I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Wasn't that after Cruz refused to support Trump? We all know Trump is no wuss. He is not going to kiss butt.

Cruz supported everything in the platform and supports the party. He was never going to endorse Trump and that was never a condition for him to speak at the convention. No one has ever asked for Trump to kiss anyone's butt... just lay off the fucking attacks and smears. Why is that interpreted by you as "kissing butt?"

Stop spreading the damn lies, stop denigrating the man, stop proclaiming his career over, stop insulting the people who supported him.... OR... Lose the damn election to Hillary!
They say everyone in Texas says that Cruz's career is TOAST!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
No one who is sane in Texas says any such thing.

I despise the man, but that does not mean that I ignore the facts. He is a powerhouse.
Maybe I'm listening to too many Republican hacks in the media then.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

It's funny how after Trump won the nomination and Bernie almost won his you still think the establishment can veto candidates ...
The dem establishment vetoed Bern. And the GOP establishment is going to veto Trump's election as president.
Last edited:
I just watched trump lie and then blame Cruz about carpet bombing. ... I am so pissed so many so called republicans nominated this authoritarian piece of garbage because they left us the American people no choice that is good for the country

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Cruz is the one who talked about carpet bombing

Ted Cruz wanted to ‘carpet bomb’ the Islamic State. Does he understand today’s military?

A lot of us were concerned about that and only went solidly back to him when he stopped saying stupid shit like that.

You know you're in the Internet, you can google things you don't know ...
I didn't say he didn't but trump agreed with him then said he didn't then said he did then called his wife ugly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Again, I was and am a Cruz supporter and frankly as of this moment I'm a Cruz supporter for 2020.

But when did Trump endorse carpet bombing? I never heard that and my Google search turned up no hits
Cruz supported everything in the platform and supports the party. He was never going to endorse Trump and that was never a condition for him to speak at the convention. No one has ever asked for Trump to kiss anyone's butt... just lay off the fucking attacks and smears. Why is that interpreted by you as "kissing butt?"

Stop spreading the damn lies, stop denigrating the man, stop proclaiming his career over, stop insulting the people who supported him.... OR... Lose the damn election to Hillary!
They say everyone in Texas says that Cruz's career is TOAST!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
No one who is sane in Texas says any such thing.

I despise the man, but that does not mean that I ignore the facts. He is a powerhouse.
Maybe I'm listening to too many Republican hacks in the media then.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

It's funny how after Trump won the nomination and Bernie almost won his you still think the establishment can veto candidates ...
The dem establishment vetoed Bern. And the GOP establishment is going to veto his election as president.

The Dem establishment voted for Bernie? What are you smoking, Jake?
I just watched trump lie and then blame Cruz about carpet bombing. ... I am so pissed so many so called republicans nominated this authoritarian piece of garbage because they left us the American people no choice that is good for the country

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Cruz is the one who talked about carpet bombing

Ted Cruz wanted to ‘carpet bomb’ the Islamic State. Does he understand today’s military?

A lot of us were concerned about that and only went solidly back to him when he stopped saying stupid shit like that.

You know you're in the Internet, you can google things you don't know ...
I didn't say he didn't but trump agreed with him then said he didn't then said he did then called his wife ugly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Again, I was and am a Cruz supporter and frankly as of this moment I'm a Cruz supporter for 2020.

But when did Trump endorse carpet bombing? I never heard that and my Google search turned up no hits
Trump was responding to an ISIS outrage and said "we are going to carpet bomb the hell out of them if I am president."
They say everyone in Texas says that Cruz's career is TOAST!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
No one who is sane in Texas says any such thing.

I despise the man, but that does not mean that I ignore the facts. He is a powerhouse.
Maybe I'm listening to too many Republican hacks in the media then.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

It's funny how after Trump won the nomination and Bernie almost won his you still think the establishment can veto candidates ...
The dem establishment vetoed Bern. And the GOP establishment is going to veto Trump's election as president.

The Dem establishment voted for Bernie? What are you smoking, Jake?
The Dems selected HRC, kaz, and that's the end of it except for whining.
I just watched trump lie and then blame Cruz about carpet bombing. ... I am so pissed so many so called republicans nominated this authoritarian piece of garbage because they left us the American people no choice that is good for the country

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Cruz is the one who talked about carpet bombing

Ted Cruz wanted to ‘carpet bomb’ the Islamic State. Does he understand today’s military?

