I know Democrats won't take this seriously, but...

Conservatives are set in their ways

They liked being able to call people retard or faggot. They liked using the “n” word
They liked it better when homosexuals stayed in the shadows
They hate hearing Hispanics talking to themselves in Spanish
They enjoyed flying Confederate flags
They don’t want children learning about past racial discrimination or about homosexuality.

When they no longer could, they simmered. It reached a boiling point when a black man was elected President.
It manifested itself with the election of Trump and his promise to “Make America Great Again” where great was a return to those conservative values.

Now it has moved to a War on Woke

^^^This is the guy who agreed with Hillary Clinton when she said 64 million Americans should be killed because they supported Donald Trump.
Circa February 2007, a Kenyan with a foreigners name launched a campaign to run for President, this foreigner ran on a “Change America” / Hate America platform, he was elected POTUS and change America he did.
He trained minorities, weird kooky housewives, ignorant fools and desperate America haters to only vote on free shit, hate whitey and other social issues….Newly trained Democrat voters have lost all their shit, they will vote against their own economical interests and against the advancement of America if they’re told their vote may help the George Floyds, wetbacks, trannies and faggots of America. The purple haired psychos with nose rings and neck tattoos, emotional dumbass suburban housewives and ‘minorities’ won’t be returning to sanity anytime soon, there’s no coming back for them….The Kenyan programming is here to stay.
Obama The Great was born in Hawaii you twit.
Even the other big orange twit had to finally shut up about his birther theory after Obama produced his long form birth certificate and made a fool out of little one term Donnie at The White House Corespondent's Dinner.
That was in 2008....so you are only 15 years behind things.
Theoretically you could still catch up to reality if you work really hard.

As for your other attempted points in this post, they don't matter.
When you begin speaking and the first statement out of your mouth is just blithering idiocy it pretty much discredits anything you might have to say after that.
Obama The Great was born in Hawaii you twit.
Even the other big orange twit had to finally shut up about his birther theory after Obama produced his long form birth certificate and made a fool out of little one term Donnie at The White House Corespondent's Dinner.
That was in 2008....so you are only 15 years behind things.
Theoretically you could still catch up to reality if you work really hard.

As for your other attempted points in this post, they don't matter.
When you begin speaking and the first statement out of your mouth is just blithering idiocy it pretty much discredits anything you might have to say after that.

The problem is the methods used to achieve the goal.

If all a given method does in inflame and increase animosity, motivating others to react in kind, maybe that's not an optimal method.
Seem to me the Rabid Right Wing press makes sure that no matter what, inflaming the base is the objective, and they must achieved it even if they rely on outright lies to inflame them.
Seem to me the Rabid Right Wing press makes sure that no matter what, inflaming the base is the objective, and they must achieved it even if they rely on outright lies to inflame them.
Yes, sure. This is one of the primary reasons I just don't understand politics. It just seems to me like both parties give exactly zero (0) attention to how it might be giving their opponents an easy target. Yes, MAGA media is going to jump on every morsel its given, and turn it into something much bigger. BUT the Dems STILL have to keep the BASE happy. So both parties are forced to go all-in and not worry about the blowback. And then comes the blowback, like clockwork, and everything escalates. Again.

I just don't get it. I don't know what the point is. One step forward, two steps back. Aren't we trying to IMPROVE things?
Circa February 2007, a Kenyan with a foreigners name launched a campaign to run for President, this foreigner ran on a “Change America” / Hate America platform, he was elected POTUS and change America he did.
He trained minorities, weird kooky housewives, ignorant fools and desperate America haters to only vote on free shit, hate whitey and other social issues….Newly trained Democrat voters have lost all their shit, they will vote against their own economical interests and against the advancement of America if they’re told their vote may help the George Floyds, wetbacks, trannies and faggots of America. The purple haired psychos with nose rings and neck tattoos, emotional dumbass suburban housewives and ‘minorities’ won’t be returning to sanity anytime soon, there’s no coming back for them….The Kenyan programming is here to stay.


Every word.

From my vantage point, the DNC has control of most of the media, the schools, and most of government.

Therefore, they control public opinion.

As a result, how could elections ever be fair?

The hopeful part of that is that even though they have all of that influence,
Their polices are so awful that they can never get more than about half of the voters to agree with them.
Yes, the left defends the rights of homosexuals and Transexuals, they defend the environment, they oppose abusive name calling, they support the rights of immigrants, they oppose honoring confederate culture.
This enrages conservatives who engage in a war on woke

They certainly do not. The left supports death and destruction because thats what occurs when they push such abominable acts and worship the creation. The left has a horrid history of slavery, segregation, experimenting on black people etc. Its despicable and atrocious.
I've been saying this since Trump won in 2016, and I've been warning about it since I've been on this board: The biggest animating factor for the Right (not the only, but the biggest) in 2016 through today is not economics or health care or the military. It's culture, it's the wide range of cultural issues connected to Political Correctness and Identity Politics, now known as "woke".

New poll (yes, it's just a poll, but could be instructive: "55% of Republicans say that fighting “woke ideology in our schools and businesses” is more important than protecting entitlements from cuts. Some 22% say protecting entitlements is more important."

Every time I bring it up -- which is now hundreds, or even thousands, of times -- the Left here summarily dismisses it. And I've also said before that the Left crossed the line when it seeped into our schools and to our captive audience children. But this is what ideologues do, constantly: THEY GO TOO FAR. And now the response is leveraging the government to "fight" it.

Democrat woke craziness didnt stop you from voting for biden

Now you are trying pretend it never happened
The hopeful part of that is that even though they have all of that influence,
Their polices are so awful that they can never get more than about half of the voters to agree with them.
Whatever makes you feel better I reckon.
How am I wrong?
I never said you were.

The battle to be in the majority is a rather odd one. After all, what makes the majority right about anything?

Moreover, how does it help you?

For example, with a Congressional approval rating that has not gone above 20% in over half a century, what does it matter?
They certainly do not. The left supports death and destruction because thats what occurs when they push such abominable acts and worship the creation. The left has a horrid history of slavery, segregation, experimenting on black people etc. Its despicable and atrocious.
You know…..when you post stupid rants like that it is hard to give a serious response
Stupid? No, every bit of that is true.

When you post things like…..
The left supports death and destruction because thats what occurs when they push such abominable acts and worship the creation

You lose all credibility as a poster
When you post things like…..
The left supports death and destruction because thats what occurs when they push such abominable acts and worship the creation

You lose all credibility as a poster
Calling Southern slave owners leftist and blaming the left for segregation? Faux not News has done them and the Country a huge disservice.

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