I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.

Maybe it's not penetrating your hard head why I said that I *might* vote Clinton? It's not because I support Clinton or think Clinton would be a good president. It's not even because I prefer her over Trump. It would be pure retaliation for those who continue to attack Ted Cruz. It's something worse I can do to them than simply not voting for their candidate.

Now that may not make any sense to you whatsoever, you may think it's petty and childish.... I AGREE! It's totally senseless and absolutely petty and childish... so it attacking Ted Cruz. So if we Republicans are going to behave like a bunch of childish and petty dunderheads, I certainly *might* just vote for Hillary!

And you know what else? I've been saying this for a few days and lightning has yet to strike me. It's not the end of the world if Hillary wins. She's probably going to win, whether I vote for Trump or not. Why? Because Trump can't win without the conservative base. If he would stop bashing Ted Cruz and embrace conservatism instead of Bernie Sanders voters, we might have a chance.

So you are saying retaliation is a core principle of yours.

It certainly is, as opposed to hide, cower or run away.

I'm not cowering or hiding. I am going to vote for my convictions, voting for Hillary is voting for corruption, like I said, it's your choice. I am voting for character not trash, so I won't vote for either candidate.
This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.

Maybe it's not penetrating your hard head why I said that I *might* vote Clinton? It's not because I support Clinton or think Clinton would be a good president. It's not even because I prefer her over Trump. It would be pure retaliation for those who continue to attack Ted Cruz. It's something worse I can do to them than simply not voting for their candidate.

Now that may not make any sense to you whatsoever, you may think it's petty and childish.... I AGREE! It's totally senseless and absolutely petty and childish... so it attacking Ted Cruz. So if we Republicans are going to behave like a bunch of childish and petty dunderheads, I certainly *might* just vote for Hillary!

And you know what else? I've been saying this for a few days and lightning has yet to strike me. It's not the end of the world if Hillary wins. She's probably going to win, whether I vote for Trump or not. Why? Because Trump can't win without the conservative base. If he would stop bashing Ted Cruz and embrace conservatism instead of Bernie Sanders voters, we might have a chance.

I'm sorry, but that's dumb. I can't believe I'm saying this because I always say, it doesn't matter to me WHO you vote for, just vote...but in your case...stay home.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The sound of a reasonable person. You and I may not agree, however you have character and honest. I like that, even if you are a liberal. ;)
I'm not cowering or hiding. I am going to vote for my convictions, voting for Hillary is voting for corruption, like I said, it's your choice. I am voting for character not trash, so I won't vote for either candidate.

Well, Trump or Hillary will win the election. I vote on my convicted principles and if the Republican party wants to be the anti-conservative party, I won't vote for their candidate. In fact, if it gets too obnoxious, I may vote my 'principled convictions' to ensure they don't win. Again, I have not decided.

Regardless of how I decide to vote, we're a nation of ideas and individuals. If we can't have reasoned debate on our principles and what we stand for as a party, there is no need for our party. Acting like dejected school children isn't a way to resolve our differences. Smearing, sliming and trying to shame someone into submission is simply deplorable gutter-level tactics that I would expect from the left and never thought would exist on the right... but apparently it does.
I'm not cowering or hiding. I am going to vote for my convictions, voting for Hillary is voting for corruption, like I said, it's your choice. I am voting for character not trash, so I won't vote for either candidate.

Well, Trump or Hillary will win the election. I vote on my convicted principles and if the Republican party wants to be the anti-conservative party, I won't vote for their candidate. In fact, if it gets too obnoxious, I may vote my 'principled convictions' to ensure they don't win. Again, I have not decided.

Regardless of how I decide to vote, we're a nation of ideas and individuals. If we can't have reasoned debate on our principles and what we stand for as a party, there is no need for our party. Acting like dejected school children isn't a way to resolve our differences. Smearing, sliming and trying to shame someone into submission is simply deplorable gutter-level tactics that I would expect from the left and never thought would exist on the right... but apparently it does.

Already said you can vote whatever way you want or you can sit it out. I am voting for character, that leaves Trump and Hillary out. I don't care who wins, one is as bad as the other.

I gave up on the Republican Party long ago. I mean look at McCain, terrible, Romney was tolerable and Trump is a bull in a china shop. No way in hell would I give Hillary a vote. She is just a corrupt person that has sold out the country.
I gave up on the Republican Party long ago. I mean look at McCain, terrible, Romney was tolerable and Trump is a bull in a china shop.

Agree on McCain, and Romney except my feelings toward those two are much stronger.

I don't see how we can know for sure about Trump. He has never held office, so anything would be a guess.
There isn't anything ideological about it. Hillary will do irrevocable damage to this country. The kind of damage that no thinking Conservative can allow.

Your concern about the nukes and the military, is poorly thought out. The POTUS isn't Caesar, he can't just do whatever he wants. You know better than that.
Your second paragraph contradicts your first paragraph, and you don't even realize it.

It doesn't contradict it at all. The way she will do the most damage is through her SCOTUS picks.
Which must be confirmed by a Republican Senate.

Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

Bossy, freaking out . . . again. :D Lol.
There isn't anything ideological about it. Hillary will do irrevocable damage to this country. The kind of damage that no thinking Conservative can allow.

Your concern about the nukes and the military, is poorly thought out. The POTUS isn't Caesar, he can't just do whatever he wants. You know better than that.
Your second paragraph contradicts your first paragraph, and you don't even realize it.

It doesn't contradict it at all. The way she will do the most damage is through her SCOTUS picks.
Which must be confirmed by a Republican Senate.


which may not be Republican and if so, won't hold out forever.

