I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

Did Trump trash Cruz's wife and father BEFORE Cruz signed the pledge or AFTER?
Responded to this way back in early post. Its there you can look for it.

I think what he is pointing out is, any pledge is made on the social compact that things are on the up and up. If I pledge $100 to your charity and then find out later that your charity funds ISIS, I am not ethically bound to honor my pledge. On the other hand, if I pledge $100 to your charity if you complete the 5k marathon and you're a few hundred yards from the finish when I proclaim that I don't think I am going to honor my pledge, that is dishonest and unethical.

Trump attacked Cruz's family with nothing but tabloid gossip and lies. NO MAN could endorse someone who trashed his family like that... Trump sure as hell wouldn't have. But now, Trump announced on 3/29 to CNN that he would NOT honor the pledge he signed... it was because the race had gotten close and Cruz had won the last several primaries.

Both men reneged on "the pledge" ...Cruz did so ethically, Trump did not.
I looked into the whole Cruz family online info, photos etc. Listened also to Trump. Listened to Cruz. I disagree with you and will leave it at that as I do read some of your stuff but if you become annoying I will need to put you on that invisible ignore thing I do with annoying people so we don't waste one another's time.
How do you disagree with facts?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I usually have you on the invisible mode as to not waste your time or mine. But you must have some twisted shit you are calling facts to. I'll believe my own eyes on comparing videos, photos and records verses what you or anyone else tries to twist. A whole lot of people are doing that same things. Bye now!
Did Trump trash Cruz's wife and father BEFORE Cruz signed the pledge or AFTER?
Responded to this way back in early post. Its there you can look for it.

I think what he is pointing out is, any pledge is made on the social compact that things are on the up and up. If I pledge $100 to your charity and then find out later that your charity funds ISIS, I am not ethically bound to honor my pledge. On the other hand, if I pledge $100 to your charity if you complete the 5k marathon and you're a few hundred yards from the finish when I proclaim that I don't think I am going to honor my pledge, that is dishonest and unethical.

Trump attacked Cruz's family with nothing but tabloid gossip and lies. NO MAN could endorse someone who trashed his family like that... Trump sure as hell wouldn't have. But now, Trump announced on 3/29 to CNN that he would NOT honor the pledge he signed... it was because the race had gotten close and Cruz had won the last several primaries.

Both men reneged on "the pledge" ...Cruz did so ethically, Trump did not.
I looked into the whole Cruz family online info, photos etc. Listened also to Trump. Listened to Cruz. I disagree with you and will leave it at that as I do read some of your stuff but if you become annoying I will need to put you on that invisible ignore thing I do with annoying people so we don't waste one another's time.
How do you disagree with facts?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I usually have you on the invisible mode as to not waste your time or mine. But you must have some twisted shit you are calling facts to. I'll believe my own eyes on comparing videos, photos and records verses what you or anyone else tries to twist. A whole lot of people are doing that same things. Bye now!
Pathetic. Children run from fact not adults

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Responded to this way back in early post. Its there you can look for it.

I think what he is pointing out is, any pledge is made on the social compact that things are on the up and up. If I pledge $100 to your charity and then find out later that your charity funds ISIS, I am not ethically bound to honor my pledge. On the other hand, if I pledge $100 to your charity if you complete the 5k marathon and you're a few hundred yards from the finish when I proclaim that I don't think I am going to honor my pledge, that is dishonest and unethical.

Trump attacked Cruz's family with nothing but tabloid gossip and lies. NO MAN could endorse someone who trashed his family like that... Trump sure as hell wouldn't have. But now, Trump announced on 3/29 to CNN that he would NOT honor the pledge he signed... it was because the race had gotten close and Cruz had won the last several primaries.

