I know Democrats won't take this seriously, but...

There is not doubt you are 100% correct.

GOP Will Not Write a 2020 Platform, Pledges Undying Trump Support Instead​

Just for your information.
Modern presidential conventions are inherently propagandistic affairs, usually devoted to a mix of glitzy patches for the presidential nominee, the vice-president, and the party as a whole. The 2020 Republican National Convention has altered the traditional emphasis, which is now devoted almost entirely to glorifying its presidential nominee. President Trump will speak on all four nights of the convention, rather than just one. Half the featured speakers are members of his family:
And perhaps most remarkably of all, the party has announced it will forgo a platform altogether. In lieu of a document attempting to define the party’s beliefs and priorities, the RNC simply states that it agrees with everything Trump has done and will do:
Circa February 2007, a Kenyan with a foreigners name launched a campaign to run for President, this foreigner ran on a “Change America” / Hate America platform, he was elected POTUS and change America he did.
He trained minorities, weird kooky housewives, ignorant fools and desperate America haters to only vote on free shit, hate whitey and other social issues….Newly trained Democrat voters have lost all their shit, they will vote against their own economical interests and against the advancement of America if they’re told their vote may help the George Floyds, wetbacks, trannies and faggots of America. The purple haired psychos with nose rings and neck tattoos, emotional dumbass suburban housewives and ‘minorities’ won’t be returning to sanity anytime soon, there’s no coming back for them….The Kenyan programming is here to stay.

Please, oh please try not to shoot any children that ring your doorbell!!!!
Most of your opinions I think are thoughtful and researched. However, you entirely miss on this issue. It’s not that democrats are trying to drive a big culture shift. Not at all. What is happening is that the right wingers live to scare their base and drum up fake issues of culture. You are crazy if you think you are going to tell every democrat who has an opinion or lifestyle that a conservative person doesn’t like to shut up or disappear so a right wing rag doesnt make it the center of their rage. For each one that shuts up they’ll just move to someone else to pick on.

The right finds someone different and tries to pick on them, in public, while trying to make a case that weirdos are trying to ruin the country. It is people like you who give them power. By “you” I mean a mostly rational person who doesn’t have tolerance for weird people. So what if people are different? So what? You can’t point to a democratic platform policy changing culutre. Don’t fall for their campaign.

Weird people being weird--whatever, I don't care

Weird people telling me I must refer to them as Fish/batself, or that my daughter has to compete on her WOMEN'S team with MEN...no.

Do you. But don't loop me into it.
It's interesting. I think they'd rather repeat the back and forth stupidity, than to have reliable limits on state power.

It's similar to what I've seen here, where the hardcore partisans hate independents and third-party voters even more than the "other side". I think, especially when it comes to libertarian views, that hate us because our criticisms are more fundamental.

For example, I often argue against social engineering and overreaching government. But, it turns out, both parties really dig social engineering (as long as they are the engineers). The "other side" might disagree on the details, but they're both in agreement about a powerful state that can dictate cultural norms.

See my signature.

Sure, pal. Sure
What do independents believe in?
Do they have core values?
This one does. In fact, part of the reason neither party gets my support is that they're such hypocrites and, despite bloviating, have no core values at all.
What do independents believe in?
Do they have core values?
An independent is as opinionated as a partisan sheep.

The difference is that we don't obediently belong to a tribe for which we have to lie, deflect, distort, straw man, avoid, ignore, or bullshit. Also, we don't have to pretend that there is only one way to do something. And, we get to exercise our CURIOSITY. So we can just be honest and say whatever the hell it is we're thinking, without first filtering it through some partisan prism.

You'll say you won't believe that, but that's the answer.
An independent is as opinionated as a partisan sheep.

The difference is that we don't obediently belong to a tribe for which we have to lie, deflect, distort, straw man, avoid, ignore, or bullshit.

Also, we don't have to pretend that there is only one way to do something.

So we can just be honest and say whatever the hell it is we're thinking.

You'll say you won't believe that, but that's the answer.
Indeed. Independents vote based on their values, not party affiliation.
An independent is as opinionated as a partisan sheep.

The difference is that we don't obediently belong to a tribe for which we have to lie, deflect, distort, straw man, avoid, ignore, or bullshit. Also, we don't have to pretend that there is only one way to do something. And, we get to exercise our CURIOSITY. So we can just be honest and say whatever the hell it is we're thinking, without first filtering it through some partisan prism.

You'll say you won't believe that, but that's the answer.
Independents can believe anything they want and no two are the same.

They can oppose abortion but support gay rights
They can support the environment but be fiscally conservative
They can support universal healthcare but be for a strong military
My daughter is black/asian but darker than I am because her mother is a black jamaican woman and my grandson is my caramel color even though his father is a dark skinned black american. I do have a nephew who's 1/3 white. His mother is white.

Quite a cosplay persona you've got there, honky. Do you all enjoy living in Wakanda?

Quite a cosplay persona you've got there, honky. Do you all enjoy living in Wakanda?

We all live in Miami which is a minority majority city. I also have a niece who's Black and Asian mixed with Cuban and nieces and nephews who are Black, Asian and Dominican. Welcome to your new America. 😁
Indeed. Independents vote based on their values, not party affiliation.

The only 2 parties that matter are diametrically opposed.

If an independent could vote for either, then you don't actually have core values.
I dont give a damn what it is or isnt.
I completely support the state restricting voting except for certain reasons such as race, nationality or sex.
I wish it was only land owners voting, as people with no skin in the game should not be able to vote. Their greed influences my liberty? Thats for the birds.
Good luck getting a constitutional amendment to do that....
"If only liberals had been nicer to the segregationists, there'd be no racism, therefore the fuss over racism is the fault of the liberals."

That's the vibe I get from the OP, who is pushing a lot of bad right-wing talking points here, whether he realizes it or not. I mean, he's using bogus stories that Democrats are putting drag queens into public school classrooms, which is a load of crap.

We liberals will just keep doing the right thing. The right is going to get hysterical no matter what, so there's no point in abandoning what's good just to soothe their tender feelings.

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