I love California

opperating a rental home is a job, go ask any landlord
I am a landlord. I think the last time I spent any appreciable time doing actual work on the rental property was when the prior tenant moved out and the current ones moved in. I believe that took up most of a weekend.

If you do your due diligence on the people to whom you rent, it's not that hard. Of course we're talking about Truthsplatters here, so ...

because you do a job well its not a job?
Um ... what? In truth, I view it more along the lines of an investment.

You're making it sound like you're slaving away at these rental houses 60 hours a week or something.
Nope its my job.

Its how I bring money into the family.

You hate me because my job doesnt require me working EVERY day.

I make up for it in the long hours I work redoing the property and renting it out.

I moved to Cali when I was two years old.

I bought a home and then moved to nevada for 15 years and bought a home there too.

Then last year I moved back to Cali.

why do you have to fucking lie

So now you own houses in Nevada too? so you did inherit alot of money you liar.:eusa_liar:

why you being an asshole to me?

Because you're a fucking dickhead to anyone that does not 100% agree with you.

TM, did you know that all liberals are uneducated jobless racists? Oh, what's that? You're a liberal!!!

Why do you hate America TM?

Why do you hate poor people TM?

See what I mean TM, what I just did is YOU all the fucking time. You run around shitting on everyone then go "why are you being so mean to meeeeee!!!!"

I tried being very nice with you and you called me a liar REPEATEDLY. You called me out as being on the right and guess what TM thinks of the right everybody?????

TM, you have never gone a day with posting on these boards where you don't set the bar for the amount of insults crapped out.

You’re so fucking out of touch you are picking a fight over a well known fact for YEARS now that people are leaving California faster than people are moving in… You even went as far as claiming “It’s because it’s to expensive and when Cali’s economy recovers they will move back!!!” to calling people liars for providing you with actual numbers of people leaving faster than moving not cali…. AFTER YOU ADMITTED “PEOPLE ARE LEAVING BECAUSE IT’S TO EXSPENSIVE.”

This is why I don’t like to debate with you. You are the bottom of the pool of intelligence. You lie, then lie about lying in the same fucking threads… You have a history of it.
Nope its my job.

Its how I bring money into the family.

You hate me because my job doesnt require me working EVERY day.

I make up for it in the long hours I work redoing the property and renting it out.
I don't hate you, I simply think you are an obnoxious idiot. And your "long hours" only really come around when the lease is up, so it averages out to not a lot of work over the year, unless you are only signing up tenants to short leases, which is pretty stupid.
So now you own houses in Nevada too? so you did inherit alot of money you liar.:eusa_liar:

why you being an asshole to me?

Because you're a fucking dickhead to anyone that does not 100% agree with you.

TM, did you know that all liberals are uneducated jobless racists? Oh, what's that? You're a liberal!!!

Why do you hate America TM?

Why do you hate poor people TM?

See what I mean TM, what I just did is YOU all the fucking time. You run around shitting on everyone then go "why are you being so mean to meeeeee!!!!"

I tried being very nice with you and you called me a liar REPEATEDLY. You called me out as being on the right and guess what TM thinks of the right everybody?????

TM, you have never gone a day with posting on these boards where you don't set the bar for the amount of insults crapped out.

You’re so fucking out of touch you are picking a fight over a well known fact for YEARS now that people are leaving California faster than people are moving in… You even went as far as claiming “It’s because it’s to expensive and when Cali’s economy recovers they will move back!!!” to calling people liars for providing you with actual numbers of people leaving faster than moving not cali…. AFTER YOU ADMITTED “PEOPLE ARE LEAVING BECAUSE IT’S TO EXSPENSIVE.”

This is why I don’t like to debate with you. You are the bottom of the pool of intelligence. You lie, then lie about lying in the same fucking threads… You have a history of it.


I told you information and you turned arround and LIED about what I told you right away
Nope its my job.

Its how I bring money into the family.

You hate me because my job doesnt require me working EVERY day.

I make up for it in the long hours I work redoing the property and renting it out.

The only day you work is the day the rent is due... You walk down and cash the poor people's money in.