Both men reneged on "the pledge" ...Cruz did so ethically, Trump did not.
I looked into the whole Cruz family online info, photos etc. Listened also to Trump. Listened to Cruz. I disagree with you and will leave it at that as I do read some of your stuff but if you become annoying I will need to put you on that invisible ignore thing I do with annoying people so we don't waste one another's time.
How do you disagree with facts?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I usually have you on the invisible mode as to not waste your time or mine. But you must have some twisted shit you are calling facts to. I'll believe my own eyes on comparing videos, photos and records verses what you or anyone else tries to twist. A whole lot of people are doing that same things. Bye now!
Pathetic. Children run from fact not adults

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You need to start peddling. Fact is Cruz acted like a charlatan and no one was buying.
Well my precepts are not yours so our principles most likely do not match either. Cruz is already history as far as being president goes so your barking for a dead tree that has already lost its spark.

Not only do I think you're wrong, I think you're making a grave political mistake to write off the conservative vote. This is not going to end well for you.
Well your conservatives and crooked Dems left us hanging years ago to protect their own thugs and crooks. "End well for you" sounds like somewhat of a threat. Define your ideal "conservative" and we can go from there. I do not consider those who rule over people forcing purchases of insurance, genetically modified foods (with damaging health associated consequences), forced vaccines via legislation, their own personal brand of education by forcing their will on others, my children your children, total denial of justice for victims of counterfeit documents and fraud a conservative trait I want anything to do with. Maybe you do.

Again, you are quite wrong. Country club Republicans sold you up the river, not conservatives. The Conservatives have not held majority political power in this country since the 90s, and only then for a couple of years. The establishment elite in the GOP are mostly neocons who are globalists and corporatists. They believe in big government just like the progressives, they just want to favor giant corporations more. We call this "crony corporatism" and it's as much of a threat to free market capitalism as the progressives. I think Trump, if he's not a progressive, falls in this category.

If you think this man is going to give you smaller government which interferes less in your life, you're dreaming. He doesn't even talk about reducing the size or scope of government, just more of what government is going to "do for you!" Translation: "how government is going to screw you!"

I am a constitutional conservative. I believe in the founding principles of personal liberty and individual freedom. A smaller, limited federal government that gets out of our way and lets us use the tools of free enterprise and free market capitalism to promote our talents, skills and ideas in the competitive marketplace. We don't have a candidate in this race, that was Ted Cruz. So my vote is up for grabs and I am looking for someone who embraces the ideals of Ted Cruz... not someone who is hell bent on destroying the man politically because he didn't get an endorsement.
So you would endorse someone who trashed your family and never apologized?

Ted Cruz was very good about hiding behind other people and pretended he had nothing to do with it.. He backed stabbed Ben Carson...He sent out the picture of Trumps wife nude, and then Trump fired back.

I think Trump was thinking of Cruz to be VP, until Cruz came out punching ..and pulled a few things that were legal, but unethical morally in my opinion.

I felt Cruz was taking care of Cruz when he wouldn't nominate Trump, he wants to run in 2020....


All bullshit.

Cruz heard the reporters on tv saying that Carson was heading back to Florida and CNN said that it looked like Carson was dropping out. Cruz repeated the CNN lie, not knowing it was a lie. Cruz did what half of us did ... made the mistake of believing the media. He apologized to Carson just the same.

Cruz's camp didn't run the naked Melania ad, it was done by an anti-Trump pac called Make America Awesome. Look it up. Trump lied and said it was Cruz who did it ... and you believe him.

Cruz would never have accepted VP spot to Trump.

Cruz didn't endorse Trump because Trump lied about his family. Cruz was correct to dump Trump.

Again... Cruz himself didn't say anything about Carson, it was a supporter of Cruz who tweeted that people should encourage their delegates to support Cruz instead of Carson because Carson was "pulling out" ...meaning, he was pulling out of Iowa the day before the contest and returning to Florida. There was never anything false in what he tweeted but it wasn't Ted Cruz or his campaign team.

