laugh and yawn at him. They know he's a serial liar and an arrogant airhead who got through Harvard as a affirmative action attraction with a foreign exchange student loan. Everything about him is a joke....and so why wouldn't they be attracted to him? :dunno:
Yes, and, I think, 'the panic' is actually beginning to sink home, now that they've lost the Senate as well, effective January 2015.

What is there to panic about?

Republicans can't do a thing in the Senate without 60 votes

How many votes do the Pubs have, walking in the door with the new Congress?

52? 53? 54?

Toss-in an Independent or two...

Toss-in a few Dems who are desperate to prove to their ethnic-white Blue-Collar Constituencies that they did not support Illegal Alien job-stealers in a bad economy...

Toss-in a Dem or two or three who are desperate to distance themselves as far as possible from Obama, as several did during the most recent campaign season...

Toss-in a Dem or two who can be bought behind-the-scenes with a strike-off from a list of military base closures or any of a thousand-and-one other goodies...

Toss-in the idea that at least a Dem will still hold the White House until 2016...

Toss-in the idea that some Dems will be desperate to salvage as much of the Democratic Brand as may be practicable, to salvage something of the 2016 general election...

And you have a recipe for far more uncertainty and potential for mischief, by way of a Conviction by 2/3 of the Senate, than I think you're making allowances for here.

It strikes me as unlikely, but nowhere near as unlikely as it would have been, had Obama not done the OCD thing, and insisted upon shooting himself in the foot.
Why don't Republicans concentrate on DOING something in the short window they have the Senate?

and squander an opportunity to remain irrelevant as lawmaking legislators ?

not a damn chance in hell ...

law enforcement is now extortion?

You're not literate?

Harassing legal business for doing business with other legal businesses is not "law enforcement," it's extortion - and a felony.

Because you hold party above all, you don't give a fuck, but Holder and Obama are irrefutably guilty of extortion.
says you. because you didn't like their law enforcement policies
you are so far out in right field you can't be taken seriously. when you use a phrase like 'rule by mafia don' it just proves that you aren't remotely interested in having a fact based conversation.

Of course, Obama is a democrat, ergo the law is not relevant.

Fact is, Obama has engaged in Mafia style extortion - impeach the crook, then prosecute him. Obama is a criminal - that is a fact. You don't care, because party is the only thing you value - but the facts remain.

{If you are a bank and you have a customer who owns a gun shop or makes payday loans, which offends liberal sensibilities, (Wow. I just set a record for the largest oxymoron) you could be audited or sued or both. Eric Holder appears at your bank and says, “Nice bank you got here. It would be a shame if anything happened to it.” The nightmare begins. (article continues below BuzzPo Radio)}

Eric Holder s DOJ Uses Mafia-Like Tactics Against Banks - BuzzPo

You are a partisan hack, with no regard for laws. Party is all.
It's pointless to answer their questions and spend hours on minutiae they'll either ignore or quibble about. They have no legal training, no common sense, nothing better to do than sit here ripping off their government employer who couldn't care less or might even rather they did no work that would then have to be redone. You can smell their panic....they know they picked a joke of a president and a man who's intimidated by his wife (who may also be a man) and who's kids laugh and yawn at him. They know he's a serial liar and an arrogant airhead who got through Harvard as a affirmative action attraction with a foreign exchange student loan. Everything about him is a joke....and so why wouldn't they be attracted to him? :dunno:
Yes, and, I think, 'the panic' is actually beginning to sink home, now that they've lost the Senate as well, effective January 2015.

What is there to panic about?

Republicans can't do a thing in the Senate without 60 votes

How many votes do the Pubs have, walking in the door with the new Congress?

52? 53? 54?

Toss-in an Independent or two...

Toss-in a few Dems who are desperate to prove to their ethnic-white Blue-Collar Constituencies that they did not support Illegal Alien job-stealers in a bad economy...

Toss-in a Dem or two or three who are desperate to distance themselves as far as possible from Obama, as several did during the most recent campaign season...

Toss-in a Dem or two who can be bought behind-the-scenes with a strike-off from a list of military base closures or any of a thousand-and-one other goodies...

Toss-in the idea that at least a Dem will still hold the White House until 2016...

Toss-in the idea that some Dems will be desperate to salvage as much of the Democratic Brand as may be practicable, to salvage something of the 2016 general election...

And you have a recipe for far more uncertainty and potential for mischief, by way of a Conviction by 2/3 of the Senate, than I think you're making allowances for here.

It strikes me as unlikely, but nowhere near as unlikely as it would have been, had Obama not done the OCD thing, and insisted upon shooting himself in the foot.

Thats alot of tossing considering the amount of bipartisan votes Republicans have engaged in over the last six years. They have not built up alot of good will with the other side of the aisle

Can Republicans go up to a Democratic Senator and tell him......Remember that time I bucked the party and backed your bill? I need your support on this
...You think voters will be happier if Republicans focus on impeachment...
I think that if Obama insists upon issuing his Immigration EO, flying in the face of the Will of the People, and slapping Congress in the face with his gauntlet, that the American People might actually enjoy a modest respite, to focus upon the removal of an arrogant autocrat.

I do not say this with certainty, but with a clear appreciation of such a possibility.

...I think thats nuts, but certainly I am not threatened by the whacko's who think that Michelle Obama might be a man...
Your foolhardy insistence upon incredulity in this matter - if shared broadly enough - may very well serve to grease the wheels for such machinations, after January.

Is it crazy to raise the specter of such a scenario, merely because if flies in the face of the arrogant and comfortable complacency that the few remaining supporters of Obama continue to delude themselves with? Somehow, I don't think so.

...The only reason I am opposed to impeachment is that I think it would be bad for America- but it would be great for the Democrats.
You may get the chance to learn whether that proves to be true in the Real World, and sooner than any of us would have dreamed possible, some weeks ago.

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