I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Lets see Trump is against nation building wars.....wants all Dept heads to identify waste and eliminate it.......going to give vets hotline to WH in VA issue until it gets fixed......wants secure borders,,,,wants proper vetting of "refugees".....sounds like real crazy guy......i mean who would want that
When has he ever said any of that? When hasn't he been all sides of all issues? Trump is proof the American people have devolved into idiots.
Lets see Trump is against nation building wars.....wants all Dept heads to identify waste and eliminate it.......going to give vets hotline to WH in VA issue until it gets fixed......wants secure borders,,,,wants proper vetting of "refugees".....sounds like real crazy guy......i mean who would want that

With Trump, it all depends on which day you catch him on. "Everything is negotiable!" ...Direct quote from the man himself.

You see... you are electing someone to think and decide for you... to make those decisions on the fly without consulting you. He knows what's best for us and we just need to shut up and go along with him, or he can destroy us personally.
Unlike Hillary where EVERYTHING is for sale to the highest bidder. Including the Lincoln bedroom.
Thanks but I'll settle for a negotiator.
When in his entire life hasn't Trump sold anything for a buck? Your messiah is not better then your devil.
Lets see Trump is against nation building wars.....wants all Dept heads to identify waste and eliminate it.......going to give vets hotline to WH in VA issue until it gets fixed......wants secure borders,,,,wants proper vetting of "refugees".....sounds like real crazy guy......i mean who would want that

With Trump, it all depends on which day you catch him on. "Everything is negotiable!" ...Direct quote from the man himself.

You see... you are electing someone to think and decide for you... to make those decisions on the fly without consulting you. He knows what's best for us and we just need to shut up and go along with him, or he can destroy us personally.
Unlike Hillary where EVERYTHING is for sale to the highest bidder. Including the Lincoln bedroom.
Thanks but I'll settle for a negotiator.
When in his entire life hasn't Trump sold anything for a buck? Your messiah is not better then your devil.
When in his entire life has Trump ever sold a "political favor"
Last time I checked selling ties or real estate didn't violate US law.
However, I'm taking a page out of Ted's book and moving on. You should follow Ted's example. You're hanging onto it like Trump hanging onto Cruz's non-endorsement. It's over, let it go.

No sir. I will NOT be giving up my principles. If you're going to abandon what you believe in, you may as well vote for Hillary. There's really no difference.

I'm NOT moving on. I refuse to do so until we have some things straight about the direction of this party and it's future. Conservatives have been getting kicked in the nuts for almost a week now, and no signs of it letting up. Now we're being told to "move on" ....fuck that noise!

No, we're not going to just "move on" and walk in lockstep behind Trump. You can all do that if that's what you think is best. A good many of us refuse. Your candidate is going to have to deal with that whether he likes it or not.

Oh BOO HOO. Vote for Hillary. You REALLY think anyone cares? :cuckoo:
You an all you trumpetes seem to care
No, I really don't... that's the sad part. I would like to be included in the Republican party but the "movement" seems to have decided they don't want me or my vote and they want to instead, insult and denigrate me while attacking Ted Cruz.

So it's quite the conundrum and it won't be forgotten anytime soon. There is going to be a price to pay for this.

"The movement" has decided that people that would vote for Hillary are cowards or ignoramuses. Which one are you?
Maybe a man who doesn't like bigoted tyrant wannabes like you. It is far easier to contain Clinton with the right congress then it is to contain the orange buffoon.
Trump said today that he wants to raise the MW to $10/hr. Then he said, it's maybe not the Republican thing to do but we've got to help people! I mean... WTF? :cuckoo:

I'll explain to you WTF:

Trump is a good entertainer but also an intellectual lightweight that just makes it up as he goes along. He is an empty clown suit. His thoughts are about as deep as a bowl of soup and he only scantly understands political policy positions and their underlying basis and history.
Last edited:
He needs to apologize for his attacks on Cruz and his family, and start acting like he wants our vote.

