I Kind of Appreciate This From the Democratic Congressional Leadership.....


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
They are going to follow the long windy State of the Union Address with a humor peice, courtesy of Maxine Waters!

That is very thoughtful of them.

Maxine Waters Is Giving A National Address On BET After Trump’s State Of The Union

the reaction may be enough to convince her to not run for reelection
So Maxine will be pimping poverty through the medium of BET?

What makes her think black folks are dissatisfied with Trump's performance? Black unemployment is at an all-time low and food stamp usage is way down. Yet idiots like her keep pushing the narrative that President Trump is "racist" when in reality, it's pieces of crap like her who are the real racists.

Democrat race-pimps like her do nothing but reinforce the stereotype that black people are "victims" and the government owes them something. They only do that to maintain power over them, to keep them poor and uninformed, and to get more black votes. Any self-respecting group of black people would see that she is promptly tarred, feathered, and rode out of town on a hard wooden rail.

I would ask any black person this question: What did Obama really do for you during the 8 years he was in the White House?
So Maxine will be pimping poverty through the medium of BET?

What makes her think black folks are dissatisfied with Trump's performance? Black unemployment is at an all-time low and food stamp usage is way down. Yet idiots like her keep pushing the narrative that President Trump is "racist" when in reality, it's pieces of crap like her who are the real racists.

Democrat race-pimps like her do nothing but reinforce the stereotype that black people are "victims" and the government owes them something. They only do that to maintain power over them, to keep them poor and uninformed, and to get more black votes. Any self-respecting group of black people would see that she is promptly tarred, feathered, and rode out of town on a hard wooden rail.

I would ask any black person this question: What did Obama really do for you during the 8 years he was in the White House?

Well for starters, white supremacists weren’t marching in the streets chanting Nazi slogans.

There were blacks in positions of real authority in the administration.

Hate crimes were 80% fewer than since the election.

Just remember this: Roy Moore lost because the black voters who stayed home in November, came out to vote against a racist, Republican pedophile.

When asked why they voted this time the response was “Trump said what do you have to lose by voting for me. Since the election, we’ve seen what we have to lose and we’re not going back to that”.

Loss of civil rights are bringing out the black vote. Loss of women’s rights are bringing out the women's vote. The people who sat on their hands and stayed home in November of 2016 are now fully awake and coming out to vote. And they’re not voting Republican.

Oh by the bye, how are those redistricting maps coming in Pennsylvania? Obama is currently focusing his post-presidential work on ending gerrymandering. Eric Holder is assisting. This isn’t some “Deep State” conspiracy story. They’re doing it publically, out in the open.
So Maxine will be pimping poverty through the medium of BET?

What makes her think black folks are dissatisfied with Trump's performance? Black unemployment is at an all-time low and food stamp usage is way down. Yet idiots like her keep pushing the narrative that President Trump is "racist" when in reality, it's pieces of crap like her who are the real racists.

Democrat race-pimps like her do nothing but reinforce the stereotype that black people are "victims" and the government owes them something. They only do that to maintain power over them, to keep them poor and uninformed, and to get more black votes. Any self-respecting group of black people would see that she is promptly tarred, feathered, and rode out of town on a hard wooden rail.

I would ask any black person this question: What did Obama really do for you during the 8 years he was in the White House?

Well for starters, white supremacists weren’t marching in the streets chanting Nazi slogans.

There were blacks in positions of real authority in the administration.

Hate crimes were 80% fewer than since the election.

Just remember this: Roy Moore lost because the black voters who stayed home in November, came out to vote against a racist, Republican pedophile.

When asked why they voted this time the response was “Trump said what do you have to lose by voting for me. Since the election, we’ve seen what we have to lose and we’re not going back to that”.

Loss of civil rights are bringing out the black vote. Loss of women’s rights are bringing out the women's vote. The people who sat on their hands and stayed home in November of 2016 are now fully awake and coming out to vote. And they’re not voting Republican.

