I know Democrats won't take this seriously, but...

Could all of this crap completely backfire on them? Yeah, definitely. That was my concern right after he won in 2016, that the party would end up fucking up so badly that the response would push us too far back to the Left.
Precisely what I predicted as well. I said that if Trump ended up winning the Republicans would likely get some short term victories, but it would be followed by long term destruction. It's playing out exactly as I thought.
What Biden didn't tell you when he said that is that the Obama/Biden administration ran up another 25% of the debt.

Say, "Thank you, Joe!"
Show the source.

Doing mirror image of anything Republicans are responsible for is not the way to show that Republicans have actually accomplished anything.
Its always amusing to listen to tales of how the dems magically shape shifted from slave owners and segregating blacks to clean white snow driven angels.
There was no magic or shape shifting. The Southerners who voted against Civil Rights were returned to Congress by their constituents who still supported those Democrat Conservatives in the South.
Show the source.

Doing mirror image of anything Republicans are responsible for is not the way to show that Republicans have actually accomplished anything.
You are unaware of the $8 trillion of debt run up during the Obama administration? Seriously?

And during this current administration, Biden has already run up $3.1 trillion of debt.
Byrd abandoned the KKK. This has been discussed before.

Try something else.
Nothing is more racist than the democrats who push the lefts new pet project Critical Race Theory.

And the lefts hatred of Jews…garnered the endorsement of Richard Spencer.

Racists never left the DNC.
You have a head full of conspiracy theories.

The CBDC, de-dollarization, hundreds of billions being removed from banks and transferred to outside banking are all conspiracy? Really? Lol.

The CBDC, de-dollarization, hundreds of billions being removed from banks and transferred to outside banking are all conspiracy? Really? Lol.
This bullshit has been debunked several times.

The CBDC is used for interbank settlements, dumbass. It has NOTHING to do with your money. At all.
I've been saying this since Trump won in 2016, and I've been warning about it since I've been on this board: The biggest animating factor for the Right (not the only, but the biggest) in 2016 through today is not economics or health care or the military. It's culture, it's the wide range of cultural issues connected to Political Correctness and Identity Politics, now known as "woke".

New poll (yes, it's just a poll, but could be instructive: "55% of Republicans say that fighting “woke ideology in our schools and businesses” is more important than protecting entitlements from cuts. Some 22% say protecting entitlements is more important."

Every time I bring it up -- which is now hundreds, or even thousands, of times -- the Left here summarily dismisses it. And I've also said before that the Left crossed the line when it seeped into our schools and to our captive audience children. But this is what ideologues do, constantly: THEY GO TOO FAR. And now the response is leveraging the government to "fight" it.

Fuck you you pussy. We aren't surrendering to bigots because you're too much of a giant fucking coward to stand up to them. Sit your bitch ass down then.
Nothing is more racist than the democrats who push the lefts new pet project Critical Race Theory.

And the lefts hatred of Jews…garnered the endorsement of Richard Spencer.

Racists never left the DNC.
Again, you are using a mirror.

CTR is simply Black history.

There has been a Black History on this land since the first Africans were brought over in ships by the Europeans.

De Santis and others are banning Black history in schools. That... is what racist is.

The Right has the Nazis and all other White Supremacists and religious extremists who love to hate Jews.

Richard Spencer is a very Ultra Right American who votes Republican.

Spencer has repeatedly used Nazi gestures and rhetoric in public. In early 2016, Spencer was filmed giving the Nazi salute in a karaoke bar, and leaked footage also depicts Spencer giving the Sieg Heil salute to his supporters during the August 2017 Charlottesville rally.[12] After Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, Spencer urged his supporters to "party like it's 1933," the year Hitler came to power in Germany.[13] In the weeks following, Spencer quoted Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews.[14] At a conference Spencer held celebrating the election, Spencer cried: "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!"; subsequently Mike Enoch led a number of Spencer's supporters in performing a Nazi salute and a chant similar to the Sieg Heil chant.[15][16] In early-to-mid-2017, when Spencer's following was at its height, his supporters would give him the Sieg Heil salute when he entered a room.[17]

Yes, of course there are racist people among the Democrats. But nothing like the White Supremacists on the Right who see Donald J. Trump as their leader.
Again, you are using a mirror.

CTR is simply Black history.

There has been a Black History on this land since the first Africans were brought over in ships by the Europeans.

De Santis and others are banning Black history in schools. That... is what racist is.

The Right has the Nazis and all other White Supremacists and religious extremists who love to hate Jews.

Richard Spencer is a very Ultra Right American who votes Republican.

Spencer has repeatedly used Nazi gestures and rhetoric in public. In early 2016, Spencer was filmed giving the Nazi salute in a karaoke bar, and leaked footage also depicts Spencer giving the Sieg Heil salute to his supporters during the August 2017 Charlottesville rally.[12] After Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, Spencer urged his supporters to "party like it's 1933," the year Hitler came to power in Germany.[13] In the weeks following, Spencer quoted Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews.[14] At a conference Spencer held celebrating the election, Spencer cried: "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!"; subsequently Mike Enoch led a number of Spencer's supporters in performing a Nazi salute and a chant similar to the Sieg Heil chant.[15][16] In early-to-mid-2017, when Spencer's following was at its height, his supporters would give him the Sieg Heil salute when he entered a room.[17]

Yes, of course there are racist people among the Democrats. But nothing like the White Supremacists on the Right who see Donald J. Trump as their leader.
Spencer endorsed Joe Biden for president.
Spencer endorsed Joe Biden for president.
LOL, you really are a fool. Many Republicans like him saw what a disaster Trump and his administration were, and decided to vote Democrat.

