While Obama tries to act like Jesus endorses him, the Church is having NONE OF IT!

Just off Drudge right now:

It is about time one Church stood up and said "Oh no you don't!" I applaud. :clap2:

Get this one!


Donahue says 70 million of his voters poised to alter Presidential Election

Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments « CBS New York

This just made my morning!

If only the leaders of the Catholic Church had been as vigilant about protecting the rights of America's children placed under their care!

Yeah, like teachers, scout masters, coaches, etc. The Catholic Church is a substantial entity where they will be bad folks without a doubt. While not always reacting to those bad things the way we'd like, they've paid a price none of the other have, including US public schools. So enough apologies. This has nothing to do with that.
Well it was certainly a political faux paus, I haven't seen anything about any protests, people in the streets or whatever. And I've honestly been expecting them.

So where are they?
Most Catholic women think the Church is wrong on birth control period. Any marching will be from the Bishops and they won't dirty their feet. Too busy shielding bad acting priests.

I guess I stand alone.

My life's got one heck of a twist when I realized Anglican meant whoa geeze lets just be nice to King Henry's chicks and we don't have to behead them.....aka now known as Anglican.

Life sucks in History class. You sit there and go holy toledo this isn't going to work out....

Now to Catholic women. Piss off. Being of faith, it was a nightmare to deal with birth control.

Rest of you can fuck off right now. Ladies step up. And by the way assholes, our husbands desperately have worked with us on this as well.
This is how I know you are lying mother truckers. Our husbands have worked with us desperately on this..

I don't know the answer. I am a sinner. But Lord almighty I'm trying.

To have faith, but to fail doesn't mean one is evil. It just means we tried.
You really should lay off the drugs.
Had a couple of friends over tonight, wife is a captain on an airlines, husband an officer of a non-profit, that feeds children. She is conservative, he is liberal. Needless to say, conversation was sparkling. The only thing we all agreed on tonight was that Obama opened a floodgate to a shit storm that wasn't necessary. Yes, even the 'save the children' man was with us on that one.
I think not discriminating against women is a very important necessity.
Had a couple of friends over tonight, wife is a captain on an airlines, husband an officer of a non-profit, that feeds children. She is conservative, he is liberal. Needless to say, conversation was sparkling. The only thing we all agreed on tonight was that Obama opened a floodgate to a shit storm that wasn't necessary. Yes, even the 'save the children' man was with us on that one.

I'm sure he did, and it was intentional.

The public is with Obama on this one, and more importantly, it energizes the people he needs to get out.

Do you think this is what Mitt Romney wants to be talking about with Rick Santorum nipping at his heels?

Here's the dirty little secret. Obama does not need to win over anyone who voted for McCain last time. He just has to get the people who voted for him last time to show up again.

Romney has the tougher task. He has to get a Republican Base that already doesn't trust him on issues like this to show up (and judging by the primary results, they aren't so far, participation is way down from 2008) and then try to convince folks who voted for Obama last time that they can trust him on social issues because he's the guy who can fix the economy.

Which means he really doesn't want to be talking about this right now making scary statements about birth control that can be taken out of context. Also, while explaining why he had the exact SAME policy when he was governor of Massachusetts.

If Obama's management of the country was as good as his political machinations, we'd almost be in decent shape.
Only because you can't understand that thinking women of any sort might find the Church's position on BC wrong for them, yet defend the right of the Church to proclaim the stance. It's called separation of church and state. Also the right of free speech. Also the right of free will. Yeah, even strict constructionists recognize that there are more rights than enumerated.

But none of these are restricted by this.

They are still free to believe what they want, and say what they want.

They just have to comply with the same law everyone else has to.
Had a couple of friends over tonight, wife is a captain on an airlines, husband an officer of a non-profit, that feeds children. She is conservative, he is liberal. Needless to say, conversation was sparkling. The only thing we all agreed on tonight was that Obama opened a floodgate to a shit storm that wasn't necessary. Yes, even the 'save the children' man was with us on that one.
I think not discriminating against women is a very important necessity.

