I May Vote Democrat Next Presidential Election

I think the main reason the OP will vote dem is because the Republicans dont have anyone to present lol

Wrong again, bison breath. I would vote a retard-Chimpanzee over Obama. At least the Chimpanzee knows how to wipe his ass by himself, without the assistance of five Secret Service agents, two Lance Corporals and his illegal mother-in-law.

You forgot to include a navy "corpseman" into that mix.
I think Hillary Clinton getting up in her years is a plus. She's definitely more on center than left, and she still has American (not Kenyan) core values - even though she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's pro-Israel, she can't stand Iran, thinks Obama's an idiot, she's definitely a Hawk. She can deal with a phone call in the middle of the night, I think, vs. being on vacation constantly, absent from her appointed duties. She seems to take responsibility well. Even though her husband is an adultering bi-sexual redneck, he's experienced and likeable - and she did stand by his side. That takes a lot. She has a dis-taste for queers and believes in God. I don't think she'd put up with this illegal immigrant bullshit, nor will she kow-tow to third world dictators or filthy Muslims. I will probably vote Republican - but only after giving Hillary very careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons of each. I won't feel bad if I pull the lever for her.
I do like the way she spoke honestly in regards to the mess in Iraq. She stated what we already knew, that Obama was responsible for ISIS's presence there. In regards to her husband, first off I don't think he's a redneck, that would be giving him too much credit, and an insult to rednecks. He may be likeable to many, but the fact that he committed adultery puts him on the bottom of my likeable list. I asked myself at the time when the scandal broke how could he possibly be trusted to be honest with the American people ever again when he couldn't even be honest with his own wife.

As for voting Democrat, I do not foresee myself ever doing so with one exception. If a lefty like John McCain were to run for the GOP again, and a Conservative like Joe Manchin would run for the Democrats, then I would seriously consider voting Democrat.
Bill Clinton is going to burn in Hell for what he did to Monica Lewinsky.
I think the main reason the OP will vote dem is because the Republicans dont have anyone to present lol

Wrong again, bison breath. I would vote a retard-Chimpanzee over Obama. At least the Chimpanzee knows how to wipe his ass by himself, without the assistance of five Secret Service agents, two Lance Corporals and his illegal mother-in-law.

You forgot to include a navy "corpseman" into that mix.

57 states..........just for good measure. :D
I think Hillary Clinton getting up in her years is a plus. She's definitely more on center than left, and she still has American (not Kenyan) core values - even though she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's pro-Israel, she can't stand Iran, thinks Obama's an idiot, she's definitely a Hawk. She can deal with a phone call in the middle of the night, I think, vs. being on vacation constantly, absent from her appointed duties. She seems to take responsibility well. Even though her husband is an adultering bi-sexual redneck, he's experienced and likeable - and she did stand by his side. That takes a lot. She has a dis-taste for queers and believes in God. I don't think she'd put up with this illegal immigrant bullshit, nor will she kow-tow to third world dictators or filthy Muslims. I will probably vote Republican - but only after giving Hillary very careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons of each. I won't feel bad if I pull the lever for her.
I do like the way she spoke honestly in regards to the mess in Iraq. She stated what we already knew, that Obama was responsible for ISIS's presence there. In regards to her husband, first off I don't think he's a redneck, that would be giving him too much credit, and an insult to rednecks. He may be likeable to many, but the fact that he committed adultery puts him on the bottom of my likeable list. I asked myself at the time when the scandal broke how could he possibly be trusted to be honest with the American people ever again when he couldn't even be honest with his own wife.

As for voting Democrat, I do not foresee myself ever doing so with one exception. If a lefty like John McCain were to run for the GOP again, and a Conservative like Joe Manchin would run for the Democrats, then I would seriously consider voting Democrat.
Bill Clinton is going to burn in Hell for what he did to Monica Lewinsky.

There is no Hell.

What we need, see above.
I think Hillary Clinton getting up in her years is a plus. She's definitely more on center than left, and she still has American (not Kenyan) core values - even though she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's pro-Israel, she can't stand Iran, thinks Obama's an idiot, she's definitely a Hawk. She can deal with a phone call in the middle of the night, I think, vs. being on vacation constantly, absent from her appointed duties. She seems to take responsibility well. Even though her husband is an adultering bi-sexual redneck, he's experienced and likeable - and she did stand by his side. That takes a lot. She has a dis-taste for queers and believes in God. I don't think she'd put up with this illegal immigrant bullshit, nor will she kow-tow to third world dictators or filthy Muslims. I will probably vote Republican - but only after giving Hillary very careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons of each. I won't feel bad if I pull the lever for her.

