I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Actually, we conservatives already won!!!!!!

Boss, Thanatos, The Rabbi, Avatar4321 and Ceclie1200 all disagree with you.

But thanks for confirming what I've always said - the Republican base was more interested in destroying the Republican establishment than winning the Presidential election.

And that's what's going to happen.
All the GOP'ers do.....and I take that as a badge of honor...thank you!!
But thanks for confirming what I've always said - the Republican base was more interested in destroying the Republican establishment than winning the Presidential election.
They've been whipped up into a blind frenzy by the usual media suspects.

It would have been better had they broken off and started a new party, but they wanted the vast GOP infrastructure. They didn't want to do the heavy lifting of starting from scratch.

So now they have this internal mess.
the GOP'ers have been almost completely marginalized....there are just a few remaining struggling to hold onto liberal progressivism.....

I have it from a VERY good source that Ryan, McConnell, Christie, Kasich, Rubio, Jeb, Huckabee and several other so-called "conservatives" are actually card-carrying members of the American Communist Party. In fact, they all show their communist pride by wearing Karl Marx t-shirts under their dress shirts in solidarity for their beloved comrades around the world.

Tell everyone you know.....


Last edited:
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?

Longer than you pal, but that is irrelevant.
Cultists make shity character judges dude. It's the kool-aid you trumpets drink

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

And idiots use blanket labels dude. It's the Kool Aide you apparently drink. I'm a Cruz supporter. Hardly a "Trumpet".
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?

Longer than you pal, but that is irrelevant.

Well you must not be paying much attention.

Again... if you want to accept my challenge... go find the posts I've made endorsing anything that Hillary Clinton has ever done. That will prove your case for everyone to see. If you can't prove your allegations, we can all assume that you're full of shit. I've got over 15k posts... you shouldn't have trouble finding just one that shows me backing Hildabeast, should you???

Now... For the record, I have not stated that I am GOING to vote for Hillary Clinton. If you will take the time to actually READ what I posted, I said that I MIGHT do so.... You understand the difference between the two, or do I need to explain that to you, moron?

Endorsing Hillary, and voting for her are two very different things. I'm probably voting for Trump, but only because there's no other choice. It certainly is not an endorsement. Do YOU understand the difference?
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
I've been here longer than both of you, and Boss has been a wingnut since he joined. He's an extremist conservative, Tea Party guy. One who voted for Bush twice, supported the Iraq War, defended Bush at every turn. Then when Bush shit the bed, and we elected the Black guy, he became the anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-science, anti-compromise, anti-legislate obstruction fan.

And that's the same exact description of a bunch of Right-Wingers on this board.

Boss is no Liberal. I don't know if he fits this week's definition of a conservative, but he isn't a Liberal.

I didn't say he was a liberal. Maybe he is a conservative or was, people can and do change, but the fact that he can consider voting for Clinton for any reason, doesn't speak well of his conservative cred.
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
I've been here longer than both of you, and Boss has been a wingnut since he joined. He's an extremist conservative, Tea Party guy. One who voted for Bush twice, supported the Iraq War, defended Bush at every turn. Then when Bush shit the bed, and we elected the Black guy, he became the anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-science, anti-compromise, anti-legislate obstruction fan.

And that's the same exact description of a bunch of Right-Wingers on this board.

Boss is no Liberal. I don't know if he fits this week's definition of a conservative, but he isn't a Liberal.

Talking out of your ass as usual.@Boss has been here since 2011. Yet you're talking about a bunch of sh** way before that.

Good catch. Lies are all lefties have.
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
I've been here longer than both of you, and Boss has been a wingnut since he joined. He's an extremist conservative, Tea Party guy. One who voted for Bush twice, supported the Iraq War, defended Bush at every turn. Then when Bush shit the bed, and we elected the Black guy, he became the anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-science, anti-compromise, anti-legislate obstruction fan.

And that's the same exact description of a bunch of Right-Wingers on this board.

Boss is no Liberal. I don't know if he fits this week's definition of a conservative, but he isn't a Liberal.

I didn't say he was a liberal. Maybe he is a conservative or was, people can and do change, but the fact that he can consider voting for Clinton for any reason, doesn't speak well of his conservative cred.

You're assuming that people vote only on ideology or partisan tribalism.

I wouldn't vote for Trump if I agreed ideologically with everything he said. He doesn't have the temperament to be President. He isn't a serious person. I don't want that guy to have the nuclear codes or control the most powerful military on earth.
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
I've been here longer than both of you, and Boss has been a wingnut since he joined. He's an extremist conservative, Tea Party guy. One who voted for Bush twice, supported the Iraq War, defended Bush at every turn. Then when Bush shit the bed, and we elected the Black guy, he became the anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-science, anti-compromise, anti-legislate obstruction fan.

