"I knew Kayla was going to be a special person in my life"

So said roy moore about his future wife. He said that while he was attending a high school dance recital. But he wasnt referring to a teacher or parent. He was referring to a teen girl that wasnt even old enough to DRIVE. He was 30 at the time. THIRTY
Dude is a PERVERT.
You guys that defend him are just as bad as he is.
Crazy thing is, if he was a muslim or a democrat, you would be throwing bricks through his window..
She was 15. And he had "thoughts". I wonder if he asked her mother first. Can I ..... your daughter?
Mall ban was attested to by a retired cop and a former mall employee. Try again. Stop protecting pedo's just because you are suffering from Stockholms syndrome.
It's B.S. there was no mall ban, it's faker than the yearbook signature
I need some proof. I have 2 good sources that say its legit. What do you have other than your non credible opinion?
Bah, it's hearsay, they made it up. The faked yearbook signature made me doubt all the accusers
Youre deflecting. What your proof?

The burden of proof is on the accuser and after the faked yearbook, they fail and gave zero proof.

there should be truly serious fucking consequences on the liars, chilling enough up to make other people reconsider getting caught in a lie
The burden of proof is on you and Moore. The yearbook was great evidence and the testimony of the many women was even more credible.
I get to continue to talk trash about muhamaad being a perv because i didnt throw away my integrity defending this disturbing asshole.
What exactly is disturbing here? I'm trying to figure that out.
A grown man found a young teenager girl attractive. Thought he would have enough in common with her to marry.
How long has it been since you went to a strip club? It's been over a decade for me but I can honestly tell you I would not go to one again looking for women my age on the stage. I probably if ever inclined to do so would never look for a prostitute in their 50's to match my age. I would pretty much want that fling to be with a younger woman.

He found her attractive at a young age. OK. Did he do anything then? I'm kind of asking because some of my nieces barely legal friends are...let's say...not without notice. Is that bad?
Interesting take on excuse making.
Now I'm playing devil's advocate so don't come after me for posing some questions! Mmmmkay? So news flash children do not value virginity. They get bonked before they graduate high school. Since morals are not relevant to them or their parents for controlling them, then what difference does it make if grandpa marries a young'n and takes care of her as opposed to her classmates who wanted to just bonk her? Aren't the classmates who bonk her the devils? They can't take care of the poor precious innocent by all means and manners no matter what sweet things. So where does someone else get the authority other than they are bullies to tell people who they get married to and have sex with? There is no morality in the first place. Only cultural standards which again are based obviously off of being bullies and abusive? Have at it! :)
Now I'm playing devil's advocate so don't come after me for posing some questions! Mmmmkay? So news flash children do not value virginity. They get bonked before they graduate high school. Since morals are not relevant to them or their parents for controlling them, then what difference does it make if grandpa marries a young'n and takes care of her as opposed to her classmates who wanted to just bonk her? Aren't the classmates who bonk her the devils? They can't take care of the poor precious sweet things. So where does someone else get the authority other than they are bullies to tell people who they get married to and have sex with? There is no morality in the first place. Only cultural standards which again are based obviously off of being bullies and abusive? Have at it! :)
Nothing wrong with a teenager bonking another teenager. It crosses the line when a adult male of 32 molests a teeny bopper. Cant they find women their own age or at least within a decade of their age?
It's B.S. there was no mall ban, it's faker than the yearbook signature
I need some proof. I have 2 good sources that say its legit. What do you have other than your non credible opinion?
Bah, it's hearsay, they made it up. The faked yearbook signature made me doubt all the accusers
Youre deflecting. What your proof?

The burden of proof is on the accuser and after the faked yearbook, they fail and gave zero proof.

there should be truly serious fucking consequences on the liars, chilling enough up to make other people reconsider getting caught in a lie
The burden of proof is on you and Moore. The yearbook was great evidence and the testimony of the many women was even more credible.
No, you're thinking like KJU. This isn't North Korea. The burden of proof is on the, thus far, lying and bought off accusers.
I need some proof. I have 2 good sources that say its legit. What do you have other than your non credible opinion?
Bah, it's hearsay, they made it up. The faked yearbook signature made me doubt all the accusers
Youre deflecting. What your proof?

The burden of proof is on the accuser and after the faked yearbook, they fail and gave zero proof.

there should be truly serious fucking consequences on the liars, chilling enough up to make other people reconsider getting caught in a lie
The burden of proof is on you and Moore. The yearbook was great evidence and the testimony of the many women was even more credible.
No, you're thinking like KJU. This isn't North Korea. The burden of proof is on the, thus far, lying and bought off accusers.
Except you have no proof anyone was bought off do you? :laugh:
How is it molestation if the girl is willingly getting bonked by her classmates who don't care about her? I thought there was supposed to be morality and logic in this judgement we are passing, right? Or is it just whatever you declare or have limited knowledge with to throw your threats and accusations around with?
Four minutes and no response! Is time up or are you all confused and looking something up because you aren't sure how to respond? Are you scared? Did I win?! Fuck, yeah!
How is it molestation if the girl is willingly getting bonked by her classmates who don't care about her? I thought there was supposed to be morality and logic in this judgement we are passing, right? Or is it just whatever you declare or have limited knowledge with to throw your threats and accusations around with?
A 32 year old man is not her classmate. You sound confused or willfully ignorant.
Not at all! Address what I said or you are picking and pulling what you want to dictate in your own diatribe! Your turn! Go!
Not at all! Address what I said or you are picking and pulling what you want to dictate in your own diatribe! Your turn! Go!
I did address what you said. What confused you? A 32 year old male is not the classmate of a 14 year old teeny bopper. Only teenage boys should be bonking the the teeny boppers. Now go!
REALLY?!!! That is NOT how things work! Are you telling me it is cool for other children to be bonking other children?!! Are you KIDDING ME?!!!
REALLY?!!! That is NOT how things work! Are you telling me it is cool for other children to be bonking other children?!! Are you KIDDING ME?!!!
Thats exactly how things work. Children bonk children and adults bonk other adults. Are you telling me you support child molesters? REALLY?
Not at all! In order to address any facts we need to know what the standards are don't we?! SURELY something basic as that is something we can agree on, right? So far we have learned that YOU do not care if children are bonking other children. So on that premise...
Not at all! In order to address any facts we need to know what the standards are don't we?! SURELY something basic as that is something we can agree on, right? So far we have learned that YOU do not care if children are bonking other children. So on that premise...
The standards are that its perfectly normal for children to bonk other children. Its not ok for an adult to bonk a child. Thats why they have a sexual offender registry. I dont agree with your support of child molesters. Sorry.
Lol. Wrong. Address what I said. If you believe in morality why do you not have a problem with children bonking other children? How do you come up with your reasoning? Repeating something does not make it so.
Lol. Wrong. Address what I said. If you believe in morality why do you not have a problem with children bonking other children? How do you come up with your reasoning? Repeating something does not make it so.

I'm right. Youre support of grown men bonking children is not correct or moral. Repeating the question wont change my answer.

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