I have been saying that the more extreme the GOP gets, the more Republicans will vote for Democrats. And that includes Nazis and Evangelicals.

What losers !!!!!

Spencer, who popularized the descriptive term "alt-right," voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. After the drone strike that killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, Spencer withdrew his support for Trump. In 2020, Spencer said that the GOP had become "ineffective" and declared his support for Biden. Based on Spencer's past views, Biden's campaign rejected Spencer's support of the candidate. That did not stop Spencer from voting for the Democratic ticket on Tuesday.

"I voted straight Dem," Spencer wrote. "In referenda, I also voted FOR the expansion of gun rights in the state and AGAINST the expansion of marijuana legalization. To hell with libertarian ideology. I'm a libertarian when I want to be."

LOL, you really are a fool. Many Republicans like him saw what a disaster Trump and his administration were, and decided to vote Democrat.

I have been saying that the more extreme the GOP gets, the more Republicans will vote for Democrats. And that includes Nazis and Evangelicals.

What losers !!!!!

Spencer, who popularized the descriptive term "alt-right," voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. After the drone strike that killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, Spencer withdrew his support for Trump. In 2020, Spencer said that the GOP had become "ineffective" and declared his support for Biden. Based on Spencer's past views, Biden's campaign rejected Spencer's support of the candidate. That did not stop Spencer from voting for the Democratic ticket on Tuesday.

"I voted straight Dem," Spencer wrote. "In referenda, I also voted FOR the expansion of gun rights in the state and AGAINST the expansion of marijuana legalization. To hell with libertarian ideology. I'm a libertarian when I want to be."

He endorses democrats because they hate Jews.

Yes, the left defends the rights of homosexuals and Transexuals, they defend the environment, they oppose abusive name calling, they support the rights of immigrants, they oppose honoring confederate culture.
This enrages conservatives who engage in a war on woke

Sure sure.... and heres one way You woke defend the environment...

Also your president wants to circumvent Legislation... wants to circumvent the free market, wants to circumvent actual technology and the capacity of our electrical grid.... all to make us drive EV's
AKA net ZERO ... by such and such date ...

Even though he's just listening to someone else in his ear and really doesnt know a fucking thing about the science of it all... and ignores the current ENVIRONMENTAL damage done by current battery production and disposal..
To understand this... we can use an example, by breaking down the Dylan Mulvaney/Bud Light saga.

"If we are going to get anywhere with fixing problems, the first thing that has to happen is to understand there are two sides of people in America, and each side is completely convinced the other side is insane. And as long as that is the condition, nothing is going to get better" - Bill Maher

Dylan Mulvaney/Budlight saga
What actually happened.
1) Someone(s) within AB thought it would be a good idea to hire a new marketing VP that has absolutely nothing in common with the brands customers. You couldn't choose a person more on the opposite side of everything from the companies loyal customers if you tried.
2) And sure enough, she makes a marketing move that is the exact opposite thinking than at least 98% of Bud Light's customers. And she is so ingrained in her liberal urban bubble - I believe she had no idea this was going to be anything other than her Twitter account blowing up with praise and love for her awesomeness.
The reaction
1) As anyone with any degree of awareness of the real world outside of Twitter and Tik Tok would know - the reaction to this was going to be anything but love and praise.
The demographics of the folks who actually drink Bud Light are not exactly pro-Transanity. In fact, a good quarter of them would halfway support taking Dylan out behind a barn and shoot him.
And so over night sales plummeted and AB lost, momentarily, $5,000,000,000 in stock value. That's billion.
Right now it is still down over $1 Billion. Essentially it has lost all the market gains it made the past year recovering Covid.

The left reaction
As usual, all the left does is react to the right's reaction, rather than even pausing to consider what actually happened. And in doing so, actually defend the insanity of such a colossal corporate mistake.

You see the point of this?
What actually happened is completely lost. No one is talking about it.
All everyone talked about was each other's reaction, and digging in to "their side".

Take this situation - and apply it to any political topic - and that is the condition American politics are in. NO ONE is talking about reality. Only reacting to each others reactions.
He endorses democrats because they hate Jews.

Keep up the joke.

The rise in attacks on Jews, and blacks, and Muslims, and Asian Pacific people in American since 2017 happened because Trump promised to keep a blind eye on any of his supporters attacking anyone they liked. That he was all for those who felt had been dealt a bad coin, so to speak.

Meaning all of those uneducated people who went to vote for him in droves and are all against immigration, Jews, Blacks, etc.

Democratic Jews passed on his endorsement just as Biden did.

It is his actions which count and not who he suddenly decides to vote for.

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