This was turned into a "Big Deal" by the Trump people who have proven very good at manipulating the media. Trump pounded on this for the next three weeks, and the media kept repeating it over and over again. This was the first salvo in what became a very bitter and nasty campaign Trump waged against Cruz.
Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.
Both candidates are crap. However, when it comes to picking one of the two lame choices, I have to look at the larger, long- term picture, not just the four years in office. Based on the long-term picture, I would have to go with Trump or an independent party. If Clinton wins, she will bring in hundreds of thousands more mostly Sunni Muslims. Polls on those coming in have found that the vast majority of them advocate for this nation being an Islamic nation under Sharia law.
Any woman with a basic intelligence who reviews Sharia law will see how it takes away their rights and ushers in a primitive concept that is mandatory to live by, even for non-Muslims. We wouldn't see Islam take over the nation for a few generations, so it obviously wouldn't change our current laws, however, once they have the numbers and politicians, the Constitution would be thrown out and Sharia law put in its place. Our great or, great-great grandchildren would be forced to live under its barbaric principles. I couldn't do that to any of my great or, great-great grandchildren.
Let's be clear, the conservatives all split their votes between Cruz, Carson, Paul, Walker and even Trump. In fact, Trump only got about 45% of the popular vote, the majority supported someone other than Trump.
My point is unchanged. If conservatives were the biggest faction of the Republican Party we would have had conservative GOP nominees in 1988, 1992, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016.

Dole/Kemp was the only conservative, and it was just dumb luck, based on his seniority and a weak GOP bench.

But conservatives aren't even powerful enough in their own Party. The Rapture Right and the Chamber of Commerce and the NeoCon factions are all stronger and larger in the Republican Party.

Jesus Christ I hate to agree with you. Thank God it doesn't happen often.
Again... Cruz himself didn't say anything about Carson, it was a supporter of Cruz who tweeted that people should encourage their delegates to support Cruz instead of Carson because Carson was "pulling out" ...meaning, he was pulling out of Iowa the day before the contest and returning to Florida. There was never anything false in what he tweeted but it wasn't Ted Cruz or his campaign team.

This was turned into a "Big Deal" by the Trump people who have proven very good at manipulating the media. Trump pounded on this for the next three weeks, and the media kept repeating it over and over again. This was the first salvo in what became a very bitter and nasty campaign Trump waged against Cruz.

No. It wasn't a supporter who started it, it was someone on Cruz's political team who saw the CNN report and started telling Carson supporters to switch to Cruz because Carson was dropping out.

But yes, Trump jumped on it and spread the lie about Cruz.

Last night when our political team saw the CNN post saying Dr. Carson was not carrying on to New Hampshire and South Carolina, our campaign updated the grassroots leaders just as we would with any breaking news story. That’s fair game,” Cruz said in a statement. “What the team should have done is send around the follow-up statement from the Carson campaign clarifying that he was indeed staying in the race when that came out. That was a mistake from our end, and for that I apologize to Dr. Carson.”

The Definitive Timeline: Cruz-Carson-CNN Controversy - Breitbart
I think what he is pointing out is, any pledge is made on the social compact that things are on the up and up. If I pledge $100 to your charity and then find out later that your charity funds ISIS, I am not ethically bound to honor my pledge. On the other hand, if I pledge $100 to your charity if you complete the 5k marathon and you're a few hundred yards from the finish when I proclaim that I don't think I am going to honor my pledge, that is dishonest and unethical.

Trump attacked Cruz's family with nothing but tabloid gossip and lies. NO MAN could endorse someone who trashed his family like that... Trump sure as hell wouldn't have. But now, Trump announced on 3/29 to CNN that he would NOT honor the pledge he signed... it was because the race had gotten close and Cruz had won the last several primaries.

Both men reneged on "the pledge" ...Cruz did so ethically, Trump did not.
I looked into the whole Cruz family online info, photos etc. Listened also to Trump. Listened to Cruz. I disagree with you and will leave it at that as I do read some of your stuff but if you become annoying I will need to put you on that invisible ignore thing I do with annoying people so we don't waste one another's time.
How do you disagree with facts?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I usually have you on the invisible mode as to not waste your time or mine. But you must have some twisted shit you are calling facts to. I'll believe my own eyes on comparing videos, photos and records verses what you or anyone else tries to twist. A whole lot of people are doing that same things. Bye now!
Pathetic. Children run from fact not adults

