I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

LOL.....You go for that one.......that is the kind of crazy I want the American people to associate the Republican Party with it-

You go girl!

I may not be a girl, but I do plan to push the impeachment and prosecution of Obama for extortion. He IS a criminal, you don't care because you are a mindless hack, but that doesn't alter the fact that Obama is a crook.
Why don't Republicans concentrate on DOING something in the short window they have the Senate?

and squander an opportunity to remain irrelevant as lawmaking legislators ?

not a damn chance in hell ...


Republicans have a chance to shape important legislation over the next two years. Too bad they seem intent on using the time for political grandstanding
It's pointless to answer their questions and spend hours on minutiae they'll either ignore or quibble about. They have no legal training, no common sense, nothing better to do than sit here ripping off their government employer who couldn't care less or might even rather they did no work that would then have to be redone. You can smell their panic....they know they picked a joke of a president and a man who's intimidated by his wife (who may also be a man) and who's kids laugh and yawn at him. They know he's a serial liar and an arrogant airhead who got through Harvard as a affirmative action attraction with a foreign exchange student loan. Everything about him is a joke....and so why wouldn't they be attracted to him? :dunno:
Yes, and, I think, 'the panic' is actually beginning to sink home, now that they've lost the Senate as well, effective January 2015.

What is there to panic about?

Republicans can't do a thing in the Senate without 60 votes

How many votes do the Pubs have, walking in the door with the new Congress?

52? 53? 54?

Toss-in an Independent or two...

Toss-in a few Dems who are desperate to prove to their ethnic-white Blue-Collar Constituencies that they did not support Illegal Alien job-stealers in a bad economy...

Toss-in a Dem or two or three who are desperate to distance themselves as far as possible from Obama, as several did during the most recent campaign season...

Toss-in a Dem or two who can be bought behind-the-scenes with a strike-off from a list of military base closures or any of a thousand-and-one other goodies...

Toss-in the idea that at least a Dem will still hold the White House until 2016...

Toss-in the idea that some Dems will be desperate to salvage as much of the Democratic Brand as may be practicable, to salvage something of the 2016 general election...

And you have a recipe for far more uncertainty and potential for mischief, by way of a Conviction by 2/3 of the Senate, than I think you're making allowances for here.

It strikes me as unlikely, but nowhere near as unlikely as it would have been, had Obama not done the OCD thing, and insisted upon shooting himself in the foot.

Thats alot of tossing considering the amount of bipartisan votes Republicans have engaged in over the last six years. They have not built up alot of good will with the other side of the aisle

Can Republicans go up to a Democratic Senator and tell him......Remember that time I bucked the party and backed your bill? I need your support on this
I really don't have a clue whether that is going to unfold, RW, but I see it as a distinct possibility - one that would be easier to trigger than many are allowing for, but, of course, it's all bullshit speculation, until (1) Dear Leader decides to declare war on Congress, and (2) Congress bides its time and begins to return fire, after the January swearings-in.
Why don't Republicans concentrate on DOING something in the short window they have the Senate?

and squander an opportunity to remain irrelevant as lawmaking legislators ?

not a damn chance in hell ...


Republicans have a chance to shape important legislation over the next two years. Too bad they seem intent on using the time for political grandstanding
Do they stand a better chance of doing just that, without the Arrogant Autocrat at the helm?

Would they be better off clearing the decks for action, if the opportunity to do so presents itself (i.e., if Obumble makes them a Christmas present of the pending EO on Immigration)?

That, I believe, is probably the other side of the coin, for that question.
Why don't Republicans concentrate on DOING something in the short window they have the Senate?

and squander an opportunity to remain irrelevant as lawmaking legislators ?

not a damn chance in hell ...


Republicans have a chance to shape important legislation over the next two years. Too bad they seem intent on using the time for political grandstanding
Do they stand a better chance of doing just that, without the Arrogant Autocrat at the helm?

Would they be better off clearing the decks for action, if the opportunity to do so presents itself (i.e., if Obumble makes them a Christmas present of the pending EO on Immigration)?

