I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Again... Cruz himself didn't say anything about Carson, it was a supporter of Cruz who tweeted that people should encourage their delegates to support Cruz instead of Carson because Carson was "pulling out" ...meaning, he was pulling out of Iowa the day before the contest and returning to Florida. There was never anything false in what he tweeted but it wasn't Ted Cruz or his campaign team.

This was turned into a "Big Deal" by the Trump people who have proven very good at manipulating the media. Trump pounded on this for the next three weeks, and the media kept repeating it over and over again. This was the first salvo in what became a very bitter and nasty campaign Trump waged against Cruz.

No. It wasn't a supporter who started it, it was someone on Cruz's political team who saw the CNN report and started telling Carson supporters to switch to Cruz because Carson was dropping out.

But yes, Trump jumped on it and spread the lie about Cruz.

Last night when our political team saw the CNN post saying Dr. Carson was not carrying on to New Hampshire and South Carolina, our campaign updated the grassroots leaders just as we would with any breaking news story. That’s fair game,” Cruz said in a statement. “What the team should have done is send around the follow-up statement from the Carson campaign clarifying that he was indeed staying in the race when that came out. That was a mistake from our end, and for that I apologize to Dr. Carson.”

The Definitive Timeline: Cruz-Carson-CNN Controversy - Breitbart

*sigh* ...I'm with thanatos, and I don't say that very often. Read what you posted, it confirms what I said. The proverbial "tweet heard 'round the world" came from a Cruz supporter (i.e.; grassroots leader) after being updated by the campaign team on a breaking news story. Cruz is explaining why he felt responsible for not having his team go back and clarify after more information was learned.

When is the last time Trump took responsibility for something and apologized? I can only imagine if the roles were reversed... Trump would have doubled down on Carson... "Hey, I love Ben, he's a lovely guy... but he's a loser, everyone knows he's a loser... he's not even in Iowa anymore, he ran back home... what does that say? It says to me he's not a serious candidate... and yeah, naturally I want every delegate to vote for me... what do you want me to tell them, vote for the loser?" That is the "apology" we would have gotten from Trump.

But the bigger point here is this... You and I... two REPUBLICAN VOTERS.... are having THIS conversation a week after the convention. All the old wounds from the primaries have been re-opened and it appears the Trumpsters want to rub salt in them for no other reason but spite. Well okay... you're going to lose this fucking election, idiot! Plain and simple.

The grassroots leader tweeted it only after someone on Cruz's team provided the info to them. Cruz's team made the call to inform the supporters, their info gave the supporters the news to tweet. The supporter may have actually tweeted it but the campaign provided them the 'what' to tweet. Whatever, it's meaningless now.

Trump will never apologize for anything, I've gotten over waiting for that. I know there's a lot of people like you and me out here, watching and waiting. Sometimes I think "ok, maybe I could vote for him". Then he shows his Dem side again and I"m like "nope, I'm writing in Cruz". I agree with you that Trump needs to bring people like us into the tent or risk losing a boatload of votes. Then I watch/listen to the Dems and think "no way can she get in". <sigh>
The grassroots leader tweeted it only after someone on Cruz's team provided the info to them. Cruz's team made the call to inform the supporters, their info gave the supporters the news to tweet. The supporter may have actually tweeted it but the campaign provided them the 'what' to tweet. Whatever, it's meaningless now.

Trump will never apologize for anything, I've gotten over waiting for that. I know there's a lot of people like you and me out here, watching and waiting. Sometimes I think "ok, maybe I could vote for him". Then he shows his Dem side again and I"m like "nope, I'm writing in Cruz". I agree with you that Trump needs to bring people like us into the tent or risk losing a boatload of votes. Then I watch/listen to the Dems and think "no way can she get in". <sigh>

And that's a FAR cry from "Cruz lied to delegates and told them Carson dropped out!"
And.... Cruz manned up, took full responsibility and apologized publicly to Carson for it.

