I just heard a new term coined that perfectly describes the actions of many on the left.

exposed by what? You are the one insisting you are too dumb to understand the concepts.

Nope. I asked for a simple example and you cannot provide one because you don’t know what an example is. Don’t explain theory to me.
Give me specific examples.
The homeless on the street should be able to apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

Not my question. How much should they be paid and for how long. Provide specific answers not generalities. F@ck I have never met a dumber person. It is as if I ask you what the legal drinking age in the US is and instead of answering 21 you say well you cannot be a teenager but you may be in college if you go to college. Just give me specific answers. If you can.
i have already explained all of this several times. why do you care. the Objective is to correct for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment on a permanent basis as a more market friendly social safety net.

So you don’t know. Thanks. Leftists always deal in generalizations and can never answer simple questions
I have answered the question several times. The right wing doesn't care, they just like to complain about minor stuff not major stuff.

Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is the objective. It is not about right wing amorality.
lol. compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment should cover the cost of social services and be one dollar an hour less than the minimum wage to actually have a work ethic from the Age of Iron in modern times.

Was that even English? Give me a specific example. Not your plagiarism.
not dumb enough for the right wing?

We could solve simple poverty through unemployment compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment. The legal and physical infrastructure already exists and would be a more cost effective social safety net that is actually based on economics.

Current unemployment benefits require that you look for a job while collecting and you still have yet to give me a specific example. You’re a terrible communicator.
He is a terrible communicator and I believe that he is also an idiot.
who cares; you have only fallacy not valid rebuttals.

When a moron repeats the same thing over and over and gives no proof, or facts and uses the same argument that has been disproven at least 300 times, you simply don’t rebut, you warn others of the idiot, that’s what I did and btw, thanks for boosting my ratings.
There is a difference between being outraged about something and CHOOSING to look for a reason to be outraged.
Like the poutrage Republicans made when Obama wore a tan suit?

Or how about when Michelle dared to go sleeveless?

Or what about when Republicans got word of Obama being a fan of Dijon mustard?

Do you remember the STINK self-professed conservatives and Republicans made, ON USMB, about those important and influential matters?


I recall a great deal of weeping and gnashing of teeth over the vital earth-shattering questions of whether or not O'bama "knows who Snooki is". Or uses a technology called a TelePrompTer that was invented and used before he was born. Or how many times he used a filler "ah" while speaking.

All of which questions could have been applied to any other POTUS or any other person, yet until the POTUS was black they were never questions before.

Co-inkydink, I have no doubt....

Who is Snooki, one of the Banana Splits?
A fat ugly celebrity that morons fawn over

That narrows it down to a few thousand. :)

Actually I looked her up, still puzzled that she is a celebrity.
Was that even English? Give me a specific example. Not your plagiarism.
not dumb enough for the right wing?

We could solve simple poverty through unemployment compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment. The legal and physical infrastructure already exists and would be a more cost effective social safety net that is actually based on economics.

Current unemployment benefits require that you look for a job while collecting and you still have yet to give me a specific example. You’re a terrible communicator.
He is a terrible communicator and I believe that he is also an idiot.
who cares; you have only fallacy not valid rebuttals.

When a moron repeats the same thing over and over and gives no proof, or facts and uses the same argument that has been disproven at least 300 times, you simply don’t rebut, you warn others of the idiot, that’s what I did and btw, thanks for boosting my ratings.
lol. projecting much. I am not the one who is making excuses about being too dumb to understand the concepts, and then claiming I am right, simply because I am on the right wing.

What part of Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States, is too difficult for the whole and entire right wing to understand.
not dumb enough for the right wing?

We could solve simple poverty through unemployment compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment. The legal and physical infrastructure already exists and would be a more cost effective social safety net that is actually based on economics.

Current unemployment benefits require that you look for a job while collecting and you still have yet to give me a specific example. You’re a terrible communicator.
He is a terrible communicator and I believe that he is also an idiot.
who cares; you have only fallacy not valid rebuttals.

When a moron repeats the same thing over and over and gives no proof, or facts and uses the same argument that has been disproven at least 300 times, you simply don’t rebut, you warn others of the idiot, that’s what I did and btw, thanks for boosting my ratings.
lol. projecting much. I am not the one who is making excuses about being too dumb to understand the concepts, and then claiming I am right, simply because I am on the right wing.

