I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Frankly I don't know anyone could. Trump has no honor, no respect, no dignity, and the only loyalty he has is to himself.

You mean Hillary here, right?
Trump aint gonna apologize.....what for? HE said Heidi is pretty....and I don't think people take the JFKL Stuff seriously, I don't...

Okay then, well I guess he's going to lose.

For attacking the man's family... that's what for. And for attacking him as well. We all know what happened, he posted an unflattering picture of Heidi Cruz beside Melania and said "a picture's worth a thousand words" over a PAC ad Cruz had nothing to do with. He accused Cruz's dad of being involved with Lee Harvey Oswald. Again, on the basis of a doctored photo the National Enquirer ran. I agree, no one takes any of that seriously and that's why Trump needs to apologize for it.

It's going to be a shame if he loses the election because he couldn't admit that he may have gone a little to far. That he couldn't muster enough magnanimity to make amends with Cruz and his supporters.

So? Dude that's nothing compared to what Democrats and their pals in the MSM would do to Cruz had he won the nomination. That's barely a nose bleed. Did you sleep through the rabid attacks on Palin and her kids? If Cruz is going to have a meltdown over what Trump did then its fortunate that he lost.

What part of this are you not getting? It's not about my feelings being hurt that Cruz was unfairly attacked. This is politics and Cruz is a big boy. Cruz has not had any 'meltdown' as far as I am aware, maybe you can enlighten me on that?

This is about conservatives basically being told to get to the back of the bus, sit down and shut up while run over Ted Cruz a few more times. And you somehow think we'll get over that because Trump's not Hillary. Well, you're going to be in for a rude awakening. And it's not just Cruz, it's Kasich, Rubio, Bush and Paul supporters as well. Basically anybody that doesn't snap in line behind Trump.

You should have enough sense (apparently not) to understand that you're not going to ever win this election by running the primary over again. If you alienate more than half of the GOP who didn't vote for Trump, you simply don't have the votes to win.

Where is this clown's great diplomacy skills? Is THIS an example of it? Just keep doubling and tripling down on the relentless smears? Just destroy everybody who doesn't agree with you? If so... that's fucking scary... more scary than Hillary Clinton, to be honest.

I cannot imagine ANY of the other candidates winning the nomination and behaving this way. I think they would ALL have made gestures to the many Trump supporters and tried to appeal for their vote. I don't think they would have launched a smear campaign and try to run them out of the party. I can't believe I once considered supporting Trump because I felt like he stood a better chance of bringing conservatives and establishment republicans together. Boy was I ever wrong about that. We would literally be better of with Jeb Bush than this shit.
boss, make's a great point. What did Donald do last Friday. Attacked Cruz and Kasich instead of Clinton.
boss, make's a great point. What did Donald do last Friday. Attacked Cruz and Kasich instead of Clinton.

Wasn't that after Cruz refused to support Trump? We all know Trump is no wuss. He is not going to kiss butt.
And it's not just Cruz, it's Kasich, Rubio, Bush and Paul

ALL losers. ALL bought and paid for. Including Cruz, except not by the establishment. (and you can add several more to that list btw)
So you are intent on continuing to promote baseless lies and tabloid gossip on Cruz instead of reaching out?

Tabloid lies? Inquirer broke Tiger Woods affair and some others that I don't immediately recall. And in cases in which they were wrong, they've been sued and had to pay a lot of money. You'll notice, Lyin' Ted ain't bringin' for that lawsuit.

That's because political figures have a much higher burden of proof for slander than the typical citizen. That's why they have no fear in going after politicians. But I think most people in America don't consider the National Fucking Enquirer a bastion of journalistic integrity and truth.

Actually, they don't. What you're thinking is that this is fair game to publish against public personas rather than private citizens. And Ted Cruz could restore his integrity with a lawsuit except that he doesn't have integrity to restore. Dude's an adulterer; come to terms, dude.
ALL losers. ALL bought and paid for. Including Cruz, except not by the establishment. (and you can add several more to that list btw)

And when you are facing them in the primary, it's fine to say that. But the primaries are over and those voters are probably the easiest voters for Trump to win over. But instead, you and Trump want to act like they are liberal democrats. That's how you're treating them. I don't agree with Kasich and Bush voters on much at all, but I sure as hell would like their vote against Hillary... wouldn't you? Or does it make you feel better to denigrate them as losers and then get clobbered by Hillary?

Because I am telling you, as sure as the sun rises, that is exactly what's about to happen here. Your guy is going to get his ass handed to him because he didn't know how to win people over to his point of view. This strategy of destroying everyone who doesn't fall in line is going to fail and fail miserably. Maybe that's what Trump was after all along?
ALL losers. ALL bought and paid for. Including Cruz, except not by the establishment. (and you can add several more to that list btw)

And when you are facing them in the primary, it's fine to say that. But the primaries are over and those voters are probably the easiest voters for Trump to win over. But instead, you and Trump want to act like they are liberal democrats. That's how you're treating them. I don't agree with Kasich and Bush voters on much at all, but I sure as hell would like their vote against Hillary... wouldn't you? Or does it make you feel better to denigrate them as losers and then get clobbered by Hillary?

