I know Democrats won't take this seriously, but...

It seems to me -- and I've seen a few of them say it here -- that the last straw was seeing the drag stuff in the classroom with young children. That's crossing a line from asking for toleration to putting it in front of children who have no choice and very little understanding of sexuality to begin with.

I agree with them on that. And again, this is the stuff the Left chooses to do that they have to know is going to inflame people and validate arguments. So I just don't understand why they have to go out of their way to do this, when asking for this to just be an 18+ thing is not at all unreasonable.

I don't understand the net goal. This pushback isn't exactly a shock.

I think at this point it's become whatever one side can do to "own" the other.
Yes. The left believe they are warring about important shit. The right believes the same. Both are wrong.
I had a few hundred (at least) squabbles with left wingers here, especially over PC and Identity Politics. Anti-PC/Identity Politics was pretty much my little personal crusade, and my concerns came to fruition. I was called pretty much every name in the book, and that was certainly fine with me.

Now I see an even bigger threat, and my crusade has changed. So all the same things are now happening with the right wingers, or whatever the hell these people are.

While I've pointed out many times how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be, only one side is now, literally, in real time, an existential threat to our democracy and stability. As destructive as the Left's weaponization of PC/Identity Politics has been, this sociological crisis is worse.
Yes, the left defends the rights of homosexuals and Transexuals,
What “rights” are they being denied? :cuckoo:
they defend the environment,
Nonsense. They defend a canard for the purpose of crafting a socialist agenda.
they oppose abusive name calling,
Bullshit. They are the main ones who engage in it.
they support the rights of immigrants,
Not the legal ones.
they oppose honoring confederate culture.
Big deal. You don’t seem to grasp that the Confederacy lost long ago. It was in all the papers.
This enrages conservatives who engage in a war on woke

Because “woke” is mostly crazy laughable bullshit.
I've been saying this since Trump won in 2016, and I've been warning about it since I've been on this board: The biggest animating factor for the Right (not the only, but the biggest) in 2016 through today is not economics or health care or the military. It's culture, it's the wide range of cultural issues connected to Political Correctness and Identity Politics, now known as "woke".

New poll (yes, it's just a poll, but could be instructive: "55% of Republicans say that fighting “woke ideology in our schools and businesses” is more important than protecting entitlements from cuts. Some 22% say protecting entitlements is more important."

Every time I bring it up -- which is now hundreds, or even thousands, of times -- the Left here summarily dismisses it. And I've also said before that the Left crossed the line when it seeped into our schools and to our captive audience children. But this is what ideologues do, constantly: THEY GO TOO FAR. And now the response is leveraging the government to "fight" it.

Both parties are N0T doing this.

Republicans are making up shit about minorities and then making false claims of what is happening.
What “rights” are they being denied? :cuckoo:

Nonsense. They defend a canard for the purpose of crafting a socialist agenda.

Bullshit. They are the main ones who engage in it.

Not the legal ones.

Big deal. You don’t seem to grasp that the Confederacy lost long ago. It was in all the papers.

Because “woke” is mostly crazy laughable bullshit.
I've been saying this since Trump won in 2016, and I've been warning about it since I've been on this board: The biggest animating factor for the Right (not the only, but the biggest) in 2016 through today is not economics or health care or the military. It's culture, it's the wide range of cultural issues connected to Political Correctness and Identity Politics, now known as "woke".

New poll (yes, it's just a poll, but could be instructive: "55% of Republicans say that fighting “woke ideology in our schools and businesses” is more important than protecting entitlements from cuts. Some 22% say protecting entitlements is more important."

Every time I bring it up -- which is now hundreds, or even thousands, of times -- the Left here summarily dismisses it. And I've also said before that the Left crossed the line when it seeped into our schools and to our captive audience children. But this is what ideologues do, constantly: THEY GO TOO FAR. And now the response is leveraging the government to "fight" it.

As soon as any Republican can competently and clearly define what they believe “woke” to be I’ll engage with them.

Until then it’s just anything that irritates their feelz and is mostly irrelevant. Same with “crt”.
As soon as any Republican can competently and clearly define what they believe “woke” to be I’ll engage with them.

Until then it’s just anything that irritates their feelz and is mostly irrelevant. Same with “crt”.
Stay the course!!! It's working so well.
As always, it's not the goal that is the problem. The problem is the methods used to achieve the goal.

If all a given method does in inflame and increase animosity, motivating others to react in kind, maybe that's not an optimal method.

It's like we don't consider the overall ramifications of our methods for the slightest second.
Their own ignorance and bigotry inflames their outrage. Maybe they just need to act like adults for a change.
This idea that we need to dumb everything down in order to lessen their angst is nonsense. We don’t need to appease those arrested development adolescents. They need to bring themselves up to higher societal standards.
We don’t change the rules for our children. We help them to better themselves to better adjust.

I personally don’t care if the maladjusted among us cry. Sucks to be them.

Same type of tantrums that led to the civil war.
This is 2023. People need to grow up.
As soon as any Republican can competently and clearly define what they believe “woke” to be I’ll engage with them.

Until then it’s just anything that irritates their feelz and is mostly irrelevant. Same with “crt”.
I don't exactly know why this is, but they really aren't into complicated stuff like clear definitions.

I'm pretty sure it's simply a blanket description of the various actions and advocacy related to PC and Identity Politics.

Or not.
I personally don’t care if the maladjusted among us cry. Sucks to be them.
Well, that's okay, but these people vote.

And this stuff was a driving force behind Trump's 2016 win, and as a result, the current makeup of the Supreme Court. The effects of those two things will be long-lasting.

This is the main reason I don't really understand politics. Do the parties carefully consider the potential blowback to their tactics?
Conservatives are set in their ways

They liked being able to call people retard or faggot. They liked using the “n” word
They liked it better when homosexuals stayed in the shadows
They hate hearing Hispanics talking to themselves in Spanish
They enjoyed flying Confederate flags
They don’t want children learning about past racial discrimination or about homosexuality.

When they no longer could, they simmered. It reached a boiling point when a black man was elected President.
It manifested itself with the election of Trump and his promise to “Make America Great Again” where great was a return to those conservative values.

Now it has moved to a War on Woke
I heard a quote recently. Don’t remember who said it. It was something like this.

Conservatives are always the ones out in front of history yelling stop.
I had a few hundred (at least) squabbles with left wingers here, especially over PC and Identity Politics. Anti-PC/Identity Politics was pretty much my little personal crusade, and my concerns came to fruition. I was called pretty much every name in the book, and that was certainly fine with me.

Now I see an even bigger threat, and my crusade has changed. So all the same things are now happening with the right wingers, or whatever the hell these people are.

While I've pointed out many times how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be, only one side is now, literally, in real time, an existential threat to our democracy and stability. As destructive as the Left's weaponization of PC/Identity Politics has been, this sociological crisis is worse.

Now mac, lets not get all emotional on a saturday morning. Lets keep it together. We're going down like rome with caligula and nero leading the charge. Go ready some history on the parallels that are occurring. Its fascinating. Cultural, moral rot, massive debt, endless wars, empire.....

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