The other poster was right, being a landlord is an investment, not a fucking job. There is a reasona landlord can have like 10 fucking houses and still go on vacation 360 days of the year.
why you being an asshole to me?

Because you're a fucking dickhead to anyone that does not 100% agree with you.

TM, did you know that all liberals are uneducated jobless racists? Oh, what's that? You're a liberal!!!

Why do you hate America TM?

Why do you hate poor people TM?

See what I mean TM, what I just did is YOU all the fucking time. You run around shitting on everyone then go "why are you being so mean to meeeeee!!!!"

I tried being very nice with you and you called me a liar REPEATEDLY. You called me out as being on the right and guess what TM thinks of the right everybody?????

TM, you have never gone a day with posting on these boards where you don't set the bar for the amount of insults crapped out.

You’re so fucking out of touch you are picking a fight over a well known fact for YEARS now that people are leaving California faster than people are moving in… You even went as far as claiming “It’s because it’s to expensive and when Cali’s economy recovers they will move back!!!” to calling people liars for providing you with actual numbers of people leaving faster than moving not cali…. AFTER YOU ADMITTED “PEOPLE ARE LEAVING BECAUSE IT’S TO EXSPENSIVE.”

This is why I don’t like to debate with you. You are the bottom of the pool of intelligence. You lie, then lie about lying in the same fucking threads… You have a history of it.


I told you information and you turned arround and LIED about what I told you right away

I never lied... Just like you never invested any of your own money into these houses, it was all provided for you.
California demographic shift: More people leaving than moving in - Los Angeles Times

I lived in Cali for 22 years, I grew up there. There are now more people leaving cali than going to it. Also of course TM loves Cali, it has the highest deficit spending of all the US.

I lived in Santa Rosa, they just closed all the big parks... lol. Fuck that shit hole.

McCluer would like to move back, but it's still too expensive. "It's really difficult," McCluer said. "I've given myself 11/2 to two years to save money."

she still wants to come back.

That is why California always recovers

Uhhh... TM, why are you so fucking stupid. When cali recovers it will be because they cut spending, cut welfare and lower taxes and people like Obama stop trying to prop up housing costs.

So yes TM, people are leaving cali because it costs to much.

Serious question TM, do you have a full time job and do you get any money from the Government?

this is nice?
your questions have nothing to do with the subject.

You love California... The state that has massive welfare and runs HUGE deficits.

Do you have a full time job, I'm not even asking how much you make and that matters because if you don't make enough to pay taxes then you don't pay for the welfare state.

Do you get Government aid/welfare/money in any way... Because if you do of course you would love California, you're part of the reason that guy you quoted had to move away but would love to move back if he could afford it...

So TM, answer the fucking questions please.

and asking
Pretend all you want, realtiy wont change because you pretend

I lived there for 22 years, answer the fucking questions please you lying sack of fat.

real nice

That was BEFORE you answered the fucking question.... Is there an honest moment in your life TM???

You can't say "I shared information and you were MEeaeEAeeEAn!!! to meeeeeeeeee~~~!" then quote me BEFORE you gave me the information...
your questions have nothing to do with the subject.

You love California... The state that has massive welfare and runs HUGE deficits.

Do you have a full time job, I'm not even asking how much you make and that matters because if you don't make enough to pay taxes then you don't pay for the welfare state.

Do you get Government aid/welfare/money in any way... Because if you do of course you would love California, you're part of the reason that guy you quoted had to move away but would love to move back if he could afford it...

So TM, answer the fucking questions please.

and asking

AGAIN lol, that was BEFORE you gave a fucking answer... I had to ask you 3-4 times.
When I was little we had one of those. We named it Pius, after the popes.

You named a goat after the pope??

:lol: I had a fun dad.

Its kinda funny, on Christmas I was like why do Latinos name their kids "Jesus" however in the US culture or even in Catholicism that would be sacrilegious.

We're both Catholics...

Mass in Mexico shouldn't be any different than the mass at my Church....

As a matter of fact the fathers are from all over the world at my congregation..

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