I Marvel At The Hypocrisy

Who are you saying was raped?
Lots of people have been raped. Do you agree with the OP that because Bill Clinton may have raped some people, we shouldn’t speak out about rape and just accept it?
Which rape are you referring to?
Bill Clinton’s alleged rapes and all rapes, alleged rapes, and attempted rapes that have occurred since accusations were made against him.

It has been admitted by numerous Liberal....LIBERAL....sources, that Bill Clinton is exactly what we on the Right have said....he is a rapist.

Some slow witted....you...aren't up to date......

1. Had it not been for Trump's election....none of this would be happening!
With Hillary running, the whole rape-apologist program of the Democrats came to the the forefront....and they had to pretend that Trump was on the same level (the gutter) as Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Here's the 'divide:' the Democrats with at least a double digit IQ are ready to admit the truth, the rape history that the Right has been revealing about Clinton for...what....decades.

You, a total dunce, are still fighting the war you've lost.

2. Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic


3. On the other side....lying low-life imbeciles.....you.....who can't keep up with the program.

4. NYTimes: a day late and a dollar short...

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?

...the most important escalators were the Democrats. They had an opportunity, with Al Gore waiting in the wings, to show a predator the door and establish some moral common ground for a polarizing country.

And what they did instead — turning their party into an accessory to Clinton’s appetites, shamelessly abandoning feminist principle, smearing victims and blithely ignoring his most credible accuser, all because Republicans funded the investigations and they’re prudes and it’s all just Sexual McCarthyism — feels in the cold clarity of hindsight like a great act of partisan deformation." Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?

Now.....which party do you vote for?????

Based on your answer, an observer will conclude your position on rape.
Until the GOP gets its shit together I vote for Democrats. Now it’s your turn; why do some Democrat’s actions make you think rape is okay?

I understand, you'd rather vote for the party of rape and murder.

It's a free country.
The beginning of your attempted sentence is at odds with the second part....

While Bill Clinton is a rapist, I never voted for him....did you?....and have never endorsed rape.

One must conclude that you are so embarrassed at supporting a rapist, and the party of rapists and murderers, that you've tried, in a juvenile way, to smear me with your foibles.

You are, and should be, ashamed.

Isn't that so?
I was 4 when Clinton was elected. Never voted for him. Now why do you argue that because he allegedly raped women, you no longer have a problem with rape?
Who are you saying was raped?
Lots of people have been raped. Do you agree with the OP that because Bill Clinton may have raped some people, we shouldn’t speak out about rape and just accept it?
Which rape are you referring to?
Bill Clinton’s alleged rapes and all rapes, alleged rapes, and attempted rapes that have occurred since accusations were made against him.
What about Bill Clinton's alleged rapes and the accusations made against him?
I was 4 when Clinton was elected. Never voted for him. Now why do you argue that because he allegedly raped women, you no longer have a problem with rape?
Who are you saying was raped?
Lots of people have been raped. Do you agree with the OP that because Bill Clinton may have raped some people, we shouldn’t speak out about rape and just accept it?
Which rape are you referring to?
Bill Clinton’s alleged rapes and all rapes, alleged rapes, and attempted rapes that have occurred since accusations were made against him.
What about Bill Clinton's alleged rapes and the accusations made against him?
I think they should be investigated. Don’t you think rape allegations should be investigated?
Who are you saying was raped?
Lots of people have been raped. Do you agree with the OP that because Bill Clinton may have raped some people, we shouldn’t speak out about rape and just accept it?
Which rape are you referring to?
Bill Clinton’s alleged rapes and all rapes, alleged rapes, and attempted rapes that have occurred since accusations were made against him.
What about Bill Clinton's alleged rapes and the accusations made against him?
I think they should be investigated. Don’t you think rape allegations should be investigated?

Beside Bill Clinton, against whom are there rape allegations?
Who are you saying was raped?
Lots of people have been raped. Do you agree with the OP that because Bill Clinton may have raped some people, we shouldn’t speak out about rape and just accept it?
Which rape are you referring to?
Bill Clinton’s alleged rapes and all rapes, alleged rapes, and attempted rapes that have occurred since accusations were made against him.
What about Bill Clinton's alleged rapes and the accusations made against him?
I think they should be investigated. Don’t you think rape allegations should be investigated?
Sure, right after they supposedly occurred. Otherwise, there is no evidence. That's why rape victims are encouraged to report them immediately and go to a hospital. Bill Clinton wasn't impeached because he allegedly raped a woman. He was impeached for lying to a grand jury.
Lots of people have been raped. Do you agree with the OP that because Bill Clinton may have raped some people, we shouldn’t speak out about rape and just accept it?
Which rape are you referring to?
Bill Clinton’s alleged rapes and all rapes, alleged rapes, and attempted rapes that have occurred since accusations were made against him.
What about Bill Clinton's alleged rapes and the accusations made against him?
I think they should be investigated. Don’t you think rape allegations should be investigated?