Donald Trump didn't get the nomination by apologizing to ass clowns. Next thing you know, you'll want him apologizing to Hillary.
He got the nomination by being a coward, to many candidates and 38% of republicans are ignorant hicks who like to act like they are conservative.
He needs to apologize for his attacks on Cruz and his family, and start acting like he wants our vote.

Donald Trump didn't get the nomination by apologizing to ass clowns. Next thing you know, you'll want him apologizing to Hillary.

Again... you need ass clowns to vote for your ass clown. You can't defeat Hillary otherwise. No, I give my word, I will never ask him to apologize to Hillary.

But he is going to listen to conservatives and if he doesn't, he will lose this election. You know it, I know it and he knows it. So you can bow up and keep calling names if you like... that's not going to win the election. You best focus on what's best for the country before it's too late.

Ok, I'm conservative....
I love his trade ideas......free trade has been utter bullshit
pro life
pro gun
lower taxes
less regulation
Build a wall and kick out visa overstays.
10 point plan on Veterans
repeal Obamacare and replace it with market system.
crush isis, including treating them like they treat others (It should be done....these people deserve no quarter)
not randomly bomb countries..

so what ideas are you against?
You are delusional because he has changed on ALL those points and free trade when actually used has done more good then the protectionist crap Trump wants.... You want another depression? Because that is what you are going to get if Trump gets his way.
However, I'm taking a page out of Ted's book and moving on. You should follow Ted's example. You're hanging onto it like Trump hanging onto Cruz's non-endorsement. It's over, let it go.

No sir. I will NOT be giving up my principles. If you're going to abandon what you believe in, you may as well vote for Hillary. There's really no difference.

I'm NOT moving on. I refuse to do so until we have some things straight about the direction of this party and it's future. Conservatives have been getting kicked in the nuts for almost a week now, and no signs of it letting up. Now we're being told to "move on" ....fuck that noise!

No, we're not going to just "move on" and walk in lockstep behind Trump. You can all do that if that's what you think is best. A good many of us refuse. Your candidate is going to have to deal with that whether he likes it or not.

You missed my point. I didn't say to walk lock step with Trump, I never said give up on your principles, I didn't say vote for him. Move on from the anger pushing you to vote for clinton. Voting for her will ensure that conservative voices will be silenced for good. I know you don't want that.
How would Hillary as President silence conservatives for good?

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Lets see Trump is against nation building wars.....wants all Dept heads to identify waste and eliminate it.......going to give vets hotline to WH in VA issue until it gets fixed......wants secure borders,,,,wants proper vetting of "refugees".....sounds like real crazy guy......i mean who would want that

With Trump, it all depends on which day you catch him on. "Everything is negotiable!" ...Direct quote from the man himself.

You see... you are electing someone to think and decide for you... to make those decisions on the fly without consulting you. He knows what's best for us and we just need to shut up and go along with him, or he can destroy us personally.
Unlike Hillary where EVERYTHING is for sale to the highest bidder. Including the Lincoln bedroom.
Thanks but I'll settle for a negotiator.
When in his entire life hasn't Trump sold anything for a buck? Your messiah is not better then your devil.
When in his entire life has Trump ever sold a "political favor"
Last time I checked selling ties or real estate didn't violate US law.
Are fucking kidding me???? He needed in political favors to survive.... Why? Because despite popular belief he is not a good business man.
Lets see Trump is against nation building wars.....wants all Dept heads to identify waste and eliminate it.......going to give vets hotline to WH in VA issue until it gets fixed......wants secure borders,,,,wants proper vetting of "refugees".....sounds like real crazy guy......i mean who would want that

With Trump, it all depends on which day you catch him on. "Everything is negotiable!" ...Direct quote from the man himself.

