I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Trump doesn't have a record......he gets a shot at doing the job....he has a record of success as a multinational business man....

Hilary has a record of absolute corruption and incompetence.....she has had a shot and has shown she cannot be trusted.....

if you want to keep getting crappy politicians...just keep rewarding the worst of them with better political offices.....if you want to get them under some sort of control, you don't reward them with the White House.....
what success? He multiple bankruptcies? Or his coning people out of their life savings with a fake school? Maybe it is the foreign labor he uses so he doesn't have to hire Americans??? Trump is broke which is why he doesnt want his tax return shown.
What a good little national socialist you are...
Dip shit the one acting like a nazi here is you not me.
If you say so Adolf....
Thanks for once again showing how ignorant of facts and history you are....
I'm dead set against a Clinton Presidency..period. I do not want her in office...period. I'm not going to act all butt hurt because people said mean things about Drumpf supporters when faced with a possible Clinton presidency. It's unthinkable to me.
Where does all this CDS come from?

When I see all this baseless Hillary hatred I often think back to this:

“Were you molested by a real estate lady?” Bill Maher and Andrew Sullivan’s shocking Hillary Clinton clash
I don't hate anyone. You're projecting. Hillary seems like a nice enough woman.

There's a huge difference between hating someone and feeling they are totally unfit to run the country. Clinton cannot get done what needs to be done to turn this country around. No career politician, left or right, can for that matter. They have ALL failed us and will continue to fail us. It's time to turn this bitch upside down and make out government what its supposed to be...for, by and of <<remember that little obscure blurb in the constitution?
Trump isn't the guy to do it. He doesn't have the knowledge or the discipline. And I firmly believe he's a sociopath with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I'm fine with an outsider to shake up the system. But it has to be someone who instills confidence from both sides.

You may not hate Hillary, but hatred of her often goes hand in hand with opposing her.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people.

And yet, since securing the nomination, he has done nothing but cater to the establishment elite. He has adopted the "tax the rich" meme... he says he'll raise the MW to $10/hr because we "have to help people." He now proposes MORE infrastructure (roads and bridges) bullshit than Hillary.

You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country.

Two words for ya... TED CRUZ!

The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

He has stated that his plan to eliminate ISIS is to control the oil in the region. How is he going to do that without putting boots on the ground? What's going to happen when Russia expresses displeasure over us controlling the oil they've been buying from the bad guys? He even asked an adviser why we can't use our nukes in Europe. Given his nature toward people who go against him, he's a little scary.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

Hillary seems like a very nice woman? Now I know you've been hitting the crack pipe too much. In what way does she seem like a very nice woman? In the fake, pretentious, I'm fooling you but you're too stupid to know way? :dunno:
I'm dead set against a Clinton Presidency..period. I do not want her in office...period. I'm not going to act all butt hurt because people said mean things about Drumpf supporters when faced with a possible Clinton presidency. It's unthinkable to me.
Where does all this CDS come from?

When I see all this baseless Hillary hatred I often think back to this:

“Were you molested by a real estate lady?” Bill Maher and Andrew Sullivan’s shocking Hillary Clinton clash
I don't hate anyone. You're projecting. Hillary seems like a nice enough woman.

There's a huge difference between hating someone and feeling they are totally unfit to run the country. Clinton cannot get done what needs to be done to turn this country around. No career politician, left or right, can for that matter. They have ALL failed us and will continue to fail us. It's time to turn this bitch upside down and make out government what its supposed to be...for, by and of <<remember that little obscure blurb in the constitution?
Trump isn't the guy to do it. He doesn't have the knowledge or the discipline. And I firmly believe he's a sociopath with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I'm fine with an outsider to shake up the system. But it has to be someone who instills confidence from both sides.

You may not hate Hillary, but hatred of her often goes hand in hand with opposing her.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

So he backed McCain and Ryan last week because he doesn't care about pandering to the party?
I'm dead set against a Clinton Presidency..period. I do not want her in office...period. I'm not going to act all butt hurt because people said mean things about Drumpf supporters when faced with a possible Clinton presidency. It's unthinkable to me.
Where does all this CDS come from?

When I see all this baseless Hillary hatred I often think back to this:

“Were you molested by a real estate lady?” Bill Maher and Andrew Sullivan’s shocking Hillary Clinton clash
I don't hate anyone. You're projecting. Hillary seems like a nice enough woman.

