I know Democrats won't take this seriously, but...

Sorry, it's mathematics.
No. It's not. It's fear mongering, and is a lie. Voting for bad candidates on purpose is idiotic. How on the world can you defend it??

Skip over all the rationalizations and open your eyes. It's a fucking dead end. Things get worse and worse every time your "logic" is applied. PLEASE STOP.
No. It's not. It's fear mongering, and is a lie. Voting for bad candidates on purpose is idiotic. How on the world can you defend it??

Skip over all the rationalizations and open your eyes. It's a fucking dead end. Things get worse and worse every time your "logic" is applied. PLEASE STOP.
Wrong. It's mathematics. You aren't going to whine and tantrum your way out of it.

It's not "my" logic. I didnt invent mathematics. In our current system, only one of two people can win a presidential election. That's a simple fact. Like I said, time to grow up and start adulting.

Now, I will stand with you to change the system.
Wrong. It's mathematics. You aren't going to whine and tantrum your way out of it.

It's not "my" logic. I didnt invent mathematics. In our current system, only one of two people can win a presidential election. That's a simple fact. Like I said, time to grow up and start adulting.

Now, I will stand with you to change the system.
There are no mathematics in your argument. No logic either. Just fear. "Vote for our jackass or you'll get someone worse!!!"

No. Take your fucking blackmail and choke on it. You're not getting my vote unless you have a good candidate. I value my vote too much to throw it away on shit. The fact that you can see such a basic, reasonable statement as wrong is a clear indication of how far you've sunk into the partisan morass.

Give up on the culture war and return to sanity.
There are no mathematics in your argument. No logic either. Just fear. "Vote for our jackass or you'll get someone worse!!!"

No. Take your fucking blackmail and choke on it. You're not getting my vote unless you have a good candidate. I value my vote too much to throw it away on shit. The fact that you can see such a basic, reasonable statement as wrong is a clear indication of how far you've sunk into the partisan morass.

Give up on the culture war and return to sanity.
You don't even know the argument. This is just turning into an embarrassing little tantrum.

Yes, only one of two people will win each presidential election.

Yes, you are very childishly casting a net vote for the candidate you least prefer, by not voting for the one of the two you prefer.

No amount of whining will get you around these simple facts.

I understand why you are throwing a hissy fit. You thought you were being clever and independent and outsmarting people. When really you were just being a total dumbass and casting a net vote for the person you LEAST wanted to be president. I know this is embarrassing. I know it stings.

But.. time to grow up.
You don't even know the argument. This is just turning into an embarrassing little tantrum.

Yes, only one of two people will win each presidential election.

Yes, you are very childishly casting a net vote for the candidate you least prefer, by not voting for the one of the two you prefer.

No amount of whining will get you around these simple facts.
Not voting for shit. Period. Continue with your ridiculous dance
Every time I bring it up -- which is now hundreds, or even thousands, of times -- the Left here summarily dismisses it.

And yet here you are once again flapping your gums about it. You would think that after being told you were cracked by your own ilk about 10,000 times that you'd get the message that maybe you are full of shit. Apparently too dense even for that.
Not voting for shit. Period. Continue with your ridiculous dance
Yep. You are casting a net vote for the candidate you least prefer.

Because, if you grew up and did your civic duty, you would vote for the candidate you prefer, of the two who can actually win.

It's pretty much how we ended up with the global embarrassment that was our last president. Sleepy liberals stayed home.
Yep. You are casting a net vote for the candidate you least prefer.
I think what's really going on here is that you actually see a large difference between the candidates. But I don't. They're both doddering fools who should be nowhere near the White House.
Because, if you grew up and did your civic duty,
My civic duty is to make them earn my vote. These days, because of the foolish lie that you promote, they don't even try. They just play the fear mongering game and call it a day. Fuck that.
you would vote for the candidate you prefer, of the two who can actually win.
I can't care.
It's pretty much how we ended up with the global embarrassment that was our last president. Sleepy liberals stayed home.
I'm certainly no liberal. Not in the modern Democrat sense.

It's funny. It's like you'd prefer that I vote Republican than Libertarian (or some other "third" party). I think it bothers partisans more when their lesser-of-two-evils scam is exposed, than it does when people vote for their opposition. It's their bedrock.
Did you already forget you were sticking up for the Klan on another thread?

So you're a white supremacist and a dementia patient. Sad.
You're a New Republican who can't help but lie. So it's expected when anyone get the better of you. They all get the better of you. Always.
To conservatives. But the politics of revenge don't motivate most of the electorate. MAGA is tailoring its platform for too small a group of people.

As demonstrated by Trump's rockstar performance in Republican primary. And having his ass handed to him in a landslide loss in the general election.

And, as you noted, all the increasingly bizarre religious framing, where democrats are 'demonic' and 'devils', where MAGA is fighting against 'Satan'.......it comes off as unhinged and wildly emotional outside the right-wing echo chamber.
It is the absolute truth, Demonrats are demonic, and Satanic, they are of their Father Satan, the father of lies you are part of it as is Mac.

John 8:44

New International Version

44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
You guys? No. I'm an independent, not a fit for either party, among the many still trying to figure out how this happened.

I agree that the target market here appears to be too small, thankfully, but it will depend on turnout. The GQP has given the Dems a huge lift with the abortion issue, though.
Think about what you just said, the GOP has given the Dems a huge lift with the abortion issue. Another way of saying, man I sure am glad the GOP helped our team, because that is exactly how you sound, and about the killing of innocence.
Think about what you just said, the GOP has given the Dems a huge lift with the abortion issue. Another way of saying, man I sure am glad the GOP helped our team, because that is exactly how you sound, and about the killing of innocence.
"Another way of saying". That's you just making shit up to fit your narrative. You guys do that all day, every day.

My position on abortion, not that you had the basic human curiosity to ask: I agree with REPUBLICAN Lindsey Graham's 16-week limit, and I'd like to THEN see BOTH ends of the spectrum pool their considerable passion and resources to minimize the REAL problem, which is DEMAND.

But you go ahead and make shit up, because that's the best you can do. I get it every day here.
Why are you defending the guy wearing the KKK uniform?
Is it defending or is it providing context? Why are all you Bingos on this board terrified of context?

A young man dressing up in a white Klan robe at a party is distasteful but whether it's to celebrate or mock Klansmen isnt really apparent. Republican legislators marking April as Confederate history month makes it pretty damn clear where these lawmakers stand. But in case you were still unsure.

White Tennessee lawmakers speak out for insurrection in honoring Confederate history – Tennessee Lookout

The Tennessee proclamation, which includes eight introductory clauses celebrating “the cause of Southern liberty,” says nothing of slavery at all. Rather, it declares that Confederates conducted “a four-year heroic struggle for states’ rights, individual freedom, local government control, and a determined struggle for deeply held beliefs.”
It is the absolute truth, Demonrats are demonic, and Satanic, they are of their Father Satan, the father of lies you are part of it as is Mac.

Skylar, this is a perfect example of why I say that trying to deal with people like this is like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed Jihadi on the streets of Damascus. He truly, absolutely believes what he wrote there. Many of them do.

Disagree with them, and you are literally of Satan. There is no way to introduce reason in a "conversation" when that is where they're coming from. How in the world does this happen? And far worse, there is no on/off switch on something like this.
Maybe an idiot's version of math. But whatever. If you're stupid enough to fall for "lesser-of-two-evils", you're probably gonna vote for a shitty candidate anyway.

Math is pretty universal.
It transcends language, time and space.

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