I May Vote Democrat Next Presidential Election

I think Hillary Clinton getting up in her years is a plus. She's definitely more on center than left, and she still has American (not Kenyan) core values - even though she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's pro-Israel, she can't stand Iran, thinks Obama's an idiot, she's definitely a Hawk. She can deal with a phone call in the middle of the night, I think, vs. being on vacation constantly, absent from her appointed duties. She seems to take responsibility well. Even though her husband is an adultering bi-sexual redneck, he's experienced and likeable - and she did stand by his side. That takes a lot. She has a dis-taste for queers and believes in God. I don't think she'd put up with this illegal immigrant bullshit, nor will she kow-tow to third world dictators or filthy Muslims. I will probably vote Republican - but only after giving Hillary very careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons of each. I won't feel bad if I pull the lever for her.

Can you name a specific policy she is different than Obama or are you going with the hand waiving she does in her speeches? Apparently that works on you.

Bill Clinton is going to burn in Hell for what he did to Monica Lewinsky.
What did he do to her?

Imagine an intern blowing W in the Oval Office and his calling her a liar on national TV and lying about it in court, tampering with witnesses and using the power of the Presidency to impede Democrats from looking into it. Then you would get it.
Hillary is moving to the center for the very reason that Warrior posted.. I can't believe people are falling for it.. Give me a break.. this BIATCH is responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans and the lies of Benghazi.. That alone will keep me from EVER voting for her.. Their blood cries out for justice and there is none. She is NO DIFFERENT from any far leftist kook.. ZERO.. She would sleep with satan himself if she thought it would gain her the WH.

Obama will be endorsing Elizabeth Warren.

Nope. He won't endorse anyone until there is a clear winner.
Hillary usually dressed like Elton John, but now she's into that Kim Jung IL look. Silk dictator tops and slacks.

They're going to need someone who makes Hillary look good if they expect to win.

Perhaps Dr. Evil....



This is the typical approach we can expect the faux Right to take against a Hillary campaign. No substance, all personal attacks. Doesn't matter it utterly failed against Obama, twice. That's what insane people do. The same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
I think Hillary Clinton getting up in her years is a plus. She's definitely more on center than left, and she still has American (not Kenyan) core values - even though she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's pro-Israel, she can't stand Iran, thinks Obama's an idiot, she's definitely a Hawk. She can deal with a phone call in the middle of the night, I think, vs. being on vacation constantly, absent from her appointed duties. She seems to take responsibility well. Even though her husband is an adultering bi-sexual redneck, he's experienced and likeable - and she did stand by his side. That takes a lot. She has a dis-taste for queers and believes in God. I don't think she'd put up with this illegal immigrant bullshit, nor will she kow-tow to third world dictators or filthy Muslims. I will probably vote Republican - but only after giving Hillary very careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons of each. I won't feel bad if I pull the lever for her.

Who are you, and what have you done with Warrior?


Don't forget Hillary is literally the mother of ObamaCare. And believe me, she will stump the shit out of those credentials.

For decades, when I vote I have two, and only two, options.

Option A: Vote for the Republican.

Option B: Don't vote.

I have been exercising Option B since 2006. And that is because it wasn't just Bush who turned me sour on the GOP, but the whole fricking GOP Congress, too.

Creating a police state, spying on American citizens, torturing our enemies, expanding the size and scope of the federal government, usurping the states' powers, violating the Constitution, doubling the federal debt, striving for power for power's sake, ejecting every conservative principle out the window, allowing bigots and retards to take the wheel, and making unbelievably incompetent decisions that have put our nation's security in peril well beyond the foreseeable future.

That's the GOP I stopped voting for.

The Democratic Party has not changed one bit. They are still the same old party I have always detested. So why the ever loving hell would I vote Democratic?

When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. If you are voting for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for evil. Even worse, you are telling that evil it is doing something right. That is sheer insanity.

So don't vote Hillary. Just don't vote.
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I think Hillary Clinton getting up in her years is a plus. She's definitely more on center than left, and she still has American (not Kenyan) core values - even though she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's pro-Israel, she can't stand Iran, thinks Obama's an idiot, she's definitely a Hawk. She can deal with a phone call in the middle of the night, I think, vs. being on vacation constantly, absent from her appointed duties. She seems to take responsibility well. Even though her husband is an adultering bi-sexual redneck, he's experienced and likeable - and she did stand by his side. That takes a lot. She has a dis-taste for queers and believes in God. I don't think she'd put up with this illegal immigrant bullshit, nor will she kow-tow to third world dictators or filthy Muslims. I will probably vote Republican - but only after giving Hillary very careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons of each. I won't feel bad if I pull the lever for her.

Takes a phone call in the middle of the night? Like Benghazi?

Takes responsibility well? Like, "what difference does it make?"

How could women (yes, spelled without the annoying Y) respect her at all??

She is a lib, no matter what her PR machine (MSM) has placed in your head. A lib. That is all you need to know! Her interests are not yours.

Republicans reducing security funding TWICE for embassy security is the reason Benghazi occurred.
This is the typical approach we can expect the faux Right to take against a Hillary campaign. No substance, all personal attacks. Doesn't matter it utterly failed against Obama, twice. That's what insane people do. The same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

It also worked by Obama twice, so that would be a wash
DEPENDS but I might vote dem , probably just won't vote and certainly won't vote for any moderate repub [rino , bush , Christy type] . --- just saying !!

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