If it's "meaningless" why is it being thrown back in our face? :dunno:

I'll tell you why, it's precisely because they know like we know... Trump stands NO chance of winning without our vote. What they are trying to do is smear and disgrace Cruz so badly that people like you and I are shamed into jumping aboard the Trump Train. But that strategy is simply not going to work for MANY Cruz supporters. It makes me scared to vote for Trump now because it's like they are flushing Conservatism down the toilet. The GOP without a Conservative throat is NOT my party!

Yeah, I've considered writing-in Cruz, I've considered voting for the Constitution Party candidate, Darrell Castle... but if these little obnoxious assholes don't stop with the smearing and trashing of Ted Cruz and Conservatives, I might just cast MY vote for Hillary! I am THAT pissed off about this and I'm not getting over it! Go ahead, call me names, beat me up, tell me what an idiot I am... see where that get's ya?
The grassroots leader tweeted it only after someone on Cruz's team provided the info to them. Cruz's team made the call to inform the supporters, their info gave the supporters the news to tweet. The supporter may have actually tweeted it but the campaign provided them the 'what' to tweet. Whatever, it's meaningless now.

Trump will never apologize for anything, I've gotten over waiting for that. I know there's a lot of people like you and me out here, watching and waiting. Sometimes I think "ok, maybe I could vote for him". Then he shows his Dem side again and I"m like "nope, I'm writing in Cruz". I agree with you that Trump needs to bring people like us into the tent or risk losing a boatload of votes. Then I watch/listen to the Dems and think "no way can she get in". <sigh>

And that's a FAR cry from "Cruz lied to delegates and told them Carson dropped out!"
And.... Cruz manned up, took full responsibility and apologized publicly to Carson for it.

If it's "meaningless" why is it being thrown back in our face? :dunno:

I'll tell you why, it's precisely because they know like we know... Trump stands NO chance of winning without our vote. What they are trying to do is smear and disgrace Cruz so badly that people like you and I are shamed into jumping aboard the Trump Train. But that strategy is simply not going to work for MANY Cruz supporters. It makes me scared to vote for Trump now because it's like they are flushing Conservatism down the toilet. The GOP without a Conservative throat is NOT my party!

Yeah, I've considered writing-in Cruz, I've considered voting for the Constitution Party candidate, Darrell Castle... but if these little obnoxious assholes don't stop with the smearing and trashing of Ted Cruz and Conservatives, I might just cast MY vote for Hillary! I am THAT pissed off about this and I'm not getting over it! Go ahead, call me names, beat me up, tell me what an idiot I am... see where that get's ya?

"And that's a FAR cry from "Cruz lied to delegates and told them Carson dropped out!"
And.... Cruz manned up, took full responsibility and apologized publicly to Carson for it."


I've gone at it some with conservative friends who are voting Trump. I get that they're voting for him because "neverhillary". Ok. I do not get the unbridled enthusiasm they display for him. I see nothing conservative about him and yet his supporters (some) act like he's going to cure all the ills of the country. They remind me of obama supporters. That I don't get ... at all.

Is Trump still, today, ragging on Cruz? I've been in and out not paying much attention but what I have seen/heard, haven't heard that. ?

I'll never vote for clinton, no matter what. I'll either write in Cruz or, if I find a few solids, Trump. A lot of people are holding their nose, and to me it seems like everyone has their 'bailiwick' - the one or two issues that they can agree with him on - and will vote for him.

The Republican party hasn't been conservative for a long time.
Again... Cruz himself didn't say anything about Carson, it was a supporter of Cruz who tweeted that people should encourage their delegates to support Cruz instead of Carson because Carson was "pulling out" ...meaning, he was pulling out of Iowa the day before the contest and returning to Florida. There was never anything false in what he tweeted but it wasn't Ted Cruz or his campaign team.

This was turned into a "Big Deal" by the Trump people who have proven very good at manipulating the media. Trump pounded on this for the next three weeks, and the media kept repeating it over and over again. This was the first salvo in what became a very bitter and nasty campaign Trump waged against Cruz.

