I know Democrats won't take this seriously, but...

That's up to the school/school district, and it's the right of parents to object.

I wouldn't want a Christian group coming in with Bibles, either.

I wouldn't want an immigration group coming in with a busload of illegals, either.

There's nothing unreasonable about wanting to wait on some topics until the child reaches 18, so that they can decide for themselves.
Too late…

The culture thingy is simply a distraction as both parties bleed the populace with climate taxation and massive inflation into oblivion.
But it's an effective distraction. And easy for the dummies to think about. Complex foreign policy, climate change, tax reform - who wants to sort that out when we have trannies in the wrong bathrooms!!! THAT's something we can sink our teeth into! Hoards of brown people swarming over the border!! They're probably all cross-dressers too.
You can’t point to a democratic platform policy changing culutre
Was this a serious post or are you being obtuse?

Half of the shit Biden does is tied to some asinine cultural bullshit. From his absurd energy ideas to wanting to ban gasoline engines to calling roads racist to hiring almost exclusively from the woke genepool of retards.
It goes on and on
Yes, the left defends the rights of homosexuals and Transexuals, they defend the environment, they oppose abusive name calling, they support the rights of immigrants, they oppose honoring confederate culture.
This enrages conservatives who engage in a war on woke.

Can you specifically identify rights gays and trannies are denied versus the rest of us? I eagerly await your detailed answer. :D
Was this a serious post or are you being obtuse?

Half of the shit Biden does is tied to some asinine cultural bullshit. From his absurd energy ideas to wanting to ban gasoline engines to calling roads racist to hiring almost exclusively from the woke genepool of retards.
It goes on and on
Biden isn’t banning gasoline engines and sorry that pointing out that infrastructure was ignored in poor minority areas upsets you and makes you think the point was that a road is racist. Why should I listen to someone so clearly lost like you? Give me some real examples if you have them. Half the policies are cultural, pound salt. You are just being led around by your nose like a good little follower. Educate yourself.
Yes, the left defends the rights of homosexuals and Transexuals, they defend the environment, they oppose abusive name calling, they support the rights of immigrants, they oppose honoring confederate culture.
This enrages conservatives who engage in a war on woke
Perfectly stated.
New poll (yes, it's just a poll, but could be instructive: "55% of Republicans say that fighting “woke ideology in our schools and businesses” is more important than protecting entitlements from cuts. Some 22% say protecting entitlements is more important."

When the 2nd highest priority for Democrats - 2nd to 'Get Trump' - is an agenda involving murdering, screwing, isolating, sexualizing, transgender-confusing, LGBTQ Indoctrinating, teaching kids to lie / to hide things from parents, trafficking, and mutilating the genitals of our children ... and when they are willing to brand parents who oppose this as 'domestic terrorists' AND are trying to make it legal for them to KIDNAP our children IOT carry out this agenda......

Yeah, this becomes a big deal for Conservatives ... and any sane, rational adult out there.
Most of your opinions I think are thoughtful and researched. However, you entirely miss on this issue. It’s not that democrats are trying to drive a big culture shift. Not at all. What is happening is that the right wingers live to scare their base and drum up fake issues of culture. You are crazy if you think you are going to tell every democrat who has an opinion or lifestyle that a conservative person doesn’t like to shut up or disappear so a right wing rag doesnt make it the center of their rage. For each one that shuts up they’ll just move to someone else to pick on.

The right finds someone different and tries to pick on them, in public, while trying to make a case that weirdos are trying to ruin the country. It is people like you who give them power. By “you” I mean a mostly rational person who doesn’t have tolerance for weird people. So what if people are different? So what? You can’t point to a democratic platform policy changing culutre. Don’t fall for their campaign.
This goes to something I mentioned earlier in this thread, and it's an issue I have with both ends of the spectrum: I don't understand politics because I don't understand the associated behaviors, the constant all-or-nothing tactics used to push an agenda, with NO regards to their potential downside.

I don't disagree with anything you said. The Right has its full share of ignorant, paranoid bigotry, and Trumpism has brought it completely out of the closet (pun perhaps intended). But the Left has made its own huge mistakes. It has weaponized PC and Identity Politics so that it's not just about "caring", it's about attacking and punishing and intimidating and ruining anyone who crosses some line. That flies right in the face of freedom of expression, and it's wrong. It's damn sure not liberal.

It's just human nature -- being attacked will increase resentments and pushback. No doubt. And if the Left is okay with that, fine. But let's not pretend that the net result is some kind of improvement, because we know it isn't. I want to fix problems, I want to see improvements. Weaponized PC/Identity Politics fails at that.
No, you're just a racist white guy running around in blackface looking for attention. Pretty pathetic.
Uh huh. And instead of just saying I'm black I said I was Black, Chinese and Indian by way of Jamaica with families from two small towns (Linstead and Bog Walk) because that's the sort of information a white incel would have.

This goes to something I mentioned earlier in this thread, and it's an issue I have with both ends of the spectrum: I don't understand politics because I don't understand the associated behaviors, the constant all-or-nothing tactics used to push an agenda, with NO regards to their potential downside.

I don't disagree with anything you said. The Right has its full share of ignorant, paranoid bigotry, and Trumpism has brought it completely out of the closet (pun perhaps intended). But the Left has made its own huge mistakes. It has weaponized PC and Identity Politics so that it's not just about "caring", it's about attacking and punishing and intimidating and ruining anyone who crosses some line. That flies right in the face of freedom of expression, and it's wrong. It's damn sure not liberal.

It's just human nature -- being attacked will increase resentments and pushback. No doubt. And if the Left is okay with that, fine. But let's not pretend that the net result is some kind of improvement, because we know it isn't. I want to fix problems, I want to see improvements. Weaponized PC/Identity Politics fails at that.

You voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. What problems were you trying to fix?
Was this a serious post or are you being obtuse?

Half of the shit Biden does is tied to some asinine cultural bullshit. From his absurd energy ideas to wanting to ban gasoline engines to calling roads racist to hiring almost exclusively from the woke genepool of retards.
It goes on and on
Only one in three voters support banning ICE cars by 2035.

Uh huh. And instead of just saying I'm black I said I was Black, Chinese and Indian by way of Jamaica with families from two small towns (Linstead and Bog Walk) because that's the sort of information a white incel would have.


Yes, any idiot with access to Google will have that information. You're that idiot, whiteboi.

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