I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.

Maybe it's not penetrating your hard head why I said that I *might* vote Clinton? It's not because I support Clinton or think Clinton would be a good president. It's not even because I prefer her over Trump. It would be pure retaliation for those who continue to attack Ted Cruz. It's something worse I can do to them than simply not voting for their candidate.

Now that may not make any sense to you whatsoever, you may think it's petty and childish.... I AGREE! It's totally senseless and absolutely petty and childish... so it attacking Ted Cruz. So if we Republicans are going to behave like a bunch of childish and petty dunderheads, I certainly *might* just vote for Hillary!

And you know what else? I've been saying this for a few days and lightning has yet to strike me. It's not the end of the world if Hillary wins. She's probably going to win, whether I vote for Trump or not. Why? Because Trump can't win without the conservative base. If he would stop bashing Ted Cruz and embrace conservatism instead of Bernie Sanders voters, we might have a chance.

So you are saying retaliation is a core principle of yours.

It certainly is, as opposed to hide, cower or run away.
This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.

Maybe it's not penetrating your hard head why I said that I *might* vote Clinton? It's not because I support Clinton or think Clinton would be a good president. It's not even because I prefer her over Trump. It would be pure retaliation for those who continue to attack Ted Cruz. It's something worse I can do to them than simply not voting for their candidate.

Now that may not make any sense to you whatsoever, you may think it's petty and childish.... I AGREE! It's totally senseless and absolutely petty and childish... so it attacking Ted Cruz. So if we Republicans are going to behave like a bunch of childish and petty dunderheads, I certainly *might* just vote for Hillary!

And you know what else? I've been saying this for a few days and lightning has yet to strike me. It's not the end of the world if Hillary wins. She's probably going to win, whether I vote for Trump or not. Why? Because Trump can't win without the conservative base. If he would stop bashing Ted Cruz and embrace conservatism instead of Bernie Sanders voters, we might have a chance.

Backpeddling. Well you are making more sense except you are still saying you "might". Sorry, that shows you aren't serious.

Look, as a Ted Cruz supporter myself, I hate what Trump did. Cruz has shown, from the moment he got elected to the Senate, even before Trump was ever in the picture, that he was the only GOP politician with a spine and a set of balls. That was why the rest of the GOP hate him. He has the balls, he has the spine, this dust up with Trump? He can handle it. I have the job now of doing what is best for the country and not taking care of Ted Cruz.

I don't see where I've backpedaled on anything. I assure you, I am dead serious. If the relentless attacks on Ted Cruz and conservatives continue, I will end up voting for Clinton just to keep one Trump vote from counting.

This is not about butthurt or sour grapes, or even Ted Cruz being able to take care of himself. This is about these asswipes throwing conservatism under the bus and smugly acting like that's not a big deal. Like we don't have any other choice but to march in lockstep behind whatever Trump says because he's not Hillary.

Well, I am sorry... I'm just not going to do it. You can sell out your principles and vote for Trump if you like. I have no intention of doing so and if that unfortunately means Hillary is elected, so be it. I can live with that at the end of the day. What I can't live with is selling out to elect someone because they're not someone else.
This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.

Maybe it's not penetrating your hard head why I said that I *might* vote Clinton? It's not because I support Clinton or think Clinton would be a good president. It's not even because I prefer her over Trump. It would be pure retaliation for those who continue to attack Ted Cruz. It's something worse I can do to them than simply not voting for their candidate.

Now that may not make any sense to you whatsoever, you may think it's petty and childish.... I AGREE! It's totally senseless and absolutely petty and childish... so it attacking Ted Cruz. So if we Republicans are going to behave like a bunch of childish and petty dunderheads, I certainly *might* just vote for Hillary!

And you know what else? I've been saying this for a few days and lightning has yet to strike me. It's not the end of the world if Hillary wins. She's probably going to win, whether I vote for Trump or not. Why? Because Trump can't win without the conservative base. If he would stop bashing Ted Cruz and embrace conservatism instead of Bernie Sanders voters, we might have a chance.

So you are saying retaliation is a core principle of yours.

It certainly is, as opposed to hide, cower or run away.
You mean like how you ran and hid behind hitlery...
This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.