That, I believe, is probably the other side of the coin, for that question.

That is totally ridiculous

Republicans cannot accomplish a thing without Obamas buy in. Unless they want to squander the next two years, they had better learn to negotiate

Obama can do things without Republicans, they cannot do a thing without him
That is totally ridiculous

Republicans cannot accomplish a thing without Obamas buy in. Unless they want to squander the next two years, they had better learn to negotiate

Obama can do things without Republicans, they cannot do a thing without him

What is ridiculous is the idea the American people voted for Republicans in the last election ... So they can go to Washington and help President Obama pass his agenda.

Now your comments about who has power to do what might be close to accurate ... But it would be foolish to think the message sent by voters was to cooperate.

That is totally ridiculous

Republicans cannot accomplish a thing without Obamas buy in. Unless they want to squander the next two years, they had better learn to negotiate

Obama can do things without Republicans, they cannot do a thing without him

What is ridiculous is the idea the American people voted for Republicans in the last election ... So they can go to Washington and help President Obama pass his agenda.

Now your comments about who has power to do what might be close to accurate ... But it would be foolish to think the message sent by voters was to cooperate.

you say that, but how much of the president's agenda was actually passed recently?

it's general unrest, and when the republicans prove they aren't ready to govern the momentum will quickly swing the other way.
That is totally ridiculous

Republicans cannot accomplish a thing without Obamas buy in. Unless they want to squander the next two years, they had better learn to negotiate

Obama can do things without Republicans, they cannot do a thing without him

What is ridiculous is the idea the American people voted for Republicans in the last election ... So they can go to Washington and help President Obama pass his agenda.

Now your comments about who has power to do what might be close to accurate ... But it would be foolish to think the message sent by voters was to cooperate.


More Americans voted for Obama than voted for ALL the Senate Republicans in the last election
More Americans voted for Obama than voted for ALL the Senate Republicans in the last election

I won't argue that point ... Because it is simple math and ALL Senate seats weren't up for vote ... The majority of seats still shifted towards Republican by 9 ... Something your comment doesn't address.

More Americans voted for Obama than voted for ALL the Senate Republicans in the last election

I won't argue that point ... Because it is simple math and ALL Senate seats weren't up for vote ... The majority of seats still shifted towards Republican by 9 ... Something your comment doesn't address.

So which failed GOP policies are Republicans going to try to foist on the American people?
What's been left out is a psychiatric examination and possible forced treatment for Narcissistic Personality Disorder not just for the good of the country; for the good of His spouse and those fine little piccaninnies.
More Americans voted for Obama than voted for ALL the Senate Republicans in the last election

I won't argue that point ... Because it is simple math and ALL Senate seats weren't up for vote ... The majority of seats still shifted towards Republican by 9 ... Something your comment doesn't address.

So which failed GOP policies are Republicans going to try to foist on the American people?

Attempts to pass legislation can fail, but policies that haven't been made cannot be referred to as failing ... And you would have to ask them what they intend to do.

That is totally ridiculous

Republicans cannot accomplish a thing without Obamas buy in. Unless they want to squander the next two years, they had better learn to negotiate

Obama can do things without Republicans, they cannot do a thing without him

You swing from "convict him of what?" to "try it we double-dog dare ya!" to "why do you guys want to be mean to our Barry?" :badgrin:

You've already shown us you're dumb as a box of hammers.....we "need" Obozo like a fish needs a bicycle.....every veto he tries can be overturned by a Senate which will grow increasingly hostile to him....when the final veto is overturned by 67 votes, impeaching him will be the only logical step. Wait until the House panels show his administration's perjury before them...Holder's guilt in multiple counts of obstruction of justice....Lois Lerner using her office to intimidate legit Conservative pacs.....Fast and Furious testimony that brings back Janet Napoitano to face the music.

