I know Democrats won't take this seriously, but...

I agree with them on that. And again, this is the stuff the Left chooses to do that they have to know is going to inflame people and validate arguments. So I just don't understand why they have to go out of their way to do this, when asking for this to just be an 18+ thing is not at all unreasonable.
That's just it. Partisans have gone off the rails. What the country needs now, more than anything, is consensus government. And they DO NOT want consensus. They want the opposite. From the partisan's point of view, a government that limits itself to consensus rule, is leaving money on the table. They want their leaders to push for the most extreme, in-your-face reforms that will eek 51% support (or less if they can still get the laws passed).

Candidates, for either party, that seek to govern by consensus are shouted down as not loyal and not worthy of the party's nomination. That's why I don't see any way out until we break the back of the two party shitshow.
I've been saying this since Trump won in 2016, and I've been warning about it since I've been on this board: The biggest animating factor for the Right (not the only, but the biggest) in 2016 through today is not economics or health care or the military. It's culture, it's the wide range of cultural issues connected to Political Correctness and Identity Politics, now known as "woke".

New poll (yes, it's just a poll, but could be instructive: "55% of Republicans say that fighting “woke ideology in our schools and businesses” is more important than protecting entitlements from cuts. Some 22% say protecting entitlements is more important."

Every time I bring it up -- which is now hundreds, or even thousands, of times -- the Left here summarily dismisses it. And I've also said before that the Left crossed the line when it seeped into our schools and to our captive audience children. But this is what ideologues do, constantly: THEY GO TOO FAR. And now the response is leveraging the government to "fight" it.

Culture is subjective. Am I supposed to care about magaturds/regressives idea of 'culture'? Sorry, no dice. :dunno: We meddle in shit we have no business meddling in, special thanks to social media making it so much easier to do so. We have no real priorities as a nation anymore besides trashing 'those people'.

I want no part of it.
Biden isn’t banning gasoline engines and sorry that pointing out that infrastructure was ignored in poor minority areas upsets you and makes you think the point was that a road is racist. Why should I listen to someone so clearly lost like you? Give me some real examples if you have them. Half the policies are cultural, pound salt. You are just being led around by your nose like a good little follower. Educate yourself.
At least half his shit is all woke related. Perhaps you have too many tranny cocks in your ears to hear the truth.

And no, I won't go fetch shit for you. I'm not your damn secretary so fuck off
That's just it. Partisans have gone off the rails. What the country needs now, more than anything, is consensus government. And they DO NOT want consensus. They want the opposite. From the partisan's point of view, a government that limits itself to consensus rule, is leaving money on the table. They want their leaders to push for the most extreme, in-your-face reforms that will eek 51% support (or less if they can still get the laws passed).

Candidates, for either party, that seek to govern by consensus are shouted down as not loyal and not worthy of the party's nomination. That's why I don't see any way out until we break the back of the two party shitshow.
Yep. Just a natural, predictable consequence of tribalism.

A party wins, instantly proclaims a "mandate", and then proceeds to shove its entire agenda down our throats. That pisses us off, we vote them out, they blame everyone else, and the process repeats itself.

Nothing is created in which we ALL have skin in the game. Everyone has an excuse.

This is our current "system".
Its not a forcefield you moron. Much like the 14th it matters how the people in power interpret it. The younger generation doesn't give a shit about your supposed gun rights and as they become a larger share of the electorate you're going to see your gun rights wane. Also I am a gun owner, I'm just not frightened of the possibility of a society without them.
What matters is how SCOTUS already did
Sorry to tell you, but you're still going to have white babies, even if your cosplay persona isn't white.

My daughter is black/asian but darker than I am because her mother is a black jamaican woman and my grandson is my caramel color even though his father is a dark skinned black american. I do have a nephew who's 1/3 white. His mother is white.
Yes, the left defends the rights of homosexuals and Transexuals, they defend the environment, they oppose abusive name calling, they support the rights of immigrants, they oppose honoring confederate culture.
This enrages conservatives who engage in a war on woke
Sexual freaks have the same rights as everyone. If you talk about sex to children then you're a pedophile and belong in jail.
Yes, sure. This is one of the primary reasons I just don't understand politics. It just seems to me like both parties give exactly zero (0) attention to how it might be giving their opponents an easy target. Yes, MAGA media is going to jump on every morsel its given, and turn it into something much bigger. BUT the Dems STILL have to keep the BASE happy. So both parties are forced to go all-in and not worry about the blowback. And then comes the blowback, like clockwork, and everything escalates. Again.

I just don't get it. I don't know what the point is. One step forward, two steps back. Aren't we trying to IMPROVE things?
:dunno: Not likely, as Americans don't seem to tolerate each other anymore.
Yep. Just a natural, predictable consequence of tribalism.

A party wins, instantly proclaims a "mandate", and then proceeds to shove its entire agenda down our throats. That pisses us off, we vote them out, they blame everyone else, and the process repeats itself.

This is our current "system".
It's interesting. I think they'd rather repeat the back and forth stupidity, than to have reliable limits on state power.

It's similar to what I've seen here, where the hardcore partisans hate independents and third-party voters even more than the "other side". I think, especially when it comes to libertarian views, that hate us because our criticisms are more fundamental.

For example, I often argue against social engineering and overreaching government. But, it turns out, both parties really dig social engineering (as long as they are the engineers). The "other side" might disagree on the details, but they're both in agreement about a powerful state that can dictate cultural norms.
I think it's because we expose them for what they are.
Or, more graciously, what they're doing rather than who they are. Granted, many are just deplorable trolls (especially here), but I think most are trapped by their inability to see past the lesser-of-two-evils scam. Following that "advice", and voting for shitty candidates on purpose, ensures that the partisan asshats will continue to get elected. Anyone working against the status quo is shut out by the very people who should be supporting them.
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It seems to me -- and I've seen a few of them say it here -- that the last straw was seeing the drag stuff in the classroom with young children. That's crossing a line from asking for toleration to putting it in front of children who have no choice and very little understanding of sexuality to begin with.

I agree with them on that. And again, this is the stuff the Left chooses to do that they have to know is going to inflame people and validate arguments. So I just don't understand why they have to go out of their way to do this, when asking for this to just be an 18+ thing is not at all unreasonable.

I don't understand the net goal. This pushback isn't exactly a shock.
They don't care. They are totalitarians. It's ride or die at this point.
Yes, the left defends the rights of homosexuals and Transexuals, they defend the environment, they oppose abusive name calling, they support the rights of immigrants, they oppose honoring confederate culture.
This enrages conservatives who engage in a war on woke

Clueless. Hilarious, but clueless.
Conservatives are set in their ways

They liked being able to call people retard or faggot. They liked using the “n” word
They liked it better when homosexuals stayed in the shadows
They hate hearing Hispanics talking to themselves in Spanish
They enjoyed flying Confederate flags
They don’t want children learning about past racial discrimination or about homosexuality.

When they no longer could, they simmered. It reached a boiling point when a black man was elected President.
It manifested itself with the election of Trump and his promise to “Make America Great Again” where great was a return to those conservative values.

Now it has moved to a War on Woke

You don't want children to learn the arts in school because it's your money, and taxes, and yeah.

Is that a plank in the Democrat platform? Those kids are gettin' nothin' but reading, writing and 'rithmetic because I'm a stodgy old grump?

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