It's not discriminatory to not pay for their birth control. Discrimination is not hiring them because they're women, or preventing them from accessing the stuff they want to buy.
When did it become the responsibility of employers to make sure their female employees don't breed?

I'd say that's discriminatory in and of itself.

Catholic hospitals will close their doors before they will offer abortion services, including the morning after pill. Be careful what you wish for.

I think this is exactly what the left wants. They want not-for-profits out, so that looters such as Blue Cross and Kaiser have a monopoly on care.

I don't believe the definition of "non-profit' invludes "non-political".

So newpolitics neg repped me with a completely confusing comment..."no it hasn't".

What the heck? Is he agreeing with me in an ungrammatical way? Does he think he's pos repping? Is he referencing a completely different post?

Hell if I know...

are you really so immature that you tell the board what I wrote you in rep, to make yourself feel better about yourself? You're fucking lame.

I was responding to your comment you made along with the neg rep you gave me. I know you knew that, but apparently you need vindication from your friends here.

If you were responding to a neg rep, perhaps you should have included that in your rep. I had no idea what you were talking about. I thought you'd gone round the bend.

I still think you have.

I don't get many negs, and I generally don't respond to them one way or another. But every now and then I get one so stupefying that it just has to be shared. Yours qualifies.
Only because you can't understand that thinking women of any sort might find the Church's position on BC wrong for them, yet defend the right of the Church to proclaim the stance. It's called separation of church and state. Also the right of free speech. Also the right of free will. Yeah, even strict constructionists recognize that there are more rights than enumerated.

Oh, please. Republicans SO support the separation of church and state. Not!!!

View attachment 17412

Wow, how insightful. Not!!!

Go soak your head. Maybe it will loosen the cobwebs. SOMETHING is preventing you from thinking straight.
Most Catholic women think the Church is wrong on birth control period. Any marching will be from the Bishops and they won't dirty their feet. Too busy shielding bad acting priests.

It's no use. I have brought up the same point and it has been ignored. They don't want to know the truth. They just want to keep spewing hate at the prez.

I think and I really do believe this the President like many others don't realize aye carumba the profit margin let alone the real horrors of abortion today.

Yikes, I don't want to put it this way, but this is how it has become. He doesn't know this. In my heart of hearts where I can nuke this dude called the first dude lol and have a blast to get him....he doesnt know this. I believe he is a good man. He does not know this horror that exists day by day.

Cant breathe my heart

We are discussing birth control, not abortion.
Most Catholic women think the Church is wrong on birth control period. Any marching will be from the Bishops and they won't dirty their feet. Too busy shielding bad acting priests.

I guess I stand alone.

My life's got one heck of a twist when I realized Anglican meant whoa geeze lets just be nice to King Henry's chicks and we don't have to behead them.....aka now known as Anglican.

Life sucks in History class. You sit there and go holy toledo this isn't going to work out....

Now to Catholic women. Piss off. Being of faith, it was a nightmare to deal with birth control.

Rest of you can fuck off right now. Ladies step up. And by the way assholes, our husbands desperately have worked with us on this as well.
This is how I know you are lying mother truckers. Our husbands have worked with us desperately on this..

I don't know the answer. I am a sinner. But Lord almighty I'm trying.

To have faith, but to fail doesn't mean one is evil. It just means we tried.
You really should lay off the drugs.

:lol::lol::lol: The exact same thing crossed my mind when I read this post.
Go soak your head. Maybe it will loosen the cobwebs. SOMETHING is preventing you from thinking straight.

That probably WOULD work. While under water, the brain would be deprived of oxygen, and brain cells would die. As cognitive functions failed, the person would become ever further to the left.

You are absolutely correct that the lower the IQ, the further to the left.
It's no use. I have brought up the same point and it has been ignored. They don't want to know the truth. They just want to keep spewing hate at the prez.

