I miss Trump

This is you Azog
There is no civil war in the Republican Partythe Confederates won long ago.

Instead, we are witnessing the end of a long molting process as the GOP slithers into its final form: a counter-majoritarian, fascist entity.

Republicans are shedding their masks and hoods, spitting out their dog whistles and outright embracing the Big Lie and the violent insurrectionists, conspiracy theorists, and racists who make up the party’s base and, increasingly, its representatives in Congress.

The GOP Is Now the Party of Thugs, Terrorists, Racists and Dopes

The foolish hope that Donald Trump was merely an outlier, a freakish aberration whose eventual exit would allow “adults” like Mitch McConnell to go back to their belligerent obstructionism, court packing, and shameless cravenness to corporate America and the 1 percent— you know, “business as usual,” as if any of that was normal or healthy — is gone.

During a House Oversight Committee this week, Rep. Andrew Clyde tried to gaslight America by declaring there was no riot and that the violent insurrection actually resembled a “normal tourist visit.” I would hate to vacation with Rep. Clyde and his family. The majority of Republicans believe that the 2020 election was rigged in favor of Biden.

Trump was not a cancerous growth but the end product of the party’s decades-long molting process. He’s the beating heart. He’s Republicans’ orange avatar, their unrestrained id, their boiling, festering rage that quenches its appetites while securing power and wealth by any means necessary. Democracy, rule of law, equality, fairness, voting rights are all unnecessary and cumbersome obstacles that must be either removed or weakened to achieve the ultimate goal: power for an overwhelmingly white, Christian conservative minority.

Just because Trump is golfing in Mar-a-Lago instead of rage-tweeting from the White House, doesn’t mean the threat has been removed. His tactics and tantrums have merely been picked up and copied by Republicans desperate to ride the same strategy to power in 2022 and 2024, perhaps with less sensationalism and fanfare.

Story continues
After the record setting disaster of the Biden administration everyone is missing Trump. Certainly each time they visit the gas pump and have to pay sky high Biden gas prices.
After the record setting disaster of the Biden administration everyone is missing Trump. Certainly each time they visit the gas pump and have to pay sky high Biden gas prices.
Boo FN hoo Get a job get off the dole and you too can afford a gallon of gas
You complain constantly

you are constantly mistaken. i am not the one who misses donny.

Yet you still complain constantly. Do you believe, all jokes aside, that Hamas attacks Israel if Trump is still President? I do not.

i will admit i don't have much knowledge or investment that you understandably would - but biden is not to be blamed for something that is literally centuries/ions old.
When you deal with bullies you have to stand up to them. Trump stood up to Iran. Now Biden was being nice, Iran funneled money to Hamas and voila. This is what I was afraid of. Believe it or not there aren't very many Jews left in the world and I have family in Israel.
hoever we ma
& biden had a hard time at the get go getting the people in place thanx to turtleboy's senate. he concentrated on america. donny, in the end did not. some day you will see that.
All he had to do was not tell Iran we would ease the sanctions and not send money to Palestine.

however we may be going back into the nuke deal.
And that is not good. Again, Iran takes those monies and funnels them to Hamas. Iran wants every Jew obliterated.

i am more worried about americans being obliterated.
By Iran? LOL....that would never happen. China? Maybe but Biden loves China.

donny has his cheap sweatshop crap made there. he never moved one product to be made here in america.

truth over facts.
Donny? Go to any store. 90% of goods are made in China. We have become highly reliant on China cause we want cheap shit.

Truth over Facts

but DONNY was the one who bloviated about american manurfacting be done right here in ' america - fuck YA! ', remember? i do. biden is trying to do just THAT. let's start with the bridge in TN.
I have no idea what you fags have against Trump.

A) i am a born & raised hetero female.

B) i don't know, nor care where you're from, but i am from the east coast & have seen donny in action for 4 decades - there is a ALOT to say about his defects. are you kidding me?
Do you sign your name "she/her/hers" or "Left/Leftist/Communist"? he he

all of it.