A lot of us were concerned about that and only went solidly back to him when he stopped saying stupid shit like that.

You know you're in the Internet, you can google things you don't know ...
I didn't say he didn't but trump agreed with him then said he didn't then said he did then called his wife ugly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Again, I was and am a Cruz supporter and frankly as of this moment I'm a Cruz supporter for 2020.

But when did Trump endorse carpet bombing? I never heard that and my Google search turned up no hits
Trump was responding to an ISIS outrage and said "we are going to carpet bomb the hell out of them if I am president."

I want a link Jake, I am not taking your word for it. Cruz said that, not Trump. And Google isn't familiar with that quote either
No one who is sane in Texas says any such thing.

I despise the man, but that does not mean that I ignore the facts. He is a powerhouse.
Maybe I'm listening to too many Republican hacks in the media then.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

It's funny how after Trump won the nomination and Bernie almost won his you still think the establishment can veto candidates ...
The dem establishment vetoed Bern. And the GOP establishment is going to veto Trump's election as president.

The Dem establishment voted for Bernie? What are you smoking, Jake?
The Dems selected HRC, kaz, and that's the end of it except for whining.

Here's a hanky, Jake, try to stop crying now. It's just a discussion.

So you don't know what an "establishment Democrat" is? Democrats are just truth seeking savants to you, aren't they Jake?
I just watched trump lie and then blame Cruz about carpet bombing. ... I am so pissed so many so called republicans nominated this authoritarian piece of garbage because they left us the American people no choice that is good for the country

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Cruz is the one who talked about carpet bombing

Ted Cruz wanted to ‘carpet bomb’ the Islamic State. Does he understand today’s military?

A lot of us were concerned about that and only went solidly back to him when he stopped saying stupid shit like that.

You know you're in the Internet, you can google things you don't know ...
I didn't say he didn't but trump agreed with him then said he didn't then said he did then called his wife ugly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Again, I was and am a Cruz supporter and frankly as of this moment I'm a Cruz supporter for 2020.

But when did Trump endorse carpet bombing? I never heard that and my Google search turned up no hits
Trump was responding to an ISIS outrage and said "we are going to carpet bomb the hell out of them if I am president."

I want a link Jake, I am not taking your word for it. Cruz said that, not Trump. And Google isn't familiar with that quote either
What you want is always a non-starter. I heard him on a spot on Morning Joe.
Maybe I'm listening to too many Republican hacks in the media then.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

It's funny how after Trump won the nomination and Bernie almost won his you still think the establishment can veto candidates ...
The dem establishment vetoed Bern. And the GOP establishment is going to veto Trump's election as president.

The Dem establishment voted for Bernie? What are you smoking, Jake?
The Dems selected HRC, kaz, and that's the end of it except for whining.

Here's a hanky, Jake, try to stop crying now. It's just a discussion. So you don't know what an "establishment Democrat" is? Democrats are just truth seeking savants to you, aren't they Jake?
You are in a hissy the morning more than usual, kaz. That's OK. It means nothing.
I just watched trump lie and then blame Cruz about carpet bombing. ... I am so pissed so many so called republicans nominated this authoritarian piece of garbage because they left us the American people no choice that is good for the country

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Cruz is the one who talked about carpet bombing

Ted Cruz wanted to ‘carpet bomb’ the Islamic State. Does he understand today’s military?

A lot of us were concerned about that and only went solidly back to him when he stopped saying stupid shit like that.

You know you're in the Internet, you can google things you don't know ...
I didn't say he didn't but trump agreed with him then said he didn't then said he did then called his wife ugly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Again, I was and am a Cruz supporter and frankly as of this moment I'm a Cruz supporter for 2020.

But when did Trump endorse carpet bombing? I never heard that and my Google search turned up no hits
Trump was responding to an ISIS outrage and said "we are going to carpet bomb the hell out of them if I am president."

He didn't say carpet bomb, Kaz is correct. Trump said he'd "bomb the shit out of them".

