I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

No, I am saying.. .whatever cranks your tractor... at the end of the day, all these names you're calling me isn't going to mean diddly squat if Trump loses to Hillary.

At the end of the day, this tea and sympathy campaign you're waging for yourself will have zero effect on the outcome.
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He needs to apologize for his attacks on Cruz and his family, and start acting like he wants our vote.

Donald Trump didn't get the nomination by apologizing to ass clowns. Next thing you know, you'll want him apologizing to Hillary.

Again... you need ass clowns to vote for your ass clown. You can't defeat Hillary otherwise. No, I give my word, I will never ask him to apologize to Hillary.

But he is going to listen to conservatives and if he doesn't, he will lose this election. You know it, I know it and he knows it. So you can bow up and keep calling names if you like... that's not going to win the election. You best focus on what's best for the country before it's too late.

Ok, I'm conservative....
I love his trade ideas......free trade has been utter bullshit
pro life
pro gun
lower taxes
less regulation
Build a wall and kick out visa overstays.
10 point plan on Veterans
repeal Obamacare and replace it with market system.
crush isis, including treating them like they treat others (It should be done....these people deserve no quarter)
not randomly bomb countries..

so what ideas are you against?

I posted an entire thread day before yesterday. It's called "My Issues with Trump" and it lays out 9 specific areas where I have some questions and concerns.

I keep being told just to shut up and step in line. Well, I'm not going to. If Trump wants my vote he'll have to earn my vote. He's not getting there by attacking Cruiz with National Enquirer bullshit and smear. That's just not going to cut it with me.
No, I am saying.. .whatever cranks your tractor... at the end of the day, all these names you're calling me isn't going to mean diddly squat if Trump loses to Hillary.

At the end of the day, this tea and sympathy campaign you're waging for yourself will have zero effect on the outcome.

Well I think you're wrong. I think Trump can't possibly win without Cruz supporters backing him, you just don't have those kinds of numbers. You might be fooling yourself into thinking you do, but you don't. Now we can wait for election night and see... but you're risking losing the country to Hillary Clinton.
He needs to apologize for his attacks on Cruz and his family, and start acting like he wants our vote.

Donald Trump didn't get the nomination by apologizing to ass clowns. Next thing you know, you'll want him apologizing to Hillary.

Again... you need ass clowns to vote for your ass clown. You can't defeat Hillary otherwise. No, I give my word, I will never ask him to apologize to Hillary.

But he is going to listen to conservatives and if he doesn't, he will lose this election. You know it, I know it and he knows it. So you can bow up and keep calling names if you like... that's not going to win the election. You best focus on what's best for the country before it's too late.

Ok, I'm conservative....
I love his trade ideas......free trade has been utter bullshit
pro life
pro gun
lower taxes
less regulation
Build a wall and kick out visa overstays.
10 point plan on Veterans
repeal Obamacare and replace it with market system.
crush isis, including treating them like they treat others (It should be done....these people deserve no quarter)
not randomly bomb countries..

so what ideas are you against?

I posted an entire thread day before yesterday. It's called "My Issues with Trump" and it lays out 9 specific areas where I have some questions and concerns.

I keep being told just to shut up and step in line. Well, I'm not going to. If Trump wants my vote he'll have to earn my vote. He's not getting there by attacking Cruiz with National Enquirer bullshit and smear. That's just not going to cut it with me.
I have no problem with that....I didn't see that one.....I'm voting for Trump because I want non politicians....so he has no record.....you gotta go with what he says...but it's better than Clinton......I know she's absolute shit........but it's time to had a non pol......about fucking time.
He needs to apologize for his attacks on Cruz and his family, and start acting like he wants our vote.

Donald Trump didn't get the nomination by apologizing to ass clowns. Next thing you know, you'll want him apologizing to Hillary.

Again... you need ass clowns to vote for your ass clown. You can't defeat Hillary otherwise. No, I give my word, I will never ask him to apologize to Hillary.

But he is going to listen to conservatives and if he doesn't, he will lose this election. You know it, I know it and he knows it. So you can bow up and keep calling names if you like... that's not going to win the election. You best focus on what's best for the country before it's too late.

Ok, I'm conservative....
I love his trade ideas......free trade has been utter bullshit
pro life
pro gun
lower taxes
less regulation
Build a wall and kick out visa overstays.
10 point plan on Veterans
repeal Obamacare and replace it with market system.
crush isis, including treating them like they treat others (It should be done....these people deserve no quarter)
not randomly bomb countries..

so what ideas are you against?

I posted an entire thread day before yesterday. It's called "My Issues with Trump" and it lays out 9 specific areas where I have some questions and concerns.

I keep being told just to shut up and step in line. Well, I'm not going to. If Trump wants my vote he'll have to earn my vote. He's not getting there by attacking Cruiz with National Enquirer bullshit and smear. That's just not going to cut it with me.