& proudly - if it bothers you.

he he

You gotta do you...what bothers me is hypocrisy of leftists. Everything is whatever.

that is not true. you consider me a leftist. so therefore & henceforth you are mistaken. i believe i said that earlie, did i not? .

you have a record of that.
I disagree that you're not one. That is all. I know you don't consider yourself one but alas you are one.

as in-de-pendant as you, zoggerinooooooooooo..........
I disagree. You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. You are OK with us funneling money to Iran. You're OK with Biden packing the court. I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls.

i understand your stance. BUT it is not an issue that's high on the priority list for me, like abortion is to you.

You are OK with us funneling money to Iran.

didn't say that. i said i value american lives over any other.

You're OK with Biden packing the court.

gorsuch. brett. & the handmaiden. AND alllll the seated justices that turtleboy jammed thru. lol . please.

I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

bernie didn't incite a bloody attempted coup against the united states of america,...

so there is that.
Trump did not pack the court. Packing is increasing the size from nine. We disagree on what caused the Jan 6 riot. I actually Blame our media.

trump didn't ... but turtleboy did with the full blessing from donny.

Updated:Oct 13, 2020Original:Oct 8, 2013

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court​

Find out seven surprising facts about how the nation’s highest court works and how it’s changed over the years.
Elizabeth Nix

2. There haven’t always been nine justices on the court.​

The U.S. Constitution established the Supreme Court but left it to Congress to decide how many justices should make up the court. The Judiciary Act of 1789 set the number at six: a chief justice and five associate justices. In 1807, Congress increased the number of justices to seven; in 1837, the number was bumped up to nine; and in 1863, it rose to 10. In 1866, Congress passed the Judicial Circuits Act, which shrank the number of justices back down to seven and prevented President Andrew Johnson from appointing anyone new to the court. Three years later, in 1869, Congress raised the number of justices to nine, where it has stood ever since. In 1937, in an effort to create a court more friendly to his New Deal programs, President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to convince Congress to pass legislation that would allow a new justice to be added to the court—for a total of up to 15 members—for every justice over 70 who opted not to retire. Congress didn’t go for FDR’s plan.

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court

the media was not responsible nearly as much as the chosen one.

his own deplorables said so & the media sure didn't create the proud boys, 3%ers, or the oath keepers - who btw, a major founder/leader is squealing like a pig on his buds.
You complain constantly

you are constantly mistaken. i am not the one who misses donny.

Yet you still complain constantly. Do you believe, all jokes aside, that Hamas attacks Israel if Trump is still President? I do not.

i will admit i don't have much knowledge or investment that you understandably would - but biden is not to be blamed for something that is literally centuries/ions old.
When you deal with bullies you have to stand up to them. Trump stood up to Iran. Now Biden was being nice, Iran funneled money to Hamas and voila. This is what I was afraid of. Believe it or not there aren't very many Jews left in the world and I have family in Israel.
hoever we ma
& biden had a hard time at the get go getting the people in place thanx to turtleboy's senate. he concentrated on america. donny, in the end did not. some day you will see that.
All he had to do was not tell Iran we would ease the sanctions and not send money to Palestine.

however we may be going back into the nuke deal.
And that is not good. Again, Iran takes those monies and funnels them to Hamas. Iran wants every Jew obliterated.

i am more worried about americans being obliterated.
By Iran? LOL....that would never happen. China? Maybe but Biden loves China.

donny has his cheap sweatshop crap made there. he never moved one product to be made here in america.

truth over facts.
Donny? Go to any store. 90% of goods are made in China. We have become highly reliant on China cause we want cheap shit.

Truth over Facts

but DONNY was the one who bloviated about american manurfacting be done right here in ' america - fuck YA! ', remember? i do. biden is trying to do just THAT. let's start with the bridge in TN.
I have no idea what you fags have against Trump.

A) i am a born & raised hetero female.

