I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

The people are upset enough to want this man out and probably out NOW. They are so disgusted with this president and his party that they are turning to the Republican Party for help. This is the time when the Republican Party will show what they can do. Let's see what they have.

If there would be an impeachment, rest assured it would not be on unfounded allegations.
Some people. A small minority. The usual suspects.
The people are upset enough to want this man out and probably out NOW. They are so disgusted with this president and his party that they are turning to the Republican Party for help. This is the time when the Republican Party will show what they can do. Let's see what they have.

If there would be an impeachment, rest assured it would not be on unfounded allegations.
Some people. A small minority. The usual suspects.
when you live in an echo-chamber 'the people' always support you 100%
It doesn't have to be illegal.

It just needs to piss off enough people (and power brokers) to stimulate lawmakers to conjure-up charges that can be made to stick, as prelude to removal.
The operative words.

verb \vt 2 & vi senses ˈkän-jər also ˈkən-; vt 1 kən-ˈju̇r\
: to make (something) appear or seem to appear by using magic

: to make you think of (something)

: to create or imagine (something)

that's exactly the point kondor was making. the president doesn't actually need to have done anything to be impeached. if they had the votes they could choose any reason they wanted, they only have to have the votes to make it stick, not the evidence.
Except they would never be able to get away with it.

Even conservative media would point out that there is no high crime or misdemeanor. Well, at least some of their guests would...
It doesn't have to be illegal.

It just needs to piss off enough people (and power brokers) to stimulate lawmakers to conjure-up charges that can be made to stick, as prelude to removal.
The operative words.

verb \vt 2 & vi senses ˈkän-jər also ˈkən-; vt 1 kən-ˈju̇r\
: to make (something) appear or seem to appear by using magic

: to make you think of (something)

: to create or imagine (something)

that's exactly the point kondor was making. the president doesn't actually need to have done anything to be impeached. if they had the votes they could choose any reason they wanted, they only have to have the votes to make it stick, not the evidence.
Except they would never be able to get away with it.

Even conservative media would point out that there is no high crime or misdemeanor. Well, at least some of their guests would...
I would believe the "abuse of power" is a high crime.
The only way he could abuse his power would be to exceed his power under the Constitution.

He has not done that, and will not do that.

I'm sorry, but not getting your way is not grounds to impeach someone.
More Americans voted for Obama than voted for ALL the Senate Republicans in the last election

I won't argue that point ... Because it is simple math and ALL Senate seats weren't up for vote ... The majority of seats still shifted towards Republican by 9 ... Something your comment doesn't address.


The Democrats had to defend 23 seats while Republicans had to defend 10
Those numbers will reverse in 2016.

Republicans pulled about 25 million votes in the last election, Obama pulled almost 66 million in 2012

There is your mandate
GOP has 54 seats when Louisiana is finished......need 13 scared shitless Rats who only care about their own smelly asses, not the "clean well-spoken negro"...Barry has no friends in the Senate....he's used them as henchmen and they won't risk their seats to defend him. Wait until Searchlight Harry turns on him....and he will rather than be recalled in Nevada for his various land swindles and ballot stuffing adventures.....13 is the magic number....the House can draw up the Articles of Impeachment in a matter of hours....his crimes are well-known. Kiss that tar baby goodbye if he tries to backdoor the beaners.
What makes you think you would ever get 14 Democratic Senators to override a presidential veto?

You're probably right.

How could anyone expect more than one or two Democrat Senators to understand about what happens to themselves in the next election cydle!

Only 10 Democratic Senators are up for reelection in 2016.
24 Republican Senators have to worry about their seat
of course he doesn't think that.
he just didn't know that a veto override requires two thirds of the votes in both chambers.

Wrong again pissant.....but we're used to you playing with your little peter instead of paying attention,....You keep stepping to me and getting bitch-slapped....I should start charging you for it.
GOP has 54 seats when Louisiana is finished......need 13 scared shitless Rats who only care about their own smelly asses, not the "clean well-spoken negro"...Barry has no friends in the Senate....he's used them as henchmen and they won't risk their seats to defend him. Wait until Searchlight Harry turns on him....and he will rather than be recalled in Nevada for his various land swindles and ballot stuffing adventures.....13 is the magic number....the House can draw up the Articles of Impeachment in a matter of hours....his crimes are well-known. Kiss that tar baby goodbye if he tries to backdoor the beaners.
as if there was a doubt about your racism. stay classy.
Wrong again pissant.....but we're used to you playing with your little peter instead of paying attention,....You keep stepping to me and getting bitch-slapped....I should start charging you for it.
you only mentioned the votes in the senate - why was that? clearly it's because you thought that now that the republicans control both the house and senate that they would be able to override a veto.
and please, your ignorant ass couldn't intellectually bitch slap a pre-schooler.
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I think that if Obama insists upon issuing his Immigration EO, flying in the face of the Will of the People, and slapping Congress in the face with his gauntlet, that the American People might actually enjoy a modest respite, to focus upon the removal of an arrogant autocrat.
I don't know where you are getting this crap. Maybe you've 'conjured' it.

