I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

I'm a Cruz supporter too. How does voting for Hillary make sense? Write in Cruz

The same way it makes sense to vote for Trump because he's not Hillary.

Again, I know this shocked people to hear me say it... but I never have said that I am 100% for sure going to vote for Hillary. I am still an undecided voter. My voting for Hillary (or not) will largely depend on the attitudes of Trump supporters and Trump himself in the coming weeks. If this hate campaign against Ted Cruz continues that's what is going to happen.

No one is going to get a vote for Hillary. Vote for Gary Johnson. Voting for Hillary doesn't say you're sick of Trump, voting for Gary does

I don't like Gary Johnson. I disagree with him on policy. I also disagree with Hillary and Trump on policy. Apparently, you're not comprehending my rationale behind POSSIBLY voting for Clinton over Trump? It would not be because I support Hillary's ideas or prefer her ideas over something else. It would purely be a vote against Trump. The most effective way to vote against Trump is to vote for Hillary because she is the only one who can defeat him. Anything else is superficial and means nothing.

What amazes me are people who will sit here and tell me that I should vote for Trump because "at least he's not Hillary" but they don't see the irony in proclaiming me a traitor for voting for Hillary because "at least she's not Trump!" Isn't one exactly the same as the other in terms of rationale?

Already addressed that. If you vote for Hillary, there is no possible way to interpret that other than that you're a Marxist. No one is going to say OMG, you voted for Hillary, you oppose Trump. Everyone will say OMG, you voted for HIllary, you're a Marxist.

Voting for Gary Johnson says you are sick of Republicans and you want better. Your choice, but stop lying
I remember very clearly that the Cruz campaign sent out phone messages , emails and text's that Carson was out of the race and to vote for him..
Carson was not already out of the race, but I know he was relieved to get out a few weeks later..

This is incorrect. A tweet was made by a Cruz supporter... not the campaign... not a member of the campaign team... a supporter. The tweet did not say Carson was pulling out of the race for president, it said he was "pulling out" meaning, out of Iowa...which he had already announced and CNN had reported. Even though the Cruz campaign had nothing to do with making the tweet, Cruz apologized to Carson for it.

At the end of Cruz's speech last week Cruz congratulated him but got boo'ed out because he would not endorse Trump like he vowed to do for the party. He did it to himself in my opinion..

No... again, he began his speech by congratulating Trump. He was booed by a largely pro-Trump crowd in which Trump seeded with his most ardent supporters who began the phenomenon. Trump knew that Cruz was not going to endorse him and didn't make that stipulation. If anything, Trump set Cruz up.

Cruz never "vowed" to do anything. He signed the same pledge Trump signed to endorse the nominee. However, like I said... ALL pledges are made on the understanding things are going to be on the up and up. Had Trump not scurrilously attacked Cruz's family, I am sure Cruz would have honored his pledge. But now, Trump backed out of the pledge WAY before the convention. He did so because Cruz had started gaining momentum.

Now if you want to buy in to the narrative that Cruz has damaged his career and "did it to himself" or whatever... that's fine, but you're not winning over his supporters with that. Continuing to attack a good man who has been a proven, battle-tested voice for conservatism, is a LOSING strategy. If you really cared about the country... if you really wanted to defeat Hillary Clinton, you'd STOP that crap and you'd encourage others to stop it as well.

Honestly, you SHOULD have done this at the convention. Or rather, Trump should have done it. But because Hillary is such a despicable candidate, you have a chance to correct this before it's too late. If it's not corrected and it continues to go like this, you are going to lose the election to the most corrupt candidate in American history. And I am going to be here to remind you that your candidate didn't want or need our votes.
Already addressed that. If you vote for Hillary, there is no possible way to interpret that other than that you're a Marxist. No one is going to say OMG, you voted for Hillary, you oppose Trump. Everyone will say OMG, you voted for HIllary, you're a Marxist.

Well, at least I'm not a FASCIST!
My point is unchanged. If conservatives were the biggest faction of the Republican Party we would have had conservative GOP nominees in 1988, 1992, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016.

Not when the Conservatives have consistently split their votes among numerous candidates running. That is what has happened every time. Usually, it is the one Establishment candidate who ends up winning by default... this time, it was the Nationalist-Populist.
Well my precepts are not yours so our principles most likely do not match either. Cruz is already history as far as being president goes so your barking for a dead tree that has already lost its spark.