B) i don't know, nor care where you're from, but i am from the east coast & have seen donny in action for 4 decades - there is a ALOT to say about his defects. are you kidding me?
Do you sign your name "she/her/hers" or "Left/Leftist/Communist"? he he

all of it.

& proudly - if it bothers you.

he he

You gotta do you...what bothers me is hypocrisy of leftists. Everything is whatever.

that is not true. you consider me a leftist. so therefore & henceforth you are mistaken. i believe i said that earlie, did i not? .

you have a record of that.
I disagree that you're not one. That is all. I know you don't consider yourself one but alas you are one.

as in-de-pendant as you, zoggerinooooooooooo..........
I disagree. You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. You are OK with us funneling money to Iran. You're OK with Biden packing the court. I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls.

i understand your stance. BUT it is not an issue that's high on the priority list for me, like abortion is to you.

You are OK with us funneling money to Iran.

didn't say that. i said i value american lives over any other.

You're OK with Biden packing the court.

gorsuch. brett. & the handmaiden. AND alllll the seated justices that turtleboy jammed thru. lol . please.

I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

bernie didn't incite a bloody attempted coup against the united states of america,...

so there is that.
Trump did not pack the court. Packing is increasing the size from nine. We disagree on what caused the Jan 6 riot. I actually Blame our media.

trump didn't ... but turtleboy did with the full blessing from donny.

Updated:Oct 13, 2020Original:Oct 8, 2013

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court​

Find out seven surprising facts about how the nation’s highest court works and how it’s changed over the years.
Elizabeth Nix

2. There haven’t always been nine justices on the court.​

The U.S. Constitution established the Supreme Court but left it to Congress to decide how many justices should make up the court. The Judiciary Act of 1789 set the number at six: a chief justice and five associate justices. In 1807, Congress increased the number of justices to seven; in 1837, the number was bumped up to nine; and in 1863, it rose to 10. In 1866, Congress passed the Judicial Circuits Act, which shrank the number of justices back down to seven and prevented President Andrew Johnson from appointing anyone new to the court. Three years later, in 1869, Congress raised the number of justices to nine, where it has stood ever since. In 1937, in an effort to create a court more friendly to his New Deal programs, President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to convince Congress to pass legislation that would allow a new justice to be added to the court—for a total of up to 15 members—for every justice over 70 who opted not to retire. Congress didn’t go for FDR’s plan.

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court

the media was not responsible nearly as much as the chosen one.

his own deplorables said so & the media sure didn't create the proud boys, 3%ers, or the oath keepers - who btw, a major founder/leader is squealing like a pig on his buds.
Proud boys are run by a Hispanic male. Enrique Terio? Media divides us nonstop. Hell they caught a CNN exec stating as such on tape. Now that Trump is out they are pushing climate change. Division = ratings.
You complain constantly

you are constantly mistaken. i am not the one who misses donny.

Yet you still complain constantly. Do you believe, all jokes aside, that Hamas attacks Israel if Trump is still President? I do not.

i will admit i don't have much knowledge or investment that you understandably would - but biden is not to be blamed for something that is literally centuries/ions old.
When you deal with bullies you have to stand up to them. Trump stood up to Iran. Now Biden was being nice, Iran funneled money to Hamas and voila. This is what I was afraid of. Believe it or not there aren't very many Jews left in the world and I have family in Israel.
hoever we ma
& biden had a hard time at the get go getting the people in place thanx to turtleboy's senate. he concentrated on america. donny, in the end did not. some day you will see that.
All he had to do was not tell Iran we would ease the sanctions and not send money to Palestine.

however we may be going back into the nuke deal.
And that is not good. Again, Iran takes those monies and funnels them to Hamas. Iran wants every Jew obliterated.

i am more worried about americans being obliterated.
By Iran? LOL....that would never happen. China? Maybe but Biden loves China.

donny has his cheap sweatshop crap made there. he never moved one product to be made here in america.

truth over facts.
Donny? Go to any store. 90% of goods are made in China. We have become highly reliant on China cause we want cheap shit.

