I know! Let's defy the will of the people!

The EV does not reflect the 'will of the people.'

it reflects the will of the people more than the popular vote.

Or would you prefer 10-15 states, because of their high population counts, decide the presidency every 4 years?

That is exactly what they want...the politicians would then fleece the rest of the states to buy the votes of those 10-15 and they would have absolute power.....until the other states revolted.....
The EV does not reflect the 'will of the people.'

it reflects the will of the people more than the popular vote. Or would you prefer 10-15 states, because of their high population counts, decide the presidency every 4 years?
I would prefer a majority in the EV and the PV. If not, send the election to the House.
If not, send the election to the House.

Which gives the decision to the party in charge
That's fine. In this case, thirty states would vote for Trump, and then sometime next year, have Congress impeach him and replace him with Pence.
Of course, you are assuming (hoping?) that Trump will do something worthy of impeachment between now and then, but that's not very likely. The economy is set to rebound during his first term (since confidence is returning), so it would be a stupid political move for Republicans to try to unseat him.
That’s right! Disregard who the people of your state voted for and vote for Hillary!

Not once did these people ask themselves “what would I do if this happened the other way around?”

Oh RELAX wouldja? Jesus. No one is going to steal the election via the Electoral College. Maybe you should start worrying about more important stuff, like what the Orange Groper is going to do now that he's completely pissed off our largest trading partner.

Good Lord. You Liberals post a video asking electors to steal the election for Hillary for all to see, and then tell us not to worry because no one is trying to steal the election. You liberals have seriously gone mad. That's like Bill getting a blow job right in front of Hillary and saying, "Don't worry Dear, I'm not cheating on you". This is just insane.
Any sane American wants Trump gone just as Clinton is gone: into political hell forever.
That’s right! Disregard who the people of your state voted for and vote for Hillary!

Not once did these people ask themselves “what would I do if this happened the other way around?”

Democrats never consider the longer term effects of their actions or what they're demanding. Harry Reid went nuclear and paved the way for the Republicans to do the same thing to ensure Trump gets his SC picks, but will squeal like a stuck pig when they do. Hillary sycophants are demanding that faithless electors violate the will of the voters in their states, but would scream like stuck pigs should the voters ever deny a democrat a vote.

left wingers are driven by emotion.....Thomas Sowell talked about 2 stage thinking, and how the left never thinks about the second stage in any action........

Exactly. When they demand that government be given new powers, they never remember that they will once again be in the minority and the Republicans will use that power against them. They defend the IRS going after conservative groups, but never stop to think what will happen when it goes after liberal groups. They cheer Dingy Harry nuking the filibuster, but don't realize that he opened the door to make it impossible to stop Trump from getting his SC picks.

That's why it's always best to make it very difficult for the government to get expanded powers.
Which gives the decision to the party in charge
Until the constitution is amended, it doesn't matter.
The "national" election for President takes place December 19; this is the only vote count that matters.
The constitution does not need to be amended, if the States gave candidates their electors that represent the people who voted for them within that state... proportionately to the candidates, instead of a winner takes all, they still would have a winner for the State itself... and the winner of the popular vote in their State, would get the two extra electors each state is given to represent their US Senators, go to the winner of the state populous vote.....which is what the founders put in there to give the smaller states an advantage over larger populated states.... both small and large states get 2 extra electors, that have nothing to do with the states population....this gives the larger states with high populations, a disadvantage.

Look and see how Maine does it and Nebraska does it.... it did NOT take a constitutional amendment....
Of course, you are assuming (hoping?) that Trump will do something worthy of impeachment....
President Pence sounds pretty good to me.
Picking an acceptable VP may have been a strategic mistake by Trump. Obama insulated himself because no one wanted Plugs Biden at the helm.
Personally, I think Trump will get bored and resign, sometime past the point where Pence is eligible to hold two terms.
They're trying everything and it's failing...recount....nope....Russian hacking....nope....electors...nope. What will they try next.
The constitution does not need to be amended, if the States gave candidates their electors that represent the people who voted for them within that state... proportionately to the candidates, instead of a winner takes all,
In the 2016 election, this would result in a 282-256 Trump win.
States are more than welcome do do this - but to force a state to do it requires an amendment.
All these bed wetters whining about the popular vote are hysterical.

All they're doing is proving that stupid people out number sentient people in the major cities.

Tell you what turds... Move all of your dumb asses to New Yuck and Commiefornia. You'll win every fuckin popular from now on and get 95 electoral votes. After a generation or so we can wall those states off....

Then fill them with water.
Which gives the decision to the party in charge
Until the constitution is amended, it doesn't matter.
The "national" election for President takes place December 19; this is the only vote count that matters.
The constitution does not need to be amended, if the States gave candidates their electors that represent the people who voted for them within that state... proportionately to the candidates, instead of a winner takes all, they still would have a winner for the State itself... and the winner of the popular vote in their State, would get the two extra electors each state is given to represent their US Senators, go to the winner of the state populous vote.....which is what the founders put in there to give the smaller states an advantage over larger populated states.... both small and large states get 2 extra electors, that have nothing to do with the states population....this gives the larger states with high populations, a disadvantage.

Look and see how Maine does it and Nebraska does it.... it did NOT take a constitutional amendment....

if the States gave candidates their electors that represent the people who voted for them within that state... proportionately to the candidates, instead of a winner takes all, they still would have a winner for the State itself..

The liberal states should definitely do that.

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