I know Democrats won't take this seriously, but...

Yeah, they definitely seem to think that this stuff will give them an advantage in 2024.

I'm terrible at political predictions, but I don't know how, so I guess we'll see.

I think many independents and even a decent amount of Democrats are probably fine with cracking down on some of the more extreme "woke" nonsense going on, but it's not their top priority. If Republicans would run on the issues that matter the most (economy, health care costs, education etc.) they would get enough support to win and then if they want to tackle these social issues on the side most people probably wouldn't be bothered much by it.
Their sexuality has no business being discussed in school, students sexuality does not belong in school.

A Heterosexual Teacher is allowed to discuss their spouse and family life. They can openly display pictures of their spouse on their desks. Gay teachers are afraid to.

A gay student is afraid to discuss it with a teacher or counselor
A Heterosexual Teacher is allowed to discuss their spouse and family life. They can openly display pictures of their spouse on their desks. Gay teachers are afraid to.

A gay student is afraid to discuss it with a teacher or counselor
Good, go back in the closet, it's abnormal, and unnatural. Whereas a heterosexual couple is normal, and natural.
I think many independents and even a decent amount of Democrats are probably fine with cracking down on some of the more extreme "woke" nonsense going on, but it's not their top priority. If Republicans would run on the issues that matter the most (economy, health care costs, education etc.) they would get enough support to win and then if they want to tackle these social issues on the side most people probably wouldn't be bothered much by it.
Republicans don't have any good economic, healthcare or educational policies to offer. The people who want improve education, fix our healthcare system and promote a more equal economy are also the so called "woke".
Same way we feel about how you feel about the second, except the Second is right there for you read, no doubts included about intent Beeeeyotch
The intent was to allow States the ability to call on militias in order to pacify slave revolts. An armed citizenry is necessary in order for citizens to engage in tyranny.
Circa February 2007, a Kenyan with a foreigners name launched a campaign to run for President, this foreigner ran on a “Change America” / Hate America platform, he was elected POTUS and change America he did.
He trained minorities, weird kooky housewives, ignorant fools and desperate America haters to only vote on free shit, hate whitey and other social issues….Newly trained Democrat voters have lost all their shit, they will vote against their own economical interests and against the advancement of America if they’re told their vote may help the George Floyds, wetbacks, trannies and faggots of America. The purple haired psychos with nose rings and neck tattoos, emotional dumbass suburban housewives and ‘minorities’ won’t be returning to sanity anytime soon, there’s no coming back for them….The Kenyan programming is here to stay.
O's dad is 87.5% Arab, so many Cleveland voters got screwed when he fronted as a black.
The intent was to allow States the ability to call on militias in order to pacify slave revolts. An armed citizenry is necessary in order for citizens to engage in tyranny.
Wrong as usual! Shall not be infringed upon Beeeeyotch it is about the Government can't do, it guarantees my rights to arm myself, and prevents a tyrannical Government overreach.
Bloc would be a huge exaggeration.
From behind the pulpit, "Look at me when I'm talking to you." Shorter, LG alphabets don't cause much of a stir to interrupt the flows of discourse. Longer alphabets then politicize Crotch Clown World.

The tranny not mutilated by scalpel nor opposite-sex hormones, then goes schizoid by masking mutilation from perception in the socius. This is why the tranny is just as nuts as the theologian: both use (esoterica [italics]) by which to establish their power.

POSPOTUS should be asked this question in front of Americans: Was the Nashville killer-tranny being counseled both by a theologian and by a professional shrink?
Wrong as usual! Shall not be infringed upon Beeeeyotch it is about the Government can't do, it guarantees my rights to arm myself, and prevents a tyrannical Government overreach.
Its not a forcefield you moron. Much like the 14th it matters how the people in power interpret it. The younger generation doesn't give a shit about your supposed gun rights and as they become a larger share of the electorate you're going to see your gun rights wane. Also I am a gun owner, I'm just not frightened of the possibility of a society without them.
So you just deny the past history of gays and Trans in this country.
How about Floridas “Don’t say Gay“ laws?
Is that too long ago?

So you got nothing. :lol: You cannot cite a single right gays or trannies are denied that the rest of us have. So tell me again what exactly are Dims protecting?

And the Florida Law does not reference gays or trannies at all nor does it deny any group their Constitutional rights.

You Dims are truly pathetic. Sad. :(
So you got nothing. :lol: You cannot cite a single right gays or trannies are denied that the rest of us have. So tell me again what exactly are Dims protecting?

And the Florida Law does not reference gays or trannies at all nor does it deny any group their Constitutional rights.

You Dims are truly pathetic. Sad. :(

Actually, Don’t say Gay restricts any discussion of sexuality whether heterosexual or homosexual

In practice, gays are pressured not to discuss their family lives and books related to homosexual relationships are banned while those on heterosexual relationships are not
I think many independents and even a decent amount of Democrats are probably fine with cracking down on some of the more extreme "woke" nonsense going on, but it's not their top priority. If Republicans would run on the issues that matter the most (economy, health care costs, education etc.) they would get enough support to win and then if they want to tackle these social issues on the side most people probably wouldn't be bothered much by it.
It seems to me -- and I've seen a few of them say it here -- that the last straw was seeing the drag stuff in the classroom with young children. That's crossing a line from asking for toleration to putting it in front of children who have no choice and very little understanding of sexuality to begin with.

I agree with them on that. And again, this is the stuff the Left chooses to do that they have to know is going to inflame people and validate arguments. So I just don't understand why they have to go out of their way to do this, when asking for this to just be an 18+ thing is not at all unreasonable.

I don't understand the net goal. This pushback isn't exactly a shock.
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Actually, Don’t say Gay restricts any discussion of sexuality whether heterosexual or homosexual

In practice, gays are pressured not to discuss their family lives and books related to homosexual relationships are banned while those on heterosexual relationships are not
LG hasn't been that threatening an alphabet, Einstein. Crotch clowns are gonna crotch clown. LGBTQ+ is a threatening alphabet politically, mentally, and physically.

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