Not only do I think you're wrong, I think you're making a grave political mistake to write off the conservative vote. This is not going to end well for you.
Well my precepts are not yours so our principles most likely do not match either. Cruz is already history as far as being president goes so your barking for a dead tree that has already lost its spark.

Not only do I think you're wrong, I think you're making a grave political mistake to write off the conservative vote. This is not going to end well for you.
Well your conservatives and crooked Dems left us hanging years ago to protect their own thugs and crooks. "End well for you" sounds like somewhat of a threat. Define your ideal "conservative" and we can go from there. I do not consider those who rule over people forcing purchases of insurance, genetically modified foods (with damaging health associated consequences), forced vaccines via legislation, their own personal brand of education by forcing their will on others, my children your children, total denial of justice for victims of counterfeit documents and fraud a conservative trait I want anything to do with. Maybe you do.
I know self respect may be a foreign concept to you; but it should matter to you.

It matters a great deal to me, that's why I'm not throwing it away to march in lockstep behind some blowhard narcissistic who doesn't respect me.

You're asking for a dolphin when Trump's a shark. Hillary is a killer whale.
You're perfectly happy to lose 40 out of 50 states with Cheeto Jesus, aren't you? It lets you just stay all mad and hating the world, beating your bruised and krovvy rookers against unfair Bog in his Heaven.

Good. The world needs people to yell at cars to slow down. Do you shake your fist?

More Regressive Left tactics. Really old and juvenile. But it is all you got.

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I'm a Cruz supporter too. How does voting for Hillary make sense? Write in Cruz

The same way it makes sense to vote for Trump because he's not Hillary.

Again, I know this shocked people to hear me say it... but I never have said that I am 100% for sure going to vote for Hillary. I am still an undecided voter. My voting for Hillary (or not) will largely depend on the attitudes of Trump supporters and Trump himself in the coming weeks. If this hate campaign against Ted Cruz continues that's what is going to happen.

No one is going to get a vote for Hillary. Vote for Gary Johnson. Voting for Hillary doesn't say you're sick of Trump, voting for Gary does

I don't like Gary Johnson. I disagree with him on policy. I also disagree with Hillary and Trump on policy. Apparently, you're not comprehending my rationale behind POSSIBLY voting for Clinton over Trump? It would not be because I support Hillary's ideas or prefer her ideas over something else. It would purely be a vote against Trump. The most effective way to vote against Trump is to vote for Hillary because she is the only one who can defeat him. Anything else is superficial and means nothing.

What amazes me are people who will sit here and tell me that I should vote for Trump because "at least he's not Hillary" but they don't see the irony in proclaiming me a traitor for voting for Hillary because "at least she's not Trump!" Isn't one exactly the same as the other in terms of rationale?

Already addressed that. If you vote for Hillary, there is no possible way to interpret that other than that you're a Marxist. No one is going to say OMG, you voted for Hillary, you oppose Trump. Everyone will say OMG, you voted for HIllary, you're a Marxist.

Voting for Gary Johnson says you are sick of Republicans and you want better. Your choice, but stop lying
kaz, your defintion of marxism is meaningless.

In America, we use definitions in context and tradition.
Already addressed that. If you vote for Hillary, there is no possible way to interpret that other than that you're a Marxist. No one is going to say OMG, you voted for Hillary, you oppose Trump. Everyone will say OMG, you voted for HIllary, you're a Marxist.

Well, at least I'm not a FASCIST!

Why? Why would anyone say that if that's what you vote for?
Already addressed that. If you vote for Hillary, there is no possible way to interpret that other than that you're a Marxist. No one is going to say OMG, you voted for Hillary, you oppose Trump. Everyone will say OMG, you voted for HIllary, you're a Marxist.

Well, at least I'm not a FASCIST!

Why? Why would anyone say that if that's what you vote for?
If you vote for Trump, you are voting for a statist big government administration.
I'm a Cruz supporter too. How does voting for Hillary make sense? Write in Cruz

The same way it makes sense to vote for Trump because he's not Hillary.