You see... you are electing someone to think and decide for you... to make those decisions on the fly without consulting you. He knows what's best for us and we just need to shut up and go along with him, or he can destroy us personally.
Unlike Hillary where EVERYTHING is for sale to the highest bidder. Including the Lincoln bedroom.
Thanks but I'll settle for a negotiator.
When in his entire life hasn't Trump sold anything for a buck? Your messiah is not better then your devil.
When in his entire life has Trump ever sold a "political favor"
Last time I checked selling ties or real estate didn't violate US law.
Are fucking kidding me???? He needed in political favors to survive.... Why? Because despite popular belief he is not a good business man.
That is called BUYING political favors. Buying=/=selling. You should have learned this in grammar school.
He needs to apologize for his attacks on Cruz and his family, and start acting like he wants our vote.

Donald Trump didn't get the nomination by apologizing to ass clowns. Next thing you know, you'll want him apologizing to Hillary.

Again... you need ass clowns to vote for your ass clown. You can't defeat Hillary otherwise. No, I give my word, I will never ask him to apologize to Hillary.

But he is going to listen to conservatives and if he doesn't, he will lose this election. You know it, I know it and he knows it. So you can bow up and keep calling names if you like... that's not going to win the election. You best focus on what's best for the country before it's too late.

Ok, I'm conservative....
I love his trade ideas......free trade has been utter bullshit
pro life
pro gun
lower taxes
less regulation
Build a wall and kick out visa overstays.
10 point plan on Veterans
repeal Obamacare and replace it with market system.
crush isis, including treating them like they treat others (It should be done....these people deserve no quarter)
not randomly bomb countries..

so what ideas are you against?
You are delusional because he has changed on ALL those points and free trade when actually used has done more good then the protectionist crap Trump wants.... You want another depression? Because that is what you are going to get if Trump gets his way.

He has been steady in those points for years......he opposed Nadya in the 90s....its bad.....how does a 500 billion dollar trade deficit benefit us?
Lets see Trump is against nation building wars.....wants all Dept heads to identify waste and eliminate it.......going to give vets hotline to WH in VA issue until it gets fixed......wants secure borders,,,,wants proper vetting of "refugees".....sounds like real crazy guy......i mean who would want that

With Trump, it all depends on which day you catch him on. "Everything is negotiable!" ...Direct quote from the man himself.

You see... you are electing someone to think and decide for you... to make those decisions on the fly without consulting you. He knows what's best for us and we just need to shut up and go along with him, or he can destroy us personally.
Unlike Hillary where EVERYTHING is for sale to the highest bidder. Including the Lincoln bedroom.
Thanks but I'll settle for a negotiator.
When in his entire life hasn't Trump sold anything for a buck? Your messiah is not better then your devil.
When in his entire life has Trump ever sold a "political favor"
Last time I checked selling ties or real estate didn't violate US law.
Are fucking kidding me???? He needed in political favors to survive.... Why? Because despite popular belief he is not a good business man.

What business guy doesn't? The govt is so fucking big you can't avoid dealing with it
No, I really don't... that's the sad part. I would like to be included in the Republican party but the "movement" seems to have decided they don't want me or my vote and they want to instead, insult and denigrate me while attacking Ted Cruz.

So it's quite the conundrum and it won't be forgotten anytime soon. There is going to be a price to pay for this.

"The movement" has decided that people that would vote for Hillary are cowards or ignoramuses. Which one are you?
Maybe a man who doesn't like bigoted tyrant wannabes like you. It is far easier to contain Clinton with the right congress then it is to contain the orange buffoon.

How so? If Trump is such a baboon, he should be easy to control.
With Trump, it all depends on which day you catch him on. "Everything is negotiable!" ...Direct quote from the man himself.

