I hope they throw the book at her

How did that change my point?
Perhaps if you bothered to read the post above yours?
You don't find it ironic that someone that has volunteered her life to protect your ass can go to jail for refusing to stand? And stationed at Pearl Harbor at that. I find it extremely ironic.

If she wants to go to jail over it that is certainly her choice.

Maybe she's just mentally ill :lol:

"Navy rules state that troops must stand and face the flag when the National Anthem is played. Troops in uniform must salute, while troops not in uniform must stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart. Failure to obey these rules could be charged as a violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice -- failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation."

SOurce in last post
Yes, I know that. I still find it ironic that someone willing to die for the country can be jailed for refusing to stand.
98% of her fellow service members would spit in her face (or worse if they could get away with it) for this.
And if they want to pay the penalty for it they are free to do so.
How did that change my point?
Perhaps if you bothered to read the post above yours?
You don't find it ironic that someone that has volunteered her life to protect your ass can go to jail for refusing to stand? And stationed at Pearl Harbor at that. I find it extremely ironic.

If she wants to go to jail over it that is certainly her choice.

Maybe she's just mentally ill :lol:

"Navy rules state that troops must stand and face the flag when the National Anthem is played. Troops in uniform must salute, while troops not in uniform must stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart. Failure to obey these rules could be charged as a violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice -- failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation."

SOurce in last post
Yes, I know that. I still find it ironic that someone willing to die for the country can be jailed for refusing to stand.
98% of her fellow service members would spit in her face (or worse if they could get away with it) for this.

or unfortunately they might join her.
Guess what retard? She VOLUNTEERED to be in the Navy. That means following all the laws and regulations. Only about 17 percent of the military is black so I suspect if backs quit volunteering we will get along just fine.
How did that change my point?
Perhaps if you bothered to read the post above yours?
You don't find it ironic that someone that has volunteered her life to protect your ass can go to jail for refusing to stand? And stationed at Pearl Harbor at that. I find it extremely ironic.

If she wants to go to jail over it that is certainly her choice.

Maybe she's just mentally ill :lol:

"Navy rules state that troops must stand and face the flag when the National Anthem is played. Troops in uniform must salute, while troops not in uniform must stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart. Failure to obey these rules could be charged as a violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice -- failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation."

SOurce in last post
Yes, I know that. I still find it ironic that someone willing to die for the country can be jailed for refusing to stand.

If they refuse to obey orders and stand for the anthem, how can you be sure they will obey orders when it matters?
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.

for what would they throw the book at her? please cite the section of the CMJ.

Navy rules state that troops must stand and face the flag when the National Anthem is played. Troops in uniform must salute, while troops not in uniform must stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart. Failure to obey these rules could be charged as a violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice -- failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation.
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.

for what would they throw the book at her? please cite the section of the CMJ.

Navy rules state that troops must stand and face the flag when the National Anthem is played. Troops in uniform must salute, while troops not in uniform must stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart. Failure to obey these rules could be charged as a violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice -- failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation.

do the rules say that? or does convention say that? I don't know the answer btw,. I'm asking

my understanding is to be courts martialed, someone has to violate a rule set down in the CMJ
How did that change my point?
Perhaps if you bothered to read the post above yours?
You don't find it ironic that someone that has volunteered her life to protect your ass can go to jail for refusing to stand? And stationed at Pearl Harbor at that. I find it extremely ironic.

If she wants to go to jail over it that is certainly her choice.

Maybe she's just mentally ill :lol:

"Navy rules state that troops must stand and face the flag when the National Anthem is played. Troops in uniform must salute, while troops not in uniform must stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart. Failure to obey these rules could be charged as a violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice -- failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation."

SOurce in last post
Yes, I know that. I still find it ironic that someone willing to die for the country can be jailed for refusing to stand.

If they refuse to obey orders and stand for the anthem, how can you be sure they will obey orders when it matters?