No. It wasn't a supporter who started it, it was someone on Cruz's political team who saw the CNN report and started telling Carson supporters to switch to Cruz because Carson was dropping out.

But yes, Trump jumped on it and spread the lie about Cruz.

Last night when our political team saw the CNN post saying Dr. Carson was not carrying on to New Hampshire and South Carolina, our campaign updated the grassroots leaders just as we would with any breaking news story. That’s fair game,” Cruz said in a statement. “What the team should have done is send around the follow-up statement from the Carson campaign clarifying that he was indeed staying in the race when that came out. That was a mistake from our end, and for that I apologize to Dr. Carson.”

The Definitive Timeline: Cruz-Carson-CNN Controversy - Breitbart

*sigh* ...I'm with thanatos, and I don't say that very often. Read what you posted, it confirms what I said. The proverbial "tweet heard 'round the world" came from a Cruz supporter (i.e.; grassroots leader) after being updated by the campaign team on a breaking news story. Cruz is explaining why he felt responsible for not having his team go back and clarify after more information was learned.

When is the last time Trump took responsibility for something and apologized? I can only imagine if the roles were reversed... Trump would have doubled down on Carson... "Hey, I love Ben, he's a lovely guy... but he's a loser, everyone knows he's a loser... he's not even in Iowa anymore, he ran back home... what does that say? It says to me he's not a serious candidate... and yeah, naturally I want every delegate to vote for me... what do you want me to tell them, vote for the loser?" That is the "apology" we would have gotten from Trump.

But the bigger point here is this... You and I... two REPUBLICAN VOTERS.... are having THIS conversation a week after the convention. All the old wounds from the primaries have been re-opened and it appears the Trumpsters want to rub salt in them for no other reason but spite. Well okay... you're going to lose this fucking election, idiot! Plain and simple.

The grassroots leader tweeted it only after someone on Cruz's team provided the info to them. Cruz's team made the call to inform the supporters, their info gave the supporters the news to tweet. The supporter may have actually tweeted it but the campaign provided them the 'what' to tweet. Whatever, it's meaningless now.

Trump will never apologize for anything, I've gotten over waiting for that. I know there's a lot of people like you and me out here, watching and waiting. Sometimes I think "ok, maybe I could vote for him". Then he shows his Dem side again and I"m like "nope, I'm writing in Cruz". I agree with you that Trump needs to bring people like us into the tent or risk losing a boatload of votes. Then I watch/listen to the Dems and think "no way can she get in". <sigh>

Amanda Carpenter was the one that started the campaign against Carson in Iowa. Cruz bitch from hell. The same one that was coming up with a "blacklist" of perceived Trump supporters like Drudge/Limbaugh/Hannity etc with that asshole Eric from Red State.

HER tweet is out there. She is a Cruz insider. No excuses on how this shit went down to bump out Carson. This was the moment in time I turned against Cruz and really started digging up information on who he had surrounded himself with and his true history of being a inside the beltway Wall Street elitist.

Now for some reason I can't capture it to put it up, but her tweet is at the link.

Here's what she said. Conniving bitch.

"Carson is "taking a break" after Iowa? This should be read as if he's releasing his supporters IMHO. "

Amanda Carpenter on Twitter
Amanda Carpenter was the one that started the campaign against Carson in Iowa. Cruz bitch from hell. The same one that was coming up with a "blacklist" of perceived Trump supporters like Drudge/Limbaugh/Hannity etc with that asshole Eric from Red State.

HER tweet is out there. She is a Cruz insider. No excuses on how this shit went down to bump out Carson. This was the moment in time I turned against Cruz and really started digging up information on who he had surrounded himself with and his true history of being a inside the beltway Wall Street elitist.

Now for some reason I can't capture it to put it up, but her tweet is at the link.

Here's what she said. Conniving bitch.

