I know Democrats won't take this seriously, but...

I've been saying this since Trump won in 2016, and I've been warning about it since I've been on this board: The biggest animating factor for the Right (not the only, but the biggest) in 2016 through today is not economics or health care or the military. It's culture, it's the wide range of cultural issues connected to Political Correctness and Identity Politics, now known as "woke".

New poll (yes, it's just a poll, but could be instructive: "55% of Republicans say that fighting “woke ideology in our schools and businesses” is more important than protecting entitlements from cuts. Some 22% say protecting entitlements is more important."

Every time I bring it up -- which is now hundreds, or even thousands, of times -- the Left here summarily dismisses it. And I've also said before that the Left crossed the line when it seeped into our schools and to our captive audience children. But this is what ideologues do, constantly: THEY GO TOO FAR. And now the response is leveraging the government to "fight" it.

Thanks for your hysteria, you Regressives never fail to make us all laugh.
When you get too lazy to take a stance and stand buy it, just join the "everything and everybody sucks" club. Then you never have to think hard again, and you can never be wrong.
Lots of people don't suck. If the Ds or Rs nominate one, they'll have my vote. But not until.
The issues dividing Americans in 1860 were not based only on slavery

There were trade and monitory policy issues also

Radicals in the Abolition Movement pushed the South into civil war

Yes, the monetary policy issue was around the value of slaves and the reparations to be paid to their owners for the emancipation of his property.
The government stole their farm equipment. Are you just now starting to understand that?
Well that farm equipment and today's farm equipment are getting ready to steal the farm. :funnyface:

Maybe your soft white ancestors should of done their own farming and then you all wouldn't be on the precipice of demographic replacement. 😄
Yes, the left defends the rights of homosexuals and Transexuals, they defend the environment, they oppose abusive name calling, they support the rights of immigrants, they oppose honoring confederate culture.
This enrages conservatives who engage in a war on woke
Unfortunately, many on the left are fighting for these issues but have lost sight of how these problems originate(d).

The current goal of our political system is to keep the right and left at each other's throats, which has, and is, blinding the left to the cause of the United States' five-decades-long descent towards third world status. During this period, the billionaire class and Big Business pumped hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars into electing THEIR candidates, both Republicans and Democrats. This corrupt political process has guaranteed the general public, all 330 million+, will continue to get screwed. (And the right defends this system of the billionaires' "ownership" of our elected officials. e.g. Citizens United)

The left's defense of the environment, the rights of homosexuals and Transexuals, the rights of immigrants, the rights of women, the rights of workers and consumers are just a few issues. Also is the left’s long history of defending the rights of all people to safely worship (or not) as they please, and the more recent necessity to defend the rights of our children to attend school without the threat of being shot and killed.

Despite the right’s constant accusations, the left does not oppose business profits. However, those hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars spent by Big Business and the billionaires to assure their stooges in federal, state, and local governments create no policies to protect workers and consumers have, and continue, to negatively impact all average Americans, especially the poor, elderly, and disabled.

The real enemy is the willingness of the voters (of both political parties and independents) to continue to deny the corruption of their own elected officials (the candidates they voted for). The misguided belief (or fantasy) that "my congressperson, governor, state legislator, local county or city official, or POTUS cannot be swayed by the demands of large political contributors," is rampant.

Sadly, this situation will not change due to the inability of voters (of both political parties and independents) to see (and understand) the Big Picture and the greed that motivates and powers it.

Conservatives are set in their ways

They liked being able to call people retard or faggot. They liked using the “n” word
They liked it better when homosexuals stayed in the shadows
They hate hearing Hispanics talking to themselves in Spanish
They enjoyed flying Confederate flags
They don’t want children learning about past racial discrimination or about homosexuality.

When they no longer could, they simmered. It reached a boiling point when a black man was elected President.
It manifested itself with the election of Trump and his promise to “Make America Great Again” where great was a return to those conservative values.

Now it has moved to a War on Woke
Given the conservatives' burning hatred education and the educated (people truly well-informed), diversity (racial, ethnic, gender and gender preference), reality (history, recent and distant past), facts (in all subjects), the environment (protecting clean air and water, wildlife and habitats, and climate), human rights, compassion, empathy, and humane conscience means the define all who embrace these items and human qualities as "woke".

So, in the right-wingers' mindset everyone who is pro-education and truly well-informed, appreciative of diversity, having a strong desire to maintain a clean and health-giving environment, possesses a strong regard for human rights, compassion, empathy, a humane conscience, and keeps themselves aware of important issues is woke. Being woke is a damn good thing.

Given the conservatives' burning hatred education and the educated (people truly well-informed), diversity (racial, ethnic, gender and gender preference), reality (history, recent and distant past), facts (in all subjects), the environment (protecting clean air and water, wildlife and habitats, and climate), human rights, compassion, empathy, and humane conscience means the define all who embrace these items and human qualities as "woke".

