I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

Lol! I like the butt hurt that everyone is having. I think Sander voters have a real reason to be butt hurt. Cruz and his clan, not so much.

Well you can call it "butthurt" if you want to... fine... we're butthurt that no one seems to want to listen to our voice and appeal to us as voters. We're butthurt that you expect us to be good little lap dogs and march in lockstep with Trump while you mock and insult us. We're butthurt that apparently you're dead set on running another "liberal-lite" campaign like 2008 and 2012 while thumbing your nose at the conservative base and conservative principles. But most of all, we're butthurt that you don't seem to want us in your Big Tent, or if you do want us it's to kick us around and treat us like dog shit with snarky little comments about butthurt!
Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

Lol! I like the butt hurt that everyone is having. I think Sander voters have a real reason to be butt hurt. Cruz and his clan, not so much.

Well you can call it "butthurt" if you want to... fine... we're butthurt that no one seems to want to listen to our voice and appeal to us as voters. We're butthurt that you expect us to be good little lap dogs and march in lockstep with Trump while you mock and insult us. We're butthurt that apparently you're dead set on running another "liberal-lite" campaign like 2008 and 2012 while thumbing your nose at the conservative base and conservative principles. But most of all, we're butthurt that you don't seem to want us in your Big Tent, or if you do want us it's to kick us around and treat us like dog shit with snarky little comments about butthurt!

I don't walk lock step with anyone. I never supported Trump and won't support Trump but at least I'm not stupid enough to vote Clinton. How can voting for one corrupt asshole be better than voting for another corrupt asshole because my guy didn't win. Go third party, write in Cruz, but to sell out your "conservative principles" by voting for the worst Democratic nominee in this country's history.

I am voting third party, I won't support corruption, but you and your "conservative principles" vote for whoever you like.

Your victimized yourself because someone thumbs their nose at your candidate? Cruz is right up there with Clinton and Trump for lying, selling out, should should be proud.

And the we and you BS, what the hell is my big tent bs? I'm not a Republican, this will be my second break way from their candidate in three elections.

Grow up butt hurt.
The new polls show upset with HRC, rightfully so. I don't think they will replace her on the ticket. And we count on Donald doing something stupidly soon.

So sit back and :popcorn:
Your hero Cruz was asking the DNC for money, per Wikileaks. Cruz is scum who cares about noone other than Cruz. The sooner you realize that the better.
NeverTrump. NeverHillary. Vote Johnson.
There isn't anything ideological about it. Hillary will do irrevocable damage to this country. The kind of damage that no thinking Conservative can allow.

Don't lecture me on what thinking conservatives can allow. You're clearly abandoning your conservative principles to vote for a man who isn't a conservative on much of anything. In fact, he and his supporters appear to hate conservatives to the point they will waste general campaign time attacking one repeatedly when they ought to be attacking Hillary.

I don't know what the Trump people are but they're not conservatives. Agrarian, nationalist, populist... it's not conservative, or at leas not to the extent I've ever understood conservatism to be. And they don't seem to really care... at least Trump's not Hillary... that's all we hear.

The future of the Republican party either includes people like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, or the Republican party no longer exists as a viable political party in America. I mean.. we can play the "at least he's not" game all day... John Boehner... at least he's not Nancy Pelosi! Mitch McConnell... at least he's not Harry Reid! Where does that get us???? :dunno:

1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.
No you barely literate dumbass, I voted for Cruz, I'm just an anyone but Hillary guy now and yeah, moron, you did back me up. Read the fucking discussion line, if you actually can read.

I understand your emotion here... I don't like Hillary either. But I'm not about to abandon my principles and throw in with [whatever] just because it ain't Hillary! My principles and values are important to me and they're going to be respected. My vote isn't going to just be freely handed over out of fear or intimidation... Sorry... just not gonna happen with me... if that means Hillary wins, we'll have to deal with that.

Now, you can call me names. You can tell me how I'm not "a true conservative" or whatever... I don't care. I know what my principles are and I am sticking to them. If you've sold out on your principles, how can you even claim to be a conservative?

