I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

you seem to be upset; perhaps you need a nice glass of tea?

"you're sure as hell ain't no genius" - English much?

anyway, of all the candidates that pledged to support the nominee, Cruz is the only one who deserves a pass, because of family attacks

having said that, your tantrum is unbecoming, you claim to hold "conservative values"; yet, you are demonstrating a willingness to assist Ms Rodham in getting elected

if we lose Scalia'a seat to a Clinton nominee and then she gets to replace Ginsburg - we are toast for at least 2 generations (and probably forever)

so, enjoy your tantrum

and I am not trying to recruit you or salvage your support

FUCK YOU means, well, it means fuck you

you are a hypocrite; willing to GUARANTEE the destruction of this country because your guy got beat down in a bitch fight

If we lose, it's Trump's fault... he's the nominee. I'll be here to remind you of all these comments you've made and the vitriol you promoted instead of party unity and a Big Tent concept.

At this point, given the way conservative Cruz supporters are being literally kicked to the curb by you AND Trump, I have ZERO faith in his SCOTUS picks. I think the bastard knows he plans to govern as a liberal and appoint liberals to the court, and he is actively attempting to take out his voices of opposition now.

Trump said today that he wants to raise the MW to $10/hr. Then he said, it's maybe not the Republican thing to do but we've got to help people! I mean... WTF? :cuckoo:

Over and over again, this guy parrots the left wing narrative. We're gonna "tax the rich" and we're republicans but we've gotta "help people" by raising the MW... which we know will kill jobs. IF the republicans are going to now adopt the left wing narratives we might as well elect Hillary!
Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

wow - how bout quit being a whiney little bitch

Trump was gracious to let Ted speak; Ted HAD to stick his finger in Trump's eye one last time - didn't he?

Trump's reaction was inappropriate & immature - granted on that

But YOU or any other "Cruz supporter" that is OK with Hillary?

well, FUCK YOU, you claim to hold conservative values?

well, Trump's SCOTUS short list should be more than enough for your support

so man up and do the right thing. or keep acting like a little bitch - your choice

Get used to it, I'm going to be the whiniest little bitch you ever heard. Cruz didn't stick anything anywhere, he gave a boilerplate runner-up speech where he said kind words about every aspect of the party platform and congratulated Trump on his winning the nomination. They eye-poker was Donald Trump because he didn't get an endorsement from Cruz.... and you and Trump have pitched your little petulant fit over that for a week now. And here, you want to poke me in the eye because I won't shut up.

"Well FUCK YOU!" is not a very good way to win someone's support. I'm not impressed by Trumps list of names that someone else compiled and to which he never ACTUALLY committed on. If it's like everything else he says, it's all up for negotiation after he wins.

Since it's my choice, I'm going to keep acting like a little bitch, I have no intention of stopping. If we have to relive the primaries from now until November and you lose the election because of it, that's on you and Trump. You've had the chance to make amends and bury the hatchet but your boy was too petulant and butthurt over the lack of endorsement from Cruz. I guess he is not as good of a "deal maker" as he claims? :dunno:

You're sure as hell ain't no genius.
Did you donate to the DNC so that they could donate to Cruz? :lol:
you seem to be upset; perhaps you need a nice glass of tea?

"you're sure as hell ain't no genius" - English much?

anyway, of all the candidates that pledged to support the nominee, Cruz is the only one who deserves a pass, because of family attacks

having said that, your tantrum is unbecoming, you claim to hold "conservative values"; yet, you are demonstrating a willingness to assist Ms Rodham in getting elected

if we lose Scalia'a seat to a Clinton nominee and then she gets to replace Ginsburg - we are toast for at least 2 generations (and probably forever)

so, enjoy your tantrum

and I am not trying to recruit you or salvage your support

FUCK YOU means, well, it means fuck you

you are a hypocrite; willing to GUARANTEE the destruction of this country because your guy got beat down in a bitch fight

If we lose, it's Trump's fault... he's the nominee. I'll be here to remind you of all these comments you've made and the vitriol you promoted instead of party unity and a Big Tent concept.

At this point, given the way conservative Cruz supporters are being literally kicked to the curb by you AND Trump, I have ZERO faith in his SCOTUS picks. I think the bastard knows he plans to govern as a liberal and appoint liberals to the court, and he is actively attempting to take out his voices of opposition now.