There's a huge difference between hating someone and feeling they are totally unfit to run the country. Clinton cannot get done what needs to be done to turn this country around. No career politician, left or right, can for that matter. They have ALL failed us and will continue to fail us. It's time to turn this bitch upside down and make out government what its supposed to be...for, by and of <<remember that little obscure blurb in the constitution?
Trump isn't the guy to do it. He doesn't have the knowledge or the discipline. And I firmly believe he's a sociopath with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I'm fine with an outsider to shake up the system. But it has to be someone who instills confidence from both sides.

You may not hate Hillary, but hatred of her often goes hand in hand with opposing her.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

So he backed McCain and Ryan last week because he doesn't care about pandering to the party?
That has nothing to do with policy. I'm talking implementing his policies and working with congress.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

Great post, and I couldn't agree more. (well except the liking Hillary part ). If I come even close to saying the above, I am attacked. Everyone believes in our right to believe and vote as we see fit..........as long as we vote for who they want us to vote for. ;)
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people.

And yet, since securing the nomination, he has done nothing but cater to the establishment elite. He has adopted the "tax the rich" meme... he says he'll raise the MW to $10/hr because we "have to help people." He now proposes MORE infrastructure (roads and bridges) bullshit than Hillary.

You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country.

Two words for ya... TED CRUZ!

The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

He has stated that his plan to eliminate ISIS is to control the oil in the region. How is he going to do that without putting boots on the ground? What's going to happen when Russia expresses displeasure over us controlling the oil they've been buying from the bad guys? He even asked an adviser why we can't use our nukes in Europe. Given his nature toward people who go against him, he's a little scary.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

Hillary seems like a very nice woman? Now I know you've been hitting the crack pipe too much. In what way does she seem like a very nice woman? In the fake, pretentious, I'm fooling you but you're too stupid to know way? :dunno:

He's adopted nothing. He's been saying for almost a year now the "rich" MAY find themselves paying higher taxes. Same goes with the minimum wage debate. During the primaries he said that should be explored.

Ted Cruz? :lol: :lol: He's just another whore like the rest of them.

ISIS has to be dealt with. We can't walk away from that. I'm talking about places like Iraq (when Saddam was Pres) and Libya (Gaddafi) and Yemen. It's time we mind our own damn business and stop invading and destabilizing countries. Iraq shouldn't have happened, Libya shouldn't have happened, drone strikes in Yemen need to stop. We impose our will everywhere and create more enemies.

Clinton is playing a role in public. I don't know her personally, nor do I know how she acts in private, so I'm not going to judge her. She looks to me like a nice enough woman, who am I judge her differently? What? because I dislike her policies and whats she's done I'm automatically supposed to hate her? Call her fake? Call her pretentious? I don't live my life that way.
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Where does all this CDS come from?

When I see all this baseless Hillary hatred I often think back to this:

“Were you molested by a real estate lady?” Bill Maher and Andrew Sullivan’s shocking Hillary Clinton clash
I don't hate anyone. You're projecting. Hillary seems like a nice enough woman.

There's a huge difference between hating someone and feeling they are totally unfit to run the country. Clinton cannot get done what needs to be done to turn this country around. No career politician, left or right, can for that matter. They have ALL failed us and will continue to fail us. It's time to turn this bitch upside down and make out government what its supposed to be...for, by and of <<remember that little obscure blurb in the constitution?
Trump isn't the guy to do it. He doesn't have the knowledge or the discipline. And I firmly believe he's a sociopath with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I'm fine with an outsider to shake up the system. But it has to be someone who instills confidence from both sides.

You may not hate Hillary, but hatred of her often goes hand in hand with opposing her.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

So he backed McCain and Ryan last week because he doesn't care about pandering to the party?
That has nothing to do with policy. I'm talking implementing his policies and working with congress.

Keep telling yourself that if you must, my friend. But there is absolutely no reason to believe he wont cave to the establishment on issues too
statements about making it easier to silence opposing speech.

ONe of the first things the clintons did when they were in the White House the first time was to order the FBI to hand over 1,000 FBI files on political enemies...........so......who do you really think is going to silence the opposition....? We actually have behavior from the clintons that show it........
Di8d they push to change law so speech can more easily be squashed? Because Trump wants laws to do that. You ignorantly keep showing a turd hoping it will hide the turd you are eating up.

The democrats as a party used the IRS to prevent conservative groups from getting their tax free status.......hilary used FBI files to attack her enemies in the first White House stay......you guys are morons if you don't think this woman will attack freedom of speech......
So why is it again you are supporting a democrat that wants to do even worse?

