I know I may catch hell for this...but,my opinion,OBL had been dead since TORA BORS.

Aug 22, 2012
I preface this post by saying GOD BLESS THE MEN AND WOMEN in uniform who have put their lives on the line to keep our nation free.
As a newbie,this will probably get put in the "conspiracy theories;section.
However, I think our brave armed forces are being used and manipulated ad a part of a big scam to keep the image of the commie in chief in power looking good.

I think BUSH may have been more a cunning sly dog(in a good way)than we thought. Based on evidence thst he was seen UNDER ATTACK in TORA BORA and his forces
dessimated by a daisy cutter. There were serious evidence of his death in december 2001,that he was killed. Bush and co. had a MODUS OPERANDI to pkay mindfuck with alqueda by keeping the socalled presence of his existanceknown.

In my opinion,obama busted some intel protocol and used it for that commies image.and raping the integrity of our armed forces to do it.

When SADDAM HUSSEIN was captured,under BUSH...pics everywhere and compkete transparancy. Even his hanging was on youtube.

Wheres the evidence OBL bit the bigone in 2011???and not 2001?/?
I preface this post by saying GOD BLESS THE MEN AND WOMEN in uniform who have put their lives on the line to keep our nation free.
As a newbie,this will probably get put in the "conspiracy theories;section.
However, I think our brave armed forces are being used and manipulated ad a part of a big scam to keep the image of the commie in chief in power looking good.

I think BUSH may have been more a cunning sly dog(in a good way)than we thought. Based on evidence thst he was seen UNDER ATTACK in TORA BORA and his forces
dessimated by a daisy cutter. There were serious evidence of his death in december 2001,that he was killed. Bush and co. had a MODUS OPERANDI to pkay mindfuck with alqueda by keeping the socalled presence of his existanceknown.

In my opinion,obama busted some intel protocol and used it for that commies image.and raping the integrity of our armed forces to do it.

When SADDAM HUSSEIN was captured,under BUSH...pics everywhere and compkete transparancy. Even his hanging was on youtube.

Wheres the evidence OBL bit the bigone in 2011???and not 2001?/?

You have every right to express your opinion; as the man said, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one
Wry catcher,wheres the pics to disprove it?the military is being used ads a pawn in a sick fuck game by obama to score public points and take credit for something that may have happened a decade prior. How fitting.
I could post bazillions of saddams capture date and time said.saddam was a sunni. OBL sunni and the excuse for no pics was disrespect for muslim tradition. I call it bullshit.
I think he was A. Killed by the seals last year but before that was being used by the C.I.A. to keep a war going in Afghanistan and trying to get a war started in Pakistan and he just outlived his usefulness and the people were getting fed up with not finding him. So he was taken out. or. B. He has been dead for several years of organ failure..I have heard he had to be on dialysis kind of hard to do so when he was hiding in caves.
We dhould have just used serious tech and wiped out the extremist muzzies instead of apologizing to those fucks lije muzzie BHO has.
How do we know he was buried at sea? If there is evidence he is dead - like photos, then fine, but we have only the word of America that he was buried at sea, as he requested.
How do we know he was buried at sea? If there is evidence he is dead - like photos, then fine, but we have only the word of America that he was buried at sea, as he requested.

you mean we only have the word of our corrupt government institutions who have a long history of corruption attached to them and the zionists controlled media that he was buried at sea.OBL has been dead since about a couple months after 9/11.That was the last time he was seen alive.all the photos that surfaced allegeldy found by our government were obvious forgeries.He was killed off because he was like oswald,knew too much on who was really behind 9/11.you got to remember OBL AND Alqueda were funded by the CIA.
I preface this post by saying GOD BLESS THE MEN AND WOMEN in uniform who have put their lives on the line to keep our nation free.
As a newbie,this will probably get put in the "conspiracy theories;section.
However, I think our brave armed forces are being used and manipulated ad a part of a big scam to keep the image of the commie in chief in power looking good.

I think BUSH may have been more a cunning sly dog(in a good way)than we thought. Based on evidence thst he was seen UNDER ATTACK in TORA BORA and his forces
dessimated by a daisy cutter. There were serious evidence of his death in december 2001,that he was killed. Bush and co. had a MODUS OPERANDI to pkay mindfuck with alqueda by keeping the socalled presence of his existanceknown.

In my opinion,obama busted some intel protocol and used it for that commies image.and raping the integrity of our armed forces to do it.

When SADDAM HUSSEIN was captured,under BUSH...pics everywhere and compkete transparancy. Even his hanging was on youtube.

Wheres the evidence OBL bit the bigone in 2011???and not 2001?/?

you do realise who hanged him right?
I preface this post by saying GOD BLESS THE MEN AND WOMEN in uniform who have put their lives on the line to keep our nation free.
As a newbie,this will probably get put in the "conspiracy theories;section.
However, I think our brave armed forces are being used and manipulated ad a part of a big scam to keep the image of the commie in chief in power looking good.

I think BUSH may have been more a cunning sly dog(in a good way)than we thought. Based on evidence thst he was seen UNDER ATTACK in TORA BORA and his forces
dessimated by a daisy cutter. There were serious evidence of his death in december 2001,that he was killed. Bush and co. had a MODUS OPERANDI to pkay mindfuck with alqueda by keeping the socalled presence of his existanceknown.

In my opinion,obama busted some intel protocol and used it for that commies image.and raping the integrity of our armed forces to do it.

When SADDAM HUSSEIN was captured,under BUSH...pics everywhere and compkete transparancy. Even his hanging was on youtube.

Wheres the evidence OBL bit the bigone in 2011???and not 2001?/?

you do realise who hanged him right?

Iraqi soldiers celebrate in the Shiite holy city of Najaf, south of Baghdad, Saturday morning.
Defiant to the end, Saddam Hussein mocked Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr moments before he was hanged, a witness said Saturday.
As a noose was tightened around Hussein's neck, one of the executioners yelled "long live Muqtada al-Sadr," Haddad said, referring to the powerful anti-American Shiite religious leader.

Hussein, a Sunni, uttered one last phrase before he died, saying "Muqtada al-Sadr" in a mocking tone, according to Haddad's account.

Witness: Saddam Hussein argued with guards moments before death - CNN

you do realise who hanged him right?

I'll go with powerful anti-American Shiite. Brilliant....:eusa_whistle:
The whole thing was a clusterfuck, how people can have any confidence with the incompetent US government is beyond amazement..
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