Oh by the bye, how are those redistricting maps coming in Pennsylvania? Obama is currently focusing his post-presidential work on ending gerrymandering. Eric Holder is assisting. This isn’t some “Deep State” conspiracy story. They’re doing it publically, out in the open.

Hahahaha Obama and Holder are two of the biggest racists on the damn planet
So Maxine will be pimping poverty through the medium of BET?

What makes her think black folks are dissatisfied with Trump's performance? Black unemployment is at an all-time low and food stamp usage is way down. Yet idiots like her keep pushing the narrative that President Trump is "racist" when in reality, it's pieces of crap like her who are the real racists.

Democrat race-pimps like her do nothing but reinforce the stereotype that black people are "victims" and the government owes them something. They only do that to maintain power over them, to keep them poor and uninformed, and to get more black votes. Any self-respecting group of black people would see that she is promptly tarred, feathered, and rode out of town on a hard wooden rail.

I would ask any black person this question: What did Obama really do for you during the 8 years he was in the White House?

Well for starters, white supremacists weren’t marching in the streets chanting Nazi slogans.

There were blacks in positions of real authority in the administration.

Hate crimes were 80% fewer than since the election.

Just remember this: Roy Moore lost because the black voters who stayed home in November, came out to vote against a racist, Republican pedophile.

When asked why they voted this time the response was “Trump said what do you have to lose by voting for me. Since the election, we’ve seen what we have to lose and we’re not going back to that”.

Loss of civil rights are bringing out the black vote. Loss of women’s rights are bringing out the women's vote. The people who sat on their hands and stayed home in November of 2016 are now fully awake and coming out to vote. And they’re not voting Republican.

Oh by the bye, how are those redistricting maps coming in Pennsylvania? Obama is currently focusing his post-presidential work on ending gerrymandering. Eric Holder is assisting. This isn’t some “Deep State” conspiracy story. They’re doing it publically, out in the open.
Well for starters, white supremacists weren’t marching in the streets chanting Nazi slogans.

They've been marching in the streets, chanting Nazi slogans as far back as the 60s that I know of.

Did they stop while Obama was president?

There were blacks in positions of real authority in the administration.

Yes indeed...

I remember when he appointed Condi Rice, and Powell.

the rest of your 'post' is just as ridiculous
So Maxine will be pimping poverty through the medium of BET?

What makes her think black folks are dissatisfied with Trump's performance? Black unemployment is at an all-time low and food stamp usage is way down. Yet idiots like her keep pushing the narrative that President Trump is "racist" when in reality, it's pieces of crap like her who are the real racists.

Democrat race-pimps like her do nothing but reinforce the stereotype that black people are "victims" and the government owes them something. They only do that to maintain power over them, to keep them poor and uninformed, and to get more black votes. Any self-respecting group of black people would see that she is promptly tarred, feathered, and rode out of town on a hard wooden rail.

I would ask any black person this question: What did Obama really do for you during the 8 years he was in the White House?

Well for starters, white supremacists weren’t marching in the streets chanting Nazi slogans.

There were blacks in positions of real authority in the administration.

Hate crimes were 80% fewer than since the election.

Just remember this: Roy Moore lost because the black voters who stayed home in November, came out to vote against a racist, Republican pedophile.

When asked why they voted this time the response was “Trump said what do you have to lose by voting for me. Since the election, we’ve seen what we have to lose and we’re not going back to that”.

Loss of civil rights are bringing out the black vote. Loss of women’s rights are bringing out the women's vote. The people who sat on their hands and stayed home in November of 2016 are now fully awake and coming out to vote. And they’re not voting Republican.

Oh by the bye, how are those redistricting maps coming in Pennsylvania? Obama is currently focusing his post-presidential work on ending gerrymandering. Eric Holder is assisting. This isn’t some “Deep State” conspiracy story. They’re doing it publically, out in the open.
Oh my, there were Nazis marching when Obama was president, but the media didn't care. Because they couldn't politicize it. When Trump became president, all a sudden look there are Nazis. Poof over night, you really aren't this stupid? Are you?

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