I love and respect our elderly...BUT should they be permitted to run for the highest office?

1. I am 82 years old.

2. I agree with the OP that if an elderly person takes office, there is a good chance that the Vice President will be called upon to fill in for him/her.

3. Not only is Mr. Biden elderly but even his supporters will admit that his senior moments could be a sign of mild dementia, at the very least.

4. Therefore, in November, the Vice Presidential nominee will be the one that voters should focus on.

a. All the so-called "experts" expect that the No. 2 position for the Dems will be filled by a lady of color.

1. Happy birthday!

2. There is ALWAYS that chance, and it's always brought up during the campaign. The last VPOTUS that had to take office when a POTUS died of natural causes replaced a POTUS who was 63 years old. The one before that was 57. Literally everyone who seems to have a real shot at candidacy is way over those marks.

On the other hand ---- Jimmy Carter is still available as a dark horse. His VP is too. They are a combined 187 years old.

Fun fact: from the last eleven POTUS elections going back to 1976, All 8 Democratic candidates, and four of the six Republicans, are still alive today. The only two that are not, died at the ages of 93 and 94. Bob Dole is the oldest at 96.

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