What part of Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States, is too difficult for the whole and entire right wing to understand.

What I understand is you are an idiot, not because of your idea but your lack of ability to communicate and your in ability to have facts or even link studies you keep harping on. Communication is a two way street and it is obvious you have not mastered it. I and others have asked you questions and you have just repeated the same BS that makes no sense. The capper is you claim it is all right winger issue but you notice not one lefty has bought in to your theory.

Like I have said, you have cause and no cure.
Current unemployment benefits require that you look for a job while collecting and you still have yet to give me a specific example. You’re a terrible communicator.
He is a terrible communicator and I believe that he is also an idiot.
who cares; you have only fallacy not valid rebuttals.

When a moron repeats the same thing over and over and gives no proof, or facts and uses the same argument that has been disproven at least 300 times, you simply don’t rebut, you warn others of the idiot, that’s what I did and btw, thanks for boosting my ratings.
lol. projecting much. I am not the one who is making excuses about being too dumb to understand the concepts, and then claiming I am right, simply because I am on the right wing.

What part of Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States, is too difficult for the whole and entire right wing to understand.

What I understand is you are an idiot, not because of your idea but your lack of ability to communicate and your in ability to have facts or even link studies you keep harping on. Communication is a two way street and it is obvious you have not mastered it. I and others have asked you questions and you have just repeated the same BS that makes no sense. The capper is you claim it is all right winger issue but you notice not one lefty has bought in to your theory.

Like I have said, you have cause and no cure.
you are too dumb to understand it; how can I be the one who is wrong? You have to ask relevant questions until you can come up with valid refutations not just "nothing but repeal" and gossip. simple rejection is mere bigotry and a fallacy.

how ordinary and usual for the Right Wing.
He is a terrible communicator and I believe that he is also an idiot.
who cares; you have only fallacy not valid rebuttals.

When a moron repeats the same thing over and over and gives no proof, or facts and uses the same argument that has been disproven at least 300 times, you simply don’t rebut, you warn others of the idiot, that’s what I did and btw, thanks for boosting my ratings.
lol. projecting much. I am not the one who is making excuses about being too dumb to understand the concepts, and then claiming I am right, simply because I am on the right wing.

What part of Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States, is too difficult for the whole and entire right wing to understand.

What I understand is you are an idiot, not because of your idea but your lack of ability to communicate and your in ability to have facts or even link studies you keep harping on. Communication is a two way street and it is obvious you have not mastered it. I and others have asked you questions and you have just repeated the same BS that makes no sense. The capper is you claim it is all right winger issue but you notice not one lefty has bought in to your theory.

Like I have said, you have cause and no cure.
you are too dumb to understand it; how can I be the one who is wrong? You have to ask relevant questions until you can come up with valid refutations not just "nothing but repeal" and gossip. simple rejection is mere bigotry and a fallacy.

how ordinary and usual for the Right Wing.

Dan’s cause and no cure. Thanks chump for proving me right again.
The cool thing with Daniel’s post is you can respond without having to read them, it’s all nonsense anyway! Lol!
Nope. I asked for a simple example and you cannot provide one because you don’t know what an example is. Don’t explain theory to me.
Give me specific examples.
The homeless on the street should be able to apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

Not my question. How much should they be paid and for how long. Provide specific answers not generalities. F@ck I have never met a dumber person. It is as if I ask you what the legal drinking age in the US is and instead of answering 21 you say well you cannot be a teenager but you may be in college if you go to college. Just give me specific answers. If you can.
i have already explained all of this several times. why do you care. the Objective is to correct for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment on a permanent basis as a more market friendly social safety net.

So you don’t know. Thanks. Leftists always deal in generalizations and can never answer simple questions
I have answered the question several times. The right wing doesn't care, they just like to complain about minor stuff not major stuff.

Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is the objective. It is not about right wing amorality.