"Carson is "taking a break" after Iowa? This should be read as if he's releasing his supporters IMHO. "

Amanda Carpenter on Twitter

Amanda Carpenter's tweet happened two minutes after this exchange on CNN:

6:44 CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash discuss Moody’s report on air

Tapper: Thanks, Wolf. Well, CNN has learned some news about the man who, at least according to polls, is in fourth place here in Iowa. Now, Dana, a week from tomorrow, we’re all going to be doing this again for the New Hampshire primary. So almost every single candidate is going to be going directly from here to New Hampshire to campaign–except for the man in fourth place, who a few months ago was in first place here, Dr. Ben Carson. What have we learned?

Bash: That’s right. We should say that our Chris Moody is breaking this news, that Ben Carson is going to go back to Florida, to his home, regardless of how he does tonight here in Iowa. He’s going to go there for several days. And then afterwards, he’s not going to go to South Carolina. He’s not going to go to New Hampshire. He’s going to come to Washington, D.C., and he’s going to do that because the National Prayer Breakfast is on Thursday. And people who have been following Ben Carson’s career know that that’s really where he got himself on the political map, attending that prayer breakfast, and really giving it to President Obama at the time. And he became kind of a hero among conservatives, among evangelicals especially.

Tapper: But it’s very unusual–

Bash: Very unusual.

Tapper: –to be announcing that you’re going to go home to rest for a few days, not going on to the next site. Plus, he’s already announced that he’s going to be coming out and speaking at 9:15 local and 10:15 Eastern, no matter whether or not we know the results, because he wants to get home and get ahead of the storm.

Bash: Look, if you want to be President of the United States, you don’t go home to Florida. I mean, that’s bottom line. That’s the end of the story. If you want to signal to your supporters that you want it, that you’re hungry for it, that you want them to get out and and campaign, you’ve got to be out there doing it too. And he’s not doing it. it’s very unusual.

Tapper: Very unusual news that CNN has just learned. CNN’s Chris Moody breaking the story. Wolf, back to you in Washington.

Blitzer: Very significant news indeed, guys, thanks very much.

Sounds to me like she tweeted her opinion based on the above exchange. Paying particular attention to what Bash said, and I heard this on CNN and thought the same thing, it does sound like Carson is going to drop out. I remember hearing that he was going to Florida to 'pick up some fresh clothes'. Yeah, he's done. She should have waited and confirmed it. She did post it as her opinion rather than fact.

Again, what's the point of bashing Cruz now? What is that accomplishing? He's out. Trump isn't doing anything to draw the many of us who have not made up our minds yet into the tent. Lots of votes up for grabs right now. It would do him well to demonstrate his skills and reach out to people like me and Boss.
Amanda Carpenter was the one that started the campaign against Carson in Iowa. Cruz bitch from hell. The same one that was coming up with a "blacklist" of perceived Trump supporters like Drudge/Limbaugh/Hannity etc with that asshole Eric from Red State.

HER tweet is out there. She is a Cruz insider. No excuses on how this shit went down to bump out Carson. This was the moment in time I turned against Cruz and really started digging up information on who he had surrounded himself with and his true history of being a inside the beltway Wall Street elitist.

Now for some reason I can't capture it to put it up, but her tweet is at the link.

Here's what she said. Conniving bitch.

"Carson is "taking a break" after Iowa? This should be read as if he's releasing his supporters IMHO. "

Amanda Carpenter on Twitter

I am patiently waiting for you to explain to me how this post is going to help defeat Hillary Clinton in November?

I understand that many of you didn't like Ted Cruz... for whatever reason... I get it. But the primary race is over and done... your guy won! Now he has to win the general election and Ted Cruz isn't running. His supporters are die-hard Conservatives and they are not impressed with your ability to relentlessly attack Ted Cruz. I don't know how we can get that through your thick heads... it's like you simply don't give a shit and you're willing to throw this election away just so you can keep on bashing and trashing Cruz. It's just beyond fucking insane!