Again, I know this shocked people to hear me say it... but I never have said that I am 100% for sure going to vote for Hillary. I am still an undecided voter. My voting for Hillary (or not) will largely depend on the attitudes of Trump supporters and Trump himself in the coming weeks. If this hate campaign against Ted Cruz continues that's what is going to happen.

No one is going to get a vote for Hillary. Vote for Gary Johnson. Voting for Hillary doesn't say you're sick of Trump, voting for Gary does

I don't like Gary Johnson. I disagree with him on policy. I also disagree with Hillary and Trump on policy. Apparently, you're not comprehending my rationale behind POSSIBLY voting for Clinton over Trump? It would not be because I support Hillary's ideas or prefer her ideas over something else. It would purely be a vote against Trump. The most effective way to vote against Trump is to vote for Hillary because she is the only one who can defeat him. Anything else is superficial and means nothing.

What amazes me are people who will sit here and tell me that I should vote for Trump because "at least he's not Hillary" but they don't see the irony in proclaiming me a traitor for voting for Hillary because "at least she's not Trump!" Isn't one exactly the same as the other in terms of rationale?

Already addressed that. If you vote for Hillary, there is no possible way to interpret that other than that you're a Marxist. No one is going to say OMG, you voted for Hillary, you oppose Trump. Everyone will say OMG, you voted for HIllary, you're a Marxist.

Voting for Gary Johnson says you are sick of Republicans and you want better. Your choice, but stop lying
kaz, your defintion of marxism is meaningless.

In America, we use definitions in context and tradition.

You're a useless whore, Jake
The same way it makes sense to vote for Trump because he's not Hillary.

Again, I know this shocked people to hear me say it... but I never have said that I am 100% for sure going to vote for Hillary. I am still an undecided voter. My voting for Hillary (or not) will largely depend on the attitudes of Trump supporters and Trump himself in the coming weeks. If this hate campaign against Ted Cruz continues that's what is going to happen.

No one is going to get a vote for Hillary. Vote for Gary Johnson. Voting for Hillary doesn't say you're sick of Trump, voting for Gary does

I don't like Gary Johnson. I disagree with him on policy. I also disagree with Hillary and Trump on policy. Apparently, you're not comprehending my rationale behind POSSIBLY voting for Clinton over Trump? It would not be because I support Hillary's ideas or prefer her ideas over something else. It would purely be a vote against Trump. The most effective way to vote against Trump is to vote for Hillary because she is the only one who can defeat him. Anything else is superficial and means nothing.

What amazes me are people who will sit here and tell me that I should vote for Trump because "at least he's not Hillary" but they don't see the irony in proclaiming me a traitor for voting for Hillary because "at least she's not Trump!" Isn't one exactly the same as the other in terms of rationale?
See, you are a troll living in your own world of delusion.

Already addressed that. If you vote for Hillary, there is no possible way to interpret that other than that you're a Marxist. No one is going to say OMG, you voted for Hillary, you oppose Trump. Everyone will say OMG, you voted for HIllary, you're a Marxist.

Voting for Gary Johnson says you are sick of Republicans and you want better. Your choice, but stop lying
kaz, your defintion of marxism is meaningless.

In America, we use definitions in context and tradition.

You're a useless whore, Jake
So you would endorse someone who trashed your family and never apologized?

Ted Cruz was very good about hiding behind other people and pretended he had nothing to do with it.. He backed stabbed Ben Carson...He sent out the picture of Trumps wife nude, and then Trump fired back.

I think Trump was thinking of Cruz to be VP, until Cruz came out punching ..and pulled a few things that were legal, but unethical morally in my opinion.

I felt Cruz was taking care of Cruz when he wouldn't nominate Trump, he wants to run in 2020....


All bullshit.

Cruz heard the reporters on tv saying that Carson was heading back to Florida and CNN said that it looked like Carson was dropping out. Cruz repeated the CNN lie, not knowing it was a lie. Cruz did what half of us did ... made the mistake of believing the media. He apologized to Carson just the same.

Cruz's camp didn't run the naked Melania ad, it was done by an anti-Trump pac called Make America Awesome. Look it up. Trump lied and said it was Cruz who did it ... and you believe him.

Cruz would never have accepted VP spot to Trump.

Cruz didn't endorse Trump because Trump lied about his family. Cruz was correct to dump Trump.
So you would endorse someone who trashed your family and never apologized?