This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
That is not what republicans say about Obama. Who's correct?

Wrong. 0bama gets what he wants because the GOP rolls over for him. That is why we have Trump now. 0bama hasn't tried to use nukes has he? 0bama couldn't even get universal Helathcare, he knew that so he got a watered down version instead.

In answer to your question: I am correct.
The mainstream GOP will not roll over for Trump, predfan.


lol, I think you don't understand what the argument was about and you inadvertently backed me up.
No, you don't get it. The mainstream will never roll over for anyone like a Trump.

Kasich and several others could have easily beaten Clinton, but you wanted Trump. You were told if Trump were selected, the mainstream would not support him.

Is that clear to you? Trump will never be president.
When Hillary gets incarcerated who's left to take her place?

You should know by now that that will never ever happen.
HRC will do just fine through the convention and into the campaign, as long as Bern rides shotgun for her.


Vote Johnson
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
I've been here longer than both of you, and Boss has been a wingnut since he joined. He's an extremist conservative, Tea Party guy. One who voted for Bush twice, supported the Iraq War, defended Bush at every turn. Then when Bush shit the bed, and we elected the Black guy, he became the anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-science, anti-compromise, anti-legislate obstruction fan.

And that's the same exact description of a bunch of Right-Wingers on this board.

Boss is no Liberal. I don't know if he fits this week's definition of a conservative, but he isn't a Liberal.

I didn't say he was a liberal. Maybe he is a conservative or was, people can and do change, but the fact that he can consider voting for Clinton for any reason, doesn't speak well of his conservative cred.
She is more conservative than Drumpf on a few issues. If those issues are important to you, then she's conservative enough.

This is a vote between competency and incompetency. Drumpf couldn't even put together a successful convention.
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
I've been here longer than both of you, and Boss has been a wingnut since he joined. He's an extremist conservative, Tea Party guy. One who voted for Bush twice, supported the Iraq War, defended Bush at every turn. Then when Bush shit the bed, and we elected the Black guy, he became the anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-science, anti-compromise, anti-legislate obstruction fan.

And that's the same exact description of a bunch of Right-Wingers on this board.

Boss is no Liberal. I don't know if he fits this week's definition of a conservative, but he isn't a Liberal.

Talking out of your ass as usual.@Boss has been here since 2011. Yet you're talking about a bunch of sh** way before that.

Good catch. Lies are all lefties have.
What good catch? What lies?
There isn't anything ideological about it. Hillary will do irrevocable damage to this country. The kind of damage that no thinking Conservative can allow.

Your concern about the nukes and the military, is poorly thought out. The POTUS isn't Caesar, he can't just do whatever he wants. You know better than that.
Your second paragraph contradicts your first paragraph, and you don't even realize it.
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
I've been here longer than both of you, and Boss has been a wingnut since he joined. He's an extremist conservative, Tea Party guy. One who voted for Bush twice, supported the Iraq War, defended Bush at every turn. Then when Bush shit the bed, and we elected the Black guy, he became the anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-science, anti-compromise, anti-legislate obstruction fan.

And that's the same exact description of a bunch of Right-Wingers on this board.

Boss is no Liberal. I don't know if he fits this week's definition of a conservative, but he isn't a Liberal.

I didn't say he was a liberal. Maybe he is a conservative or was, people can and do change, but the fact that he can consider voting for Clinton for any reason, doesn't speak well of his conservative cred.
She is more conservative than Drumpf on a few issues. If those issues are important to you, then she's conservative enough.

This is a vote between competency and incompetency. Drumpf couldn't even put together a successful convention.

1. There isn't a single thing Hillary is more conservative than Trump on.
2. Hillary has already shown her extreme incompetency.
3. The DNC convention is already turning out to look worse than the GOP convention.
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
I've been here longer than both of you, and Boss has been a wingnut since he joined. He's an extremist conservative, Tea Party guy. One who voted for Bush twice, supported the Iraq War, defended Bush at every turn. Then when Bush shit the bed, and we elected the Black guy, he became the anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-science, anti-compromise, anti-legislate obstruction fan.