In other words, you're buying her shtick. Good for you.
Go ahead and vote for Hillary (if she is the candidate) if you like her but don't try to bullshit us with the phony crap about her allegedly having differences with Barry Hussein. She had a chance to criticize Hussein's foreign policy when she testified about Benghazi but she chose to protect the administration when she screeched "what difference does it make". The fawning giggling liberal media snickered when Hillary used the power of the federal government to threaten to crush any woman who dared to come forward with allegations that she was sexually abused by Hillary's pervert husband. Yeah, they giggled about the "bimbo eruption squad" and then they ignored lies when Hillary knew her husband was a degenerate abuser of women.
I think Hillary Clinton getting up in her years is a plus. She's definitely more on center than left, and she still has American (not Kenyan) core values - even though she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's pro-Israel, she can't stand Iran, thinks Obama's an idiot, she's definitely a Hawk. She can deal with a phone call in the middle of the night, I think, vs. being on vacation constantly, absent from her appointed duties. She seems to take responsibility well. Even though her husband is an adultering bi-sexual redneck, he's experienced and likeable - and she did stand by his side. That takes a lot. She has a dis-taste for queers and believes in God. I don't think she'd put up with this illegal immigrant bullshit, nor will she kow-tow to third world dictators or filthy Muslims. I will probably vote Republican - but only after giving Hillary very careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons of each. I won't feel bad if I pull the lever for her.
I do like the way she spoke honestly in regards to the mess in Iraq. She stated what we already knew, that Obama was responsible for ISIS's presence there. In regards to her husband, first off I don't think he's a redneck, that would be giving him too much credit, and an insult to rednecks. He may be likeable to many, but the fact that he committed adultery puts him on the bottom of my likeable list. I asked myself at the time when the scandal broke how could he possibly be trusted to be honest with the American people ever again when he couldn't even be honest with his own wife.

As for voting Democrat, I do not foresee myself ever doing so with one exception. If a lefty like John McCain were to run for the GOP again, and a Conservative like Joe Manchin would run for the Democrats, then I would seriously consider voting Democrat.

Agree 100%.

Or a Romney, or a Christie...
Hillary is moving to the center for the very reason that Warrior posted.. I can't believe people are falling for it.. Give me a break.. this BIATCH is responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans and the lies of Benghazi.. That alone will keep me from EVER voting for her.. Their blood cries out for justice and there is none. She is NO DIFFERENT from any far leftist kook.. ZERO.. She would sleep with satan himself if she thought it would gain her the WH.

Obama will be endorsing Elizabeth Warren.
I think Hillary Clinton getting up in her years is a plus. She's definitely more on center than left, and she still has American (not Kenyan) core values - even though she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's pro-Israel, she can't stand Iran, thinks Obama's an idiot, she's definitely a Hawk. She can deal with a phone call in the middle of the night, I think, vs. being on vacation constantly, absent from her appointed duties. She seems to take responsibility well. Even though her husband is an adultering bi-sexual redneck, he's experienced and likeable - and she did stand by his side. That takes a lot. She has a dis-taste for queers and believes in God. I don't think she'd put up with this illegal immigrant bullshit, nor will she kow-tow to third world dictators or filthy Muslims. I will probably vote Republican - but only after giving Hillary very careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons of each. I won't feel bad if I pull the lever for her.

Try going back to bed and get up from the other side...

She sucks...
Hillary is moving to the center for the very reason that Warrior posted.. I can't believe people are falling for it.. Give me a break.. this BIATCH is responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans and the lies of Benghazi.. That alone will keep me from EVER voting for her.. Their blood cries out for justice and there is none. She is NO DIFFERENT from any far leftist kook.. ZERO.. She would sleep with satan himself if she thought it would gain her the WH.

Well..... who wouldn't? :dunno:

Hillary is moving to the center for the very reason that Warrior posted.. I can't believe people are falling for it.. Give me a break.. this BIATCH is responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans and the lies of Benghazi.. That alone will keep me from EVER voting for her.. Their blood cries out for justice and there is none. She is NO DIFFERENT from any far leftist kook.. ZERO.. She would sleep with satan himself if she thought it would gain her the WH.