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You need to start peddling. Fact is Cruz acted like a charlatan and no one was buying.
And yet you never show any evidence of this other then the talking points from the orange fool that has already been proven bullshit. Oh I know you will ignore any and all facts that show the truth about your new Idol just like a mindless progressive.
Again... Cruz himself didn't say anything about Carson, it was a supporter of Cruz who tweeted that people should encourage their delegates to support Cruz instead of Carson because Carson was "pulling out" ...meaning, he was pulling out of Iowa the day before the contest and returning to Florida. There was never anything false in what he tweeted but it wasn't Ted Cruz or his campaign team.

This was turned into a "Big Deal" by the Trump people who have proven very good at manipulating the media. Trump pounded on this for the next three weeks, and the media kept repeating it over and over again. This was the first salvo in what became a very bitter and nasty campaign Trump waged against Cruz.

No. It wasn't a supporter who started it, it was someone on Cruz's political team who saw the CNN report and started telling Carson supporters to switch to Cruz because Carson was dropping out.

But yes, Trump jumped on it and spread the lie about Cruz.

Last night when our political team saw the CNN post saying Dr. Carson was not carrying on to New Hampshire and South Carolina, our campaign updated the grassroots leaders just as we would with any breaking news story. That’s fair game,” Cruz said in a statement. “What the team should have done is send around the follow-up statement from the Carson campaign clarifying that he was indeed staying in the race when that came out. That was a mistake from our end, and for that I apologize to Dr. Carson.”

The Definitive Timeline: Cruz-Carson-CNN Controversy - Breitbart
Read the fucking article before you post dumbass.
Both candidates are crap. However, when it comes to picking one of the two lame choices, I have to look at the larger, long- term picture, not just the four years in office. Based on the long-term picture, I would have to go with Trump or an independent party. If Clinton wins, she will bring in hundreds of thousands more mostly Sunni Muslims. Polls on those coming in have found that the vast majority of them advocate for this nation being an Islamic nation under Sharia law.
Any woman with a basic intelligence who reviews Sharia law will see how it takes away their rights and ushers in a primitive concept that is mandatory to live by, even for non-Muslims. We wouldn't see Islam take over the nation for a few generations, so it obviously wouldn't change our current laws, however, once they have the numbers and politicians, the Constitution would be thrown out and Sharia law put in its place. Our great or, great-great grandchildren would be forced to live under its barbaric principles. I couldn't do that to any of my great or, great-great grandchildren.

^ This. Those who think the islamic problem isn't a problem? You're a fucking idiot. By the time you realize that that it is, it will be too late.

If Trump gets in will he keep his word on immigrants? I don't know. Will clinton keep her word to keep bringing them in? Absolutely. There is no doubt that clinton will be the final nail in the coffin.

I swore I was done voting against someone, voting for the lesser of two evils, voting for someone who wasn't more conservative, and I swore there was no way I'd ever, ever vote for Trump. That was before the now daily slaughter taking place in Europe by raghead savages. If Trump gets in and the only thing he keeps his word on is keeping those fucking monsters out and decimating them, then it is worth voting for him. 'Moderate' muslims in this country need to side with those who will destroy the radicals and they need to reform islam from within. If they choose to remain silent, they are terrorists who must be destroyed.
Both candidates are crap. However, when it comes to picking one of the two lame choices, I have to look at the larger, long- term picture, not just the four years in office. Based on the long-term picture, I would have to go with Trump or an independent party. If Clinton wins, she will bring in hundreds of thousands more mostly Sunni Muslims. Polls on those coming in have found that the vast majority of them advocate for this nation being an Islamic nation under Sharia law.
Any woman with a basic intelligence who reviews Sharia law will see how it takes away their rights and ushers in a primitive concept that is mandatory to live by, even for non-Muslims. We wouldn't see Islam take over the nation for a few generations, so it obviously wouldn't change our current laws, however, once they have the numbers and politicians, the Constitution would be thrown out and Sharia law put in its place. Our great or, great-great grandchildren would be forced to live under its barbaric principles. I couldn't do that to any of my great or, great-great grandchildren.

