I Like Cruz, But

The problems with Cruz are that his legal arguments don't resonate with the average voter and that he will be labeled as a "right-wing extremist" by the MSM. ("Abolishing the IRS" will be used as an example of this.) Trump has a greater ability to talk over the press, and his brashness connects with a lot of people who have, up to now, given up on the political process. Without them, voter demographics will continue to favor the Democrats.

I understand all of that and those are valid concerns. Cruz is a Conservative and Conservatives are always going to be labeled "right wing extremists" because that's what the label means. Cruz has the capability to articulate the Conservative message and present Conservatism as a philosophy and not an ideology. If he did not resonate with the voters he wouldn't be doing as well as he is in the primaries.

I understand what Trump has going for him but his brashness also turns off a lot of people. He simply doesn't have the numbers to win the presidency with just his core supporters.... even WITH the new voters he brings in and crossover votes. As I said before, he would be the most unpopular candidate to ever seek the office. The latest polls show that even Bernie Sanders beats Trump nationally by 24 points! Bernie Frickin' Sanders!

Meanwhile, a Cruz/Kasich ticket would be very attractive and Cruz has not attacked Trump supporters or Trump personally. While Trump tees off on Cruz and his supporters with impunity over personal superficial stuff, Cruz goes after Trump on his statements and policy positions. He is not alienating Trump voters the way Trump is alienating Cruz voters. Cruz would absolutely obliterate Hillary in a debate while I believe Trump will come across as an asshole to women and get his proverbial clock cleaned in the press.

Keep in mind, the smart people on the Left are sitting back watching all this unfold in amusement. They haven't played their hand yet. Once the GOP has locked in with Trump, it's going to get really ugly, and Trump is going to face the kind of personal sleaze he is currently dishing out on Cruz. Now maybe Cruz will face the same thing and maybe Trump can handle it better but I don't think so because Trump doesn't seem to have conviction of principle and vision and Cruz does. That is what will ultimately resonate with those crucial independent voters. Cruz can connect with a solid conservative message and he can sound like a leader and a president. Even Trump's most ardent supporters have to admit some of what he says is cringe-worthy.
If Democrats won 2016 they gonna be maybe Cruz or Carson or Huckabee / Kasich challanger for Democrats in election 2020 if no I am not sure the future rams . .
Have this 3 pcs even I am not sure about Huckabee and Kasich which one of two this it is or Kasich last chance 2016 if Cruz drops out 2016 ?? Off course it is last chance for JK even he are maximum 65 year old in 2020 !!!! I wanted 3 pcs with Huckabee, Carson and Cruz the favorites in Republican Party elecetion 2020 if Trump no president after 2016 even Trump last chance 2016 with 70 year old about a 4-5-6 month . .
I prefer Trump, who presents a frontal attack on the rampant political correctness that is destroying our liberties.

If neither Trump nor Cruz are nominated, I will not vote for whoever else is nominated by the GOP.

If Hillary wins, it will merely prove that we are past the tipping point.

Trumpt lost me when he answered the HYPOTHETICAL question on abortion correctly

It was the ONLY CORRECT ANSWER afterall

Then walked it back to a more PC correct answer.

Cruz then lost me when he criticized Trumps initial answer so he too would be PC.

Now I'm hoping for a brokered convention.
Trumpt lost me when he answered the HYPOTHETICAL question on abortion correctly

It was the ONLY CORRECT ANSWER afterall

Then walked it back to a more PC correct answer.

So you believe women who have abortions should be punished? Should we stone them to death like they do in Muslim countries or what?

You see, I think Trump fumbled the question and gave a boneheaded answer. I think Cruz nailed it. We must have respect for the dignity of women.
Trumpt lost me when he answered the HYPOTHETICAL question on abortion correctly

It was the ONLY CORRECT ANSWER afterall

Then walked it back to a more PC correct answer.

So you believe women who have abortions should be punished? Should we stone them to death like they do in Muslim countries or what?

You see, I think Trump fumbled the question and gave a boneheaded answer. I think Cruz nailed it. We must have respect for the dignity of women.

Did you not read my post.

Trump answered a hypothetical question. And he initially answered correctly.

Criminality was the hypothetical.

If there is no punishment it is idiotic to make something criminal.

By definition, those who willingly participate in a crime are criminals.

Want abortion illegal? Deal with the fact that not charging the woman flies in the face of our judicial system.
Trumpt lost me when he answered the HYPOTHETICAL question on abortion correctly

It was the ONLY CORRECT ANSWER afterall

Then walked it back to a more PC correct answer.

So you believe women who have abortions should be punished? Should we stone them to death like they do in Muslim countries or what?

You see, I think Trump fumbled the question and gave a boneheaded answer. I think Cruz nailed it. We must have respect for the dignity of women.

Did you not read my post.

Trump answered a hypothetical question. And he initially answered correctly.

Criminality was the hypothetical.

If there is no punishment it is idiotic to make something criminal.

By definition, those who willingly participate in a crime are criminals.

Want abortion illegal? Deal with the fact that not charging the woman flies in the face of our judicial system.
Nope, you are wrong, and most of America thinks you are wrong. Not going to be the way you want it. Glad Trump walked it back.
Did you not read my post.

Trump answered a hypothetical question. And he initially answered correctly.

Criminality was the hypothetical.

