I hope they throw the book at her

Go take a nap, that was stupid even for you
It was meant to be stupid, stupid…a joke… an excercise in humor… a shot at provoking laughter… RELAX!

It was stupid.
Aww c'mon..admit it …you did chuckle a bit didn't you?

She hasn't been able to smile since the half black guy got the oval office.

There ya go again, talking shit ya know nothing about. If I looked like you I'd refrain from trying to insult anyone, you're an easy target
To be fair, if he only talked about things he knew anything about, he'd never speak.
Those are the 11 general orders for a sentry.

There are a lot more
Turns out not only is it a General Order but a US LAW that military salute and stand during anthem when flag is present and stand when no flag is present.

36 U.S. Code § 301 - National anthem
It says "should" not must but don't worry, trump will make it an executable offense.

Obviously you have never been in the military should is the same as must.
No, I haven't and no it isn't. You don't get to define words differently. Most, if not all, of the code is a suggestion.
Look you RETARD when a superior "suggests" something in the military it is an order. As for the statute it is clear that a person in UNIFORM is legally obliged to stand and salute.
If you don't feel pride in your country, then why would you even be a member of the military? Doesn't make sense to me.

Spot on!

I remember a time when a young lady who had enlisted in the military was crying and complaining that she should not be sent into a combat area. Her reasoning: “I joined the army for the educational benefits, not to put my life at risk.” I wonder how many others think the same way.

As for me, around half a century ago I tried to join the Marine Corps when I was sixteen but they caught me. I could have been arrested but instead was told to come back when I was seventeen and retake the “bend over and spread your cheeks” physical. I was seventeen on a Sunday, took the physical on Monday and was sworn in on Tuesday.

To all those who honorably served in the U.S. military or wanted to: Semper Fi!

This is an aside, Professor.....

I regularly walk down Flatbush Avenue, here in the center of the world, Brooklyn...and pass an auto dealer on whose sidewalk there is a truck with the license plate "TNLRAT," and a Vietnam ribbon printed on it.

Tunnel rats....those brave soldiers who went into pitch black tunnels to pursue the enemy.

I do so wish I could see the owner of same one day, so I could shake his hand.

I felt the same way upon reading your post.

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