Does it make a difference if Andrea Carpenter is a conniving bitch? Or Eric from Red State is an asshole? Is THAT what is important to you now? You think that argument is going to ultimately win over the Cruz supporters your candidate crucially needs to defeat Hillary? You're not right, but so what if you are? Is it worth losing the election to Hillary so you can win an argument?

Hell... you must be a traitor to your country! :dunno:
Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

megalomaniacs have no sense of the sensibilities of others.
Amanda Carpenter was the one that started the campaign against Carson in Iowa. Cruz bitch from hell. The same one that was coming up with a "blacklist" of perceived Trump supporters like Drudge/Limbaugh/Hannity etc with that asshole Eric from Red State.

HER tweet is out there. She is a Cruz insider. No excuses on how this shit went down to bump out Carson. This was the moment in time I turned against Cruz and really started digging up information on who he had surrounded himself with and his true history of being a inside the beltway Wall Street elitist.

Now for some reason I can't capture it to put it up, but her tweet is at the link.

Here's what she said. Conniving bitch.

"Carson is "taking a break" after Iowa? This should be read as if he's releasing his supporters IMHO. "

Amanda Carpenter on Twitter

Amanda Carpenter's tweet happened two minutes after this exchange on CNN:

6:44 CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash discuss Moody’s report on air

Tapper: Thanks, Wolf. Well, CNN has learned some news about the man who, at least according to polls, is in fourth place here in Iowa. Now, Dana, a week from tomorrow, we’re all going to be doing this again for the New Hampshire primary. So almost every single candidate is going to be going directly from here to New Hampshire to campaign–except for the man in fourth place, who a few months ago was in first place here, Dr. Ben Carson. What have we learned?

Bash: That’s right. We should say that our Chris Moody is breaking this news, that Ben Carson is going to go back to Florida, to his home, regardless of how he does tonight here in Iowa. He’s going to go there for several days. And then afterwards, he’s not going to go to South Carolina. He’s not going to go to New Hampshire. He’s going to come to Washington, D.C., and he’s going to do that because the National Prayer Breakfast is on Thursday. And people who have been following Ben Carson’s career know that that’s really where he got himself on the political map, attending that prayer breakfast, and really giving it to President Obama at the time. And he became kind of a hero among conservatives, among evangelicals especially.

Tapper: But it’s very unusual–

Bash: Very unusual.

Tapper: –to be announcing that you’re going to go home to rest for a few days, not going on to the next site. Plus, he’s already announced that he’s going to be coming out and speaking at 9:15 local and 10:15 Eastern, no matter whether or not we know the results, because he wants to get home and get ahead of the storm.

Bash: Look, if you want to be President of the United States, you don’t go home to Florida. I mean, that’s bottom line. That’s the end of the story. If you want to signal to your supporters that you want it, that you’re hungry for it, that you want them to get out and and campaign, you’ve got to be out there doing it too. And he’s not doing it. it’s very unusual.

Tapper: Very unusual news that CNN has just learned. CNN’s Chris Moody breaking the story. Wolf, back to you in Washington.

Blitzer: Very significant news indeed, guys, thanks very much.

Sounds to me like she tweeted her opinion based on the above exchange. Paying particular attention to what Bash said, and I heard this on CNN and thought the same thing, it does sound like Carson is going to drop out. I remember hearing that he was going to Florida to 'pick up some fresh clothes'. Yeah, he's done. She should have waited and confirmed it. She did post it as her opinion rather than fact.

Again, what's the point of bashing Cruz now? What is that accomplishing? He's out. Trump isn't doing anything to draw the many of us who have not made up our minds yet into the tent. Lots of votes up for grabs right now. It would do him well to demonstrate his skills and reach out to people like me and Boss.
Amanda Carpenter was the one that started the campaign against Carson in Iowa. Cruz bitch from hell. The same one that was coming up with a "blacklist" of perceived Trump supporters like Drudge/Limbaugh/Hannity etc with that asshole Eric from Red State.

