It is not a first amendment issue. It is a bullshit distraction issue.

You didn't give a shit about it until you were told to. Your religion is one of convenience.

Since it pertains to faiths, yes, it is a First Amendment issue.... that's the stand that the churches are taking. Your bullshit distraction is to pretend it's about poor women who need to be taken care of. Fuck off - I don't need you looking out for me. I can do that myself.

And... for the record... I cared about it, and was actively involved in it... long before it became the 'hot topic' on USMB or the media. And I will continue to be involved in it - in my small way - for as long as it takes.

You know jack shit about me. I suggest you stop making a fool of yourself now.

Idiot. I don't think it is an issue worthy of attention, period. To claim that I am using it as a distraction is stupid.

I don't believe you re: the idea that you were actively involved in the issue before three weeks ago. Just another lie from you. I only know you as you present yourself here. I find you to be a person with a surly personality........nasty and ugly. I think you use religion to score points and you rely on the "faith" argument when you are in need of common sense.

CG claims she lives in the UK and has a master's degree from Oxford University. All her 'we' shit about Catholics is just more symptomatic of her pathological lying.
It is not a first amendment issue. It is a bullshit distraction issue.

You didn't give a shit about it until you were told to. Your religion is one of convenience.

I was wondering where Cali was when the Bishops and the Pope said the Iraq war was immoral. Somehow, I don't think she dutifully showed up at an anti-war rally.
Since it pertains to faiths, yes, it is a First Amendment issue.... that's the stand that the churches are taking. Your bullshit distraction is to pretend it's about poor women who need to be taken care of. Fuck off - I don't need you looking out for me. I can do that myself.

And... for the record... I cared about it, and was actively involved in it... long before it became the 'hot topic' on USMB or the media. And I will continue to be involved in it - in my small way - for as long as it takes.

You know jack shit about me. I suggest you stop making a fool of yourself now.

Idiot. I don't think it is an issue worthy of attention, period. To claim that I am using it as a distraction is stupid.

I don't believe you re: the idea that you were actively involved in the issue before three weeks ago. Just another lie from you. I only know you as you present yourself here. I find you to be a person with a surly personality........nasty and ugly. I think you use religion to score points and you rely on the "faith" argument when you are in need of common sense.

CG claims she lives in the UK and has a master's degree from Oxford University. All her 'we' shit about Catholics is just more symptomatic of her pathological lying.


Yea, I live in Arkansas, left skool at 15, and am an atheist. :lol:

Disclaimer: The above post is for comedic purposes only.
Any of our resident catholic women want to discuss their personal experiences with birth control?

What business is that of yours?

It would be like someone asking you, "How many times have you gone down on a black man." If you want to go that way, really, no one seems to give a fuck.

What you choose to do in your personal life - is no one's business.

Keep your sick fetishes to yourself - no one's interested.

It's funny too how you slam Christianity, yet embrace Allah.

Brown shirt much?

Get a life loser.
Any of our resident catholic women want to discuss their personal experiences with birth control?

What business is that of yours?

It would be like someone asking you, "How many times have you gone down on a black man." If you want to go that way, really, no one seems to give a fuck.

What you choose to do in your personal life - is no one's business.

Keep your sick fetishes to yourself - no one's interested.

It's funny too how you slam Christianity, yet embrace Allah.

Brown shirt much?

Get a life loser.

Some sick freaks on this forum are just desperate for more bullshit to create more faux outrage with. Personally, I don't understand why another person's personal life should be a topic for whackjobs on a message board. I have no interest in other people's personal lives... certainly not on the open board.
Any of our resident catholic women want to discuss their personal experiences with birth control?

What business is that of yours?

It would be like someone asking you, "How many times have you gone down on a black man." If you want to go that way, really, no one seems to give a fuck.

What you choose to do in your personal life - is no one's business.

Keep your sick fetishes to yourself - no one's interested.

It's funny too how you slam Christianity, yet embrace Allah.

Brown shirt much?

Get a life loser.

Well, how many times you went down on a black dude might be relevent if you were insisting on segregation as a policy.

Just like how many times you used the pill when you were younger is probably relevent to people who when they get in their 40's find Jesus and figure out that birth control is wrong.
Some sick freaks on this forum are just desperate for more bullshit to create more faux outrage with. Personally, I don't understand why another person's personal life should be a topic for whackjobs on a message board. I have no interest in other people's personal lives... certainly not on the open board.

NO, you aren't interested in HEARING about people's personal lives, you just want to dictate their personal decisions based on what a frustrated homosexual in a dress says is "moral".
This type of issue really brings out the miserable feminist bulldogs does it not???


I count close to 10 on this thread alone!!:boobies::boobies::boobies:
Someone seems unwilling to be honest about this very important issue.

A woman like CG who uses birth control, then claims to be a devout Catholic, and then goes around zealously defending her church's ban on birth control...

...I think that's the kind of circumstance that inspired the term 'self-loathing'...
They are all wise to you now, aren't they, CG??? CG, my foot.

You can't see your feet, you fat bitch.

And a couple of idiots are not 'all'... so not only are you fat, you are also stupid.

You have the absolute nerve to call other people stupid??? My picture is there for all to see and I am not fat. You have never seen me. Where do you get this stuff, you insane bitch??? And more than a couple of people have made comments about you. Try to stop lying.
Any of our resident catholic women want to discuss their personal experiences with birth control?

Yes, I took pills for 25 years!!! So did my Mom and my sister, aunts, cousins, and friends. As far as I know, none of us felt guilty about it. We all got pregnant quite easily in my family. Our church thought that was great!!! Well, children deserve to be wanted. When they are no longer wanted and the money isn't there, it is time to stop.
Was a decent thread, for a long time. Now? Not so much. Time to close or move to whatever the name calling forum is called.

It's impossible to be 'bossy' when only stating an opinion, without the means to make it happen. Can only hope a mod takes pity on us.

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