"I knew Kayla was going to be a special person in my life"

Lol. I have never said such a thing! Why are you lying?! We do have proof from your posts you support children bonking other children! Your turn again! Go!
Lol. I have never said such a thing! Why are you lying?! We do have proof from your posts you support children bonking other children! Your turn again! Go!
Stop lying clown.

"...what difference does it make if grandpa marries a young'n and takes care of her as opposed to her classmates who wanted to just bonk her? "

Your words not mine. Youre trying to make it socially acceptable for old ass weak dick men to molest teeny boppers by talking about morals since they cant handle a grown woman. Children by law dont have the brain capacity for morals. Stop supporting pedos. GO!
WRONG! As I said you are copying and posting what I said out of context in order to meet your standards of lies because you can't address my points! So far we have established you think it is o.k. for children to bonk other children! I NEVER said such a thing or what you are accusing me of! Lol! You can respond if you want or someone else can take a turn! There ARE other people reading this on the board you know? :)
WRONG! As I said you are copying and posting what I said out of context in order to meet your standards of lies because you can't address my points! So far we have established you think it is o.k. for children to bonk other children! I NEVER said such a thing or what you are accusing me of! Lol! You can respond if you want or someone else can take a turn! There ARE other people reading this on the board you know? :)
Your lies are weak. Its ok. We know you lost. I have your quote showing you support child molesters and that you attempted to draw some moral equivalence between teens bonking other teens and adults bonking teens. Thanks for playing but you lose....again. :laugh:
Not at all! Copy and paste it like you have everything else to meet your fictional goals! Lol! I have only asked what the standard is for judgement on whatever points! I also (whispering) got you to admit in your posts that you think it is o.k. for children to bonk other children...
She’s like 14 years younger than him. And married him at age 23 I believe?


Is Bruce Willis a pervert? 20 year age difference. Baldwin 26 year age gap.


Trump 24 years older than Melania.
Breaking news: Bripat says that Moore is lying about Moore and don' believe the fake news! Ask for proof of molestation like receipts or timestamps like other molestation charges.
Not even the alleged victims claim they were blinked.

The most one could come up with is (by 1977 standards ) moderate petting.
Hello? Lol. Spelling and grammar are your friends. Oh, and I think you meant "bonked", right?
1)it ain't no warken. 2bees Just cause ya gotz ones ablee blah doesn't mean it willis work-ah'!
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Somebody tell me what Kayla's educational level is and what moore helped her to achieve? Did he help her study for her college entrance? Her B.A./B.S.? Or did he just take advantage of her younger flesh?
When I was a college undergraduate, I had a boyfriend who was in law school after his service in Vietnam was over. It was HE who had me read through the first cases in his books. I remember Hadley v. Baxendale ("the case of the mill getting the shaft'). He threw questions at me and quizzed me. We split up for other reasons, but I will always remember that he had MY best interests at heart. He wasn't just chasing younger "tail" like these "Christian" southern guys do, putting their sexual interests above the futures of the people that they are supposed to care about.

Why would he help her do anything in college. He didn't meet her until 8 years later. Are you suggesting that she was trying for 8 years to get into college?
So exactly what is Ms. Kayla's educational level? These bible-thumping dickheads like moore seem to need much-younger, under-educated females to serve them in bed and in the kitchen, as they are too insecure to deal with adult, educated women. These guys are so pathetic and needy. Remember, moore was/is NOT "Mr. Purity," while simultaneously dragging his ten commandments monuments around and excoriating LGBTs for their sexual orientations. moore better have been a virgin when he married.
So said roy moore about his future wife. He said that while he was attending a high school dance recital. But he wasnt referring to a teacher or parent. He was referring to a teen girl that wasnt even old enough to DRIVE. He was 30 at the time. THIRTY
Dude is a PERVERT.
You guys that defend him are just as bad as he is.
Crazy thing is, if he was a muslim or a democrat, you would be throwing bricks through his window..

What a Friggin Hoot!
When it suited you all you liberals
sold your soul defending the likes
of bill clinton. Now that President Donald J. Trump
is kicking your ass and your party is in ruins
you want to get all high and mighty.....
The GiG is up........
Now I'm playing devil's advocate so don't come after me for posing some questions! Mmmmkay? So news flash children do not value virginity. They get bonked before they graduate high school. Since morals are not relevant to them or their parents for controlling them, then what difference does it make if grandpa marries a young'n and takes care of her as opposed to her classmates who wanted to just bonk her? Aren't the classmates who bonk her the devils? They can't take care of the poor precious innocent by all means and manners no matter what sweet things. So where does someone else get the authority other than they are bullies to tell people who they get married to and have sex with? There is no morality in the first place. Only cultural standards which again are based obviously off of being bullies and abusive? Have at it! :)

I really hope you were stoned when you posted this.
So said roy moore about his future wife. He said that while he was attending a high school dance recital. But he wasnt referring to a teacher or parent. He was referring to a teen girl that wasnt even old enough to DRIVE. He was 30 at the time. THIRTY
Dude is a PERVERT.
You guys that defend him are just as bad as he is.
Crazy thing is, if he was a muslim or a democrat, you would be throwing bricks through his window..

Well how do you take all this fucking bullshit back. I just went and dug it up. It was a college dance recital. Not a fucking high school recital.

Fucking ridiculous the shit that is being put out there.And you have to go digging to get at the truth. Media is still running with the lie that there are 8 accusers.

"In his memoir, he recalled first seeing her "many years ago" at a dance recital at a nearby college in Alabama. He wrote he never forgot her, even when he saw her again years later."

Who is Kayla Moore, Roy Moore's wife and principal defender? - CNNPolitics

Lots of colleges host things like dance recitals and other things for the local high schools since they have better facilities.

And? Key point is he was not ogling anyone at a high school. This bullshit level is maxxed. This was up there with "he went to ball games at the highschool". He was a fucking coach for his baby sister's baseball team.

Mall ban was a lie. YMCA ban was a lie. Holy toledo! How many lies have been discredited?

You're a liar and your boy Roy the creep is a liar.

You're disgusting. And next time there's an allegation against someone with a d after their name, you'll keep your stupid drug addled mouth shut.
He never dated her. So just because in his book he is looking back fondly and believing that one day she'd be special that makes the man a pervert?
Thinking that one day a teen was going to his wife while he was creeping at the local high school? Yes, that makes him a perv.

I guess you feel the same way about Elvis then.
yes. I feel that way about any pervert.
I am consistent, tiny.
Tiny thinks because Elvis was famous and made records he is exempt from pervert status. She probably loves R. Kelly as well.
She probably loves R. Kelly as well.
As does Trump no doubt.
They share the same kink.
R. Kelly's "Piss on You" Video - Chappelle's Show | Comedy Central
Nothing about old Charlie's raping of boys though.


I'll wait to see if this stuff is true. The left will go cray about this and turn their heads at Spacey and Sheen's... et al...... games.

The left are so duplicitous.

The children were being raped for years by these guys and the left knew.

She’s like 14 years younger than him. And married him at age 23 I believe?
24. He was 38. He loves that young pussy.
Big difference between a 15 year old teeny bopper and a 24 woman. Larger difference than just chronological age.

I find it equally disgusting that a man in his 60s, 70s gathering children with much younger women. Chances are they die before the child reaches 10.

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