If I were you little turds, I'd email Barry begging him to resign before we send the marshals in for him.
That is totally ridiculous

Republicans cannot accomplish a thing without Obamas buy in. Unless they want to squander the next two years, they had better learn to negotiate

Obama can do things without Republicans, they cannot do a thing without him

You swing from "convict him of what?" to "try it we double-dog dar ya!" to "why do you guys want to be mean to our Barry?" :badgrin:

You've already shown us you're dumb as a box of hammers.....we "need" Obozo like a fish needs a bicycle.....every veto he tries can be overturned by a Senate which will grow increasingly hostile to him....when the final veto is carried by 67 votes, impeaching him will be the only logical step. Wait until the House panels show his administration's perjury before them...Holder's guilt in multiple counts of obstruction of justice....Lois Lerner using her office to intimidate legit Conservative pacs.....Fast and Furious testimony that brings back Janet Napoitano to face the music.

If I were you little turds, I'd email Barry begging him to resign before we send the marshals in for him.
there aren't the votes in the senate, or the house for that matter, to override a veto. fail.

and you keep talking about the president's perjury - when was the president placed under oath??
Last edited:
Obama is currently bitch slapping the GOP

Ready to issue an EO on immigration
Reaching an agreement with China on Global Warming
Threatening to veto any bill on Keystone

Republicans are huffing and puffing, but do they have the balls to do anything other than make idle threat about "poisoning the water"?
ROFL yeah he bitch slapped them into control of both houses of congress. ROFL
That is totally ridiculous

Republicans cannot accomplish a thing without Obamas buy in. Unless they want to squander the next two years, they had better learn to negotiate

Obama can do things without Republicans, they cannot do a thing without him

You swing from "convict him of what?" to "try it we double-dog dare ya!" to "why do you guys want to be mean to our Barry?" :badgrin:

You've already shown us you're dumb as a box of hammers.....we "need" Obozo like a fish needs a bicycle.....every veto he tries can be overturned by a Senate which will grow increasingly hostile to him....when the final veto is overturned by 67 votes, impeaching him will be the only logical step. Wait until the House panels show his administration's perjury before them...Holder's guilt in multiple counts of obstruction of justice....Lois Lerner using her office to intimidate legit Conservative pacs.....Fast and Furious testimony that brings back Janet Napoitano to face the music.

If I were you little turds, I'd email Barry begging him to resign before we send the marshals in for him.

Now who is dumber than a box of hammers?

What makes you think you would ever get 14 Democratic Senators to override a presidential veto? Do Republicans REALLY think they have built up goodwill with the Democrats over the last 6 years?

This is the problem you face when you get all your political information from Fox News
Obama is currently bitch slapping the GOP

Ready to issue an EO on immigration
Reaching an agreement with China on Global Warming
Threatening to veto any bill on Keystone

Republicans are huffing and puffing, but do they have the balls to do anything other than make idle threat about "poisoning the water"?
ROFL yeah he bitch slapped them into control of both houses of congress. ROFL

And what do they intend to do with their new found "power"?

They can't even agree within their own party
That is totally ridiculous

Republicans cannot accomplish a thing without Obamas buy in. Unless they want to squander the next two years, they had better learn to negotiate

Obama can do things without Republicans, they cannot do a thing without him

You swing from "convict him of what?" to "try it we double-dog dare ya!" to "why do you guys want to be mean to our Barry?" :badgrin:

You've already shown us you're dumb as a box of hammers.....we "need" Obozo like a fish needs a bicycle.....every veto he tries can be overturned by a Senate which will grow increasingly hostile to him....when the final veto is overturned by 67 votes, impeaching him will be the only logical step. Wait until the House panels show his administration's perjury before them...Holder's guilt in multiple counts of obstruction of justice....Lois Lerner using her office to intimidate legit Conservative pacs.....Fast and Furious testimony that brings back Janet Napoitano to face the music.

If I were you little turds, I'd email Barry begging him to resign before we send the marshals in for him.

Now who is dumber than a box of hammers?

What makes you think you would ever get 14 Democratic Senators to override a presidential veto? Do Republicans REALLY think they have built up goodwill with the Democrats over the last 6 years?

This is the problem you face when you get all your political information from Fox News
of course he doesn't think that.
he just didn't know that a veto override requires two thirds of the votes in both chambers.

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