I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

I am not going to go into family affairs on here but I can tell you that I am known to be a very patient person and have let a lot of things slide over the years that most would never consider letting go.

Well I am sorry but I don't believe any man with any integrity whatsoever could endorse someone who trashed his family. I just don't. Patience or not... it's just not a valid argument in my opinion.
No sir. I will NOT be giving up my principles. If you're going to abandon what you believe in, you may as well vote for Hillary. There's really no difference.

I'm NOT moving on. I refuse to do so until we have some things straight about the direction of this party and it's future. Conservatives have been getting kicked in the nuts for almost a week now, and no signs of it letting up. Now we're being told to "move on" ....fuck that noise!

No, we're not going to just "move on" and walk in lockstep behind Trump. You can all do that if that's what you think is best. A good many of us refuse. Your candidate is going to have to deal with that whether he likes it or not.

You missed my point. I didn't say to walk lock step with Trump, I never said give up on your principles, I didn't say vote for him. Move on from the anger pushing you to vote for clinton. Voting for her will ensure that conservative voices will be silenced for good. I know you don't want that.

No, I really don't... that's the sad part. I would like to be included in the Republican party but the "movement" seems to have decided they don't want me or my vote and they want to instead, insult and denigrate me while attacking Ted Cruz.

So it's quite the conundrum and it won't be forgotten anytime soon. There is going to be a price to pay for this.

Okay. But voting for clinton isn't the way to go about it, imo. Seriously. You know what she'll do to this country.

Thing is, the Republican party hasn't been conservative for years.
Conservatism is a failed ideology.

There are so few people who believe in it, they haven't been able to nominate a conservative in 1988, 1992, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016.

That's a goony thing to say - - even for you. ;)
If conservatives don't even have enough votes within the Republican Party to nominate a conservative, why should the vast rest of America really care what they want?

Conservatism is a failed ideology.
I'm a Cruz supporter too. How does voting for Hillary make sense? Write in Cruz

The same way it makes sense to vote for Trump because he's not Hillary.

Again, I know this shocked people to hear me say it... but I never have said that I am 100% for sure going to vote for Hillary. I am still an undecided voter. My voting for Hillary (or not) will largely depend on the attitudes of Trump supporters and Trump himself in the coming weeks. If this hate campaign against Ted Cruz continues that's what is going to happen.

No one is going to get a vote for Hillary. Vote for Gary Johnson. Voting for Hillary doesn't say you're sick of Trump, voting for Gary does

I don't like Gary Johnson. I disagree with him on policy. I also disagree with Hillary and Trump on policy. Apparently, you're not comprehending my rationale behind POSSIBLY voting for Clinton over Trump? It would not be because I support Hillary's ideas or prefer her ideas over something else. It would purely be a vote against Trump. The most effective way to vote against Trump is to vote for Hillary because she is the only one who can defeat him. Anything else is superficial and means nothing.

What amazes me are people who will sit here and tell me that I should vote for Trump because "at least he's not Hillary" but they don't see the irony in proclaiming me a traitor for voting for Hillary because "at least she's not Trump!" Isn't one exactly the same as the other in terms of rationale?
Boss just go out and do it. Nobody cares. Vote against Trump, vote for Stein, write someone in...doesn't matter...we'll win this bitch with our without voters like you. It's no big deal. Cast your vote how you see fit and quit crying over Trump and his supporters.
I am not going to go into family affairs on here but I can tell you that I am known to be a very patient person and have let a lot of things slide over the years that most would never consider letting go.

Well I am sorry but I don't believe any man with any integrity whatsoever could endorse someone who trashed his family. I just don't. Patience or not... it's just not a valid argument in my opinion.
Well I already gave my opinion why Trump gets my vote and I could never support Hillary or Bill either one. I would not vote either them for a mayor position in an unknown shit-hole much less give them my vote for presidential position. It really should make no difference to you how or why I make my decisions as I am a little ole nobody just a very tiny microscopic voice in the vastness of this country's voices out there in lala land.
Funny how some people can't seem to see THEY are the ones calling names.

I am not big on Trump, but I AM concerned on who is put in as SCOTUS. We all should be.
Why? Because they may re-affirm the law that has been Constitutional since the early 1970s?