Beside Bill Clinton, against whom are there rape allegations?
I would think there are probably millions. Now should they be investigated, or dismissed because Bill Clinton might have raped somebody before?
I don't

But this Ford woman deserves to be mocked
Do Bill’s accusers deserve to be mocked?
The ones who have gone on the record and begged to testify?

No, why do you ask?
Because they are in the same position as Ford who you say deserves mockery.
Not at all, their accusations did not come out right before a key event in his life, they have been happy to go on the actual record and they did not wait decades to come out

Also, there are numerous accusations against Bill Clinton, and only one against Kav

Try again
Had they been as brave as Ford they may have prevented Bill’s election. Do you mock any other alleged victims of sexual abuse, or just Ford?
so thanks for demonstrating that you are either a moron or being purposefully obtuse

I am done with this conversation outside of pointing and laughing

1.I really shouldn’t be surprised, given years of experience watching Democrat’s iniquity, and then blaming the other side for what they do.

Which brings us to the Kavanaugh pretense….

2. Two things the Democrats are really good at are

a. being able to focus on exactly where they can pick up votes, e.g., about half the votes come from women.

b. never underestimating how clueless their constituents are.

3. The #2..and I mean that in rank, nor excretory functions…of the Democrat National Committee, Keith Ellison, about to become the Att’ny General of Minnesota, accused-with indisputable evidence- by "Karen Monahan, a former girlfriend, came forward last month alleging that Ellison sent her threatening text messages and once screamed obscenities at her as he dragged her off a bed by her feet" ( Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser says Democratic party doesn't believe her story) of severe physical abuse….not 36 years ago when he was an adolescent….but recently, while he was a member of Congress…

What happened to ‘women should be believed’????

Not a peep from the liars and frauds and hypocrites and charlatans….you know, Democrats.

4.Pretty much pro forma…..after all, it was decades before the Left’s elites admitted that Bill Clinton is a rapist.

“Broaddrick: FBI Probe Ford Allegation? Then ‘Investigate My RAPE Allegations’ Against Clinton” Broaddrick: FBI Probe Ford Allegation? Then ‘Investigate My RAPE Allegations’ Against Clinton

And, of course Bill Clinton's was an actual rape, and assault, with all sorts of details included….

Not this pretend ‘assault’ in which Ford can’t …

…name anyone at that alleged party to whom she told about that ‘assault’

….can’t remember whose house the ‘party’ took place

…where the house is, what street it was on

….brick, wood, whatever type house

…whether there were two other boys in the room when that ‘assault’ took place, or there were four

…..and never mentioned Kavanaugh’s name (she says she told the psychologist in 2012, but he has no such thing in his notes)

But, heck…..it sure is convenient for Democrats, huh?
Well, if there had been no DNA evidence Hilly would have white washed the whole thing. I did find it funny that she kept the dress with the stain. ??????
Lots of people have been raped. Do you agree with the OP that because Bill Clinton may have raped some people, we shouldn’t speak out about rape and just accept it?
Which rape are you referring to?
Bill Clinton’s alleged rapes and all rapes, alleged rapes, and attempted rapes that have occurred since accusations were made against him.
What about Bill Clinton's alleged rapes and the accusations made against him?
I think they should be investigated. Don’t you think rape allegations should be investigated?
Sure, right after they supposedly occurred. Otherwise, there is no evidence. That's why rape victims are encouraged to report them immediately and go to a hospital. Bill Clinton wasn't impeached because he allegedly raped a woman. He was impeached for lying to a grand jury.
Oooh so you must think Clinton’s rape accusers should have never said anything since they waited so long?
Do Bill’s accusers deserve to be mocked?
The ones who have gone on the record and begged to testify?