Maybe it's not penetrating your hard head why I said that I *might* vote Clinton? It's not because I support Clinton or think Clinton would be a good president. It's not even because I prefer her over Trump. It would be pure retaliation for those who continue to attack Ted Cruz. It's something worse I can do to them than simply not voting for their candidate.

Now that may not make any sense to you whatsoever, you may think it's petty and childish.... I AGREE! It's totally senseless and absolutely petty and childish... so it attacking Ted Cruz. So if we Republicans are going to behave like a bunch of childish and petty dunderheads, I certainly *might* just vote for Hillary!

And you know what else? I've been saying this for a few days and lightning has yet to strike me. It's not the end of the world if Hillary wins. She's probably going to win, whether I vote for Trump or not. Why? Because Trump can't win without the conservative base. If he would stop bashing Ted Cruz and embrace conservatism instead of Bernie Sanders voters, we might have a chance.

I'm sorry, but that's dumb. I can't believe I'm saying this because I always say, it doesn't matter to me WHO you vote for, just vote...but in your case...stay home.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.

Maybe it's not penetrating your hard head why I said that I *might* vote Clinton? It's not because I support Clinton or think Clinton would be a good president. It's not even because I prefer her over Trump. It would be pure retaliation for those who continue to attack Ted Cruz. It's something worse I can do to them than simply not voting for their candidate.

Now that may not make any sense to you whatsoever, you may think it's petty and childish.... I AGREE! It's totally senseless and absolutely petty and childish... so it attacking Ted Cruz. So if we Republicans are going to behave like a bunch of childish and petty dunderheads, I certainly *might* just vote for Hillary!

And you know what else? I've been saying this for a few days and lightning has yet to strike me. It's not the end of the world if Hillary wins. She's probably going to win, whether I vote for Trump or not. Why? Because Trump can't win without the conservative base. If he would stop bashing Ted Cruz and embrace conservatism instead of Bernie Sanders voters, we might have a chance.

I'm sorry, but that's dumb. I can't believe I'm saying this because I always say, it doesn't matter to me WHO you vote for, just vote...but in your case...stay home.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But I'm not going to stay home. And I'm sorry but I don't get all emotional and upset that Seawytch thinks I am dumb.
This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.

Maybe it's not penetrating your hard head why I said that I *might* vote Clinton? It's not because I support Clinton or think Clinton would be a good president. It's not even because I prefer her over Trump. It would be pure retaliation for those who continue to attack Ted Cruz. It's something worse I can do to them than simply not voting for their candidate.

Now that may not make any sense to you whatsoever, you may think it's petty and childish.... I AGREE! It's totally senseless and absolutely petty and childish... so it attacking Ted Cruz. So if we Republicans are going to behave like a bunch of childish and petty dunderheads, I certainly *might* just vote for Hillary!

And you know what else? I've been saying this for a few days and lightning has yet to strike me. It's not the end of the world if Hillary wins. She's probably going to win, whether I vote for Trump or not. Why? Because Trump can't win without the conservative base. If he would stop bashing Ted Cruz and embrace conservatism instead of Bernie Sanders voters, we might have a chance.

I'm sorry, but that's dumb. I can't believe I'm saying this because I always say, it doesn't matter to me WHO you vote for, just vote...but in your case...stay home.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But I'm not going to stay home. And I'm sorry but I don't get all emotional and upset that Seawytch thinks I am dumb.
I think you should vote for Hillary. Seal the deal on your complete and utter stupidity.

March 29, 2016... Trump declared that he would not honor the pledge which he signed and agreed to. The CNN video has been posted here numerous times to confirm this. So both Trump and Cruz reneged on their promise to honor the pledge. Trump did it on 3/29 and Cruz ostensibly did it at the convention.

The difference is, Trump did it because the primary race had become close and he thought he might lose or at least face a contested convention. Cruz did it because his family was unfairly attacked by Trump. Only one of these two reasons is ethical, the other is not.

ANY pledge you make is subject to the understanding that everything is on the up and up. If I pledge $100 to your charity and then discover that your charity is a front group for ISIS, I am not still bound by my pledge because you lied to me. It would not be "unethical" for me to abandon my pledge.

This incessant screeching about Cruz not honoring the pledge is the quintessential definition of BUTTHURT!
This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.