Trump said today that he wants to raise the MW to $10/hr. Then he said, it's maybe not the Republican thing to do but we've got to help people! I mean... WTF? :cuckoo:

Over and over again, this guy parrots the left wing narrative. We're gonna "tax the rich" and we're republicans but we've gotta "help people" by raising the MW... which we know will kill jobs. IF the republicans are going to now adopt the left wing narratives we might as well elect Hillary!
The biggest reason people like him is he said he would tariff imports. Tariff corporation??? That's very liberal
I'm hoping that both trump and clinton suffer a health calamity that renders them unable to carry out being potus. I'd prefer them to both suffer this calamity tomorrow and have the race be between Pence and Kaine.

I agree... Pence would trounce Kaine. We'd have a conservative in the white house.
You're not thinking clearly. You're thinking like a partisan. Pence is an anti-gay religious zealot. That crap won't fly in 2016. Meanwhile Kaine is a centrist.

Think McFly.

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The biggest reason people like him is he said he would tariff imports. Tariff corporation??? That's very liberal

I know. And it's going to start a tariff war which will cost American jobs and drive up prices. His little ignorant minions should go study Herbert Hoover... who did the exact same thing!
You're not thinking clearly. You're thinking like a partisan. Pence is an anti-gay religious zealot. That crap won't fly in 2016. Meanwhile Kaine is a centrist.

Kaine is a goofball liberal who the liberal think tank that rates liberals give a 90% rating to.

Only a far left loon would call him a "centrist" ...but then, look who is talking?
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
I've been here longer than both of you, and Boss has been a wingnut since he joined. He's an extremist conservative, Tea Party guy. One who voted for Bush twice, supported the Iraq War, defended Bush at every turn. Then when Bush shit the bed, and we elected the Black guy, he became the anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-science, anti-compromise, anti-legislate obstruction fan.

And that's the same exact description of a bunch of Right-Wingers on this board.

Boss is no Liberal. I don't know if he fits this week's definition of a conservative, but he isn't a Liberal.
So true. That describes most Republicans. They are mostly dishonest partisan hacks that put party over country.

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Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
I've been here longer than both of you, and Boss has been a wingnut since he joined. He's an extremist conservative, Tea Party guy. One who voted for Bush twice, supported the Iraq War, defended Bush at every turn. Then when Bush shit the bed, and we elected the Black guy, he became the anti-establishment, anti-Washington, anti-science, anti-compromise, anti-legislate obstruction fan.

And that's the same exact description of a bunch of Right-Wingers on this board.

Boss is no Liberal. I don't know if he fits this week's definition of a conservative, but he isn't a Liberal.

I didn't say he was a liberal. Maybe he is a conservative or was, people can and do change, but the fact that he can consider voting for Clinton for any reason, doesn't speak well of his conservative cred.
She is more conservative than Drumpf on a few issues. If those issues are important to you, then she's conservative enough.

This is a vote between competency and incompetency. Drumpf couldn't even put together a successful convention.
You've been listening to MSNBC.
I'm hoping that both trump and clinton suffer a health calamity that renders them unable to carry out being potus. I'd prefer them to both suffer this calamity tomorrow and have the race be between Pence and Kaine.

I agree... Pence would trounce Kaine. We'd have a conservative in the white house.
You're not thinking clearly. You're thinking like a partisan. Pence is an anti-gay religious zealot. That crap won't fly in 2016. Meanwhile Kaine is a centrist.

Think McFly.

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I think boss hates gays too
Trump's action was more than "inappropriate & immature. . .", it revealed an inability to work with people he does not like or with whom he disagrees. He needs to man up and accept the limitations on him if he wishes to be elected. This type of unwillingness to work with others can't be hidden from the electorate. They will see right through it.

You're absolutely right. This guy's KEY selling point is he is supposed to be a master at closing the deal. He brags about his ability to get along with people and work with them. He speaks glowingly of his negotiating skills and ability to get the best deal. He's totally blowing THIS deal and if he continues on this path, he won't close it.

And what makes things worse are his core supporters who just keep on piling on. Instead of maybe relaying to him, hey... perhaps you need to tone it down and stop attacking the wrong person... they cheer him on and encourage more trashing of Ted Cruz. If this continues very much longer, the Democrats, as awful as they are, will win this election in a landslide. And then, Hillary Clinton will claim a "mandate" and we're all screwed because the GOP will be spiraling down the toilet bowl.

And people want to mouth to me that I don't care about my country... If that were true, I'd walk away from all of this and let the chips fall where they may. I don't need this shit. You think I enjoy coming here and being called all kinds of names and watch my guy be tarnished and drug through the mud some more? It's precisely because I DO care about my country and want to win this election. But the only path to a victory includes Ted Cruz... like him or not... that's a fact.
nobody cares about Ted Cruz s0n
Actually many in the GOP remain NeverTrump, because of Cruz and other reasons.
Cruz pulled a lot of sh**. Boss wants Trump to apologize and look weak. He wants his supporters to cave to him and look weak. As far as I'm concerned, this ass clown is already a Hillary voter whether he knows it or not yet.