No, why do you ask?
Because they are in the same position as Ford who you say deserves mockery.
Not at all, their accusations did not come out right before a key event in his life, they have been happy to go on the actual record and they did not wait decades to come out

Also, there are numerous accusations against Bill Clinton, and only one against Kav

Try again
Had they been as brave as Ford they may have prevented Bill’s election. Do you mock any other alleged victims of sexual abuse, or just Ford?
so thanks for demonstrating that you are either a moron or being purposefully obtuse

I am done with this conversation outside of pointing and laughing

Okay, rape enabler
Which rape are you referring to?
Bill Clinton’s alleged rapes and all rapes, alleged rapes, and attempted rapes that have occurred since accusations were made against him.
What about Bill Clinton's alleged rapes and the accusations made against him?
I think they should be investigated. Don’t you think rape allegations should be investigated?

Beside Bill Clinton, against whom are there rape allegations?
I would think there are probably millions. Now should they be investigated, or dismissed because Bill Clinton might have raped somebody before?

As per your reference:
Beside Bill Clinton, against whom are there rape allegations?

Certainly you have someone in mind.
here is something I saw on the radio this morning, followed by something I just saw online a few moments ago


There are multiple rumors that speak poorly of Mrs. Ford's character and reputation, including, but not limited to that she once took on a whole football team and that her nickname in high school was "Blowsey". I won't comment further

But those rumors have a really good chance of being true, much better than the notion that Kavanaugh assaulted her

Why do I say this?

THIS article, and saved screenshots from her social media before they were wiped in preparation for this hit job; the evidence is really clear; this "lady" will never give sworn testimony, and for good reason. In a "he said/she said" case; investigating the history and character of both parties is fair game.

This will get ugly, but we (conservatives and republicans) have to walk a tightrope for fear of being seen as biased against women and real victims - Trump and Senate Repubs have actually done a stellar job of this

WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

On Monday Sept. 17th, Christine Blasey Ford’s high school yearbooks suddenly disappeared from the web. I read them days before, knew they would be scrubbed, and saved them. Why did I know they would be scrubbed? Because if roles were reversed, and Christine Blasey Ford had been nominated for the Supreme Court by President Trump, the headline by the resistance would be this:


And it would be an accurate headline. That’s why the yearbooks have been scrubbed. They are a testament to the incredible power these girls had over their teachers, parents and the boys of Georgetown Prep, Landon and other schools in the area. In the pages below, you will see multiple photos and references to binge drinking and the accompanying joy of not being able to remember any of it.

These yearbooks are, therefore, relevant to the national investigation now being conducted in the media, in homes, and in the halls of Congress. And they should not have been scrubbed. If Brett Kavanaugh’s yearbooks are fair game, so are these.

And you will wonder while reading them, why the hell did the faculty approve of these yearbooks? Why did the parents take out paid ads in these yearbooks? Animal House had nothing on the infamous “Holton party scene”.

The resistance media has been singularly focused on Brett Kavanaugh’s high school yearbooks, which imply that he got drunk and threw up. There’s no need to imply anything from the Holton-Arms yearbooks. It’s all there in focus, and the written word too. All of the sordid details as approved for publication by a “look the other way” faculty. And now it’s available for historical/evidentiary review.


Just, wow.....
This article, while from a "right wing blog" is backed with actual screenshots from her yearbook

She will never testify under oath

Limbaugh, a few minutes ago, made reference to exactly what you posted.
1.I really shouldn’t be surprised, given years of experience watching Democrat’s iniquity, and then blaming the other side for what they do.

Which brings us to the Kavanaugh pretense….

2. Two things the Democrats are really good at are

a. being able to focus on exactly where they can pick up votes, e.g., about half the votes come from women.

b. never underestimating how clueless their constituents are.

3. The #2..and I mean that in rank, nor excretory functions…of the Democrat National Committee, Keith Ellison, about to become the Att’ny General of Minnesota, accused-with indisputable evidence- by "Karen Monahan, a former girlfriend, came forward last month alleging that Ellison sent her threatening text messages and once screamed obscenities at her as he dragged her off a bed by her feet" ( Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser says Democratic party doesn't believe her story) of severe physical abuse….not 36 years ago when he was an adolescent….but recently, while he was a member of Congress…

What happened to ‘women should be believed’????

Not a peep from the liars and frauds and hypocrites and charlatans….you know, Democrats.

4.Pretty much pro forma…..after all, it was decades before the Left’s elites admitted that Bill Clinton is a rapist.

“Broaddrick: FBI Probe Ford Allegation? Then ‘Investigate My RAPE Allegations’ Against Clinton” Broaddrick: FBI Probe Ford Allegation? Then ‘Investigate My RAPE Allegations’ Against Clinton

And, of course Bill Clinton's was an actual rape, and assault, with all sorts of details included….