Because I am telling you, as sure as the sun rises, that is exactly what's about to happen here. Your guy is going to get his ass handed to him because he didn't know how to win people over to his point of view. This strategy of destroying everyone who doesn't fall in line is going to fail and fail miserably. Maybe that's what Trump was after all along?
Shrub and kasich need to fuck off as do the rest of the GOP'er hitlery supporters....

GOP'ers are more dangerous to America than democrats.....
So you are intent on continuing to promote baseless lies and tabloid gossip on Cruz instead of reaching out?

Tabloid lies? Inquirer broke Tiger Woods affair and some others that I don't immediately recall. And in cases in which they were wrong, they've been sued and had to pay a lot of money. You'll notice, Lyin' Ted ain't bringin' for that lawsuit.

That's because political figures have a much higher burden of proof for slander than the typical citizen. That's why they have no fear in going after politicians. But I think most people in America don't consider the National Fucking Enquirer a bastion of journalistic integrity and truth.

Actually, they don't. What you're thinking is that this is fair game to publish against public personas rather than private citizens. And Ted Cruz could restore his integrity with a lawsuit except that he doesn't have integrity to restore. Dude's an adulterer; come to terms, dude.

No, I know about the law and actually, they do. You are wrong, hard head. Sorry, I know you don't like being told that, but you are. It is extremely rare for any politician to prevail in a libel suit. It's because we have a 1st amendment that specifically intended to protect political speech.

Cruz is not an adulterer, the allegations are absurd. This is nothing but tabloid gossip but since Trump gave it cred, you believe it like the dope you are.

But.... even IF you actually believe this to be true, attacking a man whom I have great respect for with this kind of allegation is not making me want to support who you support for president. In fact, it kind of makes me want to support whoever your candidate's opponent is, so your candidate doesn't get elected dog catcher. And that may be what a lot of us do.

Hillary and the Commies thank you for that!
So you are intent on continuing to promote baseless lies and tabloid gossip on Cruz instead of reaching out?

Tabloid lies? Inquirer broke Tiger Woods affair and some others that I don't immediately recall. And in cases in which they were wrong, they've been sued and had to pay a lot of money. You'll notice, Lyin' Ted ain't bringin' for that lawsuit.

That's because political figures have a much higher burden of proof for slander than the typical citizen. That's why they have no fear in going after politicians. But I think most people in America don't consider the National Fucking Enquirer a bastion of journalistic integrity and truth.

Actually, they don't. What you're thinking is that this is fair game to publish against public personas rather than private citizens. And Ted Cruz could restore his integrity with a lawsuit except that he doesn't have integrity to restore. Dude's an adulterer; come to terms, dude.

No, I know about the law and actually, they do. You are wrong, hard head. Sorry, I know you don't like being told that, but you are. It is extremely rare for any politician to prevail in a libel suit. It's because we have a 1st amendment that specifically intended to protect political speech.

Cruz is not an adulterer, the allegations are absurd. This is nothing but tabloid gossip but since Trump gave it cred, you believe it like the dope you are.

But.... even IF you actually believe this to be true, attacking a man whom I have great respect for with this kind of allegation is not making me want to support who you support for president. In fact, it kind of makes me want to support whoever your candidate's opponent is, so your candidate doesn't get elected dog catcher. And that may be what a lot of us do.

Hillary and the Commies thank you for that!
Hitlery needs you now more than ever.....

I wonder how much she donated to Cruz......
Wasn't that after Cruz refused to support Trump? We all know Trump is no wuss. He is not going to kiss butt.

Cruz supported everything in the platform and supports the party. He was never going to endorse Trump and that was never a condition for him to speak at the convention. No one has ever asked for Trump to kiss anyone's butt... just lay off the fucking attacks and smears. Why is that interpreted by you as "kissing butt?"

Stop spreading the damn lies, stop denigrating the man, stop proclaiming his career over, stop insulting the people who supported him.... OR... Lose the damn election to Hillary!
Wasn't that after Cruz refused to support Trump? We all know Trump is no wuss. He is not going to kiss butt.

Cruz supported everything in the platform and supports the party. He was never going to endorse Trump and that was never a condition for him to speak at the convention. No one has ever asked for Trump to kiss anyone's butt... just lay off the fucking attacks and smears. Why is that interpreted by you as "kissing butt?"

Stop spreading the damn lies, stop denigrating the man, stop proclaiming his career over, stop insulting the people who supported him.... OR... Lose the damn election to Hillary!
Cruz is a GOP'er.....
Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

wow - how bout quit being a whiney little bitch

Trump was gracious to let Ted speak; Ted HAD to stick his finger in Trump's eye one last time - didn't he?

