I love California

Avory you pretty much demanded I answer these question and now you have embarrassed yourself with your lies.

Wow you people are low
You can't say no to someone on the Internet?

In that case, I demand that you send me all your money right now! DO IT!!

Look if your mad at women its best to take it up with the woman your really mad at.

You see just going on the internets and trying to bug female posters will not make your relationships with women improve.

It is merely symptoms of your problem.

you can get help and get well
good go play your games with someone who likes your stupidity CJ
Your [sic] right, I should do something productive today. I actually have to do something to make my money, rather than leeching off the proletariat like you.

What does [sic] mean?
Sic, added just after a quoted word or phrase (or a longer piece of text), indicates that the quoted words appear exactly as in the original source. The usual purpose is to inform readers that any errors or apparent errors in the copied material do not arise from transcription, i.e. that they are reproduced exactly from the original writer or printer. Sic is generally placed inside square brackets, [sic], and occasionally in parentheses, (sic). A sic may also be used as a form of ridicule or as a humorous comment, by drawing attention to the original writer's mistakes.

From Wikipedia.
Look if your mad at women its best to take it up with the woman your really mad at.

You see just going on the internets and trying to bug female posters will not make your relationships with women improve.

It is merely symptoms of your problem.

you can get help and get well
Uh, yeah. :cuckoo:

I think it's funny that a person who can barely read is attempting to psychoanalyze strangers on the Internet. :rofl:
cant you find an insane rant site and leave the adults here to talk poltics?
cant you find an insane rant site and leave the adults here to talk poltics?
I'm sure every poster here has come away after reading your posts with the impression that you are a mature, reasonable, literate, well-adjusted person with whom they would want to have another intelligent conversation in the future about politics.

California will recover.

Most of you will be recieving a benifit from Cali recovering
Your [sic] right, I should do something productive today. I actually have to do something to make my money, rather than leeching off the proletariat like you.

What does [sic] mean?
Sic, added just after a quoted word or phrase (or a longer piece of text), indicates that the quoted words appear exactly as in the original source. The usual purpose is to inform readers that any errors or apparent errors in the copied material do not arise from transcription, i.e. that they are reproduced exactly from the original writer or printer. Sic is generally placed inside square brackets, [sic], and occasionally in parentheses, (sic). A sic may also be used as a form of ridicule or as a humorous comment, by drawing attention to the original writer's mistakes.

From Wikipedia.

Thanks for the link, I learned something today. I always thought it meant "spelled in context".
next time you are shoveling your car out in may from the snow tell me how no one moves to California
Your a fucking liar

So I take it you either earned a majority of the money that bought the homes you invested in yourself or a bank loaned you the money to do this with? None came from inheritance?

In al honesty I don’t feel comfortable talking about someone’s else’s life in this detail on the internet. But if you do that's fine then.

But you seemed perfectly happy LYING about me

TM, you fucking lying POS... If I was happy to lie about you I wouldn't keep asking you questions and blah blah blah...

TM, you lie, all the time. In fact you lie so much that people have like 20 different names for you on these boards, liberals to conservatives have made them. That kind of a reputation does not just come about without some amount of truth to it.

Go on, tell me again how all Republicans are racists or uneducated... There is no point in debate with you as all you do is look to attack.

Grats on money being handed to you btw. =D
next time you are shoveling your car out in may from the snow tell me how no one moves to California

Huh? more people are leaving California than moving there, most of the people "moving" to California are illegal immigrants from Mexico and Latin America, those folks are not exactly law abiding middle class Americans.
I inherited the home three years ago when my father in law died.

I bought the other two homes with my hubby long ago

Fair enough and sorry about the death in the family.

But it does not sound like you did this on your own, it sounds like someone gave you a shit ton of capital. While that is lucky for you, you sound a bit spoiled as homes in cali cost 300,000 on the low end and that is an 50-80 year old home.

In the end I think our point is of course you like Cali, you never seemed to have to work your way up, you were handed from the sounds of it a good lot in life
, yet you bitch relentlessly about people getting just that.

You do realize you "own" 3 homes and many people don't even have a house yes?

Now I'm not looking for bad here, I'm going off what you have told me here and what I know of you from your posts and threads on these boards.

you made up lies
next time you are shoveling your car out in may from the snow tell me how no one moves to California

Huh? more people are leaving California than moving there, most of the people "moving" to California are illegal immigrants from Mexico and Latin America, those folks are not exactly law abiding middle class Americans.

site your numbers

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