If there is no punishment it is idiotic to make something criminal.

By definition, those who willingly participate in a crime are criminals.

Want abortion illegal? Deal with the fact that not charging the woman flies in the face of our judicial system.

The punishment should be for the person who performs the illegal abortion, not the woman. It's like locking someone away in prison for being addicted to drugs. The pusher is who deserves the punishment, not the addict.
Glad Trump walked it back.

And this should give pause to everyone who supports Trump. Abortion is a no-brainer topic for a Republican candidate. If you don't have your shit together on this topic and you fumble a softball question like this... you're not ready for prime time and the Democrats are going to clean your clock.

There's also this little assault incident with his thug campaign manager... that's not playing well either. Can you even imagine the response if the Cruz campaign manager assaulted a reporter and Cruz came out smearing and sliming the reporter? Or Kasich, or Sanders or any other political candidate? Only Donald Trump could get away with such a thing. But it's really not playing well for him. This WCW mentality is going to get old real fast.
Trumpt lost me when he answered the HYPOTHETICAL question on abortion correctly

It was the ONLY CORRECT ANSWER afterall

Then walked it back to a more PC correct answer.

So you believe women who have abortions should be punished? Should we stone them to death like they do in Muslim countries or what?

You see, I think Trump fumbled the question and gave a boneheaded answer. I think Cruz nailed it. We must have respect for the dignity of women.

Did you not read my post.

Trump answered a hypothetical question. And he initially answered correctly.

Criminality was the hypothetical.

If there is no punishment it is idiotic to make something criminal.

By definition, those who willingly participate in a crime are criminals.

Want abortion illegal? Deal with the fact that not charging the woman flies in the face of our judicial system.
Nope, you are wrong, and most of America thinks you are wrong. Not going to be the way you want it. Glad Trump walked it back.

Be like what?
Did you not read my post.

Trump answered a hypothetical question. And he initially answered correctly.

Criminality was the hypothetical.

If there is no punishment it is idiotic to make something criminal.

By definition, those who willingly participate in a crime are criminals.

Want abortion illegal? Deal with the fact that not charging the woman flies in the face of our judicial system.

The punishment should be for the person who performs the illegal abortion, not the woman. It's like locking someone away in prison for being addicted to drugs. The pusher is who deserves the punishment, not the addict.

Nah, it's more like putting only the hitman in prison and letting the person who hired them off the hook.

But that is incredibly PC of you
Trumpt lost me when he answered the HYPOTHETICAL question on abortion correctly

It was the ONLY CORRECT ANSWER afterall

Then walked it back to a more PC correct answer.

So you believe women who have abortions should be punished? Should we stone them to death like they do in Muslim countries or what?

You see, I think Trump fumbled the question and gave a boneheaded answer. I think Cruz nailed it. We must have respect for the dignity of women.

Boss, of course we do and to go one step further, we do! The right demands that the unborn be considered more than litter. That faction could use some understanding also. The women's movement could ease this situation so easily by simply saying, "the unborn should receive consideration" not consternation, but that would be a passive action and they want none of that. As I stated above and believe, this "getevenism" is destroying this nation as surely as any other enemy we face. We either pull the load together or we fail.
Republican, Libertainan or Communist Party if Democrats win 2016 but in 2020 it's ready . .
Cruz will go to Libertarian ?? Or Cruz will still be in Republican some conservative politicial ??
Last edited:
Trumpt lost me when he answered the HYPOTHETICAL question on abortion correctly

It was the ONLY CORRECT ANSWER afterall

Then walked it back to a more PC correct answer.

So you believe women who have abortions should be punished? Should we stone them to death like they do in Muslim countries or what?

You see, I think Trump fumbled the question and gave a boneheaded answer. I think Cruz nailed it. We must have respect for the dignity of women.

Boss, of course we do and to go one step further, we do! The right demands that the unborn be considered more than litter. That faction could use some understanding also. The women's movement could ease this situation so easily by simply saying, "the unborn should receive consideration" not consternation, but that would be a passive action and they want none of that. As I stated above and believe, this "getevenism" is destroying this nation as surely as any other enemy we face. We either pull the load together or we fail.

The Left has to take an absolutist position against recognition of the unborn in order keep its house of cards rationalization from falling. You might as well ask them to change their religion.
Oh I don't know. Every day they seem a little more Muslim like. The hard left seems to have no sense of direction with the exception of "I am against every thing you are for". Things like up is down and wrong is right etc...
Trumpt lost me when he answered the HYPOTHETICAL question on abortion correctly

It was the ONLY CORRECT ANSWER afterall

Then walked it back to a more PC correct answer.

So you believe women who have abortions should be punished? Should we stone them to death like they do in Muslim countries or what?

You see, I think Trump fumbled the question and gave a boneheaded answer. I think Cruz nailed it. We must have respect for the dignity of women.

Boss, of course we do and to go one step further, we do! The right demands that the unborn be considered more than litter. That faction could use some understanding also. The women's movement could ease this situation so easily by simply saying, "the unborn should receive consideration" not consternation, but that would be a passive action and they want none of that. As I stated above and believe, this "getevenism" is destroying this nation as surely as any other enemy we face. We either pull the load together or we fail.

Then shouldn't the right hold the criminals at fault?

Sorry, the GOP won't.

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