Not this pretend ‘assault’ in which Ford can’t …

…name anyone at that alleged party to whom she told about that ‘assault’

….can’t remember whose house the ‘party’ took place

…where the house is, what street it was on

….brick, wood, whatever type house

…whether there were two other boys in the room when that ‘assault’ took place, or there were four

…..and never mentioned Kavanaugh’s name (she says she told the psychologist in 2012, but he has no such thing in his notes)

But, heck…..it sure is convenient for Democrats, huh?
Well, if there had been no DNA evidence Hilly would have white washed the whole thing. I did find it funny that she kept the dress with the stain. ??????

"In November 1997, Monica Lewinsky told her confidant and supposed friend, Linda Tripp, that she had in her possession a blue Gap dress that still bore the semen stain that resulted from her administering oral sex to President Clinton in February of that year.

Tripp called her literary agent, and fellow Clinton-hater, Lucianne Goldberg to report the news that evidence existed in Lewinsky's closet that could prove a sexual relationship between Monica and the President. Goldberg and Tripp, according to published reports in both Time and Newsweek, discussed stealing the dress and turning it over to investigators. Goldberg admitted having such a discussion with Tripp, calling it a "Nancy Drew fantasy."

In late November, Lewinsky mentioned to Tripp that she intended to have the dress, which she had been saving a souvenir, dry-cleaned for a family event. Tripp, anxious to preserve the dress to nail the President, discouraged her from doing so. "I would tell my own daughter," Tripp told her, that she should save the dress "for your own ultimate protection" should she later be accused of lying about the affair with Clinton."
The Stained Blue Dress that Almost Lost a Presidency
The ones who have gone on the record and begged to testify?

No, why do you ask?
Because they are in the same position as Ford who you say deserves mockery.
Not at all, their accusations did not come out right before a key event in his life, they have been happy to go on the actual record and they did not wait decades to come out

Also, there are numerous accusations against Bill Clinton, and only one against Kav

Try again
Had they been as brave as Ford they may have prevented Bill’s election. Do you mock any other alleged victims of sexual abuse, or just Ford?
so thanks for demonstrating that you are either a moron or being purposefully obtuse

I am done with this conversation outside of pointing and laughing

Okay, rape enabler

I never supported Clinton either one
1.I really shouldn’t be surprised, given years of experience watching Democrat’s iniquity, and then blaming the other side for what they do.

Which brings us to the Kavanaugh pretense….

2. Two things the Democrats are really good at are

a. being able to focus on exactly where they can pick up votes, e.g., about half the votes come from women.

b. never underestimating how clueless their constituents are.

3. The #2..and I mean that in rank, nor excretory functions…of the Democrat National Committee, Keith Ellison, about to become the Att’ny General of Minnesota, accused-with indisputable evidence- by "Karen Monahan, a former girlfriend, came forward last month alleging that Ellison sent her threatening text messages and once screamed obscenities at her as he dragged her off a bed by her feet" ( Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser says Democratic party doesn't believe her story) of severe physical abuse….not 36 years ago when he was an adolescent….but recently, while he was a member of Congress…

What happened to ‘women should be believed’????

Not a peep from the liars and frauds and hypocrites and charlatans….you know, Democrats.

4.Pretty much pro forma…..after all, it was decades before the Left’s elites admitted that Bill Clinton is a rapist.

“Broaddrick: FBI Probe Ford Allegation? Then ‘Investigate My RAPE Allegations’ Against Clinton” Broaddrick: FBI Probe Ford Allegation? Then ‘Investigate My RAPE Allegations’ Against Clinton

And, of course Bill Clinton's was an actual rape, and assault, with all sorts of details included….

Not this pretend ‘assault’ in which Ford can’t …

…name anyone at that alleged party to whom she told about that ‘assault’

….can’t remember whose house the ‘party’ took place

…where the house is, what street it was on

….brick, wood, whatever type house

…whether there were two other boys in the room when that ‘assault’ took place, or there were four

…..and never mentioned Kavanaugh’s name (she says she told the psychologist in 2012, but he has no such thing in his notes)

But, heck…..it sure is convenient for Democrats, huh?

When did you decide Bill Clinton’s actions made it okay for you to endorse rape?

1.I really shouldn’t be surprised, given years of experience watching Democrat’s iniquity, and then blaming the other side for what they do.

Which brings us to the Kavanaugh pretense….

