I hope they throw the book at her

Forcing this kind of crap is what totalitarian societies do.
Societies? This is the military we're talking about, for all intent and purposes military personnel are property of the US government and legally subject to all military rules and regulation. The military, for obvious reasons is not democratic. She violated Navy Regulation 1205, at the very least she should have to face an Article 15 (Captain's Mast) which most often results in loss of pay and temporary confinement to base.

We're all property, take a good look around.


I do have to wonder though, about all of these people so incensed that a person of color isn't standing for the national anthem but who were perfectly okay with criminals in Montana raising arms against federal troops.

just saying....
Those who bring color into it are what they are, ignorant morons (the open and closet racists), as for this situation I don't care what color she was, she signed enlistment papers and swore an oath (binding contracts), failure to comply with all terms of those contracts is punishable.
In this instance refusing to stand would most likely result in an Article 15, failure to stand if directly ordered at that moment is a whole different ball of wax which would result in a Courts Martial which would most likely end up with a dishonorable discharge and possibly jail time. The military doesn't take kindly to personnel who refuse a lawful order.

but ignoring color as an issue is wishful thinking. the reality is she has a gripe about serving her country while people who look like her are shot for no reason.

and you can't argue that the people whining about her are mostly the same ones who were screeching that it was ok for the Montana boys to raise arms against our federal officers. and ignoring the fact that color is a factor seems willfully blind.
Uummmmmm, I didn't use that word. Just thought you'd like to know.
As for her color and this situation, it has no bearing whatsoever, it has everything to do with military regulations. If she wants to protest then she needs to wait for her enlistment to expire then she can protest to her heart's content.

that was an edit that went to the post after. I deleted it. I know it wasn't you. you wouldn't use that word.

color has bearing when you see people who look like you being shot down for no reason. same as color has bearing to the people who thought it was ok for a bunch of old white men to point weapons at federal troops. you know, and I know, that the same people who supported the Montana thugs, are having nervous breakdowns over something as simple as not standing for the anthem, and are perfectly ok with unarmed black people being gunned down by cops for no reason.

see the problem here? before those problems get solved, people like you, who want the world to be color blind (which is something I think most of us would like) first have to acknowledge the disparity, the problem and discuss ways of addressing those problems.

the point of people like this taking a stand (or not as it were) is to get us talking.

would you prefer they did things no one would notice?
Here's where your argument fails, the Montana thugs are not military personnel (though some fancy themselves to be), she's in the military and is therefore subject to the governing rules and regulations. As for the racist trash, that's their problem to overcome and mine to ignore or make fun of.
Forcing this kind of crap is what totalitarian societies do.
Societies? This is the military we're talking about, for all intent and purposes military personnel are property of the US government and legally subject to all military rules and regulation. The military, for obvious reasons is not democratic. She violated Navy Regulation 1205, at the very least she should have to face an Article 15 (Captain's Mast) which most often results in loss of pay and temporary confinement to base.

We're all property, take a good look around.
Oh yeah, I forgot, you're one of those........ :lol:
Forcing this kind of crap is what totalitarian societies do.
Societies? This is the military we're talking about, for all intent and purposes military personnel are property of the US government and legally subject to all military rules and regulation. The military, for obvious reasons is not democratic. She violated Navy Regulation 1205, at the very least she should have to face an Article 15 (Captain's Mast) which most often results in loss of pay and temporary confinement to base.

We're all property, take a good look around.
Oh yeah, I forgot, you're one of those........ :lol:

You're exhibit A son.

I know that. but what regulation requires her to stand for the anthem? and is that, in fact, a lawful order?

again, I assume these issues will be addressed and I do assume she'll face charges. the question then becomes does she get punished.

and if that is what she wishes to do to take a stand, then can we stop her? she's placed herself in harms way for the country. is it too much to ask that people who look like our troops don't get shot down for no reason?
Article 1205.



