I know Democrats won't take this seriously, but...

Meanwhile, our federal debt is $32 trillion and climbing.
And yet millions live in or near poverty, our HC sucks, our schools are failing, our media decimates propaganda supporting the state, and big corporations and billionaires run the government.
You served?

Then your shallow, caveman "I, me, mine" view of America is even MORE repugnant.
I did…1982 - 1988…

Wrong oh woke one. I took an oath to protect, and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign, and domestic. ”Woke” is an enemy of the Constitution….You, and your ilk are trying to destroy the Constitution, therefore, you are my enemy….
I did…1982 - 1988…

Wrong oh woke one. I took an oath to protect, and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign, and domestic. ”Woke” is an enemy of the Constitution….You, and your ilk are trying to destroy the Constitution, therefore, you are my enemy….
Yes, I know how simple your world is: Dare to disagree, and you're the enemy. The opposite of what the Founders intended.

You're weak, and a disgrace to the uniform.
Yes, I know how simple your world is: Dare to disagree, and you're the enemy. The opposite of what the Founders intended.

You're weak, and a disgrace to the uniform.
Fuck you….you are an enemy to this nation, and its constitution. Weak? Hell man, you’d never say that directly to my face you coward. I don’t say that to be some internet tough guy. I say that because it’s true.

You are a waste of human flesh, a liar, and a reprobate.
As always, it's not the goal that is the problem. The problem is the methods used to achieve the goal.

If all a given method does in inflame and increase animosity, motivating others to react in kind, maybe that's not an optimal method.

It's like we don't consider the overall ramifications of our methods for the slightest second.
Exactly. It's not enough to press for fair treatment of homosexuals and transexuals, they have to go the next step and demand not only tolerance, which is simply live and let live, but celebration and affirmation, which has become, "You are forced to use certain words when you talk about me or I will have you destroyed. And men will follow your little girls into the bathroom and you will be arrested if you interfere". Overreach every time, and every step taken merely whets the demand for more.
Exactly. It's not enough to press for fair treatment of homosexuals and transexuals, they have to go the next step and demand not only tolerance, which is simply live and let live, but celebration and affirmation, which has become, "You are forced to use certain words when you talk about me or I will have you destroyed. And men will follow your little girls into the bathroom and you will be arrested if you interfere". Overreach every time, and every step taken merely whets the demand for more.
They have.

Just as the GOP is doing now. For some reason, both parties are dead set on shoving their agendas down our throat. Then they're surprised when they do poorly in elections.

Back and forth, back and forth. All ego.
And yet millions live in or near poverty, our HC sucks, our schools are failing, our media decimates propaganda supporting the state, and big corporations and billionaires run the government.

The solutions are simple, and yet our politicians don't have the courage to enact them.
They have.

Just as the GOP is doing now. For some reason, both parties are dead set on shoving their agendas down our throat. Then they're surprised when they do poorly in elections.

Back and forth, back and forth. All ego.

Did you forget that you voted for one of those parties the last time you had the opportunity? Why should anyone listen to your lies now?
The real leaders in Europe who have centuries of blood on their hands are doing this.
Patricians Deserve Pitchforks

No ideology advocates abolishing inheritance, which is the cause of all the tyrannies imposed on the 99%. That intentional focusing on other targets proves that all ideologues are intellectuals born in the same ruling class they pretend to oppose. So it is really a squabble for power among different groups of Preppies; there is no message for the common man.
This is why I support restricted voting.
All Republics Go Bananas

I support restricting the voting by "representatives." All the important issues, such as Civil Rights for the Uncivilized and Come One, Come All Immigration should have been put on national referendums. Everyone agrees they would have been voted down.

If the ruling class's Constitution hadn't imposed an elitist representative system on us, America would have continued being a Wonder of the World. Now it is wandering, whirled into a depressing confusion.
To understand this... we can use an example, by breaking down the Dylan Mulvaney/Bud Light saga.

"If we are going to get anywhere with fixing problems, the first thing that has to happen is to understand there are two sides of people in America, and each side is completely convinced the other side is insane. And as long as that is the condition, nothing is going to get better" - Bill Maher

Dylan Mulvaney/Budlight saga
What actually happened.
1) Someone(s) within AB thought it would be a good idea to hire a new marketing VP that has absolutely nothing in common with the brands customers. You couldn't choose a person more on the opposite side of everything from the companies loyal customers if you tried.
2) And sure enough, she makes a marketing move that is the exact opposite thinking than at least 98% of Bud Light's customers. And she is so ingrained in her liberal urban bubble - I believe she had no idea this was going to be anything other than her Twitter account blowing up with praise and love for her awesomeness.
The reaction
1) As anyone with any degree of awareness of the real world outside of Twitter and Tik Tok would know - the reaction to this was going to be anything but love and praise.
The demographics of the folks who actually drink Bud Light are not exactly pro-Transanity. In fact, a good quarter of them would halfway support taking Dylan out behind a barn and shoot him.
And so over night sales plummeted and AB lost, momentarily, $5,000,000,000 in stock value. That's billion.
Right now it is still down over $1 Billion. Essentially it has lost all the market gains it made the past year recovering Covid.