So, in the right-wingers' mindset everyone who is pro-education and truly well-informed, appreciative of diversity, having a strong desire to maintain a clean and health-giving environment, possesses a strong regard for human rights, compassion, empathy, a humane conscience, and keeps themselves aware of important issues is woke. Being woke is a damn good thing.

A thoughtfully elegant description, sir. Well done. :clap:
Because it was their country too and they had a right to leave if they wanted to

They did not have the moral right to keep slaves.

Unfortunately, many on the left are fighting for these issues but have lost sight of how these problems originate(d).

The current goal of our political system is to keep the right and left at each other's throats, which has, and is, blinding the left to the cause of the United States' five-decades-long descent towards third world status. During this period, the billionaire class and Big Business pumped hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars into electing THEIR candidates, both Republicans and Democrats. This corrupt political process has guaranteed the general public, all 330 million+, will continue to get screwed. (And the right defends this system of the billionaires' "ownership" of our elected officials. e.g. Citizens United)

The left's defense of the environment, the rights of homosexuals and Transexuals, the rights of immigrants, the rights of women, the rights of workers and consumers are just a few issues. Also is the left’s long history of defending the rights of all people to safely worship (or not) as they please, and the more recent necessity to defend the rights of our children to attend school without the threat of being shot and killed.

Despite the right’s constant accusations, the left does not oppose business profits. However, those hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars spent by Big Business and the billionaires to assure their stooges in federal, state, and local governments create no policies to protect workers and consumers have, and continue, to negatively impact all average Americans, especially the poor, elderly, and disabled.

The real enemy is the willingness of the voters (of both political parties and independents) to continue to deny the corruption of their own elected officials (the candidates they voted for). The misguided belief (or fantasy) that "my congressperson, governor, state legislator, local county or city official, or POTUS cannot be swayed by the demands of large political contributors," is rampant.

Sadly, this situation will not change due to the inability of voters (of both political parties and independents) to see (and understand) the Big Picture and the greed that motivates and powers it.

The goal of government is not to keep people at each other’s throats. The goal of government to use the nation’s resources to help the people achieve their potential.

To provide the education, infrastructure, and investment needed to make the nation strong and resilient.

The wealthy elites (Republican billionaires who own right wing media) have a vested interest in keeping working Americans from voting for Democrats. They’ll lose those tax cuts. They’ll actually have to PAY taxes.

The Republican tax code 1st instituted by Reagan and enhanced by W and Trump, has transferred 80% of the wealth of the country to the top 10% of Americans and corporations.

All of that will end if Democrats get a large enough majority in the House and Senate, as well as the White House.

The latest Republican suggestion is that students should be stopped from voting. That’s because they’re angry about student debt, an abortion, both of whom have the most impact on the young.

Once again, instead of coming up with programs, that people will vote for, the Republican solution is to stop these people from voting.
The goal of government is not to keep people at each other’s throats. The goal of government to use the nation’s resources to help the people achieve their potential.
You're thinking of socialism. In a free society, government doesn't control the nations resources. In a free society, the goal of government is to protect our rights, our freedom to decide for ourselves what our "potential" and pursue it as we see fit. Otherwise, it should stay the hell out of the way and stop trying to tell people how to live..
They did not have the moral right to keep slaves.

The goal of government is not to keep people at each other’s throats. The goal of government to use the nation’s resources to help the people achieve their potential.

To provide the education, infrastructure, and investment needed to make the nation strong and resilient.

The wealthy elites (Republican billionaires who own right wing media) have a vested interest in keeping working Americans from voting for Democrats. They’ll lose those tax cuts. They’ll actually have to PAY taxes.

The Republican tax code 1st instituted by Reagan and enhanced by W and Trump, has transferred 80% of the wealth of the country to the top 10% of Americans and corporations.

All of that will end if Democrats get a large enough majority in the House and Senate, as well as the White House.

The latest Republican suggestion is that students should be stopped from voting. That’s because they’re angry about student debt, an abortion, both of whom have the most impact on the young.

Once again, instead of coming up with programs, that people will vote for, the Republican solution is to stop these people from voting.
Don't count on a Congressional majority of moderate Democrats to raise taxes on the 0.1%. The moderate Democrats answer to the same wealthy political contributors as the Republicans.

Ever since the Reagan era (the 1980s), very few moderate Democrats have done anything to help average Americans. The have instead, voted with the Republicans to cut corporate taxes and provide federal subsidies to ship U.S. manufacturing overseas (China). They have not only voted with Republicans to pass numerous tax cuts for the 0.1% and Big Business, they have also written, proposed, and voted to pass such legislation. (Strangely, the GOP didn't oppose these bills sponsored by the Democrats.)