Maybe it's not penetrating your hard head why I said that I *might* vote Clinton? It's not because I support Clinton or think Clinton would be a good president. It's not even because I prefer her over Trump. It would be pure retaliation for those who continue to attack Ted Cruz. It's something worse I can do to them than simply not voting for their candidate.

Now that may not make any sense to you whatsoever, you may think it's petty and childish.... I AGREE! It's totally senseless and absolutely petty and childish... so it attacking Ted Cruz. So if we Republicans are going to behave like a bunch of childish and petty dunderheads, I certainly *might* just vote for Hillary!

And you know what else? I've been saying this for a few days and lightning has yet to strike me. It's not the end of the world if Hillary wins. She's probably going to win, whether I vote for Trump or not. Why? Because Trump can't win without the conservative base. If he would stop bashing Ted Cruz and embrace conservatism instead of Bernie Sanders voters, we might have a chance.

I'm sorry, but that's dumb. I can't believe I'm saying this because I always say, it doesn't matter to me WHO you vote for, just vote...but in your case...stay home.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But I'm not going to stay home. And I'm sorry but I don't get all emotional and upset that Seawytch thinks I am dumb.

No...you get all emotional and upset because Trump was "mean" to Cruz. It'd be better if you got upset because I think your temper tantrum is dumb than the temper tantrum itself, but whatever.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No...you get all emotional and upset because Trump was "mean" to Cruz. It'd be better if you got upset because I think your temper tantrum is dumb than the temper tantrum itself, but whatever.

I've explained several times now, it's not about Trump being mean to Cruz during the primaries. That's politics. I disagree with his sleazy methods, promoting National Enquirer stories and pretending like they have a shred of credibility... but again, that's politics.

The "temper tantrum" is Trump's and I am responding to that.He became a petulant little child because Ted Cruz wouldn't endorse him... well guess what? Not everyone is going to endorse you! Grow the fuck up and stop acting like a baby about it. There was no need for Trump to come out swinging at Cruz the day after the convention. NONE! It served no valid purpose whatsoever and I believe it seriously damaged his chances of winning this election.

As a Trump supporter, I would be majorly pissed at Trump for choosing to focus on attacking Ted Cruz again, as opposed to going after Hillary Clinton, which he was nominated to do. Turning on Cruz and his supporters is not a winning strategy and you people need to get that through your thick heads. Continuing to insinuate this is a temper tantrum on our part, while you continue to denigrate and insult at every turn, is going to guarantee Hillary wins the election and does so by a huge majority.

Either you folks WANT to lose to Hillary or you're too stupid to comprehend what you're doing. I'm trying my best to warn you before it's too late but you just seem to want to double down on the insults and denigration.
This makes sense but it doesn't match your thread title AT ALL. If you aren't voting for Gary Johnson, then you are just full of shit.
1. Any vote except for possibly Johnson abandons my principles.
2. The GOP has been committing suicide for the last decade or so. THEY have abandoned their principles, and lied to their constituents.....
3. ....with the exception of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, but the GOP hated Ted Cruz almost as much as the hate Trump. Trump is the symptom of the disease.
4. No thinking Conservative can sit back and allow Hillary to be POTUS, much less even consider voting for her. Bitch all you want to, it's a fact.

Maybe it's not penetrating your hard head why I said that I *might* vote Clinton? It's not because I support Clinton or think Clinton would be a good president. It's not even because I prefer her over Trump. It would be pure retaliation for those who continue to attack Ted Cruz. It's something worse I can do to them than simply not voting for their candidate.

Now that may not make any sense to you whatsoever, you may think it's petty and childish.... I AGREE! It's totally senseless and absolutely petty and childish... so it attacking Ted Cruz. So if we Republicans are going to behave like a bunch of childish and petty dunderheads, I certainly *might* just vote for Hillary!

And you know what else? I've been saying this for a few days and lightning has yet to strike me. It's not the end of the world if Hillary wins. She's probably going to win, whether I vote for Trump or not. Why? Because Trump can't win without the conservative base. If he would stop bashing Ted Cruz and embrace conservatism instead of Bernie Sanders voters, we might have a chance.

Backpeddling. Well you are making more sense except you are still saying you "might". Sorry, that shows you aren't serious.