The left reaction

As usual, all the left does is react to the right's reaction, rather than even pausing to consider what actually happened. And in doing so, actually defend the insanity of such a colossal corporate mistake.

You see the point of this?
What actually happened is completely lost. No one is talking about it.
All everyone talked about was each other's reaction, and digging in to "their side".

Take this situation - and apply it to any political topic - and that is the condition American politics are in. NO ONE is talking about reality. Only reacting to each others reactions.
Nasty Dynasty

Alissa Heinerscheid is a richgirl who went to Groton prep school and Harvard, which is nothing more than a finishing school for arrogant spoiled brats. That's why she was hired by executives who send their own children to the same unAmerican elitist schools.

This is more evidence that Gayism is a fad of degenerate Birth-Class Supremacy. Plato even bragged about its "refined" elitist exclusivity 2400 years ago.
Nasty Dynasty

Alissa Heinerscheid is a richgirl who went to Groton prep school and Harvard, which is nothing more than a finishing school for arrogant spoiled brats. That's why she was hired by executives who send their own children to the same unAmerican elitist schools.

This is more evidence that Gayism is a fad of degenerate Birth-Class Supremacy. Plato even bragged about its "refined" elitist exclusivity 2400 years ago.
She is irrelevant.
What the real story is - why on EARTH did AB hire her?? And who precisely is responsible for that and why.
She was hired as Vice President of Marketing. You don't just walk into a major global brand and become a Vice President. She had zero experience.
And even more than that - she is the polar opposite of the brands customers. You couldn't fina a person more unlike the brands customers than her.
The Democrats were the party for slavery back 150 years ago.

All of that changed around the 1930s.

Both parties switched ideologies slowly with time.
hhahaha the Demafascist have never become Conservative. The parties have not switched ideological views at all...the Demafascsit are still the party of slavery and dependance...they just don't limit it to race any more.
Lie ^. But of course, Leftwhiner depends on lies for his posting efforts. Even his username is a lie.

Then why were Republicans outraged when Confederate Flags were taken down?
Why were they outraged when Confederate names were removed and statues taken down?

Because the Republicans still support Confederate Heritage

Then why were Republicans outraged when Confederate Flags were taken down?
Why were they outraged when Confederate names were removed and statues taken down?

Because the Republicans still support Confederate Heritage
Yes. Really.

And your faux question casts no light on the claim you falsely made. I’m a Republican. I couldn’t care less that the flag of the Confederacy is being removed.
And for some of those who do give a hoot, the concern has more to do with genuflecting to liberal demands for social Justice than it does with respecting the rebellious Confederate States.

Either way, you are desperate to deflect from the FACT that it is the Democrap party that was the Party of slavery and Jim Crow.
Yes. Really.

And your faux question casts no light on the claim you falsely made. I’m a Republican. I couldn’t care less that the flag of the Confederacy is being removed.
And for some of those who do give a hoot, the concern has more to do with genuflecting to liberal demands for social Justice than it does with respecting the rebellious Confederate States.

Either way, you are desperate to deflect from the FACT that it is the Democrap party that was the Party of slavery and Jim Crow.
I've been saying this since Trump won in 2016, and I've been warning about it since I've been on this board: The biggest animating factor for the Right (not the only, but the biggest) in 2016 through today is not economics or health care or the military. It's culture, it's the wide range of cultural issues connected to Political Correctness and Identity Politics, now known as "woke".

New poll (yes, it's just a poll, but could be instructive: "55% of Republicans say that fighting “woke ideology in our schools and businesses” is more important than protecting entitlements from cuts. Some 22% say protecting entitlements is more important."

Every time I bring it up -- which is now hundreds, or even thousands, of times -- the Left here summarily dismisses it. And I've also said before that the Left crossed the line when it seeped into our schools and to our captive audience children. But this is what ideologues do, constantly: THEY GO TOO FAR. And now the response is leveraging the government to "fight" it.

"I am your retribution" sums up conservative ideology. They want revenge.

The problem they face is everyone else. As liberals, moderates and independent aren't similarly motivated.

Trump dominated in the GOP primary. And lost by a landslide in the general election. And that was BEFORE his failures on J6. And his calls to terminate the constitution.

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