HER tweet is out there. She is a Cruz insider. No excuses on how this shit went down to bump out Carson. This was the moment in time I turned against Cruz and really started digging up information on who he had surrounded himself with and his true history of being a inside the beltway Wall Street elitist.

Now for some reason I can't capture it to put it up, but her tweet is at the link.

Here's what she said. Conniving bitch.

"Carson is "taking a break" after Iowa? This should be read as if he's releasing his supporters IMHO. "

Amanda Carpenter on Twitter

Amanda Carpenter's tweet happened two minutes after this exchange on CNN:

6:44 CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash discuss Moody’s report on air

Tapper: Thanks, Wolf. Well, CNN has learned some news about the man who, at least according to polls, is in fourth place here in Iowa. Now, Dana, a week from tomorrow, we’re all going to be doing this again for the New Hampshire primary. So almost every single candidate is going to be going directly from here to New Hampshire to campaign–except for the man in fourth place, who a few months ago was in first place here, Dr. Ben Carson. What have we learned?

Bash: That’s right. We should say that our Chris Moody is breaking this news, that Ben Carson is going to go back to Florida, to his home, regardless of how he does tonight here in Iowa. He’s going to go there for several days. And then afterwards, he’s not going to go to South Carolina. He’s not going to go to New Hampshire. He’s going to come to Washington, D.C., and he’s going to do that because the National Prayer Breakfast is on Thursday. And people who have been following Ben Carson’s career know that that’s really where he got himself on the political map, attending that prayer breakfast, and really giving it to President Obama at the time. And he became kind of a hero among conservatives, among evangelicals especially.

Tapper: But it’s very unusual–

Bash: Very unusual.

Tapper: –to be announcing that you’re going to go home to rest for a few days, not going on to the next site. Plus, he’s already announced that he’s going to be coming out and speaking at 9:15 local and 10:15 Eastern, no matter whether or not we know the results, because he wants to get home and get ahead of the storm.

Bash: Look, if you want to be President of the United States, you don’t go home to Florida. I mean, that’s bottom line. That’s the end of the story. If you want to signal to your supporters that you want it, that you’re hungry for it, that you want them to get out and and campaign, you’ve got to be out there doing it too. And he’s not doing it. it’s very unusual.

Tapper: Very unusual news that CNN has just learned. CNN’s Chris Moody breaking the story. Wolf, back to you in Washington.

Blitzer: Very significant news indeed, guys, thanks very much.

Sounds to me like she tweeted her opinion based on the above exchange. Paying particular attention to what Bash said, and I heard this on CNN and thought the same thing, it does sound like Carson is going to drop out. I remember hearing that he was going to Florida to 'pick up some fresh clothes'. Yeah, he's done. She should have waited and confirmed it. She did post it as her opinion rather than fact.

Again, what's the point of bashing Cruz now? What is that accomplishing? He's out. Trump isn't doing anything to draw the many of us who have not made up our minds yet into the tent. Lots of votes up for grabs right now. It would do him well to demonstrate his skills and reach out to people like me and Boss.

I'm not bashing Cruz any more. Just hoping to clarify regarding Team Cruz and the timeline when they put the fix in to destroy Carson and to steal his evangelical votes.

By the way, you can go back to the beginning of everyone jumping into the race and I was a diehard fan of Cruz. I battled more than a few on this board sticking up for Senator Cruz. Pity how it all turned out.

And agreed. There has to be a strategy to reach out to Cruz supporters. I'm waiting to see how this is going to play out.

The Never Trumpers will never come over because of several factors and that being that between Utah and Colorado those anti Donald people are absolutely mega invested in open borders.

They will vote Hillary and/or Gary Johnson for open borders.
Amanda Carpenter was the one that started the campaign against Carson in Iowa. Cruz bitch from hell. The same one that was coming up with a "blacklist" of perceived Trump supporters like Drudge/Limbaugh/Hannity etc with that asshole Eric from Red State.