^ This. Those who think the islamic problem isn't a problem? You're a fucking idiot. By the time you realize that that it is, it will be too late.

If Trump gets in will he keep his word on immigrants? I don't know. Will clinton keep her word to keep bringing them in? Absolutely. There is no doubt that clinton will be the final nail in the coffin.

I swore I was done voting against someone, voting for the lesser of two evils, voting for someone who wasn't more conservative, and I swore there was no way I'd ever, ever vote for Trump. That was before the now daily slaughter taking place in Europe by raghead savages. If Trump gets in and the only thing he keeps his word on is keeping those fucking monsters out and decimating them, then it is worth voting for him. 'Moderate' muslims in this country need to side with those who will destroy the radicals and they need to reform islam from within. If they choose to remain silent, they are terrorists who must be destroyed.
If you honestly thin Trump will be any better the Clinton when dealing with Islamic terrorism you are stupid. BOTH are fucking horrible
Both candidates are crap. However, when it comes to picking one of the two lame choices, I have to look at the larger, long- term picture, not just the four years in office. Based on the long-term picture, I would have to go with Trump or an independent party. If Clinton wins, she will bring in hundreds of thousands more mostly Sunni Muslims. Polls on those coming in have found that the vast majority of them advocate for this nation being an Islamic nation under Sharia law.
Any woman with a basic intelligence who reviews Sharia law will see how it takes away their rights and ushers in a primitive concept that is mandatory to live by, even for non-Muslims. We wouldn't see Islam take over the nation for a few generations, so it obviously wouldn't change our current laws, however, once they have the numbers and politicians, the Constitution would be thrown out and Sharia law put in its place. Our great or, great-great grandchildren would be forced to live under its barbaric principles. I couldn't do that to any of my great or, great-great grandchildren.

^ This. Those who think the islamic problem isn't a problem? You're a fucking idiot. By the time you realize that that it is, it will be too late.

If Trump gets in will he keep his word on immigrants? I don't know. Will clinton keep her word to keep bringing them in? Absolutely. There is no doubt that clinton will be the final nail in the coffin.

I swore I was done voting against someone, voting for the lesser of two evils, voting for someone who wasn't more conservative, and I swore there was no way I'd ever, ever vote for Trump. That was before the now daily slaughter taking place in Europe by raghead savages. If Trump gets in and the only thing he keeps his word on is keeping those fucking monsters out and decimating them, then it is worth voting for him. 'Moderate' muslims in this country need to side with those who will destroy the radicals and they need to reform islam from within. If they choose to remain silent, they are terrorists who must be destroyed.
If you honestly thin Trump will be any better the Clinton when dealing with Islamic terrorism you are stupid. BOTH are fucking horrible

Try reading what I actually wrote instead of what you think I wrote.
Both candidates are crap. However, when it comes to picking one of the two lame choices, I have to look at the larger, long- term picture, not just the four years in office. Based on the long-term picture, I would have to go with Trump or an independent party. If Clinton wins, she will bring in hundreds of thousands more mostly Sunni Muslims. Polls on those coming in have found that the vast majority of them advocate for this nation being an Islamic nation under Sharia law.
Any woman with a basic intelligence who reviews Sharia law will see how it takes away their rights and ushers in a primitive concept that is mandatory to live by, even for non-Muslims. We wouldn't see Islam take over the nation for a few generations, so it obviously wouldn't change our current laws, however, once they have the numbers and politicians, the Constitution would be thrown out and Sharia law put in its place. Our great or, great-great grandchildren would be forced to live under its barbaric principles. I couldn't do that to any of my great or, great-great grandchildren.

^ This. Those who think the islamic problem isn't a problem? You're a fucking idiot. By the time you realize that that it is, it will be too late.

If Trump gets in will he keep his word on immigrants? I don't know. Will clinton keep her word to keep bringing them in? Absolutely. There is no doubt that clinton will be the final nail in the coffin.