Keep in mind that the Democrats held the congressional majority for the forty years prior to Newt Gingrich's "Contract With America", which gave the majority to the GOP (1994).

You might be too young to remember this change in the moderate Democrats, but the introduction of "Reaganomics", the moderate Democrats jumped onboard.

Your statement, "The Republican tax code 1st instituted by Reagan and enhanced by W and Trump, has transferred 80% of the wealth of the country to the top 10% of Americans and corporations.

All of that will end if Democrats get a large enough majority in the House and Senate, as well as the White House." is true, but only if progressive Democrats are the majority.

But that can never happen. Too many voters fear progressives because they fear progressives will take too many federal benefits away from the very rich and Big Business. These voters are scared the traditional socialist programs the United States government established for the super-rich and Big Business beginning in the 1980s might be shared with average Americans. And the billionaires will spend tens-of-millions-of-dollars to maintain this fear among the peasants.

Decades of U.S. voter history show that all Republican voters decry socialism, as do nearly all moderate Democrats. But only when socialist programs benefit average citizens.

I've been saying this since Trump won in 2016, and I've been warning about it since I've been on this board: The biggest animating factor for the Right (not the only, but the biggest) in 2016 through today is not economics or health care or the military. It's culture, it's the wide range of cultural issues connected to Political Correctness and Identity Politics, now known as "woke".

New poll (yes, it's just a poll, but could be instructive: "55% of Republicans say that fighting “woke ideology in our schools and businesses” is more important than protecting entitlements from cuts. Some 22% say protecting entitlements is more important."

Every time I bring it up -- which is now hundreds, or even thousands, of times -- the Left here summarily dismisses it. And I've also said before that the Left crossed the line when it seeped into our schools and to our captive audience children. But this is what ideologues do, constantly: THEY GO TOO FAR. And now the response is leveraging the government to "fight" it.

Essentially humans are emotional creatures. The right have always gone for emotional topics.

Abortion is hugely emotional, because facts don't really play much of a part
Guns is hugely emotional, because it's a "they'll destroy you if you don't have guns, it's about your freedom"

The cancel culture and woke stuff... totally emotional.
Because Zwarte Piet, Dutch people who blacken their faces, is totally fine, having a black actress play a white person, like in the new Cleopatra, oh, that's wrong, totally wrong.

They want to cancel the second, but hate cancelling things..... they think that someone is woke for giving a shit about things like racism, but then when it comes to Cleopatra actresses, they're totally freaking woke.

No logic there in the slightest. Emotional.....

In the UK you can see it even more so, because someone like Boris Johnson was literally shitting over the country, and the people were loving it, Brexit, emotional all the way, people are literally cheering on their country's Pound losing 17% in a few years, thinking they got a good deal. Emotional crap.
As always, it's not the goal that is the problem. The problem is the methods used to achieve the goal.

If all a given method does in inflame and increase animosity, motivating others to react in kind, maybe that's not an optimal method.

It's like we don't consider the overall ramifications of our methods for the slightest second.
“We”? “Our”?

Given the conservatives' burning hatred education and the educated (people truly well-informed), diversity (racial, ethnic, gender and gender preference), reality (history, recent and distant past), facts (in all subjects), the environment (protecting clean air and water, wildlife and habitats, and climate), human rights, compassion, empathy, and humane conscience means the define all who embrace these items and human qualities as "woke".

So, in the right-wingers' mindset everyone who is pro-education and truly well-informed, appreciative of diversity, having a strong desire to maintain a clean and health-giving environment, possesses a strong regard for human rights, compassion, empathy, a humane conscience, and keeps themselves aware of important issues is woke. Being woke is a damn good thing.
Stereotyping, more left wing hypocritical bigotry, how funny. The left and right wing are very much the same.
I've been saying this since Trump won in 2016, and I've been warning about it since I've been on this board: The biggest animating factor for the Right (not the only, but the biggest) in 2016 through today is not economics or health care or the military. It's culture, it's the wide range of cultural issues connected to Political Correctness and Identity Politics, now known as "woke".

New poll (yes, it's just a poll, but could be instructive: "55% of Republicans say that fighting “woke ideology in our schools and businesses” is more important than protecting entitlements from cuts. Some 22% say protecting entitlements is more important."

Every time I bring it up -- which is now hundreds, or even thousands, of times -- the Left here summarily dismisses it. And I've also said before that the Left crossed the line when it seeped into our schools and to our captive audience children. But this is what ideologues do, constantly: THEY GO TOO FAR. And now the response is leveraging the government to "fight" it.

Get real, those 55% Republicans never voting for a Democrat anyway.

You know who said in 2016 "I'd vote for Hillary if she wasn't so damn woke."?...No one.
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