I don't really give a fuck how you look. I am focused on how to defeat Hillary and you're hung up on your pride.

So your idea is to vote for Hillary to defeat Hillary.

Interesting logic, good luck.

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You have millions of Republicans that won't cast a vote for Donald Trump.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Frankly I don't know anyone could. Trump has no honor, no respect, no dignity, and the only loyalty he has is to himself.

Trump is the most incompetent, unqualified Presidential candidate in this nation's history, and he would be dangerous to this countries domestic, foreign and most importantly national security.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator


Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

He is no better or worse than Hillary, she has absolutely no credibility. You plot against fellow democrats to win primaries? Pretty low.

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I mean... WTF?

ok, 1st, I am not kicking Cruz or his supporters to the curb.

I am, and always have been, on team #NeverHillary

YOU say that you may well vote for Hillary.

My response? Well, my response is "fuck you"

This has nothing at all to do with Cruz, whom you support or anything else related to "how pure and good" of a conservative you are.

It has to do with #NeverHillary - capisce??

So here it is, in a nutshell -
it's like Rummy said, "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know."

Hilldebeast is a known known - I know I will rue the day

TRUMP is a known unknown - I may well rue the day

So, I have NO SHOT or MAYBE a shot

I am voting for and supporting MAYBE a shot
Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.
Whatever. If you vote for Hillary you're a traitor. That's the long and short of it.

And your reasoning is juvenile.
He needs to apologize for his attacks on Cruz and his family, and start acting like he wants our vote.

Donald Trump didn't get the nomination by apologizing to ass clowns. Next thing you know, you'll want him apologizing to Hillary.

Again... you need ass clowns to vote for your ass clown. You can't defeat Hillary otherwise. No, I give my word, I will never ask him to apologize to Hillary.

But he is going to listen to conservatives and if he doesn't, he will lose this election. You know it, I know it and he knows it. So you can bow up and keep calling names if you like... that's not going to win the election. You best focus on what's best for the country before it's too late.

Ok, I'm conservative....
I love his trade ideas......free trade has been utter bullshit
pro life
pro gun
lower taxes
less regulation
Build a wall and kick out visa overstays.
10 point plan on Veterans
repeal Obamacare and replace it with market system.
crush isis, including treating them like they treat others (It should be done....these people deserve no quarter)
not randomly bomb countries..

so what ideas are you against?

So the US Chamber of Commerce and some of the best economists in the nation are wrong?
Pro life? Since when? He is for funding PP
Lower Taxes? he's going to triple the ICE stormtroopers and increase the military spending
Less Regulation always leads to bubbles
10 point plan for veterans is 3 good points and a bunch of throw aways
Repeal the ACA and bring back the bad old days of people with PECs not being able to get insurance and yearly caps
So boots on the ground in the ME for the 3rd time in 25 years? We already have 22 suicides by veterans per day...

Drumpf's policies are that of a moron.

Uh Hilary has nothing
US Chamber....they're for big business.....they want illegal immigration too....nope
He stated he's pro life for a while now
Lower Taxes can bring in more revenue...happened under Reagan and Bush
Less regulation....nah, I think it worked out with phone and cable companies
10 point plan is way better than now.
Obamacare is a disaster, I have a 1500 dollar deductible instead of the the 300 dollar ones before it and premiums are higher.....the other way was much much better
Well, you gotta take em out......we had control of the region until retard Obama pulled out.....now terror attacks are happening in Europe and the US...better our soldiers just kill them over there.

And Hitlery won't change any of it.
Hillary has always been a treasonous criminal. ALWAYS. We have no evidence whatever that Trump is.
You have millions of Republicans that won't cast a vote for Donald Trump.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Frankly I don't know anyone could. Trump has no honor, no respect, no dignity, and the only loyalty he has is to himself.

Trump is the most incompetent, unqualified Presidential candidate in this nation's history, and he would be dangerous to this countries domestic, foreign and most importantly national security.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator


Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

He is no better or worse than Hillary, she has absolutely no credibility. You plot against fellow democrats to win primaries? Pretty low.

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But Bernie isn't a Democrat. Why should the DNC care about him? The RNC didn't want Trump either but they got him.

Why doesn't the RNC like Trump? He sounds too much like a liberal.

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