I swore I was done voting against someone, voting for the lesser of two evils, voting for someone who wasn't more conservative, and I swore there was no way I'd ever, ever vote for Trump. That was before the now daily slaughter taking place in Europe by raghead savages. If Trump gets in and the only thing he keeps his word on is keeping those fucking monsters out and decimating them, then it is worth voting for him. 'Moderate' muslims in this country need to side with those who will destroy the radicals and they need to reform islam from within. If they choose to remain silent, they are terrorists who must be destroyed.
If you honestly thin Trump will be any better the Clinton when dealing with Islamic terrorism you are stupid. BOTH are fucking horrible

Try reading what I actually wrote instead of what you think I wrote.
Maybe you should instead of being a sycophant.
Both candidates are crap. However, when it comes to picking one of the two lame choices, I have to look at the larger, long- term picture, not just the four years in office. Based on the long-term picture, I would have to go with Trump or an independent party. If Clinton wins, she will bring in hundreds of thousands more mostly Sunni Muslims. Polls on those coming in have found that the vast majority of them advocate for this nation being an Islamic nation under Sharia law.
Any woman with a basic intelligence who reviews Sharia law will see how it takes away their rights and ushers in a primitive concept that is mandatory to live by, even for non-Muslims. We wouldn't see Islam take over the nation for a few generations, so it obviously wouldn't change our current laws, however, once they have the numbers and politicians, the Constitution would be thrown out and Sharia law put in its place. Our great or, great-great grandchildren would be forced to live under its barbaric principles. I couldn't do that to any of my great or, great-great grandchildren.

^ This. Those who think the islamic problem isn't a problem? You're a fucking idiot. By the time you realize that that it is, it will be too late.

If Trump gets in will he keep his word on immigrants? I don't know. Will clinton keep her word to keep bringing them in? Absolutely. There is no doubt that clinton will be the final nail in the coffin.

I swore I was done voting against someone, voting for the lesser of two evils, voting for someone who wasn't more conservative, and I swore there was no way I'd ever, ever vote for Trump. That was before the now daily slaughter taking place in Europe by raghead savages. If Trump gets in and the only thing he keeps his word on is keeping those fucking monsters out and decimating them, then it is worth voting for him. 'Moderate' muslims in this country need to side with those who will destroy the radicals and they need to reform islam from within. If they choose to remain silent, they are terrorists who must be destroyed.
If you honestly thin Trump will be any better the Clinton when dealing with Islamic terrorism you are stupid. BOTH are fucking horrible

Try reading what I actually wrote instead of what you think I wrote.
Maybe you should instead of being a sycophant.

Both candidates are crap. However, when it comes to picking one of the two lame choices, I have to look at the larger, long- term picture, not just the four years in office. Based on the long-term picture, I would have to go with Trump or an independent party. If Clinton wins, she will bring in hundreds of thousands more mostly Sunni Muslims. Polls on those coming in have found that the vast majority of them advocate for this nation being an Islamic nation under Sharia law.
Any woman with a basic intelligence who reviews Sharia law will see how it takes away their rights and ushers in a primitive concept that is mandatory to live by, even for non-Muslims. We wouldn't see Islam take over the nation for a few generations, so it obviously wouldn't change our current laws, however, once they have the numbers and politicians, the Constitution would be thrown out and Sharia law put in its place. Our great or, great-great grandchildren would be forced to live under its barbaric principles. I couldn't do that to any of my great or, great-great grandchildren.

^ This. Those who think the islamic problem isn't a problem? You're a fucking idiot. By the time you realize that that it is, it will be too late.

If Trump gets in will he keep his word on immigrants? I don't know. Will clinton keep her word to keep bringing them in? Absolutely. There is no doubt that clinton will be the final nail in the coffin.