You fail as always.
Well, Tuesday update: Sadly, I am still hearing all the little Trump surrogates out there in the media, talk radio hosts, etc. continuing to make their little snarky remarks at Ted Cruz. It's funny how this guy is "totally irrelevant now" but he is sparking all this snark and besmirching from new republican left. I think he IS relevant and they know he is. You don't nuke adversaries who pose no threat.

I'm telling you folks, you better get over your identity crisis and do it quick. A republican party without Ted Cruz is a dead party. You better think about pressuring your candidate to show some magnanimity and reach out to Cruz and mend the divide. There is going to be an undesirable backlash to this if that doesn't happen. It's Trump's place, he's the leader. This is supposed to be his greatest asset... the art of the deal... negotiating a good deal for America.... isn't that what you've all told us? Isn't that what Trump tells us?

So why is that not happening with Ted Cruz and Cruz supporters (conservatives)? Why does he come out AFTER the primaries, vowing to form a super-PAC to attack Cruz and Kasich if they run in 2020? He is sounding more like a despot. We're supposed to be able to express our political viewpoints and disagree with each other without being politically destroyed for not shutting up and following. I'm sorry if a lot of my GOP brethren think we should just chuck all that we believe in to march in lockstep behind Trump, I think that's a losing strategy for us and for America.
Rafael Edwardo Cruz is as responsible for creating Trump's run as anybody in politics over the past 10 years.

It's "Ted" Cruz, and your smarmy attempt to poke fun of his Cuban heritage is duly noted, bigot.

No, he is the only politician in Washington who has consistently stood up against the Establishment and that is precisely why he is currently being systemically destroyed. People like him pose too much of a threat to big government authoritarians and the political elite.

Trump knows that once he wins he will govern like a liberal big spender and his primary opposition will be the conservatives like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. This is all about persecuting them now to take them out politically so he doesn't have that opposition after he is elected.
Rafael Edwardo Cruz is as responsible for creating Trump's run as anybody in politics over the past 10 years.

It's "Ted" Cruz, and your smarmy attempt to poke fun of his Cuban heritage is duly noted, bigot.

No, he is the only politician in Washington who has consistently stood up against the Establishment and that is precisely why he is currently being systemically destroyed. People like him pose too much of a threat to big government authoritarians and the political elite.

Trump knows that once he wins he will govern like a liberal big spender and his primary opposition will be the conservatives like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. This is all about persecuting them now to take them out politically so he doesn't have that opposition after he is elected.
Ted Cruz is an example of what we don't want in charge.
Ted Cruz is an example of what we don't want in charge.

YOU are an example of what we don't want in charge, shitstain.
I'm sorry I must be lost, are we in flames area?

We may as well be... that's what you're here to do. Right?

Just curious.....are you still stuck on Cruz? ...Hey...have you read all the emails of Hillary that Assange released?

Are you still going to vote for her after all that??
I gave up on the Republican Party long ago. I mean look at McCain, terrible, Romney was tolerable and Trump is a bull in a china shop.

Agree on McCain, and Romney except my feelings toward those two are much stronger.

I don't see how we can know for sure about Trump. He has never held office, so anything would be a guess.

Trump just keeps saying stupid stuff. His son sounded great at the convention. He had me taking another look at Trump. Then Trump spoke and that moved me away.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Ted Cruz is an example of what we don't want in charge.

YOU are an example of what we don't want in charge, shitstain.
I'm sorry I must be lost, are we in flames area?

We may as well be... that's what you're here to do. Right?

Just curious.....are you still stuck on Cruz? ...Hey...have you read all the emails of Hillary that Assange released?

Are you still going to vote for her after all that??

I'm not "stuck on Cruz" but I do think his viewpoints on policy deserve to be heard and argued before the American people. We probably should have done that during the primary but everyone wanted to obsess with the size of people's hands and other nonsense. Now, we seem to have this group of people who won the nomination but don't have any clue as to how to win the election. Trump's primary "leadership skill" appears to be just steamrollering over anyone who contradicts him no matter what insanity he spews forth.

I'm not a Hillary fan at all. In fact, I totally despise Hillary. Trouble is, I despise the way Trump treats those who don't worship him. I'm not going to help elect a despot. You can do that without me.
Ted Cruz is an example of what we don't want in charge.

YOU are an example of what we don't want in charge, shitstain.
I'm sorry I must be lost, are we in flames area?

We may as well be... that's what you're here to do. Right?

Just curious.....are you still stuck on Cruz? ...Hey...have you read all the emails of Hillary that Assange released?

Are you still going to vote for her after all that??

I'm not "stuck on Cruz" but I do think his viewpoints on policy deserve to be heard and argued before the American people. We probably should have done that during the primary but everyone wanted to obsess with the size of people's hands and other nonsense. Now, we seem to have this group of people who won the nomination but don't have any clue as to how to win the election. Trump's primary "leadership skill" appears to be just steamrollering over anyone who contradicts him no matter what insanity he spews forth.

I'm not a Hillary fan at all. In fact, I totally despise Hillary. Trouble is, I despise the way Trump treats those who don't worship him. I'm not going to help elect a despot. You can do that without me.


so don't vote at all then

end of story. :thup:
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Lets see Trump is against nation building wars.....wants all Dept heads to identify waste and eliminate it.......going to give vets hotline to WH in VA issue until it gets fixed......wants secure borders,,,,wants proper vetting of "refugees".....sounds like real crazy guy......i mean who would want that

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