Ted Cruz was very good about hiding behind other people and pretended he had nothing to do with it.. He backed stabbed Ben Carson...He sent out the picture of Trumps wife nude, and then Trump fired back.

I think Trump was thinking of Cruz to be VP, until Cruz came out punching ..and pulled a few things that were legal, but unethical morally in my opinion.

I felt Cruz was taking care of Cruz when he wouldn't nominate Trump, he wants to run in 2020....


All bullshit.

Cruz heard the reporters on tv saying that Carson was heading back to Florida and CNN said that it looked like Carson was dropping out. Cruz repeated the CNN lie, not knowing it was a lie. Cruz did what half of us did ... made the mistake of believing the media. He apologized to Carson just the same.

Cruz's camp didn't run the naked Melania ad, it was done by an anti-Trump pac called Make America Awesome. Look it up. Trump lied and said it was Cruz who did it ... and you believe him.

Cruz would never have accepted VP spot to Trump.

Cruz didn't endorse Trump because Trump lied about his family. Cruz was correct to dump Trump.

Listen, the kindest man in the whole presidential race Ben Carson knows what Cruz did...

BTW...It should have been Carson making that statement, not Cruz.. Cruz stepped way over his boundaries to win Iowa..

My point is unchanged. If conservatives were the biggest faction of the Republican Party we would have had conservative GOP nominees in 1988, 1992, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016.

Not when the Conservatives have consistently split their votes among numerous candidates running. That is what has happened every time. Usually, it is the one Establishment candidate who ends up winning by default... this time, it was the Nationalist-Populist.

It's been all RINOs since the last conservative / populist: Reagan.
So you would endorse someone who trashed your family and never apologized?

Ted Cruz was very good about hiding behind other people and pretended he had nothing to do with it.. He backed stabbed Ben Carson...He sent out the picture of Trumps wife nude, and then Trump fired back.

I think Trump was thinking of Cruz to be VP, until Cruz came out punching ..and pulled a few things that were legal, but unethical morally in my opinion.

I felt Cruz was taking care of Cruz when he wouldn't nominate Trump, he wants to run in 2020....


All bullshit.

Cruz heard the reporters on tv saying that Carson was heading back to Florida and CNN said that it looked like Carson was dropping out. Cruz repeated the CNN lie, not knowing it was a lie. Cruz did what half of us did ... made the mistake of believing the media. He apologized to Carson just the same.

Cruz's camp didn't run the naked Melania ad, it was done by an anti-Trump pac called Make America Awesome. Look it up. Trump lied and said it was Cruz who did it ... and you believe him.

Cruz would never have accepted VP spot to Trump.

Cruz didn't endorse Trump because Trump lied about his family. Cruz was correct to dump Trump.

Listen, the kindest man in the whole presidential race Ben Carson knows what Cruz did...

BTW...It should have been Carson making that statement, not Cruz.. Cruz stepped way over his boundaries to win Iowa..

What part of Cruz heard the cnn LIE and, unaware it was a lie, based his actions afterwards on that?
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

Did Trump trash Cruz's wife and father BEFORE Cruz signed the pledge or AFTER?
Responded to this way back in early post. Its there you can look for it.

I think what he is pointing out is, any pledge is made on the social compact that things are on the up and up. If I pledge $100 to your charity and then find out later that your charity funds ISIS, I am not ethically bound to honor my pledge. On the other hand, if I pledge $100 to your charity if you complete the 5k marathon and you're a few hundred yards from the finish when I proclaim that I don't think I am going to honor my pledge, that is dishonest and unethical.

Trump attacked Cruz's family with nothing but tabloid gossip and lies. NO MAN could endorse someone who trashed his family like that... Trump sure as hell wouldn't have. But now, Trump announced on 3/29 to CNN that he would NOT honor the pledge he signed... it was because the race had gotten close and Cruz had won the last several primaries.

Both men reneged on "the pledge" ...Cruz did so ethically, Trump did not.
I looked into the whole Cruz family online info, photos etc. Listened also to Trump. Listened to Cruz. I disagree with you and will leave it at that as I do read some of your stuff but if you become annoying I will need to put you on that invisible ignore thing I do with annoying people so we don't waste one another's time.
How do you disagree with facts?

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