Benghazi had nothing to do with Republicans cutting security funds for embassies, and the CIA had to take over?

Read the point-by-point refutation of the Benghazi hoax Fox and you have pushed for nearly 2 years.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on August 1 that the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee voted to declassify findings from its investigation into the 2012 attacks on U.S diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, and "concluded that there was no deliberate wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the 2012 attack," according to committee member Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA).

Fox News Quiet After Congressional Report Finds No Benghazi Scandal | Blog | Media Matters for America
Hillary is moving to the center for the very reason that Warrior posted.. I can't believe people are falling for it.. Give me a break.. this BIATCH is responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans and the lies of Benghazi.. That alone will keep me from EVER voting for her.. Their blood cries out for justice and there is none. She is NO DIFFERENT from any far leftist kook.. ZERO.. She would sleep with satan himself if she thought it would gain her the WH.

How does that compare to the deaths of 5,000 Americans and the lies of WMDs?

Do you have a talley as to how many americans obama has killed? Cnn stopped running the daily body count as soon as he was elected to spread sunshine over the world

Military deaths are public record. So you tell me.
I think Hillary Clinton getting up in her years is a plus. She's definitely more on center than left, and she still has American (not Kenyan) core values - even though she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's pro-Israel, she can't stand Iran, thinks Obama's an idiot, she's definitely a Hawk. She can deal with a phone call in the middle of the night, I think, vs. being on vacation constantly, absent from her appointed duties. She seems to take responsibility well. Even though her husband is an adultering bi-sexual redneck, he's experienced and likeable - and she did stand by his side. That takes a lot. She has a dis-taste for queers and believes in God. I don't think she'd put up with this illegal immigrant bullshit, nor will she kow-tow to third world dictators or filthy Muslims. I will probably vote Republican - but only after giving Hillary very careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons of each. I won't feel bad if I pull the lever for her.
I do like the way she spoke honestly in regards to the mess in Iraq. She stated what we already knew, that Obama was responsible for ISIS's presence there. In regards to her husband, first off I don't think he's a redneck, that would be giving him too much credit, and an insult to rednecks. He may be likeable to many, but the fact that he committed adultery puts him on the bottom of my likeable list. I asked myself at the time when the scandal broke how could he possibly be trusted to be honest with the American people ever again when he couldn't even be honest with his own wife.

As for voting Democrat, I do not foresee myself ever doing so with one exception. If a lefty like John McCain were to run for the GOP again, and a Conservative like Joe Manchin would run for the Democrats, then I would seriously consider voting Democrat.
Bill Clinton is going to burn in Hell for what he did to Monica Lewinsky.
What did he do to her?
You'd think the left leaning posters wouldn't be so negative when a rightie suggests he might vote for their gal.

i have to think Warrior is kinda just stirring the pot....do you really think he would vote for Clinton?....that would be like Dean saying he is going to vote for Romney....

I will consider her and all candidates

look whoever you are....where is the real Warrior?....is he on vacation and you are trying to fill in?.....you just did 4 posts .....Bison breath?....Warrior would have said Asswipe at least 3 times already....
I think Hillary Clinton getting up in her years is a plus. She's definitely more on center than left, and she still has American (not Kenyan) core values - even though she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's pro-Israel, she can't stand Iran, thinks Obama's an idiot, she's definitely a Hawk. She can deal with a phone call in the middle of the night, I think, vs. being on vacation constantly, absent from her appointed duties. She seems to take responsibility well. Even though her husband is an adultering bi-sexual redneck, he's experienced and likeable - and she did stand by his side. That takes a lot. She has a dis-taste for queers and believes in God. I don't think she'd put up with this illegal immigrant bullshit, nor will she kow-tow to third world dictators or filthy Muslims. I will probably vote Republican - but only after giving Hillary very careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons of each. I won't feel bad if I pull the lever for her.

Takes a phone call in the middle of the night? Like Benghazi?

Takes responsibility well? Like, "what difference does it make?"

How could women (yes, spelled without the annoying Y) respect her at all??

She is a lib, no matter what her PR machine (MSM) has placed in your head. A lib. That is all you need to know! Her interests are not yours.

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