Still a cause and no cure I see. Lol!
Nope. I asked for a simple example and you cannot provide one because you don’t know what an example is. Don’t explain theory to me.
Give me specific examples.
The homeless on the street should be able to apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

Not my question. How much should they be paid and for how long. Provide specific answers not generalities. F@ck I have never met a dumber person. It is as if I ask you what the legal drinking age in the US is and instead of answering 21 you say well you cannot be a teenager but you may be in college if you go to college. Just give me specific answers. If you can.
i have already explained all of this several times. why do you care. the Objective is to correct for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment on a permanent basis as a more market friendly social safety net.

So you don’t know. Thanks. Leftists always deal in generalizations and can never answer simple questions
I have answered the question several times. The right wing doesn't care, they just like to complain about minor stuff not major stuff.

Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is the objective. It is not about right wing amorality.

Never answered. I said Give exact $$ and timeline and you refused. You’re a liar just like your Progessive Left cronies.
He is a terrible communicator and I believe that he is also an idiot.
who cares; you have only fallacy not valid rebuttals.

When a moron repeats the same thing over and over and gives no proof, or facts and uses the same argument that has been disproven at least 300 times, you simply don’t rebut, you warn others of the idiot, that’s what I did and btw, thanks for boosting my ratings.
lol. projecting much. I am not the one who is making excuses about being too dumb to understand the concepts, and then claiming I am right, simply because I am on the right wing.

What part of Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States, is too difficult for the whole and entire right wing to understand.

What I understand is you are an idiot, not because of your idea but your lack of ability to communicate and your in ability to have facts or even link studies you keep harping on. Communication is a two way street and it is obvious you have not mastered it. I and others have asked you questions and you have just repeated the same BS that makes no sense. The capper is you claim it is all right winger issue but you notice not one lefty has bought in to your theory.

Like I have said, you have cause and no cure.
you are too dumb to understand it; how can I be the one who is wrong? You have to ask relevant questions until you can come up with valid refutations not just "nothing but repeal" and gossip. simple rejection is mere bigotry and a fallacy.

how ordinary and usual for the Right Wing.

Sorry, Daniel. You are a loser. If I ask you what 6*3 is and you never answe 18 it makes you an idiot and a loser. I have asked you the same question over 10x and you keep dodging with theory instead of providing exact numbers. You are an embarrassment to this board. I feel sorry for you. Honestly.
The homeless on the street should be able to apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

Not my question. How much should they be paid and for how long. Provide specific answers not generalities. F@ck I have never met a dumber person. It is as if I ask you what the legal drinking age in the US is and instead of answering 21 you say well you cannot be a teenager but you may be in college if you go to college. Just give me specific answers. If you can.
i have already explained all of this several times. why do you care. the Objective is to correct for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment on a permanent basis as a more market friendly social safety net.

So you don’t know. Thanks. Leftists always deal in generalizations and can never answer simple questions
I have answered the question several times. The right wing doesn't care, they just like to complain about minor stuff not major stuff.

Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is the objective. It is not about right wing amorality.

Still a cause and no cure I see. Lol!

He is a loser and cannot answer a simple question.
who cares; you have only fallacy not valid rebuttals.

When a moron repeats the same thing over and over and gives no proof, or facts and uses the same argument that has been disproven at least 300 times, you simply don’t rebut, you warn others of the idiot, that’s what I did and btw, thanks for boosting my ratings.
lol. projecting much. I am not the one who is making excuses about being too dumb to understand the concepts, and then claiming I am right, simply because I am on the right wing.

What part of Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States, is too difficult for the whole and entire right wing to understand.

What I understand is you are an idiot, not because of your idea but your lack of ability to communicate and your in ability to have facts or even link studies you keep harping on. Communication is a two way street and it is obvious you have not mastered it. I and others have asked you questions and you have just repeated the same BS that makes no sense. The capper is you claim it is all right winger issue but you notice not one lefty has bought in to your theory.

Like I have said, you have cause and no cure.
you are too dumb to understand it; how can I be the one who is wrong? You have to ask relevant questions until you can come up with valid refutations not just "nothing but repeal" and gossip. simple rejection is mere bigotry and a fallacy.

how ordinary and usual for the Right Wing.