I swore I was done voting against someone, voting for the lesser of two evils, voting for someone who wasn't more conservative, and I swore there was no way I'd ever, ever vote for Trump. That was before the now daily slaughter taking place in Europe by raghead savages. If Trump gets in and the only thing he keeps his word on is keeping those fucking monsters out and decimating them, then it is worth voting for him. 'Moderate' muslims in this country need to side with those who will destroy the radicals and they need to reform islam from within. If they choose to remain silent, they are terrorists who must be destroyed.
If you honestly thin Trump will be any better the Clinton when dealing with Islamic terrorism you are stupid. BOTH are fucking horrible

Try reading what I actually wrote instead of what you think I wrote.
Maybe you should instead of being a sycophant.

Thanks for once again proving how retarded Trump humpers are.
^ This. Those who think the islamic problem isn't a problem? You're a fucking idiot. By the time you realize that that it is, it will be too late.

If Trump gets in will he keep his word on immigrants? I don't know. Will clinton keep her word to keep bringing them in? Absolutely. There is no doubt that clinton will be the final nail in the coffin.

I swore I was done voting against someone, voting for the lesser of two evils, voting for someone who wasn't more conservative, and I swore there was no way I'd ever, ever vote for Trump. That was before the now daily slaughter taking place in Europe by raghead savages. If Trump gets in and the only thing he keeps his word on is keeping those fucking monsters out and decimating them, then it is worth voting for him. 'Moderate' muslims in this country need to side with those who will destroy the radicals and they need to reform islam from within. If they choose to remain silent, they are terrorists who must be destroyed.
If you honestly thin Trump will be any better the Clinton when dealing with Islamic terrorism you are stupid. BOTH are fucking horrible

Try reading what I actually wrote instead of what you think I wrote.
Maybe you should instead of being a sycophant.

Thanks for once again proving how retarded Trump humpers are.

Feel free to keep reading what you think (and I use that term loosely) I said. :itsok:
Well my precepts are not yours so our principles most likely do not match either. Cruz is already history as far as being president goes so your barking for a dead tree that has already lost its spark.

Not only do I think you're wrong, I think you're making a grave political mistake to write off the conservative vote. This is not going to end well for you.
Well your conservatives and crooked Dems left us hanging years ago to protect their own thugs and crooks. "End well for you" sounds like somewhat of a threat. Define your ideal "conservative" and we can go from there. I do not consider those who rule over people forcing purchases of insurance, genetically modified foods (with damaging health associated consequences), forced vaccines via legislation, their own personal brand of education by forcing their will on others, my children your children, total denial of justice for victims of counterfeit documents and fraud a conservative trait I want anything to do with. Maybe you do.

Again, you are quite wrong. Country club Republicans sold you up the river, not conservatives. The Conservatives have not held majority political power in this country since the 90s, and only then for a couple of years. The establishment elite in the GOP are mostly neocons who are globalists and corporatists. They believe in big government just like the progressives, they just want to favor giant corporations more. We call this "crony corporatism" and it's as much of a threat to free market capitalism as the progressives. I think Trump, if he's not a progressive, falls in this category.

If you think this man is going to give you smaller government which interferes less in your life, you're dreaming. He doesn't even talk about reducing the size or scope of government, just more of what government is going to "do for you!" Translation: "how government is going to screw you!"

I am a constitutional conservative. I believe in the founding principles of personal liberty and individual freedom. A smaller, limited federal government that gets out of our way and lets us use the tools of free enterprise and free market capitalism to promote our talents, skills and ideas in the competitive marketplace. We don't have a candidate in this race, that was Ted Cruz. So my vote is up for grabs and I am looking for someone who embraces the ideals of Ted Cruz... not someone who is hell bent on destroying the man politically because he didn't get an endorsement.
I suppose we we both have to wait and see what happens as obviously no one has stepped back the growth of government. Trump has not been there yet so you may be jumping the gun. Personally I am not going to worry about Cruz as I said he is already gone.

I do find your precepts of Donald Trump different than mine but do not think I need to justify that to you or anyone else.
Again... Cruz himself didn't say anything about Carson, it was a supporter of Cruz who tweeted that people should encourage their delegates to support Cruz instead of Carson because Carson was "pulling out" ...meaning, he was pulling out of Iowa the day before the contest and returning to Florida. There was never anything false in what he tweeted but it wasn't Ted Cruz or his campaign team.