One of the mistresses was a Fiorina campaign staffer (not at the time). And in the wake of that, Cruz takes the unprecedented move of announcing Fiorina as a VP when he has not secured the nomination. You're in full denial. Cruz fucked women that weren't his wife and all while holding the Bible high. It doesn't get more phony than that. But then, you seem to think that Cruz's integrity is unimpugnable; after all, it's not like he didn't unapolligetically claim Carson was out of the race to win Iowa. It's not like he didn't disenfranchise voters in subsequent states. Oh, wait; he mother f'ing did! Stop acting like you have high ground, dude. It's embarrassing.
You're asking for a dolphin when Trump's a shark. Hillary is a killer whale.

All I am asking for is to see some of this brilliant negotiating skill Trump is supposed to have and for conservative views to be respected. If he can't "work that deal" then he will lose the election.
I have no problem with that....I didn't see that one.....I'm voting for Trump because I want non politicians....so he has no record.....you gotta go with what he says...but it's better than Clinton......I know she's absolute shit........but it's time to had a non pol......about fucking time.

Cruz pulled a lot of sh**. Boss wants Trump to apologize and look weak. He wants his supporters to cave to him and look weak. As far as I'm concerned, this ass clown is already a Hillary voter whether he knows it or not yet.
He needs to apologize for his attacks on Cruz and his family, and start acting like he wants our vote.

Donald Trump didn't get the nomination by apologizing to ass clowns. Next thing you know, you'll want him apologizing to Hillary.

Again... you need ass clowns to vote for your ass clown. You can't defeat Hillary otherwise. No, I give my word, I will never ask him to apologize to Hillary.

But he is going to listen to conservatives and if he doesn't, he will lose this election. You know it, I know it and he knows it. So you can bow up and keep calling names if you like... that's not going to win the election. You best focus on what's best for the country before it's too late.

Ok, I'm conservative....
I love his trade ideas......free trade has been utter bullshit
pro life
pro gun
lower taxes
less regulation
Build a wall and kick out visa overstays.
10 point plan on Veterans
repeal Obamacare and replace it with market system.
crush isis, including treating them like they treat others (It should be done....these people deserve no quarter)
not randomly bomb countries..

so what ideas are you against?

I posted an entire thread day before yesterday. It's called "My Issues with Trump" and it lays out 9 specific areas where I have some questions and concerns.

I keep being told just to shut up and step in line. Well, I'm not going to. If Trump wants my vote he'll have to earn my vote. He's not getting there by attacking Cruiz with National Enquirer bullshit and smear. That's just not going to cut it with me.

One of the mistresses was a Fiorina campaign staffer (not at the time). And in the wake of that, Cruz takes the unprecedented move of announcing Fiorina as a VP when he has not secured the nomination. You're in full denial. Cruz fucked women that weren't his wife and all while holding the Bible high. It doesn't get more phony than that. But then, you seem to think that Cruz's integrity is unimpugnable; after all, it's not like he didn't unapolligetically claim Carson was out of the race to win Iowa. It's not like he didn't disenfranchise voters in subsequent states. Oh, wait; he mother f'ing did! Stop acting like you have high ground, dude. It's embarrassing.

So you are intent on continuing to promote baseless lies and tabloid gossip on Cruz instead of reaching out?

Okay, you reap what you sow then.
I have no problem with that....I didn't see that one.....I'm voting for Trump because I want non politicians....so he has no record.....you gotta go with what he says...but it's better than Clinton......I know she's absolute shit........but it's time to had a non pol......about fucking time.

Cruz pulled a lot of sh**. Boss wants Trump to apologize and look weak. He wants his supporters to cave to him and look weak. As far as I'm concerned, this ass clown is already a Hillary voter whether he knows it or not yet.

Trump aint gonna apologize.....what for? HE said Heidi is pretty....and I don't think people take the JFK Stuff seriously, I don't...only democrats are stupid enough to buy that.
Cruz pulled a lot of sh**. Boss wants Trump to apologize and look weak. He wants his supporters to cave to him and look weak. As far as I'm concerned, this ass clown is already a Hillary voter whether he knows it or not yet.

I don't really give a fuck how you look. I am focused on how to defeat Hillary and you're hung up on your pride.
So you are intent on continuing to promote baseless lies and tabloid gossip on Cruz instead of reaching out?

Tabloid lies? Inquirer broke Tiger Woods affair and some others that I don't immediately recall. And in cases in which they were wrong, they've been sued and had to pay a lot of money. You'll notice, Lyin' Ted ain't bringin' for that lawsuit.
He needs to apologize for his attacks on Cruz and his family, and start acting like he wants our vote.

Donald Trump didn't get the nomination by apologizing to ass clowns. Next thing you know, you'll want him apologizing to Hillary.

Again... you need ass clowns to vote for your ass clown. You can't defeat Hillary otherwise. No, I give my word, I will never ask him to apologize to Hillary.