2. Two things the Democrats are really good at are

a. being able to focus on exactly where they can pick up votes, e.g., about half the votes come from women.

b. never underestimating how clueless their constituents are.

3. The #2..and I mean that in rank, nor excretory functions…of the Democrat National Committee, Keith Ellison, about to become the Att’ny General of Minnesota, accused-with indisputable evidence- by "Karen Monahan, a former girlfriend, came forward last month alleging that Ellison sent her threatening text messages and once screamed obscenities at her as he dragged her off a bed by her feet" ( Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser says Democratic party doesn't believe her story) of severe physical abuse….not 36 years ago when he was an adolescent….but recently, while he was a member of Congress…

What happened to ‘women should be believed’????

Not a peep from the liars and frauds and hypocrites and charlatans….you know, Democrats.

4.Pretty much pro forma…..after all, it was decades before the Left’s elites admitted that Bill Clinton is a rapist.

“Broaddrick: FBI Probe Ford Allegation? Then ‘Investigate My RAPE Allegations’ Against Clinton” Broaddrick: FBI Probe Ford Allegation? Then ‘Investigate My RAPE Allegations’ Against Clinton

And, of course Bill Clinton's was an actual rape, and assault, with all sorts of details included….

Not this pretend ‘assault’ in which Ford can’t …

…name anyone at that alleged party to whom she told about that ‘assault’

….can’t remember whose house the ‘party’ took place

…where the house is, what street it was on

….brick, wood, whatever type house

…whether there were two other boys in the room when that ‘assault’ took place, or there were four

…..and never mentioned Kavanaugh’s name (she says she told the psychologist in 2012, but he has no such thing in his notes)

But, heck…..it sure is convenient for Democrats, huh?

When did you decide Bill Clinton’s actions made it okay for you to endorse rape?

The beginning of your attempted sentence is at odds with the second part....

While Bill Clinton is a rapist, I never voted for him....did you?....and have never endorsed rape.

One must conclude that you are so embarrassed at supporting a rapist, and the party of rapists and murderers, that you've tried, in a juvenile way, to smear me with your foibles.

You are, and should be, ashamed.

Isn't that so?
I was 4 when Clinton was elected. Never voted for him. Now why do you argue that because he allegedly raped women, you no longer have a problem with rape?
Who are you saying was raped?
Lots of people have been raped. Do you agree with the OP that because Bill Clinton may have raped some people, we shouldn’t speak out about rape and just accept it?

Libs said wild bill didn't rape anyone. Who raped who?
The beginning of your attempted sentence is at odds with the second part....

While Bill Clinton is a rapist, I never voted for him....did you?....and have never endorsed rape.

One must conclude that you are so embarrassed at supporting a rapist, and the party of rapists and murderers, that you've tried, in a juvenile way, to smear me with your foibles.

You are, and should be, ashamed.

Isn't that so?
I was 4 when Clinton was elected. Never voted for him. Now why do you argue that because he allegedly raped women, you no longer have a problem with rape?
Who are you saying was raped?
Lots of people have been raped. Do you agree with the OP that because Bill Clinton may have raped some people, we shouldn’t speak out about rape and just accept it?
Which rape are you referring to?
Bill Clinton’s alleged rapes and all rapes, alleged rapes, and attempted rapes that have occurred since accusations were made against him.
Hillary clinton is the Wanda Barzee of the marriage
Someone asked Hillary if Kavanaugh's behavior was like her husband's.

Hillary said, "close, but no cigar".
5. Soooo…..for about a week now we’ve had to endure the hypocrites, the Democrats, pounding their convex chests in pretense of defining femininity….”we’re tired of you on the Right smearing this woman, blah blah blah…the way conservatives treat women!!!!!.”


Does that include all the women that Bill Clinton battered and raped, and Hillary attacked in that “Bimbo eruption”

The Clinton’s had a whole department set up to attack any that came forward

Read it here:


“Betsey Ross Wright (born July 4, 1943) is an American lobbyist, activist, and political consultant who worked more than a decade for Bill Clinton in Arkansas.[1][2][3] She served as chief of staff to Governor Clinton for seven years. As deputy chair of the 1992 Clinton presidential campaign, Wright established the rapid response system that was responsible for defending Clinton's record in Arkansas and promptly answering all personal attacks on the candidate.[4] During the 1992 campaign, Wright coined the term "bimbo eruptions" to describe rumors alleging extramarital affairs by Clinton.” Betsey Wright - Wikipedia
Well, that settles it. I won't support Clinton for a seat on the Supreme Court.

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