DONALD TRUMP: 'I would bomb the s--- out of' ISIS

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Cruz is the one who talked about carpet bombing

Ted Cruz wanted to ‘carpet bomb’ the Islamic State. Does he understand today’s military?

A lot of us were concerned about that and only went solidly back to him when he stopped saying stupid shit like that.

You know you're in the Internet, you can google things you don't know ...
I didn't say he didn't but trump agreed with him then said he didn't then said he did then called his wife ugly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Again, I was and am a Cruz supporter and frankly as of this moment I'm a Cruz supporter for 2020.

But when did Trump endorse carpet bombing? I never heard that and my Google search turned up no hits
Trump was responding to an ISIS outrage and said "we are going to carpet bomb the hell out of them if I am president."

I want a link Jake, I am not taking your word for it. Cruz said that, not Trump. And Google isn't familiar with that quote either
What you want is always a non-starter. I heard him on a spot on Morning Joe.

You're a lying Democrat hack who made it up, Jake. Trump never said he would "carpet bomb" ISIS. Cruz said that, you're just a terrible Hillary loving liar.

Google says you made it up too
It's funny how after Trump won the nomination and Bernie almost won his you still think the establishment can veto candidates ...
The dem establishment vetoed Bern. And the GOP establishment is going to veto Trump's election as president.

The Dem establishment voted for Bernie? What are you smoking, Jake?
The Dems selected HRC, kaz, and that's the end of it except for whining.

Here's a hanky, Jake, try to stop crying now. It's just a discussion. So you don't know what an "establishment Democrat" is? Democrats are just truth seeking savants to you, aren't they Jake?
You are in a hissy the morning more than usual, kaz. That's OK. It means nothing.

You have nothing in your head or your pants, do you, Jake?
So because he didn't use the precise term all are liars? This is why he will lose. He and his worshipers are dishonest

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
So because he didn't use the precise term all are liars? This is why he will lose. He and his worshipers are dishonest

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

So is Hillary and her worshippers. Two really bad choices.

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We have two choices. One sells access one does not. Those are the facts & the only ones with a chance to win. Join the op and vote for a traitor or vote for someone who MIGHT change all that.

WRONG. We don't know what Trump will do, he's never been elected to office for anything. He might be better at selling political access than Hillary?

I haven't said I am voting for Hillary, I said that I might vote for Hillary. If the smearing of Ted Cruz and moving away from conservative values doesn't stop, that possibility becomes more likely. Sorry if you don't like it, maybe you and your candidate ought to think about stopping the smear campaign on myself and Ted Cruz? I mean, it has been a week since the convention and it's still going on.

Couple that with the fact this jerk seems to be becoming more liberal every day... What does he mean when he says he realizes it's "not the republican thing to do but we've gotta help people?" Does he think it's a republican thing not to help people? And how is raising the minimum wage and killing jobs and driving up prices going to help them?

It seems we're supposed to abandon our principles to support this guy who wants to lecture us on how we have to be good little liberals now. Not me baby, I'm not signing on to this circus. If you want to, that's your business. If you want to hurl names at me, that's fine too but maybe you should've worked to nominate a more conservative candidate?
I'm a Cruz supporter too. How does voting for Hillary make sense? Write in Cruz

The same way it makes sense to vote for Trump because he's not Hillary.

Again, I know this shocked people to hear me say it... but I never have said that I am 100% for sure going to vote for Hillary. I am still an undecided voter. My voting for Hillary (or not) will largely depend on the attitudes of Trump supporters and Trump himself in the coming weeks. If this hate campaign against Ted Cruz continues that's what is going to happen.
No, I am saying.. .whatever cranks your tractor... at the end of the day, all these names you're calling me isn't going to mean diddly squat if Trump loses to Hillary.

At the end of the day, this tea and sympathy campaign you're waging for yourself will have zero effect on the outcome.

Well I think you're wrong. I think Trump can't possibly win without Cruz supporters backing him, you just don't have those kinds of numbers. You might be fooling yourself into thinking you do, but you don't. Now we can wait for election night and see... but you're risking losing the country to Hillary Clinton.

He can win without us (Cruz supporters) if he can pull the indies and Bernies-who-rightfully-lothe-him-and-clinton.

There will be plenty of Cruz supporters for Trump, just not the raving imbeciles.

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