And that's the same exact description of a bunch of Right-Wingers on this board.

Boss is no Liberal. I don't know if he fits this week's definition of a conservative, but he isn't a Liberal.

Talking out of your ass as usual.@Boss has been here since 2011. Yet you're talking about a bunch of sh** way before that.

Good catch. Lies are all lefties have.
What good catch? What lies?

It's all there. Read it if you can read.
There isn't anything ideological about it. Hillary will do irrevocable damage to this country. The kind of damage that no thinking Conservative can allow.

Your concern about the nukes and the military, is poorly thought out. The POTUS isn't Caesar, he can't just do whatever he wants. You know better than that.
Your second paragraph contradicts your first paragraph, and you don't even realize it.

It doesn't contradict it at all. The way she will do the most damage is through her SCOTUS picks.
This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.

Maybe it's not penetrating your hard head why I said that I *might* vote Clinton? It's not because I support Clinton or think Clinton would be a good president. It's not even because I prefer her over Trump. It would be pure retaliation for those who continue to attack Ted Cruz. It's something worse I can do to them than simply not voting for their candidate.

Now that may not make any sense to you whatsoever, you may think it's petty and childish.... I AGREE! It's totally senseless and absolutely petty and childish... so it attacking Ted Cruz. So if we Republicans are going to behave like a bunch of childish and petty dunderheads, I certainly *might* just vote for Hillary!

And you know what else? I've been saying this for a few days and lightning has yet to strike me. It's not the end of the world if Hillary wins. She's probably going to win, whether I vote for Trump or not. Why? Because Trump can't win without the conservative base. If he would stop bashing Ted Cruz and embrace conservatism instead of Bernie Sanders voters, we might have a chance.
This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.

Maybe it's not penetrating your hard head why I said that I *might* vote Clinton? It's not because I support Clinton or think Clinton would be a good president. It's not even because I prefer her over Trump. It would be pure retaliation for those who continue to attack Ted Cruz. It's something worse I can do to them than simply not voting for their candidate.

Now that may not make any sense to you whatsoever, you may think it's petty and childish.... I AGREE! It's totally senseless and absolutely petty and childish... so it attacking Ted Cruz. So if we Republicans are going to behave like a bunch of childish and petty dunderheads, I certainly *might* just vote for Hillary!

And you know what else? I've been saying this for a few days and lightning has yet to strike me. It's not the end of the world if Hillary wins. She's probably going to win, whether I vote for Trump or not. Why? Because Trump can't win without the conservative base. If he would stop bashing Ted Cruz and embrace conservatism instead of Bernie Sanders voters, we might have a chance.

So you are saying retaliation is a core principle of yours.
This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.

Maybe it's not penetrating your hard head why I said that I *might* vote Clinton? It's not because I support Clinton or think Clinton would be a good president. It's not even because I prefer her over Trump. It would be pure retaliation for those who continue to attack Ted Cruz. It's something worse I can do to them than simply not voting for their candidate.

Now that may not make any sense to you whatsoever, you may think it's petty and childish.... I AGREE! It's totally senseless and absolutely petty and childish... so it attacking Ted Cruz. So if we Republicans are going to behave like a bunch of childish and petty dunderheads, I certainly *might* just vote for Hillary!

And you know what else? I've been saying this for a few days and lightning has yet to strike me. It's not the end of the world if Hillary wins. She's probably going to win, whether I vote for Trump or not. Why? Because Trump can't win without the conservative base. If he would stop bashing Ted Cruz and embrace conservatism instead of Bernie Sanders voters, we might have a chance.

Backpeddling. Well you are making more sense except you are still saying you "might". Sorry, that shows you aren't serious.

Look, as a Ted Cruz supporter myself, I hate what Trump did. Cruz has shown, from the moment he got elected to the Senate, even before Trump was ever in the picture, that he was the only GOP politician with a spine and a set of balls. That was why the rest of the GOP hate him. He has the balls, he has the spine, this dust up with Trump? He can handle it. I have the job now of doing what is best for the country and not taking care of Ted Cruz.

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