And you weren't concerned with the Senate getting slapped when Harry Reid was running it. Or the House when Pelosi was running it.
What is ridiculous is the idea the American people voted for Republicans in the last election ... So they can go to Washington and help President Obama pass his agenda.

Now your comments about who has power to do what might be close to accurate ... But it would be foolish to think the message sent by voters was to cooperate.


Some Americans. In some Red states, who didn't vote for Obama in the first place. These people have always been against him.

They are just as irrelevant to his agenda now as they were before the election.
More Americans voted for Obama than voted for ALL the Senate Republicans in the last election

I won't argue that point ... Because it is simple math and ALL Senate seats weren't up for vote ... The majority of seats still shifted towards Republican by 9 ... Something your comment doesn't address.


The Democrats had to defend 23 seats while Republicans had to defend 10
Those numbers will reverse in 2016.

Republicans pulled about 25 million votes in the last election, Obama pulled almost 66 million in 2012

There is your mandate

It is 2014 not 2012 ... No one technically voted for President Obama in the recent election. Most of the candidates who beat Democrats in the last election had opposing President Obama as part of their platform.

So it would be safe to say that the people voted for opposing President Obama in the last election. You can try and explain it away to no avail.

BTW....I realize you leftist twerps are lazy and stupid so understand that I'm done replying to a comment that doesn't show up because it's buried by comments that came before it....if you want a reply from me, DELETE the crap it's buried in or pound sand.
Some Americans. In some Red states, who didn't vote for Obama in the first place. These people have always been against him.

They are just as irrelevant to his agenda now as they were before the election.

Irrelevant enough to take away the Democrat majority in the Senate ... I will settle for that.

Obama is currently bitch slapping the GOP

Ready to issue an EO on immigration
Reaching an agreement with China on Global Warming
Threatening to veto any bill on Keystone

Republicans are huffing and puffing, but do they have the balls to do anything other than make idle threat about "poisoning the water"?
ROFL yeah he bitch slapped them into control of both houses of congress. ROFL

And what do they intend to do with their new found "power"?

They can't even agree within their own party
How should I know. I'm just addressing the bitch slap comment.
Why don't Republicans concentrate on DOING something in the short window they have the Senate?

and squander an opportunity to remain irrelevant as lawmaking legislators ?

not a damn chance in hell ...


Republicans have a chance to shape important legislation over the next two years. Too bad they seem intent on using the time for political grandstanding
Do they stand a better chance of doing just that, without the Arrogant Autocrat at the helm?

Would they be better off clearing the decks for action, if the opportunity to do so presents itself (i.e., if Obumble makes them a Christmas present of the pending EO on Immigration)?

That, I believe, is probably the other side of the coin, for that question.

That is totally ridiculous

Republicans cannot accomplish a thing without Obamas buy in. Unless they want to squander the next two years, they had better learn to negotiate

Obama can do things without Republicans, they cannot do a thing without him
Then it's ridiculous.

At least, it's ridiculous, unless they try to legally remove him from office after January 2015.

Given the way that the Failed Messiah is pissing people off at the moment, I would not be overly surprised, to see a serious attempt at removing him from office, after the new Congress is sworn-in, but several things would have to click into place before a Conviction in the Senate could be attained, so, we can continue to view it as a long-shot - reinforced by the idea that the GOP leadership is not talking in those terms - yet - publicly.
That is totally ridiculous

Republicans cannot accomplish a thing without Obamas buy in. Unless they want to squander the next two years, they had better learn to negotiate

Obama can do things without Republicans, they cannot do a thing without him

What is ridiculous is the idea the American people voted for Republicans in the last election ... So they can go to Washington and help President Obama pass his agenda.

Now your comments about who has power to do what might be close to accurate ... But it would be foolish to think the message sent by voters was to cooperate.


More Americans voted for Obama than voted for ALL the Senate Republicans in the last election
But they don't get another turn at-bat for another two years.

Much can happen in two years.

Much can happen shortly after January 2015, for that matter.

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