That's true. It's pretty contradictory to join the military and not stand for the anthem of our country.
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.

for what would they throw the book at her? please cite the section of the CMJ.

Navy rules state that troops must stand and face the flag when the National Anthem is played. Troops in uniform must salute, while troops not in uniform must stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart. Failure to obey these rules could be charged as a violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice -- failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation.

do the rules say that? or does convention say that? I don't know the answer btw,. I'm asking

892. ARTICLE 92. FAILURE TO OBEY ORDER OR REGULATION « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.

for what would they throw the book at her? please cite the section of the CMJ.

Navy rules state that troops must stand and face the flag when the National Anthem is played. Troops in uniform must salute, while troops not in uniform must stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart. Failure to obey these rules could be charged as a violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice -- failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation.

do the rules say that? or does convention say that? I don't know the answer btw,. I'm asking

892. ARTICLE 92. FAILURE TO OBEY ORDER OR REGULATION « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

I know that. but what regulation requires her to stand for the anthem? and is that, in fact, a lawful order?

again, I assume these issues will be addressed and I do assume she'll face charges. the question then becomes does she get punished.

and if that is what she wishes to do to take a stand, then can we stop her? she's placed herself in harms way for the country. is it too much to ask that people who look like our troops don't get shot down for no reason when they're home?
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthemwhy

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.

why did he join the navy if not out of pride and to serve the country? We don't have the draft at the moment

disagreeing with one's country doesn't mean one doesn't love one's country
There's the lesser Article 15 (NJP Non Judicial Punishment) which is most often used as opposed to a Courts Martial which typically is reserved for more serious offenses.
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.

for what would they throw the book at her? please cite the section of the CMJ.

Navy rules state that troops must stand and face the flag when the National Anthem is played. Troops in uniform must salute, while troops not in uniform must stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart. Failure to obey these rules could be charged as a violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice -- failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation.

do the rules say that? or does convention say that? I don't know the answer btw,. I'm asking

892. ARTICLE 92. FAILURE TO OBEY ORDER OR REGULATION « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

I know that. but what regulation requires her to stand for the anthem? and is that, in fact, a lawful order?

again, I assume these issues will be addressed and I do assume she'll face charges. the question then becomes does she get punished.

and if that is what she wishes to do to take a stand, then can we stop her? she's placed herself in harms way for the country. is it too much to ask that people who look like our troops don't get shot down for no reason?
Article 1205.

Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.

for what would they throw the book at her? please cite the section of the CMJ.
Disobeying a general Order. Perhaps if you were not clueless you would know that as a military member you are UNDER orders to stand for the national colors and anthem? And required to salute if in uniform. But then you being a lawyer you already knew this right?
for what would they throw the book at her? please cite the section of the CMJ.

Navy rules state that troops must stand and face the flag when the National Anthem is played. Troops in uniform must salute, while troops not in uniform must stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart. Failure to obey these rules could be charged as a violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice -- failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation.

do the rules say that? or does convention say that? I don't know the answer btw,. I'm asking

892. ARTICLE 92. FAILURE TO OBEY ORDER OR REGULATION « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

I know that. but what regulation requires her to stand for the anthem? and is that, in fact, a lawful order?

again, I assume these issues will be addressed and I do assume she'll face charges. the question then becomes does she get punished.

and if that is what she wishes to do to take a stand, then can we stop her? she's placed herself in harms way for the country. is it too much to ask that people who look like our troops don't get shot down for no reason?
Article 1205.



I do have to wonder though, about all of these people so incensed that a person of color isn't standing for the national anthem but who were perfectly okay with criminals in Montana raising arms against federal troops.

just saying....
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.

for what would they throw the book at her? please cite the section of the CMJ.
Disobeying a general Order. Perhaps if you were not clueless you would know that as a military member you are UNDER orders to stand for the national colors and anthem? And required to salute if in uniform. But then you being a lawyer you already knew this right?

why don't you leave it to people smarter than you are and who aren't insane to answer questions


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