HER tweet is out there. She is a Cruz insider. No excuses on how this shit went down to bump out Carson. This was the moment in time I turned against Cruz and really started digging up information on who he had surrounded himself with and his true history of being a inside the beltway Wall Street elitist.

Now for some reason I can't capture it to put it up, but her tweet is at the link.

Here's what she said. Conniving bitch.

"Carson is "taking a break" after Iowa? This should be read as if he's releasing his supporters IMHO. "

Amanda Carpenter on Twitter

I am patiently waiting for you to explain to me how this post is going to help defeat Hillary Clinton in November?

I understand that many of you didn't like Ted Cruz... for whatever reason... I get it. But the primary race is over and done... your guy won! Now he has to win the general election and Ted Cruz isn't running. His supporters are die-hard Conservatives and they are not impressed with your ability to relentlessly attack Ted Cruz. I don't know how we can get that through your thick heads... it's like you simply don't give a shit and you're willing to throw this election away just so you can keep on bashing and trashing Cruz. It's just beyond fucking insane!

Does it make a difference if Andrea Carpenter is a conniving bitch? Or Eric from Red State is an asshole? Is THAT what is important to you now? You think that argument is going to ultimately win over the Cruz supporters your candidate crucially needs to defeat Hillary? You're not right, but so what if you are? Is it worth losing the election to Hillary so you can win an argument?

Hell... you must be a traitor to your country! :dunno:

I'm done bashing Cruz. That's not what pointing out the timeline of the foolish sabotage of Carson in Iowa is about. There is no argument to be won. The tweets are out there and it's history.

BUT I can honestly say that at this point in time if I had been pro Kasich/pro Bush/pro Rubio/or any other candidate that was in the primaries I would swallow my pride, take my loss with my preferred choice and hells bells freaking vote for anyone who was running against Hillary.

We are at the crossroads in a battle for the soul of America. Allowing the Clintons to return to 1600 would be like signing up to sail on Titanic II and looking for icebergs.

Those that say well wait till 2020 are delusional. If Clinton takes this election you can kiss 2020 and 2024 and 2028 goodbye.
Boss, post: 14878106
Conservatives, I might just cast MY vote for Hillary! I am THAT pissed off about this and I'm not getting over it!

Vote for the Candidate that actually mentioned and commended our men and women in uniform in and near combat in HER acceptance speech. I am so proud of Hillary and ashamed of Trump.

You would do well to vote for the true conservative on foreign policy and fighting our enemy.
Last edited:
Conservatives, I might just cast MY vote for Hillary! I am THAT pissed off about this and I'm not getting over it!

Vote for the Candidate that actually mentioned and commended our men and women in uniform in and near combat in HER acceptance speech. I am so proud of Hillary and ashamed of Trump.

You would do well to vote for the true conservative on foreign policy and fighting our enemy.

She talks the talk but she doesn't walk the walk.
tinydancer, post: 14879209,
We are at the crossroads in a battle for the soul of America.

No battle for the soul of America can be won by the man that mocked and ridiculed a reporter with a muscle control disability. And the same demented man who told us that he alone can fix America. That is anti-the soul of America revealed as a want to be dictator.

Do you think Paul Ryan and Rince Preibus will halter Trump?
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Papageorgio, post: 14879541
She talks the talk but she doesn't walk the walk.

That is a highly flawed observation fully detached from reality.

Do you think Four Star General George Allen agrees with your nonsense?

She claims to be for the common average American, yet she is in tight with Wall St. 1%ers love her because she will protect them and their money. She still sticks with her silly Bosnia story. She claims to be the champion of women, yet calls them bimbos and trashes those that made claims against her husband. She now all of a sudden is against NAFTA but she has also called it a monumental bill for America.

You can buy the BS of Hillary and Trump.

Your highly superficial opinion is no thing but partisan BS.