Dan’s cause and no cure. Thanks chump for proving me right again.
simple rejection is a fallacy. you need a valid argument if you are not too dumb.
The homeless on the street should be able to apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

Not my question. How much should they be paid and for how long. Provide specific answers not generalities. F@ck I have never met a dumber person. It is as if I ask you what the legal drinking age in the US is and instead of answering 21 you say well you cannot be a teenager but you may be in college if you go to college. Just give me specific answers. If you can.
i have already explained all of this several times. why do you care. the Objective is to correct for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment on a permanent basis as a more market friendly social safety net.

So you don’t know. Thanks. Leftists always deal in generalizations and can never answer simple questions
I have answered the question several times. The right wing doesn't care, they just like to complain about minor stuff not major stuff.

Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is the objective. It is not about right wing amorality.

Never answered. I said Give exact $$ and timeline and you refused. You’re a liar just like your Progessive Left cronies.
less than the minimum wage; and, employment is at will. they either get a job or stay poor.
who cares; you have only fallacy not valid rebuttals.

When a moron repeats the same thing over and over and gives no proof, or facts and uses the same argument that has been disproven at least 300 times, you simply don’t rebut, you warn others of the idiot, that’s what I did and btw, thanks for boosting my ratings.
lol. projecting much. I am not the one who is making excuses about being too dumb to understand the concepts, and then claiming I am right, simply because I am on the right wing.

What part of Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States, is too difficult for the whole and entire right wing to understand.

What I understand is you are an idiot, not because of your idea but your lack of ability to communicate and your in ability to have facts or even link studies you keep harping on. Communication is a two way street and it is obvious you have not mastered it. I and others have asked you questions and you have just repeated the same BS that makes no sense. The capper is you claim it is all right winger issue but you notice not one lefty has bought in to your theory.

Like I have said, you have cause and no cure.
you are too dumb to understand it; how can I be the one who is wrong? You have to ask relevant questions until you can come up with valid refutations not just "nothing but repeal" and gossip. simple rejection is mere bigotry and a fallacy.

how ordinary and usual for the Right Wing.

Sorry, Daniel. You are a loser. If I ask you what 6*3 is and you never answe 18 it makes you an idiot and a loser. I have asked you the same question over 10x and you keep dodging with theory instead of providing exact numbers. You are an embarrassment to this board. I feel sorry for you. Honestly.
the concept is employment at will and compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment. it doesn't matter how much it costs since it must grow our economy.
Not my question. How much should they be paid and for how long. Provide specific answers not generalities. F@ck I have never met a dumber person. It is as if I ask you what the legal drinking age in the US is and instead of answering 21 you say well you cannot be a teenager but you may be in college if you go to college. Just give me specific answers. If you can.
i have already explained all of this several times. why do you care. the Objective is to correct for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment on a permanent basis as a more market friendly social safety net.

So you don’t know. Thanks. Leftists always deal in generalizations and can never answer simple questions
I have answered the question several times. The right wing doesn't care, they just like to complain about minor stuff not major stuff.

Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is the objective. It is not about right wing amorality.

Still a cause and no cure I see. Lol!

He is a loser and cannot answer a simple question.

Yep, he is lazy to his cause and has no cure.
When a moron repeats the same thing over and over and gives no proof, or facts and uses the same argument that has been disproven at least 300 times, you simply don’t rebut, you warn others of the idiot, that’s what I did and btw, thanks for boosting my ratings.
lol. projecting much. I am not the one who is making excuses about being too dumb to understand the concepts, and then claiming I am right, simply because I am on the right wing.

What part of Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States, is too difficult for the whole and entire right wing to understand.

What I understand is you are an idiot, not because of your idea but your lack of ability to communicate and your in ability to have facts or even link studies you keep harping on. Communication is a two way street and it is obvious you have not mastered it. I and others have asked you questions and you have just repeated the same BS that makes no sense. The capper is you claim it is all right winger issue but you notice not one lefty has bought in to your theory.

Like I have said, you have cause and no cure.
you are too dumb to understand it; how can I be the one who is wrong? You have to ask relevant questions until you can come up with valid refutations not just "nothing but repeal" and gossip. simple rejection is mere bigotry and a fallacy.

how ordinary and usual for the Right Wing.

Dan’s cause and no cure. Thanks chump for proving me right again.
simple rejection is a fallacy. you need a valid argument if you are not too dumb.

A cause and still no cure, that is all you have.

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