I know Democrats won't take this seriously, but...

Why would anyone still celebrate that?
Why would anyone honor a nation built on maintaining slavery forever?
The issues dividing Americans in 1860 were not based only on slavery

There were trade and monitory policy issues also

Radicals in the Abolition Movement pushed the South into civil war
The issues dividing Americans in 1860 were not based only on slavery

There were trade and monitory policy issues also

Radicals in the Abolition Movement pushed the South into civil war

Revisionist History

Issues like trade and monetary policy have always been with us. Slavery had been simmering for decades and came to a head with the election of Lincoln

The South did not secede because of Lincoln’s monetary policy, they seceded because of his policy towards slavery in new states
I don't get what the big insight is, here. Yes, the right has always bullied the easy targets.
You misspelled “left.”

Yes, the right has always resisted social change.
False. The right pushed among other things for the end of slavery. The right is responsible for the civil rights act. Etc.
Yes, the right wing masters have always fooled the gullible right wingers into voting against their own self interests, using their bigotry against them.
False. The right unlike you libtards don’t have “masters.” And the right recognizes what is in their self interest. You Leftards seek shit that hurts everyone.

Once again, your post is a whole lot of inane drivel. You suck at this, Farty.
Revisionist History

Issues like trade and monetary policy have always been with us. Slavery had been simmering for decades and came to a head with the election of Lincoln

The South did not secede because of Lincoln’s monetary policy, they seceded because of his policy towards slavery in new states
States rights were a dividing issue since colonial times

The south was far less interested in the Revolution than in the north
Conservatives oppose all immigration, legal or not if they come from “shithole countries”

Under no circumstances do LGBTQ have more rights or influence than white Christian males

Conservatives defend the Confederacy. Its flags, it’s monuments and naming forts after Confederate heroes
I'm conservative and I don't oppose immigration...if immigrants have something to offer us in return for their eventual citizenship and immigrate legally, learn English proficiently, and do what it takes to become citizens or LEAVE if they don't want to do that. On that token I am not opposed immigration at all. I also vehemently oppose wokeism in public schools, don't approve of abortion, am 100% proponent of 2A, but do not subscribe to organized religion though I support religious rights in spite of it. I support state's rights. And nowhere I have been lately is giving white christians a louder voice than the wokes by any means. Their way of life is being glorified while white christians are shamed for their beliefs by quorums of wokesters insisting on . It all depends where you live. I live in a purple state which is gradually turning blue. There are many states worse than mine where white christians dare not speak their minds outside of church.
States rights were a dividing issue since colonial times

The south was far less interested in the Revolution than in the north
States Rights was code for a States right to allow slavery or impose draconian Jim Crow Laws.

Today it is used to oppress gays.

For some reason, States Rights always involve taking rights away from the people
States Rights was code for a States right to allow slavery or impose draconian Jim Crow Laws.

Today it is used to oppress gays.

For some reason, States Rights always involve taking rights away from the people
If you had been alive then you might have a different opinion

The south would have abolished slavery in its own time because it wanted to but not under pressure from northern states

For all the divisive issues including slavey the peaceful solution was for the southern states to succeed, which they had a legal right to do
The south would have abolished slavery in its own time because it wanted to but not under pressure from northern states
The south chose to secede rather than risk losing the right to own other human beings

They created a nation that was 40 percent slave and wrote a Constitution ensuring slavery would exist forever

When they lost the civil war, they encoded Jim Crow statutes to impose second class citizenship on blacks for another 100 years.

When those Jim Crow laws were challenged, they engaged in terrorism in response.

Doesn‘t look like they had any plans to abolish slavery
They created a nation that was 40 percent slave and wrote a Constitution ensuring slavery would exist forever
Thats not true

In 1860 blacks were only 15% of US population

As a condition for all the states joining the union slavery was not abolished when the Constitution was written snd signed

But in time it would have been, and without war
Even if true a hundred years ago southern Dems were racist's, Did they see the light & make attempts toward equality for all?
Could we remember the past? & still try for a strong measure of fairness TODAY.
The Democrats then, are the Republicans today.

The Republicans then, are the Democrats today.

And the point was that some KKK members turned around and regretted what they were doing, like Byrd, and were respected by many or all in Congress.

Today, the issue with racism on blacks remains in the South, which has not been able to deal with losing its slaves.

But this thread is not about that. It is about religious extremists, maybe on both sides, not accepting the changes in culture which have been happening with the progress we have had in science and medicine.

Also, the Republicans continue to try to take away the right to vote for Black people, and others as well.

Republicans are complaining about Trans, and teaching sex in schools, and what they think some ages should be reading or not, as if they have to police all of that for everyone.

Republicans say they are the Party of small Government but their arms have been reaching way too far, where no other US Government has before in order to control what they do not think is right for everyone.

That needs to stop. No book banning. No suppression of free speech. No firing people for having a different view from them. No suppression of votes. No attempt to be the doctors when they do not know and could not care less about medicine. Etc, etc.

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