They should! This is another issue that conservatives fought and lost. And as usual, they can't face reality, and their defeat.
If conservatives don't even have enough votes within the Republican Party to nominate a conservative, why should the vast rest of America really care what they want?

Conservatism is a failed ideology.

Let's be clear, the conservatives all split their votes between Cruz, Carson, Paul, Walker and even Trump. In fact, Trump only got about 45% of the popular vote, the majority supported someone other than Trump.

I realize radical liberals don't think people care what conservatives want, but you'd think the GOP nominee would.

Boss just go out and do it. Nobody cares. Vote against Trump, vote for Stein, write someone in...doesn't matter...we'll win this bitch with our without voters like you. It's no big deal. Cast your vote how you see fit and quit crying over Trump and his supporters.

I'm not crying over anything. I am voicing my opinion and I will continue to do so. If you don't like that, tough shit.. I'm still going to do it. If your candidate mouths liberal talking points, I am going to be here pointing it out and holding your feet to the fire on it. Again, if you don't like that, tough shit... still gonna happen.

Honestly, I don't know who I am going to vote for at this time. But if you people keep dumping on Ted Cruz, I might vote for Hillary Clinton just to be spiteful. To quote the Great Hildabeast... "at this point, what difference does it make?" If Donald Trump is going to completely sell out and become a flaming liberal, we may as well elect Hillary. At least she has experience being a crooked politician and habitual liar... Trump doesn't seem to have a clue.
I know self respect may be a foreign concept to you; but it should matter to you.

It matters a great deal to me, that's why I'm not throwing it away to march in lockstep behind some blowhard narcissistic who doesn't respect me.

You're asking for a dolphin when Trump's a shark. Hillary is a killer whale.
You're perfectly happy to lose 40 out of 50 states with Cheeto Jesus, aren't you? It lets you just stay all mad and hating the world, beating your bruised and krovvy rookers against unfair Bog in his Heaven.

Good. The world needs people to yell at cars to slow down. Do you shake your fist?
So you would endorse someone who trashed your family and never apologized?

Ted Cruz was very good about hiding behind other people and pretended he had nothing to do with it.. He backed stabbed Ben Carson...He sent out the picture of Trumps wife nude, and then Trump fired back.

I think Trump was thinking of Cruz to be VP, until Cruz came out punching ..and pulled a few things that were legal, but unethical morally in my opinion.

I felt Cruz was taking care of Cruz when he wouldn't nominate Trump, he wants to run in 2020....

Well I already gave my opinion why Trump gets my vote and I could never support Hillary or Bill either one. I would not vote either them for a mayor position in an unknown shit-hole much less give them my vote for presidential position. It really should make no difference to you how or why I make my decisions as I am a little ole nobody just a very tiny microscopic voice in the vastness of this country's voices out there in lala land.

And that's fine... you're willing to sell out your principles and vote for a personality because he's not Hillary Clinton. But this thing about Cruz and the pledge is what we were discussing. You think Cruz should have endorsed Trump and I think he would have been brandished as a suck up and sell out if he had. No one would have found his endorsement sincere after the attacks on his family and rightly so... I would have lost all respect for the man if he had done that.

For a week now, this has been the narrative... along with the proclaiming of the end to Cruz's career. That all remains to be seen but the focus should've been on Hillary Clinton and not Ted Cruz. Bashing and trashing Ted Cruz is certainly NOT going to win this election for Donald Trump. It may in fact ensure Hillary Clinton wins and wins big. Trump will need every vote he can get to beat this woman, and if you're stupid enough to think otherwise then you're far too stupid to win anyway.
But YOU or any other "Cruz supporter" that is OK with Hillary?

well, FUCK YOU, you claim to hold conservative values?
Drumpf is not a conservative. He even said "It's not called the Conservative Party, it's called the Republican Party".

He could give a shit about conservatives or anyone else. He'll fuck you over in a New York minute if it suits him. Because what are you gonna do about it?
Well I already gave my opinion why Trump gets my vote and I could never support Hillary or Bill either one. I would not vote either them for a mayor position in an unknown shit-hole much less give them my vote for presidential position. It really should make no difference to you how or why I make my decisions as I am a little ole nobody just a very tiny microscopic voice in the vastness of this country's voices out there in lala land.

