I know Democrats won't take this seriously, but...

Yes. Really.

And your faux question casts no light on the claim you falsely made. I’m a Republican. I couldn’t care less that the flag of the Confederacy is being removed.
And for some of those who do give a hoot, the concern has more to do with genuflecting to liberal demands for social Justice than it does with respecting the rebellious Confederate States.

Either way, you are desperate to deflect from the FACT that it is the Democrap party that was the Party of slavery and Jim Crow.
Was is the key. Past tense. Democrats are now the most inclusive of the two major parties, still mostly white.
That is a very poor interpretation of the 14th amendment.
We Are Sissy Putty for Si, Se Puede

Millions of descendant of anchor babies, too, giving Democrats a permanent popular-vote majority. Add in the immigration criminals given amnesty by Reagan, and their descendants, and we might as well be part of Mexico. Don't believe the GOPer lies that those people will eventually vote Conservative.
We Are Sissy Putty for Si, Se Puede

Millions of descendant of anchor babies, too, giving Democrats a permanent popular-vote majority. Add in the immigration criminals given amnesty by Reagan, and their descendants, and we might as well be part of Mexico. Don't believe the GOPer lies that those people will eventually vote Conservative.

Blacks and Hispanics are natural Republican constituencies.
Strong family values
Religious in nature.

The Democrats have stolen them with deceitful indoctrination centers and the Cult media.
Was is the key. Past tense. Democrats are now the most inclusive of the two major parties, still mostly white.
Nonsense. You Democraps have a well known plantation mentality. It should alarm you that your “block” of black voters are becoming steadily more aware of the dismissive attitude of the racist Democrap leadershit.
Blacks and Hispanics are natural Republican constituencies.
Strong family values
Religious in nature.

The Democrats have stolen them with deceitful indoctrination centers and the Cult media.

I think its fairer to say that y'all have driven them away.

White Christian Nationalism is a hell of a drug.
She is irrelevant.
What the real story is - why on EARTH did AB hire her?? And who precisely is responsible for that and why.
She was hired as Vice President of Marketing. You don't just walk into a major global brand and become a Vice President. She had zero experience.
And even more than that - she is the polar opposite of the brands customers. You couldn't fina a person more unlike the brands customers than her.
The Empress's New Clothes

So much refusal to believe we live in an heiristocracy that you ignored the class-solidarity reason I specifically stated as the only reason they hired her. Born at the top, stay at the top.

The charisma of this guillotine-fodder is overwhelming and is the untold reason America is sinking. The frat rats run the ship.
Nonsense. You Democraps have a well known plantation mentality. It should alarm you that your “block” of black voters are becoming steadily more aware of the dismissive attitude of the racist Democrap leadershit.
That's the Neo-GOP/Faux "Not News" lies speaking. Those lies that they've been stuffing down the flocks throat for years. Every year, they say more black voter are thinking about voting New Republican this and every year the Dems still get 90 %
Was is the key. Past tense. Democrats are now the most inclusive of the two major parties, still mostly white.


Same way we feel about how you feel about the second, except the Second is right there for you read, no doubts included about intent Beeeeyotch
Packing the Court to Keep People From Packing

A Liberal SCROTUS will interpret 2A as giving only members of the National Guard the right to keep and bear arms. The Democrats are no longer afraid of patriotic retaliation.
"I am your retribution" sums up conservative ideology. They want revenge.
The problem they face is everyone else. As liberals, moderates and independent aren't similarly motivated.
Trump dominated in the GOP primary. And lost by a landslide in the general election. And that was BEFORE his failures on J6. And his calls to terminate the constitution.
It's an symmetrical conflict, and those are terribly difficult to navigate, or even understand.

Liberals, moderates and independents are going through our lives as we have been, for better or worse. Meanwhile, these people are literally on a crusade to save America from Satan. What the fuck.

This has echoes of 9/11 to me, the day we learned that those radicalized people had been at war with us for years and we really didn't even know it. And trying to communicate with either group is similarly a waste of time.
It's an symmetrical conflict, and those are terribly difficult to navigate, or even understand.

To conservatives. But the politics of revenge don't motivate most of the electorate. MAGA is tailoring its platform for too small a group of people.

As demonstrated by Trump's rockstar performance in Republican primary. And having his ass handed to him in a landslide loss in the general election.

And, as you noted, all the increasingly bizarre religious framing, where democrats are 'demonic' and 'devils', where MAGA is fighting against 'Satan'.......it comes off as unhinged and wildly emotional outside the right-wing echo chamber.
To conservatives. But the politics of revenge don't motivate most of the electorate. MAGA is tailoring its platform for too small a group of people.

As demonstrated by Trump's rockstar performance in Republican primary. And having his ass handed to him in a landslide loss in the general election.

And, as you noted, all the increasingly bizarre religious framing, where democrats are 'demonic' and 'devils', where MAGA is fighting against 'Satan'.......it comes off as unhinged and wildly emotional outside the right-wing echo chamber.
You guys? No. I'm an independent, not a fit for either party, among the many still trying to figure out how this happened.

I agree that the target market here appears to be too small, thankfully, but it will depend on turnout. The GQP has given the Dems a huge lift with the abortion issue, though.
You guys? No. I'm an independent, not a fit for either party, among the many still trying to figure out how this happened.

I agree that the target market here appears to be too small, thankfully, but it will depend on turnout. The GQP has given the Dems a huge lift with the abortion issue, though.

I already changed the 'you guys' before you responded. But apparently after you'd read the original draft.

And I wake up each morning to read about what right conservatives have stripped away, what book they've banned, who they are punching down on.

Its not a good look outside their echo-chamber. But its perfectly consistent with the politics of revenge.
You guys? No. I'm an independent, not a fit for either party, among the many still trying to figure out how this happened.

I agree that the target market here appears to be too small, thankfully, but it will depend on turnout. The GQP has given the Dems a huge lift with the abortion issue, though.

Liar. You voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Why lie about something that can be debunked in 2 seconds?

Yes. I voted for a shitty candidate and a party that I find repulsive because that's how little I thought of the alternative.

Anything else?

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