And that's the same exact description of a bunch of Right-Wingers on this board.

Boss is no Liberal. I don't know if he fits this week's definition of a conservative, but he isn't a Liberal.

I didn't say he was a liberal. Maybe he is a conservative or was, people can and do change, but the fact that he can consider voting for Clinton for any reason, doesn't speak well of his conservative cred.

You're assuming that people vote only on ideology or partisan tribalism.

I wouldn't vote for Trump if I agreed ideologically with everything he said. He doesn't have the temperament to be President. He isn't a serious person. I don't want that guy to have the nuclear codes or control the most powerful military on earth.

There isn't anything ideological about it. Hillary will do irrevocable damage to this country. The kind of damage that no thinking Conservative can allow.

Your concern about the nukes and the military, is poorly thought out. The POTUS isn't Caesar, he can't just do whatever he wants. You know better than that.
the GOP'ers have been almost completely marginalized....there are just a few remaining struggling to hold onto liberal progressivism.....

I have it from a VERY good source that Ryan, McConnell, Christie, Kasich, Rubio, Jeb, Huckabee and several other so-called "conservatives" are actually card-carrying members of the American Communist Party. In fact, they all show their communist pride by wearing Karl Marx t-shirts under their dress shirts in solidarity for their beloved comrades around the world.

Tell everyone you know.....


Public school?
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
I've been here longer than both of you, and Boss has been a wingnut since he joined. He's an extremist conservative, Tea Party guy. One who voted for Bush twice, supported the Iraq War, defended Bush at every turn. Then when Bush shit the bed, and we elected the Black guy, he became the anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-science, anti-compromise, anti-legislate obstruction fan.

And that's the same exact description of a bunch of Right-Wingers on this board.

Boss is no Liberal. I don't know if he fits this week's definition of a conservative, but he isn't a Liberal.

I didn't say he was a liberal. Maybe he is a conservative or was, people can and do change, but the fact that he can consider voting for Clinton for any reason, doesn't speak well of his conservative cred.

You're assuming that people vote only on ideology or partisan tribalism.

I wouldn't vote for Trump if I agreed ideologically with everything he said. He doesn't have the temperament to be President. He isn't a serious person. I don't want that guy to have the nuclear codes or control the most powerful military on earth.
Hitlery appreciates your support...
The POTUS isn't Caesar, he can't just do whatever he wants. You know better than that.

That is not what republicans say about Obama. Who's correct?

Wrong. 0bama gets what he wants because the GOP rolls over for him. That is why we have Trump now. 0bama hasn't tried to use nukes has he? 0bama couldn't even get universal Helathcare, he knew that so he got a watered down version instead.

In answer to your question: I am correct.
The POTUS isn't Caesar, he can't just do whatever he wants. You know better than that.

That is not what republicans say about Obama. Who's correct?

Wrong. 0bama gets what he wants because the GOP rolls over for him. That is why we have Trump now. 0bama hasn't tried to use nukes has he? 0bama couldn't even get universal Helathcare, he knew that so he got a watered down version instead.

In answer to your question: I am correct.
The mainstream GOP will not roll over for Trump, predfan.

Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
I've been here longer than both of you, and Boss has been a wingnut since he joined. He's an extremist conservative, Tea Party guy. One who voted for Bush twice, supported the Iraq War, defended Bush at every turn. Then when Bush shit the bed, and we elected the Black guy, he became the anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-science, anti-compromise, anti-legislate obstruction fan.

And that's the same exact description of a bunch of Right-Wingers on this board.

Boss is no Liberal. I don't know if he fits this week's definition of a conservative, but he isn't a Liberal.

Frankly, I have no idea what Boss is. It pretty clear he is highly emotional, relatively unstable and intellectually dishonest. Those traits are common in extremist wackos. We have put up with him on the right for a long time, won't you lefties deal with his sorry ass for awhile?
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

Dunno if I believe it or not. I just mock him for calling himself a conservative and a potential Hillary voter. Those are, like, polar forces.

Boss is unstable, and frankly true conservatives are better off without the likes of him. Half of his previous post before he completely flipped were questionable anyway. He's like the guy who ends being a serial killer, and all the neighbors say, "yea, there was always something a little weird about him".
Boss is very conservative, and unlike bucktoothmoron, is emotionally stable and intellectually honest.

Any conservative of such salt will instinctively dislike Trump, and any pretend con will love Trump.

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