You see... you are electing someone to think and decide for you... to make those decisions on the fly without consulting you. He knows what's best for us and we just need to shut up and go along with him, or he can destroy us personally.
Unlike Hillary where EVERYTHING is for sale to the highest bidder. Including the Lincoln bedroom.
Thanks but I'll settle for a negotiator.
When in his entire life hasn't Trump sold anything for a buck? Your messiah is not better then your devil.
When in his entire life has Trump ever sold a "political favor"
Last time I checked selling ties or real estate didn't violate US law.
Are fucking kidding me???? He needed in political favors to survive.... Why? Because despite popular belief he is not a good business man.
That is called BUYING political favors. Buying=/=selling. You should have learned this in grammar school.
LOL and in your idiot mind that makes it okay? That he would pay to gain favor is a great thing to you?
With Trump, it all depends on which day you catch him on. "Everything is negotiable!" ...Direct quote from the man himself.

You see... you are electing someone to think and decide for you... to make those decisions on the fly without consulting you. He knows what's best for us and we just need to shut up and go along with him, or he can destroy us personally.
Unlike Hillary where EVERYTHING is for sale to the highest bidder. Including the Lincoln bedroom.
Thanks but I'll settle for a negotiator.
When in his entire life hasn't Trump sold anything for a buck? Your messiah is not better then your devil.
When in his entire life has Trump ever sold a "political favor"
Last time I checked selling ties or real estate didn't violate US law.
Are fucking kidding me???? He needed in political favors to survive.... Why? Because despite popular belief he is not a good business man.

What business guy doesn't? The govt is so fucking big you can't avoid dealing with it
Most don't. Only cowards and crooks use payoffs and bribery.
Unlike Hillary where EVERYTHING is for sale to the highest bidder. Including the Lincoln bedroom.
Thanks but I'll settle for a negotiator.
When in his entire life hasn't Trump sold anything for a buck? Your messiah is not better then your devil.
When in his entire life has Trump ever sold a "political favor"
Last time I checked selling ties or real estate didn't violate US law.
Are fucking kidding me???? He needed in political favors to survive.... Why? Because despite popular belief he is not a good business man.

What business guy doesn't? The govt is so fucking big you can't avoid dealing with it
Most don't. Only cowards and crooks use payoffs and bribery.

Such as?????
No, I really don't... that's the sad part. I would like to be included in the Republican party but the "movement" seems to have decided they don't want me or my vote and they want to instead, insult and denigrate me while attacking Ted Cruz.

So it's quite the conundrum and it won't be forgotten anytime soon. There is going to be a price to pay for this.

"The movement" has decided that people that would vote for Hillary are cowards or ignoramuses. Which one are you?
Maybe a man who doesn't like bigoted tyrant wannabes like you. It is far easier to contain Clinton with the right congress then it is to contain the orange buffoon.

How so? If Trump is such a baboon, he should be easy to control.
Not when he is your creation.... Or perhaps you haven't paid attention to the last 7 years?
When in his entire life hasn't Trump sold anything for a buck? Your messiah is not better then your devil.
When in his entire life has Trump ever sold a "political favor"
Last time I checked selling ties or real estate didn't violate US law.
Are fucking kidding me???? He needed in political favors to survive.... Why? Because despite popular belief he is not a good business man.

What business guy doesn't? The govt is so fucking big you can't avoid dealing with it
Most don't. Only cowards and crooks use payoffs and bribery.

Such as?????
Such as Trump is a crook and a coward.
Unlike Hillary where EVERYTHING is for sale to the highest bidder. Including the Lincoln bedroom.
Thanks but I'll settle for a negotiator.
When in his entire life hasn't Trump sold anything for a buck? Your messiah is not better then your devil.
When in his entire life has Trump ever sold a "political favor"
Last time I checked selling ties or real estate didn't violate US law.
Are fucking kidding me???? He needed in political favors to survive.... Why? Because despite popular belief he is not a good business man.
That is called BUYING political favors. Buying=/=selling. You should have learned this in grammar school.
LOL and in your idiot mind that makes it okay? That he would pay to gain favor is a great thing to you?
In my idiot mind I realize that that is the game that is played. You're a naive fool if you think otherwise. We have two choices. One sells access one does not. Those are the facts & the only ones with a chance to win. Join the op and vote for a traitor or vote for someone who MIGHT change all that. Your choice, I really don't give a fuck.

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