I do have to wonder though, about all of these people so incensed that a person of color isn't standing for the national anthem but who were perfectly okay with criminals in Montana raising arms against federal troops.

just saying....
Those who bring color into it are what they are, ignorant morons (the open and closet racists), as for this situation I don't care what color she was, she signed enlistment papers and swore an oath (binding contracts), failure to comply with all terms of those contracts is punishable.
In this instance refusing to stand would most likely result in an Article 15, failure to stand if directly ordered at that moment is a whole different ball of wax which would result in a Courts Martial which would most likely end up with a dishonorable discharge and possibly jail time. The military doesn't take kindly to personnel who refuse a lawful order.

but ignoring color as an issue is wishful thinking. the reality is she has a gripe about serving her country while people who look like her are shot for no reason.

and you can't argue that the people whining about her are mostly the same ones who were screeching that it was ok for the Montana boys to raise arms against our federal officers. and ignoring the fact that color is a factor seems willfully blind.
Well except for that pesky little fact they were not shot without reason. When 13 percent of the population is responsible for 50 percent of the murders and 37 percent of all violent crime I would say being worried about confronting a black man is reasonable and prudent and since almost everyone of the incidents involved ARMED black men threatening the cops.....
Forcing this kind of crap is what totalitarian societies do.
Societies? This is the military we're talking about, for all intent and purposes military personnel are property of the US government and legally subject to all military rules and regulation. The military, for obvious reasons is not democratic. She violated Navy Regulation 1205, at the very least she should have to face an Article 15 (Captain's Mast) which most often results in loss of pay and temporary confinement to base.

We're all property, take a good look around.
Oh yeah, I forgot, you're one of those........ :lol:

You're exhibit A son.

You aughta go into comedy.
I know that. but what regulation requires her to stand for the anthem? and is that, in fact, a lawful order?

again, I assume these issues will be addressed and I do assume she'll face charges. the question then becomes does she get punished.

and if that is what she wishes to do to take a stand, then can we stop her? she's placed herself in harms way for the country. is it too much to ask that people who look like our troops don't get shot down for no reason?
Article 1205.



I do have to wonder though, about all of these people so incensed that a person of color isn't standing for the national anthem but who were perfectly okay with criminals in Montana raising arms against federal troops.

just saying....
How quaint. That lil bit you added about a "person of color". Did you think being a nig would give her special treatment? This ain't Ferguson. It the fucking military, Mudshark.


these are real issues. trolls like you should really leave it to smarter and better to discuss. but thanks for the rant.

and no doubt using the word "nig" makes you feel better about yourself for being white trash.

and you wonder why race is an issue....

did using that word make you feel like you have genitalia or something?
It is a serious issue one you tried to cheapen by your suggestive post that she be given special recognition for being a ni**er. You made it a race issue. Pot; meet kettle.
No, Tipsycatlover did, (2nd or 3rd post).
Forcing this kind of crap is what totalitarian societies do.
Societies? This is the military we're talking about, for all intent and purposes military personnel are property of the US government and legally subject to all military rules and regulation. The military, for obvious reasons is not democratic. She violated Navy Regulation 1205, at the very least she should have to face an Article 15 (Captain's Mast) which most often results in loss of pay and temporary confinement to base.

We're all property, take a good look around.
Oh yeah, I forgot, you're one of those........ :lol:

You're exhibit A son.

You aughta go into comedy.

You'd know.
Societies? This is the military we're talking about, for all intent and purposes military personnel are property of the US government and legally subject to all military rules and regulation. The military, for obvious reasons is not democratic. She violated Navy Regulation 1205, at the very least she should have to face an Article 15 (Captain's Mast) which most often results in loss of pay and temporary confinement to base.

We're all property, take a good look around.
Oh yeah, I forgot, you're one of those........ :lol:

You're exhibit A son.

You aughta go into comedy.

You'd know.
Yes I would but in your case it wasn't a compliment. :thup:
But, why join the military to defend a country/culture you are in disagreement with? Attention seeking perhaps?

Exactly why many never would, america hasn't been in a legit war since WWII.

But THIS person joined the military.

Yeah, and? She can't think for herself while in can she. The broader issue is the system - and many of it's subjects - cannot tolerate any challenge. Let's recall this "controversy" began with a damn football player who wasn't, and he drew the same reaction from the same posters and segments of society.
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.
The reason so many of us go into the military is to protect the constitutional rights of people to protest. It's sad you don't see it that way. One wonders if you ever actually were in the military or if you understood what the military means to America.