Trump's reaction was inappropriate & immature - granted on that

But YOU or any other "Cruz supporter" that is OK with Hillary?

well, FUCK YOU, you claim to hold conservative values?

well, Trump's SCOTUS short list should be more than enough for your support

so man up and do the right thing. or keep acting like a little bitch - your choice
Trump's action was more than "inappropriate & immature. . .", it revealed an inability to work with people he does not like or with whom he disagrees. He needs to man up and accept the limitations on him if he wishes to be elected. This type of unwillingness to work with others can't be hidden from the electorate. They will see right through it.
Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

wow - how bout quit being a whiney little bitch

Trump was gracious to let Ted speak; Ted HAD to stick his finger in Trump's eye one last time - didn't he?

Trump's reaction was inappropriate & immature - granted on that

But YOU or any other "Cruz supporter" that is OK with Hillary?

well, FUCK YOU, you claim to hold conservative values?

well, Trump's SCOTUS short list should be more than enough for your support

so man up and do the right thing. or keep acting like a little bitch - your choice

Get used to it, I'm going to be the whiniest little bitch you ever heard. Cruz didn't stick anything anywhere, he gave a boilerplate runner-up speech where he said kind words about every aspect of the party platform and congratulated Trump on his winning the nomination. They eye-poker was Donald Trump because he didn't get an endorsement from Cruz.... and you and Trump have pitched your little petulant fit over that for a week now. And here, you want to poke me in the eye because I won't shut up.

"Well FUCK YOU!" is not a very good way to win someone's support. I'm not impressed by Trumps list of names that someone else compiled and to which he never ACTUALLY committed on. If it's like everything else he says, it's all up for negotiation after he wins.

Since it's my choice, I'm going to keep acting like a little bitch, I have no intention of stopping. If we have to relive the primaries from now until November and you lose the election because of it, that's on you and Trump. You've had the chance to make amends and bury the hatchet but your boy was too petulant and butthurt over the lack of endorsement from Cruz. I guess he is not as good of a "deal maker" as he claims? :dunno:

You're sure as hell ain't no genius.
you seem to be upset; perhaps you need a nice glass of tea?

"you're sure as hell ain't no genius" - English much?

anyway, of all the candidates that pledged to support the nominee, Cruz is the only one who deserves a pass, because of family attacks

having said that, your tantrum is unbecoming, you claim to hold "conservative values"; yet, you are demonstrating a willingness to assist Ms Rodham in getting elected

if we lose Scalia'a seat to a Clinton nominee and then she gets to replace Ginsburg - we are toast for at least 2 generations (and probably forever)

so, enjoy your tantrum

and I am not trying to recruit you or salvage your support

FUCK YOU means, well, it means fuck you

you are a hypocrite; willing to GUARANTEE the destruction of this country because your guy got beat down in a bitch fight
Trump's action was more than "inappropriate & immature. . .", it revealed an inability to work with people he does not like or with whom he disagrees. He needs to man up and accept the limitations on him if he wishes to be elected. This type of unwillingness to work with others can't be hidden from the electorate. They will see right through it.

You're absolutely right. This guy's KEY selling point is he is supposed to be a master at closing the deal. He brags about his ability to get along with people and work with them. He speaks glowingly of his negotiating skills and ability to get the best deal. He's totally blowing THIS deal and if he continues on this path, he won't close it.

And what makes things worse are his core supporters who just keep on piling on. Instead of maybe relaying to him, hey... perhaps you need to tone it down and stop attacking the wrong person... they cheer him on and encourage more trashing of Ted Cruz. If this continues very much longer, the Democrats, as awful as they are, will win this election in a landslide. And then, Hillary Clinton will claim a "mandate" and we're all screwed because the GOP will be spiraling down the toilet bowl.

And people want to mouth to me that I don't care about my country... If that were true, I'd walk away from all of this and let the chips fall where they may. I don't need this shit. You think I enjoy coming here and being called all kinds of names and watch my guy be tarnished and drug through the mud some more? It's precisely because I DO care about my country and want to win this election. But the only path to a victory includes Ted Cruz... like him or not... that's a fact.
Trump's action was more than "inappropriate & immature. . .", it revealed an inability to work with people he does not like or with whom he disagrees. He needs to man up and accept the limitations on him if he wishes to be elected. This type of unwillingness to work with others can't be hidden from the electorate. They will see right through it.

You're absolutely right. This guy's KEY selling point is he is supposed to be a master at closing the deal. He brags about his ability to get along with people and work with them. He speaks glowingly of his negotiating skills and ability to get the best deal. He's totally blowing THIS deal and if he continues on this path, he won't close it.

And what makes things worse are his core supporters who just keep on piling on. Instead of maybe relaying to him, hey... perhaps you need to tone it down and stop attacking the wrong person... they cheer him on and encourage more trashing of Ted Cruz. If this continues very much longer, the Democrats, as awful as they are, will win this election in a landslide. And then, Hillary Clinton will claim a "mandate" and we're all screwed because the GOP will be spiraling down the toilet bowl.

And people want to mouth to me that I don't care about my country... If that were true, I'd walk away from all of this and let the chips fall where they may. I don't need this shit. You think I enjoy coming here and being called all kinds of names and watch my guy be tarnished and drug through the mud some more? It's precisely because I DO care about my country and want to win this election. But the only path to a victory includes Ted Cruz... like him or not... that's a fact.

nobody cares about Ted Cruz s0n

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