This was turned into a "Big Deal" by the Trump people who have proven very good at manipulating the media. Trump pounded on this for the next three weeks, and the media kept repeating it over and over again. This was the first salvo in what became a very bitter and nasty campaign Trump waged against Cruz.

No. It wasn't a supporter who started it, it was someone on Cruz's political team who saw the CNN report and started telling Carson supporters to switch to Cruz because Carson was dropping out.

But yes, Trump jumped on it and spread the lie about Cruz.

Last night when our political team saw the CNN post saying Dr. Carson was not carrying on to New Hampshire and South Carolina, our campaign updated the grassroots leaders just as we would with any breaking news story. That’s fair game,” Cruz said in a statement. “What the team should have done is send around the follow-up statement from the Carson campaign clarifying that he was indeed staying in the race when that came out. That was a mistake from our end, and for that I apologize to Dr. Carson.”

The Definitive Timeline: Cruz-Carson-CNN Controversy - Breitbart

*sigh* ...I'm with thanatos, and I don't say that very often. Read what you posted, it confirms what I said. The proverbial "tweet heard 'round the world" came from a Cruz supporter (i.e.; grassroots leader) after being updated by the campaign team on a breaking news story. Cruz is explaining why he felt responsible for not having his team go back and clarify after more information was learned.

When is the last time Trump took responsibility for something and apologized? I can only imagine if the roles were reversed... Trump would have doubled down on Carson... "Hey, I love Ben, he's a lovely guy... but he's a loser, everyone knows he's a loser... he's not even in Iowa anymore, he ran back home... what does that say? It says to me he's not a serious candidate... and yeah, naturally I want every delegate to vote for me... what do you want me to tell them, vote for the loser?" That is the "apology" we would have gotten from Trump.

But the bigger point here is this... You and I... two REPUBLICAN VOTERS.... are having THIS conversation a week after the convention. All the old wounds from the primaries have been re-opened and it appears the Trumpsters want to rub salt in them for no other reason but spite. Well okay... you're going to lose this fucking election, idiot! Plain and simple.
I suppose we we both have to wait and see what happens as obviously no one has stepped back the growth of government. Trump has not been there yet so you may be jumping the gun. Personally I am not going to worry about Cruz as I said he is already gone.

I do find your precepts of Donald Trump different than mine but do not think I need to justify that to you or anyone else.

I agree, Trump is a pig in the poke, we don't know how he will be. Trouble is, he was a liberal pig when he went in the poke and those squeals sound mighty liberal to me. Maybe he'll come out a conservative but I doubt it.

And the whole entire point is, why is ANYONE worried about Cruz at this point? What's the purpose of all this attacking and smearing? You catch a little mouse with a tiny piece of cheese, you don't drop a nuclear bomb on your house... that's just stupid and illogical. So why is that happening?

And no, you certainly don't have to justify your precepts in your candidate but in an election season most people want to make the case for why their candidate is the best choice for others. His ability to trash and smear Ted Cruz relentlessly because he wouldn't endorse him, is not making that case for me. A fucking week after the conventions, it's making the case that Trump is a terrible choice because he's too stupid to win.

It seems to me like what you all want is to shame and humiliate the die-hard Cruz supporters over to Trump. You think if you dump enough shit on Cruz, his most ardent supporters will abandon him and jump aboard the Trump Train. That strategy might have worked in the primaries to sway people leaning toward Cruz... it won't work here. What you're doing, every day this continues, is alienating Cruz voters. They literally don't feel like they are part of this party anymore... nor do they particularly want to be.

And I know that many of you are sick of this and don't want to be talking about Cruz anymore but your candidate has caused this. People who supported Ted Cruz are highly insulted and offended and we're not just going to shut up and move on. That's what Trump should've done following Ted's speech... shut up, be magnanimous and move on to Hillary. But he couldn't help himself and neither could his obnoxious supporters... you had to go attacking Cruz because you didn't get your endorsement you claim didn't matter.

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