And that's fine... you're willing to sell out your principles and vote for a personality because he's not Hillary Clinton. But this thing about Cruz and the pledge is what we were discussing. You think Cruz should have endorsed Trump and I think he would have been brandished as a suck up and sell out if he had. No one would have found his endorsement sincere after the attacks on his family and rightly so... I would have lost all respect for the man if he had done that.

For a week now, this has been the narrative... along with the proclaiming of the end to Cruz's career. That all remains to be seen but the focus should've been on Hillary Clinton and not Ted Cruz. Bashing and trashing Ted Cruz is certainly NOT going to win this election for Donald Trump. It may in fact ensure Hillary Clinton wins and wins big. Trump will need every vote he can get to beat this woman, and if you're stupid enough to think otherwise then you're far too stupid to win anyway.
Well my precepts are not yours so our principles most likely do not match either. Cruz is already history as far as being president goes so your barking for a dead tree that has already lost its spark.
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
I've been here longer than both of you, and Boss has been a wingnut since he joined. He's an extremist conservative, Tea Party guy. One who voted for Bush twice, supported the Iraq War, defended Bush at every turn. Then when Bush shit the bed, and we elected the Black guy, he became the anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-science, anti-compromise, anti-legislate obstruction fan.

And that's the same exact description of a bunch of Right-Wingers on this board.

Boss is no Liberal. I don't know if he fits this week's definition of a conservative, but he isn't a Liberal.
So true. That describes most Republicans. They are mostly dishonest partisan hacks that put party over country.

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Every single time.
Let's be clear, the conservatives all split their votes between Cruz, Carson, Paul, Walker and even Trump. In fact, Trump only got about 45% of the popular vote, the majority supported someone other than Trump.
My point is unchanged. If conservatives were the biggest faction of the Republican Party we would have had conservative GOP nominees in 1988, 1992, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016.

Dole/Kemp was the only conservative, and it was just dumb luck, based on his seniority and a weak GOP bench.

But conservatives aren't even powerful enough in their own Party. The Rapture Right and the Chamber of Commerce and the NeoCon factions are all stronger and larger in the Republican Party.
But if you people keep dumping on Ted Cruz, I might vote for Hillary Clinton just to be spiteful.
You should vote for Hillary because she will work harder and smarter than anyone else, and because it's the only sane choice.

It should be a vote for America, not to get revenge for your politician boyfriend.
So you would endorse someone who trashed your family and never apologized?

Ted Cruz was very good about hiding behind other people and pretended he had nothing to do with it.. He backed stabbed Ben Carson...He sent out the picture of Trumps wife nude, and then Trump fired back.

I think Trump was thinking of Cruz to be VP, until Cruz came out punching ..and pulled a few things that were legal, but unethical morally in my opinion.

I felt Cruz was taking care of Cruz when he wouldn't nominate Trump, he wants to run in 2020....

No he did not... this has already been proven during the campaign. You're simply buying Trump's lies.

A Cruz supporter urged delegates in Iowa to switch over and support Cruz instead of Carson because Carson wasn't a serious candidate. As history proved, he DID drop out and join Trump's campaign. So they were absolutely right... an Iowa vote for Carson was a total wash... a wasted vote. Nevertheless, this was NOT done by Ted Cruz. AND... Ted Cruz stood on the national stage before God and everybody at the next debate, and personally apologized to Dr. Carson for the misunderstanding.

The pictures of Melania were put out by an anti-Trump PAC group that Ted Cruz had nothing to do with. By matter of federal law, he can't have any communication with ANY PAC... not even his OWN! This was not only a PAC, it wasn't even HIS PAC! Federal Campaign Finance laws are VERY clear and they are VERY enforced by the FEC. If you or anyone else has ANY evidence that Ted Cruz was involved in ANY way with what a PAC did, you need to report that to the FEC immediately... they WILL prosecute.

And what do you mean "when Cruz wouldn't nominate Trump?" The nomination had already happened! Trump was the nominee and Cruz began his speech by congratulating him on winning the nomination. he didn't "endorse" Trump and that seems to be the crux of all this smear and jeer on Cruz now. Well guess what? We don't live in Venezuela... Not everybody is going to endorse your candidate! Reagan didn't endorse Ford in 1976... did that END his career?

