I know everything political; you know nothing, so just ask -

Not this gas bag again...

You can change your name, but not your image...
If we know nothing, how could we possibly know what to ask? :dunno:

And since you know everything, maybe you could give us a hint?
If both a Republican AND a Democrat each drink three cups of grape juice, will their reactions be different. :dunno:
What is politics? Define it.

The art in which you push fake information onto the American people to further your other political agenda.

O great I do not need to worry about politics then cause I live in Europe.

I live in America so I related it to America. You live in Europe so relate it to where you live. simple.

Yes fair enough I was just ribbing you. You seem to be describing a democratic deficit in American politics and also a media bias that has been apparent for many years now. This is also the case in Europe where the real reasons why things happen have to do with an institutionalised momentum behind the scenes and the power of various lobby groups in the corridors of power. The result has been a political elite that is corrupt (e.g. see expenses claims scandal in the UK) deluded (as to the power and influence of Islam shaping policy (recent UK parliamentary vote recognising the Palestinian state) and the right way to handle aggressive terrorist groups) and immoral (e.g. the passing of the gay marriage legislation in the UK and France and proposed Euthanasia legislation in the UK for instance).
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