Look, as a Ted Cruz supporter myself, I hate what Trump did. Cruz has shown, from the moment he got elected to the Senate, even before Trump was ever in the picture, that he was the only GOP politician with a spine and a set of balls. That was why the rest of the GOP hate him. He has the balls, he has the spine, this dust up with Trump? He can handle it. I have the job now of doing what is best for the country and not taking care of Ted Cruz.

I don't see where I've backpedaled on anything. I assure you, I am dead serious. If the relentless attacks on Ted Cruz and conservatives continue, I will end up voting for Clinton just to keep one Trump vote from counting.

This is not about butthurt or sour grapes, or even Ted Cruz being able to take care of himself. This is about these asswipes throwing conservatism under the bus and smugly acting like that's not a big deal. Like we don't have any other choice but to march in lockstep behind whatever Trump says because he's not Hillary.

Well, I am sorry... I'm just not going to do it. You can sell out your principles and vote for Trump if you like. I have no intention of doing so and if that unfortunately means Hillary is elected, so be it. I can live with that at the end of the day. What I can't live with is selling out to elect someone because they're not someone else.

Sorry, your excuses don't wash. Voting for Hillary makes you exactly what you accuse us of. If you said you were voting for Johnson, I could accept that. Spin all you want to, it's not working.
Sorry, your excuses don't wash. Voting for Hillary makes you exactly what you accuse us of. If you said you were voting for Johnson, I could accept that. Spin all you want to, it's not working.

Well I'm not going to vote for Johnson because he's a Libertarian pot head whom I disagree with on many issues. I might vote for Darrell Castle, the Constitution Party candidate but again, I haven't made up my mind.. I am an undecided voter at this time.

My POINT... which seems to be flying comfortably over so many heads... is that I can be pissed off to the point of voting for Hillary, JUST to spite the arrogant and snarky little asswipes who want to continue attacking Ted Cruz and Cruz supporters. You're not winning me over to your side by doing that! You're pushing me further away and if you keep it up, I'll take drastic measures you don't want me to take. It's not a threat, it's a promise.
Sorry, your excuses don't wash. Voting for Hillary makes you exactly what you accuse us of. If you said you were voting for Johnson, I could accept that. Spin all you want to, it's not working.

Well I'm not going to vote for Johnson because he's a Libertarian pot head whom I disagree with on many issues. I might vote for Darrell Castle, the Constitution Party candidate but again, I haven't made up my mind.. I am an undecided voter at this time.

My POINT... which seems to be flying comfortably over so many heads... is that I can be pissed off to the point of voting for Hillary, JUST to spite the arrogant and snarky little asswipes who want to continue attacking Ted Cruz and Cruz supporters. You're not winning me over to your side by doing that! You're pushing me further away and if you keep it up, I'll take drastic measures you don't want me to take. It's not a threat, it's a promise.
Hitlery appreciates your help....
owebo, post: 14845734
Hitlery appreciates your help....

Actually, America - specifically working and middle class - appreciates Boss's help. He apparently can't vote for the rich indecent lying asshole you are voting for.
owebo, post: 14845049
You mean like how you ran and hid behind hitlery...

Boss believes in conservatism. I don't myself but at least he may not betray his principles to vote for the most non/conservative bigoted jackass Republican the Party has ever nominated.
Zoom-boing, post: 14847101
True. But if he votes for clinton he'll still be voting for a rich indecent lying asshole!

Not at all. You should realize all that Trump is promising to spend while cutting his own taxes will cost ten times more than Hillary's proposals.

Clinton is more fiscally responsible and more hawkish militarily than a Trump. Conservatives would do will to fall in line with her.
owebo, post: 14845734
Hitlery appreciates your help....

Actually, America - specifically working and middle class - appreciates Boss's help. He apparently can't vote for the rich indecent lying asshole you are voting for.
Yes....hitlery will fuck them mercilessly, all with Boss's help....you're too fucking worthless to help anyone, so hitlery isn't happy with you....:lol:
owebo, post: 14845049
You mean like how you ran and hid behind hitlery...

Boss believes in conservatism. I don't myself but at least he may not betray his principles to vote for the most non/conservative bigoted jackass Republican the Party has ever nominated.
Well, you boss have something in common....you both know jack shit about conservatism....:lol:

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