If you were ever in the military you'd know when you're ordered to do something you fucking do it.
Actually no. That sounds like Hitler's military, which I suspect you were alway very proud of.

Me, personally, I would never sit during the National Anthem. But I'm not black. And if I were black and what seemed like every week, another unarmed black American was being shot and killed by police then I'm not sure what is "right". Here is a black American who knows that she could go home on leave, wear civilian clothes, walk around outside and be shot by the police simply for being black.
We're all property, take a good look around.
Oh yeah, I forgot, you're one of those........ :lol:

You're exhibit A son.

You aughta go into comedy.

You'd know.
Yes I would but in your case it wasn't a compliment. :thup:

Have a nice day, go find yourself another 3rd grader like yourself to do this with.
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.
The reason so many of us go into the military is to protect the constitutional rights of people to protest. It's sad you don't see it that way. One wonders if you ever actually were in the military or if you understood what the military means to America.

If you were ever in the military you'd know when you're ordered to do something you fucking do it.
Actually no. That sounds like Hitler's military, which I suspect you were alway very proud of.

Me, personally, I would never sit during the National Anthem. But I'm not black. And if I were black and what seemed like every week, another unarmed black American was being shot and killed by police then I'm not sure what is "right". Here is a black American who knows that she could go home on leave, wear civilian clothes, walk around outside and be shot by the police simply for being black.

Actually yes.....DERP!!!!! Sit down, old timer. You're clueless
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.
The reason so many of us go into the military is to protect the constitutional rights of people to protest. It's sad you don't see it that way. One wonders if you ever actually were in the military or if you understood what the military means to America.

If you were ever in the military you'd know when you're ordered to do something you fucking do it.
Actually no. That sounds like Hitler's military, which I suspect you were alway very proud of.

Me, personally, I would never sit during the National Anthem. But I'm not black. And if I were black and what seemed like every week, another unarmed black American was being shot and killed by police then I'm not sure what is "right". Here is a black American who knows that she could go home on leave, wear civilian clothes, walk around outside and be shot simply for being black.

I gave up Pavlovianly reciting the pledge of allegiance in jr high school upon command, hand over the heart, and all the rest of it. In any other society we would recognize this stuff as blind allegiance to state power and as mind numbing propaganda.
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.
The reason so many of us go into the military is to protect the constitutional rights of people to protest. It's sad you don't see it that way. One wonders if you ever actually were in the military or if you understood what the military means to America.

If you were ever in the military you'd know when you're ordered to do something you fucking do it.
Actually no. That sounds like Hitler's military, which I suspect you were alway very proud of.

Me, personally, I would never sit during the National Anthem. But I'm not black. And if I were black and what seemed like every week, another unarmed black American was being shot and killed by police then I'm not sure what is "right". Here is a black American who knows that she could go home on leave, wear civilian clothes, walk around outside and be shot simply for being black.

I gave up Pavlovianly reciting the pledge of allegiance in jr high school upon command, hand over the heart, and all the rest of it. In any other society we would recognize this stuff as blind allegiance to state power and as mind numbing propaganda.
Or the celebration of a great country. It's a matter of perspective.

Fools like Sassy are the kinds of boils that ruin the celebration. That type of infected boil must be lanced.
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.
The reason so many of us go into the military is to protect the constitutional rights of people to protest. It's sad you don't see it that way. One wonders if you ever actually were in the military or if you understood what the military means to America.

If you were ever in the military you'd know when you're ordered to do something you fucking do it.
Actually no. That sounds like Hitler's military, which I suspect you were alway very proud of.

Me, personally, I would never sit during the National Anthem. But I'm not black. And if I were black and what seemed like every week, another unarmed black American was being shot and killed by police then I'm not sure what is "right". Here is a black American who knows that she could go home on leave, wear civilian clothes, walk around outside and be shot simply for being black.

I gave up Pavlovianly reciting the pledge of allegiance in jr high school upon command, hand over the heart, and all the rest of it. In any other society we would recognize this stuff as blind allegiance to state power and as mind numbing propaganda.
Or the celebration of a great country. It's a matter of perspective.

Fools like Sassy are the kinds of boils that ruin the celebration. That type of infected boil must be lanced.

Repeatedly, you know how they close over and puss up again. Once you HAVE to it's no longer a celebration at all.

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