I know Democrats won't take this seriously, but...

I've been saying this since Trump won in 2016, and I've been warning about it since I've been on this board: The biggest animating factor for the Right (not the only, but the biggest) in 2016 through today is not economics or health care or the military. It's culture, it's the wide range of cultural issues connected to Political Correctness and Identity Politics, now known as "woke".

New poll (yes, it's just a poll, but could be instructive: "55% of Republicans say that fighting “woke ideology in our schools and businesses” is more important than protecting entitlements from cuts. Some 22% say protecting entitlements is more important."

Every time I bring it up -- which is now hundreds, or even thousands, of times -- the Left here summarily dismisses it. And I've also said before that the Left crossed the line when it seeped into our schools and to our captive audience children. But this is what ideologues do, constantly: THEY GO TOO FAR. And now the response is leveraging the government to "fight" it.

I don't get what the big insight is, here. Yes, the right has always bullied the easy targets. Yes, the right has always resisted social change. Yes, the right wing masters have always fooled the gullible right wingers into voting against their own self interests, using their bigotry against them.

They chose this fight. They are the ones trying to restrict the rights of the LGBT community. And the country will not be held hostage by these people. The fight for social justice will continue as it has for over a hundred years, and the same swath of people will use the same excuses to try to institutionalize their bigotry. And then they will lose, as they always do.

The same swath of people who waved their bibles around and accused everyone of being communists and perverts, when the fight for equal rights for women and minorities was raging, will just trot out the same dog and pony show again. And again and again.

Fuck them. I refuse to blame their disgraceful behavior on anyone but themselves.

As for "PC": of course people will go too far. This is all pretty new stuff. And of course there will be a crybaby backlash from the right. Change isn't pretty.
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I don't exactly know why this is, but they really aren't into complicated stuff like clear definitions.

I'm pretty sure it's simply a blanket description of the various actions and advocacy related to PC and Identity Politics.

Or not.
How is anyone meant to seriously engage them then? Why should anyone take their rantings seriously when they themselves do not?
Both parties are doing this. It's because on major issues like the economy, wars, pandering to Wall Street they are one and the same and the social issues are the only ones they can promote to differentiate themselves.
To close to the ugly truth.
Well, that's okay, but these people vote.

And this stuff was a driving force behind Trump's 2016 win, and as a result, the current makeup of the Supreme Court. The effects of those two things will be long-lasting.

This is the main reason I don't really understand politics. Do the parties carefully consider the potential blowback to their tactics?
The hardliners vote for Republicans anyway. It’s just service to their base.
I don't get what the big insight is, here. Yes, the right has always bullied the easy targets. Yes, the right has always resisted social change. Yes, the right wing masters have always fooled the gullible right wingers into voting against their own self interests, using their bigotry against them.

They chose this fight. They are the ones trying to restrict the rights of the LGBT community. And the country will not be held hostage by these people. The fight for social justice will continue as it had for over a hundred years, and the same swath of people will use the same excuses to try to institutionalize their bigotry. And then they will lose, as they always do.
Well, they didn't lose in 2016, and that brought us Trumpism and this Supreme Court.

Back and forth, back and forth, breaking everything. This is why many of us wish the ends of the spectrum would get past the ego & ambition and work together. That way, everyone has skin in the game. For a change.
How is anyone meant to seriously engage them then? Why should anyone take their rantings seriously when they themselves do not?
Well, I wish I had a fuckin' answer to that one. This thing, whatever we might call it, has to be marginalized back to the fringe before any kind of lasting progress can be made.
I've been saying this since Trump won in 2016, and I've been warning about it since I've been on this board: The biggest animating factor for the Right (not the only, but the biggest) in 2016 through today is not economics or health care or the military. It's culture, it's the wide range of cultural issues connected to Political Correctness and Identity Politics, now known as "woke".

New poll (yes, it's just a poll, but could be instructive: "55% of Republicans say that fighting “woke ideology in our schools and businesses” is more important than protecting entitlements from cuts. Some 22% say protecting entitlements is more important."

Every time I bring it up -- which is now hundreds, or even thousands, of times -- the Left here summarily dismisses it. And I've also said before that the Left crossed the line when it seeped into our schools and to our captive audience children. But this is what ideologues do, constantly: THEY GO TOO FAR. And now the response is leveraging the government to "fight" it.

I don't get what the big insight is, here. Yes, the right has always bullied the easy targets. Yes, the right has always resisted social change. Yes, the right wing masters have always fooled the gullible right wingers into voting against their own self interests, using their bigotry against them.

They chose this fight. They are the ones trying to restrict the rights of the LGBT community. And the country will not be held hostage by these people. The fight for social justice will continue as it had for over a hundred years, and the same swath of people will use the same excuses to try to institutionalize their bigotry. And then they will lose
Well, they didn't lose in 2016, and that brought us Trumpism and this Supreme Court.
Because sleepy liberals thought Hilary was a shoo in. That was a wake up call. We saw the result of that wake up call. Teo absolute landslide election years, followed by a historically bad midterm for the oppo party.
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I don't get what the big insight is, here. Yes, the right has always bullied the easy targets. Yes, the right has always resisted social change. Yes, the right wing masters have always fooled the gullible right wingers into voting against their own self interests, using their bigotry against them.

They chose this fight. They are the ones trying to restrict the rights of the LGBT community. And the country will not be held hostage by these people. The fight for social justice will continue as it had for over a hundred years, and the same swath of people will use the same excuses to try to institutionalize their bigotry. And then they will lose

Because sleepy liberals thought Hilary was a shoo in. That was a wake up call. We saw the result.

Just more fiery meaningless rhetoric and hyperbole. Try for something substantive.
Back and forth, back and forth, breaking everything.
As always. The parties basically realigned, because of the civil rights act. There was violence in the streets tha makes today look like peacetime in Eden.

All because the darkies wanted to go to school and eat at restaurants and fuck white women.

And they lost. They may have won some battles, but they lost the war.
Well, I wish I had a fuckin' answer to that one. This thing, whatever we might call it, has to be marginalized back to the fringe before any kind of lasting progress can be made.
I agree but that may be impossible now.
That’s the thing that the internet gave us. It gave a voice to the fringe that allows them to find each other and have a degree of power that they never had in the days of newsletters by mail. The RW media has seized on that dynamic and amplified it globally. That genie is out of the bottle.
Good question. Why did lbj call them niiggers?

Because in the early 20th century it was a common practice
It didn’t become the “n word” till the mid 70s

When I grew up, you could use the “n word” in public and nobody batted an eye. But if you dropped an “F Bomb” you were kicked out.

Today, it is the opposite
I agree but that may be impossible now.
That’s the thing that the internet gave us. It gave a voice to the fringe that allows them to find each other and have a degree of power that they never had in the days of newsletters by mail. The RW media has seized on that dynamic and amplified it globally. That genie is out of the bottle.
Yeah. I'm still holding out hope, but not holding my breath.

The only thing I can see changing this is enough people of stature (politics, business, entertainment, sports -- we're so celebrity-driven) get brave and speak out. Enough is enough. That would need to create a momentum.

I think most of our problems are cultural at their base, and that's where we need the change to start.

Or I'm completely fuckin' wrong, who knows.
Good question. Why did lbj call them niiggers?
Because, like nearly every white man alive then, he was racist. Or maybe you don't understand why there was a prolonged, violent battle to pass laws forcing people not to be overt, extreme racists at all times and in all things.

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