I mean, this is starting to sound more scary every day.... it's like Trump is some kind of despotic ruler we all have to rally behind or fear being destroyed... is there no room for dissent anymore? Is this like Saddam Hussein in Iraq where 99% of us have to give our endorsement?
So you would endorse someone who trashed your family and never apologized?

Ted Cruz was very good about hiding behind other people and pretended he had nothing to do with it.. He backed stabbed Ben Carson...He sent out the picture of Trumps wife nude, and then Trump fired back.

I think Trump was thinking of Cruz to be VP, until Cruz came out punching ..and pulled a few things that were legal, but unethical morally in my opinion.

I felt Cruz was taking care of Cruz when he wouldn't nominate Trump, he wants to run in 2020....

No he did not... this has already been proven during the campaign. You're simply buying Trump's lies.

A Cruz supporter urged delegates in Iowa to switch over and support Cruz instead of Carson because Carson wasn't a serious candidate. As history proved, he DID drop out and join Trump's campaign. So they were absolutely right... an Iowa vote for Carson was a total wash... a wasted vote. Nevertheless, this was NOT done by Ted Cruz. AND... Ted Cruz stood on the national stage before God and everybody at the next debate, and personally apologized to Dr. Carson for the misunderstanding.

The pictures of Melania were put out by an anti-Trump PAC group that Ted Cruz had nothing to do with. By matter of federal law, he can't have any communication with ANY PAC... not even his OWN! This was not only a PAC, it wasn't even HIS PAC! Federal Campaign Finance laws are VERY clear and they are VERY enforced by the FEC. If you or anyone else has ANY evidence that Ted Cruz was involved in ANY way with what a PAC did, you need to report that to the FEC immediately... they WILL prosecute.

And what do you mean "when Cruz wouldn't nominate Trump?" The nomination had already happened! Trump was the nominee and Cruz began his speech by congratulating him on winning the nomination. he didn't "endorse" Trump and that seems to be the crux of all this smear and jeer on Cruz now. Well guess what? We don't live in Venezuela... Not everybody is going to endorse your candidate! Reagan didn't endorse Ford in 1976... did that END his career?

I mean, this is starting to sound more scary every day.... it's like Trump is some kind of despotic ruler we all have to rally behind or fear being destroyed... is there no room for dissent anymore? Is this like Saddam Hussein in Iraq where 99% of us have to give our endorsement?

No he is not a ruler for me , I am trying to be neutral .
I remember very clearly that the Cruz campaign sent out phone messages , emails and text's that Carson was out of the race and to vote for him..
Carson was not already out of the race, but I know he was relieved to get out a few weeks later..

Carson and Cruz were friends who had dinner together many times, Carson felt betrayed .

You are right about the picture of Melania .

At the end of Cruz's speech last week Cruz congratulated him but got boo'ed out because he would not endorse Trump like he vowed to do for the party. He did it to himself in my opinion..
Some say it would have been better for him to just stay home, people would be ok with that

Well I already gave my opinion why Trump gets my vote and I could never support Hillary or Bill either one. I would not vote either them for a mayor position in an unknown shit-hole much less give them my vote for presidential position. It really should make no difference to you how or why I make my decisions as I am a little ole nobody just a very tiny microscopic voice in the vastness of this country's voices out there in lala land.

And that's fine... you're willing to sell out your principles and vote for a personality because he's not Hillary Clinton. But this thing about Cruz and the pledge is what we were discussing. You think Cruz should have endorsed Trump and I think he would have been brandished as a suck up and sell out if he had. No one would have found his endorsement sincere after the attacks on his family and rightly so... I would have lost all respect for the man if he had done that.

For a week now, this has been the narrative... along with the proclaiming of the end to Cruz's career. That all remains to be seen but the focus should've been on Hillary Clinton and not Ted Cruz. Bashing and trashing Ted Cruz is certainly NOT going to win this election for Donald Trump. It may in fact ensure Hillary Clinton wins and wins big. Trump will need every vote he can get to beat this woman, and if you're stupid enough to think otherwise then you're far too stupid to win anyway.
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