You might not be fooled by Bush, but you have been taken by Hillary, hook, line and sinker.
Papageorgio, post: 14879835
She claims to be for the common average American, yet she is in tight with Wall St. 1%ers love her because she will protect them and their money.

You don't know that with any degree of certainty.

Besides all of Wall Street and 1%ers are not evil. I'm taking her at her word.

Trump is IS is a 1%er. That much we know with certainty and he stiffed a lot of blue collar workers and was born with a 2%er silver spoon in his mouth. Trump will not release his tax returns. Trump is protecting a 1%er right now as we speak.

Trump will appoint conservative judges that will keep 1%er money in politics. Hillary will appoint qualified judges that will oppose political funding by the wealthy and corporations.
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What was Donald Trump doing in 1968? About the war and civil rights?

America Has Finally Put A Woman At The Top Of The Ticket


As a senior at Wellesley College in 1969, Hillary Clinton gave a commencement address that garnered national attention.

Her comments were a direct rebuke of the speech Sen. Edward Brooke (R-Mass.) had delivered right before she took the stage, as he had argued against the effectiveness and need to protest. Clinton made The New York Times, The Washington Post and Life magazine. She began to get noticed, speaking around the country.
I'm done bashing Cruz. That's not what pointing out the timeline of the foolish sabotage of Carson in Iowa is about. There is no argument to be won. The tweets are out there and it's history.

BUT I can honestly say that at this point in time if I had been pro Kasich/pro Bush/pro Rubio/or any other candidate that was in the primaries I would swallow my pride, take my loss with my preferred choice and hells bells freaking vote for anyone who was running against Hillary.

We are at the crossroads in a battle for the soul of America. Allowing the Clintons to return to 1600 would be like signing up to sail on Titanic II and looking for icebergs.

Those that say well wait till 2020 are delusional. If Clinton takes this election you can kiss 2020 and 2024 and 2028 goodbye.

You say you're done bashing Cruz and in the very next sentence you lament about "the foolish sabotage of Carson in Iowa" ... so, no... you're quite clearly NOT done bashing Cruz. You just took another pot shot. And forgive me for not buying your sincerity about swallowing you pride because you're not swallowing your pride now... you're persisting with the narrative on Cruz to the detriment of the campaign because you are butthurt that Cruz didn't endorse your candidate.

And if we're at a crossroads in the battle for the soul of America, you seem to want to turn around and move backward... to drag everything down into the mud and rehash the primaries with Cruz... again, because he didn't endorse Trump. Yes, it's going to be awful if Hillary wins... particularly because it could have been prevented. You're never going to humiliate and intimidate Cruz supporters over to your side. That's not going to work and you should know that.

Conservatives aren't going to be "servile puppies" as Cruz says and you need to understand that. If you want to whine and moan about "kissing ass" then so be it... you need to pucker the fuck up and do some kissing if that's what it is, because you've got to have Cruz supporters to win this election. We are not going to be brow-beaten, whipped and cajoled into voting for Trump and we're not going to continue to watch you drag a good man through the mud because you won a fucking primary. You ALL (Trump included) need to grow up and act like you're serious about winning this election... because you're about to lose it.
Probably won't need your vote anyway, but it would show your intelligence to help her win a landslide.

I'm glad she's not depending on my vote but you're right about the landslide if the Trump people don't straighten up. They can't win this election without the Cruz conservatives and true conservatives are never going be intimidated into voting for Trump because he's not Hillary... that didn't work with McCain and Romney and it sure as hell won't work with Trump.
Probably won't need your vote anyway, but it would show your intelligence to help her win a landslide.

I'm glad she's not depending on my vote but you're right about the landslide if the Trump people don't straighten up. They can't win this election without the Cruz conservatives and true conservatives are never going be intimidated into voting for Trump because he's not Hillary... that didn't work with McCain and Romney and it sure as hell won't work with Trump.
She is depending on your support.....fucking disgusting....

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