I think and I really do believe this the President like many others don't realize aye carumba the profit margin let alone the real horrors of abortion today.

Yikes, I don't want to put it this way, but this is how it has become. He doesn't know this. In my heart of hearts where I can nuke this dude called the first dude lol and have a blast to get him....he doesnt know this. I believe he is a good man. He does not know this horror that exists day by day.

Cant breathe my heart

We are discussing birth control, not abortion.

Abortion is a form of birth control.
I think and I really do believe this the President like many others don't realize aye carumba the profit margin let alone the real horrors of abortion today.

Yikes, I don't want to put it this way, but this is how it has become. He doesn't know this. In my heart of hearts where I can nuke this dude called the first dude lol and have a blast to get him....he doesnt know this. I believe he is a good man. He does not know this horror that exists day by day.

Cant breathe my heart

We are discussing birth control, not abortion.

Abortion is a form of birth control.

Don't be ridiculous. Birth control is used to prevent conceiving. An abortion is performed after a pregnancy happens. You know exactly what I mean.
Go soak your head. Maybe it will loosen the cobwebs. SOMETHING is preventing you from thinking straight.

That probably WOULD work. While under water, the brain would be deprived of oxygen, and brain cells would die. As cognitive functions failed, the person would become ever further to the left.

You are absolutely correct that the lower the IQ, the further to the left.

No, the lower IQ belongs to conservatives just like you. This is the best article I have ever read on the subject. Read it, if you know how.

Conservatives tendency is to try to destroy what they do not understand because change and evolution scare them. They are concerned only for themselves and their families. They like the institutions of the past for no other reason than they are of the past. This is why so many of them who are not wealthy are okay with the wealthy being given big tax breaks. They don't mind not giving medical care to those in need, because they only care about themselves. They don't mind if children die of starvation, because they are well-fed.

Liberals, on the other hand, recognize that if everyone is not taken care of, it makes the world unsafe for all of us. They don't see elitism as a measure of a person's value, because they know that someones having more privilege does not make them a better or more deserving person. If we look at our Congress and Senate, it most surely will evidence this. Liberals see that change is inevitable and do what they can to be creative with the changes as they come. They would rather understand someone who is different from themselves than fear them. They would rather live a life of personal exploration than promote the stagnant institutions of the past to more powerful positions.

University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives
Lol...funny, I've seen studies that make the substantiated claim that liberalism = mental illness.
No, the lower IQ belongs to conservatives just like you.

Hardly - look around the forum. The most stupid posters are those furthest to the left. You can draw a slope demonstrating a direct correlation between stupidity and leftist politics.

This is the best article I have ever read on the subject. Read it, if you know how.

Conservatives tendency is to try to destroy what they do not understand because change and evolution scare them. They are concerned only for themselves and their families. They like the institutions of the past for no other reason than they are of the past. This is why so many of them who are not wealthy are okay with the wealthy being given big tax breaks. They don't mind not giving medical care to those in need, because they only care about themselves. They don't mind if children die of starvation, because they are well-fed.

Liberals, on the other hand, recognize that if everyone is not taken care of, it makes the world unsafe for all of us. They don't see elitism as a measure of a person's value, because they know that someones having more privilege does not make them a better or more deserving person. If we look at our Congress and Senate, it most surely will evidence this. Liberals see that change is inevitable and do what they can to be creative with the changes as they come. They would rather understand someone who is different from themselves than fear them. They would rather live a life of personal exploration than promote the stagnant institutions of the past to more powerful positions.

University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives

Oh duhurrrr.

Fucking leftist writes an ad hom attack on conservatives - must be proof - to the drooling morons of the left.

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Lol...funny, I've seen studies that make the substantiated claim that liberalism = mental illness.

The leftists in this forum average about 20 IQ points below the conservatives in this forum. Those furthest to the left have the lowest IQ's.

I'm serious, take note of those who post here.

Yes, this is anecdotal, but seriously....

The lower the IQ, the further to the left.

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