Trump doesn't have a record......he gets a shot at doing the job....he has a record of success as a multinational business man....

Hilary has a record of absolute corruption and incompetence.....she has had a shot and has shown she cannot be trusted.....

if you want to keep getting crappy politicians...just keep rewarding the worst of them with better political offices.....if you want to get them under some sort of control, you don't reward them with the White House.....
what success? He multiple bankruptcies? Or his coning people out of their life savings with a fake school? Maybe it is the foreign labor he uses so he doesn't have to hire Americans??? Trump is broke which is why he doesnt want his tax return shown.
what fake school?
I don't hate anyone. You're projecting. Hillary seems like a nice enough woman.

There's a huge difference between hating someone and feeling they are totally unfit to run the country. Clinton cannot get done what needs to be done to turn this country around. No career politician, left or right, can for that matter. They have ALL failed us and will continue to fail us. It's time to turn this bitch upside down and make out government what its supposed to be...for, by and of <<remember that little obscure blurb in the constitution?
Trump isn't the guy to do it. He doesn't have the knowledge or the discipline. And I firmly believe he's a sociopath with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I'm fine with an outsider to shake up the system. But it has to be someone who instills confidence from both sides.

You may not hate Hillary, but hatred of her often goes hand in hand with opposing her.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

So he backed McCain and Ryan last week because he doesn't care about pandering to the party?
That has nothing to do with policy. I'm talking implementing his policies and working with congress.

Keep telling yourself that if you must, my friend. But there is absolutely no reason to believe he wont cave to the establishment on issues too
well any good politician/ businessman negotiates. What is it you're afraid of from his negotiating skills?
2aguy, post: 14953003
..the left falls in lock step no matter what, that is why they keep winning, they know they can hash out their arguments..

No there are more Americans left of center than on the right. The trick is getting all of them to see the need to vote. The other part is getting the centrists, independents, MuggWumps to be convinced the Dems will do better at governing than the right wing whackos.

It's all about turnout - that's why RWers are always hellbent on discouraging people to vote.

That's your argument? Define why I'm wrong.

More Americans identify with Democratic Party than GOP, poll shows. Jul 6, 2015 1:31 PM EDT

APRIL 1, 2016
Democrats Increasing Their Edge in U.S. Party Affiliation

by Jeffrey M. Jones

  • Democrats hold six-percentage-point edge in party affiliation
  • One of largest advantages in Obama's second term
  • Parties were even last fall

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Forty-six percent of Americans now identify politically as Democrats or say they lean Democratic, while 40% identify as Republican or lean Republican. As recently as October, the parties had equal levels of support.

Democrats Increasing Their Edge in U.S. Party Affiliation

46 to 40 in favor of Dems. Trump increasing the margin in favor of Dems.
dude, that's only 86% what about the other 14%?
I don't hate anyone. You're projecting. Hillary seems like a nice enough woman.

There's a huge difference between hating someone and feeling they are totally unfit to run the country. Clinton cannot get done what needs to be done to turn this country around. No career politician, left or right, can for that matter. They have ALL failed us and will continue to fail us. It's time to turn this bitch upside down and make out government what its supposed to be...for, by and of <<remember that little obscure blurb in the constitution?
Trump isn't the guy to do it. He doesn't have the knowledge or the discipline. And I firmly believe he's a sociopath with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I'm fine with an outsider to shake up the system. But it has to be someone who instills confidence from both sides.

You may not hate Hillary, but hatred of her often goes hand in hand with opposing her.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

So he backed McCain and Ryan last week because he doesn't care about pandering to the party?
That has nothing to do with policy. I'm talking implementing his policies and working with congress.

Keep telling yourself that if you must, my friend. But there is absolutely no reason to believe he wont cave to the establishment on issues too
and there's no reason to believe he will. It goes both ways ;)

Rightly or wrongly I believe he will fight for policies that benefit the country and Americans first, rather than looking to line the pockets of his party/lobbyist/donors/special interests. He has nothing to lose. After 4-8 years he can go back to the private sector and pick up where he left off. He won't need a thing from anyone. He's already set for the rest of his life and then some as is his family. In other words he cannot be bought, bribed or cajoled into doing things that aren't congruent with his beliefs
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That has nothing to do with policy. I'm talking implementing his policies and working with congress.

Working with Congress? He can't even work with Conservatives in his own party who WANT to vote for him! His idea of "working with" is either go along with him or suffer his wrath of relentless tabloid smear.

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