But he is going to listen to conservatives and if he doesn't, he will lose this election. You know it, I know it and he knows it. So you can bow up and keep calling names if you like... that's not going to win the election. You best focus on what's best for the country before it's too late.

Ok, I'm conservative....
I love his trade ideas......free trade has been utter bullshit
pro life
pro gun
lower taxes
less regulation
Build a wall and kick out visa overstays.
10 point plan on Veterans
repeal Obamacare and replace it with market system.
crush isis, including treating them like they treat others (It should be done....these people deserve no quarter)
not randomly bomb countries..

so what ideas are you against?

So the US Chamber of Commerce and some of the best economists in the nation are wrong?
Pro life? Since when? He is for funding PP
Lower Taxes? he's going to triple the ICE stormtroopers and increase the military spending
Less Regulation always leads to bubbles
10 point plan for veterans is 3 good points and a bunch of throw aways
Repeal the ACA and bring back the bad old days of people with PECs not being able to get insurance and yearly caps
So boots on the ground in the ME for the 3rd time in 25 years? We already have 22 suicides by veterans per day...

Drumpf's policies are that of a moron.
Trump aint gonna apologize.....what for? HE said Heidi is pretty....and I don't think people take the JFKL Stuff seriously, I don't...

Okay then, well I guess he's going to lose.

For attacking the man's family... that's what for. And for attacking him as well. We all know what happened, he posted an unflattering picture of Heidi Cruz beside Melania and said "a picture's worth a thousand words" over a PAC ad Cruz had nothing to do with. He accused Cruz's dad of being involved with Lee Harvey Oswald. Again, on the basis of a doctored photo the National Enquirer ran. I agree, no one takes any of that seriously and that's why Trump needs to apologize for it.

It's going to be a shame if he loses the election because he couldn't admit that he may have gone a little too far. That he couldn't muster enough magnanimity to make amends with Cruz and his supporters.
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So you are intent on continuing to promote baseless lies and tabloid gossip on Cruz instead of reaching out?

Tabloid lies? Inquirer broke Tiger Woods affair and some others that I don't immediately recall. And in cases in which they were wrong, they've been sued and had to pay a lot of money. You'll notice, Lyin' Ted ain't bringin' for that lawsuit.

That's because political figures have a much higher burden of proof for slander than the typical citizen. That's why they have no fear in going after politicians. But I think most people in America don't consider the National Fucking Enquirer a bastion of journalistic integrity and truth.
You have millions of Republicans that won't cast a vote for Donald Trump.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Frankly I don't know anyone could. Trump has no honor, no respect, no dignity, and the only loyalty he has is to himself.

Trump is the most incompetent, unqualified Presidential candidate in this nation's history, and he would be dangerous to this countries domestic, foreign and most importantly national security.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator


Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
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I'm sorry I must be lost, are we in flames area?

We may as well be... that's what you're here to do. Right?

Just curious.....are you still stuck on Cruz? ...Hey...have you read all the emails of Hillary that Assange released?

Are you still going to vote for her after all that??

I'm not "stuck on Cruz" but I do think his viewpoints on policy deserve to be heard and argued before the American people. We probably should have done that during the primary but everyone wanted to obsess with the size of people's hands and other nonsense. Now, we seem to have this group of people who won the nomination but don't have any clue as to how to win the election. Trump's primary "leadership skill" appears to be just steamrollering over anyone who contradicts him no matter what insanity he spews forth.

I'm not a Hillary fan at all. In fact, I totally despise Hillary. Trouble is, I despise the way Trump treats those who don't worship him. I'm not going to help elect a despot. You can do that without me.


so don't vote at all then

end of story. :thup:

Oh, I am going to vote. Too many crucial down ballot races not to do so. We have to replace some RINOs with solid conservatives who will hold the next president's feet to the fire... now more than before.

And... unfortunately, I am going have to be a thorn in Trump's side all through this campaign instead of helping him defeat Hillary. Sorry if that causes butthurt but that's how it's going to be.
Thorn more like lube.
Trump aint gonna apologize.....what for? HE said Heidi is pretty....and I don't think people take the JFKL Stuff seriously, I don't...

Okay then, well I guess he's going to lose.

For attacking the man's family... that's what for. And for attacking him as well. We all know what happened, he posted an unflattering picture of Heidi Cruz beside Melania and said "a picture's worth a thousand words" over a PAC ad Cruz had nothing to do with. He accused Cruz's dad of being involved with Lee Harvey Oswald. Again, on the basis of a doctored photo the National Enquirer ran. I agree, no one takes any of that seriously and that's why Trump needs to apologize for it.

It's going to be a shame if he loses the election because he couldn't admit that he may have gone a little to far. That he couldn't muster enough magnanimity to make amends with Cruz and his supporters.

So? Dude that's nothing compared to what Democrats and their pals in the MSM would do to Cruz had he won the nomination. That's barely a nose bleed. Did you sleep through the rabid attacks on Palin and her kids? If Cruz is going to have a meltdown over what Trump did then its fortunate that he lost.

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