Truth over Facts

but DONNY was the one who bloviated about american manurfacting be done right here in ' america - fuck YA! ', remember? i do. biden is trying to do just THAT. let's start with the bridge in TN.
I have no idea what you fags have against Trump.

A) i am a born & raised hetero female.

B) i don't know, nor care where you're from, but i am from the east coast & have seen donny in action for 4 decades - there is a ALOT to say about his defects. are you kidding me?
Do you sign your name "she/her/hers" or "Left/Leftist/Communist"? he he

all of it.

& proudly - if it bothers you.

he he

You gotta do you...what bothers me is hypocrisy of leftists. Everything is whatever.

that is not true. you consider me a leftist. so therefore & henceforth you are mistaken. i believe i said that earlie, did i not? .

you have a record of that.
I disagree that you're not one. That is all. I know you don't consider yourself one but alas you are one.

as in-de-pendant as you, zoggerinooooooooooo..........
I disagree. You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. You are OK with us funneling money to Iran. You're OK with Biden packing the court. I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls.

i understand your stance. BUT it is not an issue that's high on the priority list for me, like abortion is to you.

You are OK with us funneling money to Iran.

didn't say that. i said i value american lives over any other.

You're OK with Biden packing the court.

gorsuch. brett. & the handmaiden. AND alllll the seated justices that turtleboy jammed thru. lol . please.

I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

bernie didn't incite a bloody attempted coup against the united states of america,...

so there is that.
Trump did not pack the court. Packing is increasing the size from nine. We disagree on what caused the Jan 6 riot. I actually Blame our media.

trump didn't ... but turtleboy did with the full blessing from donny.

Updated:Oct 13, 2020Original:Oct 8, 2013

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court​

Find out seven surprising facts about how the nation’s highest court works and how it’s changed over the years.
Elizabeth Nix

2. There haven’t always been nine justices on the court.​

The U.S. Constitution established the Supreme Court but left it to Congress to decide how many justices should make up the court. The Judiciary Act of 1789 set the number at six: a chief justice and five associate justices. In 1807, Congress increased the number of justices to seven; in 1837, the number was bumped up to nine; and in 1863, it rose to 10. In 1866, Congress passed the Judicial Circuits Act, which shrank the number of justices back down to seven and prevented President Andrew Johnson from appointing anyone new to the court. Three years later, in 1869, Congress raised the number of justices to nine, where it has stood ever since. In 1937, in an effort to create a court more friendly to his New Deal programs, President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to convince Congress to pass legislation that would allow a new justice to be added to the court—for a total of up to 15 members—for every justice over 70 who opted not to retire. Congress didn’t go for FDR’s plan.

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court

the media was not responsible nearly as much as the chosen one.

his own deplorables said so & the media sure didn't create the proud boys, 3%ers, or the oath keepers - who btw, a major founder/leader is squealing like a pig on his buds.
Proud boys are run by a Hispanic male. Enrique Terio? Media divides us nonstop. Hell they caught a CNN exec stating as such on tape. Now that Trump is out they are pushing climate change. Division = ratings.

trump & his flying monkeys incited it - working his base up for weeks b4 hand. too many pawns - as he predicted - played out a sick fantasy he had. he lied when he said he would walk w/ them because he knew what was gonna go down.

that's the dude you voted for & you misssssssssssssssssss him. anything & anybody else media wise - no matter what role they played - is a far distant second to the chosen one.
You complain constantly

you are constantly mistaken. i am not the one who misses donny.

Yet you still complain constantly. Do you believe, all jokes aside, that Hamas attacks Israel if Trump is still President? I do not.

i will admit i don't have much knowledge or investment that you understandably would - but biden is not to be blamed for something that is literally centuries/ions old.
When you deal with bullies you have to stand up to them. Trump stood up to Iran. Now Biden was being nice, Iran funneled money to Hamas and voila. This is what I was afraid of. Believe it or not there aren't very many Jews left in the world and I have family in Israel.
hoever we ma
& biden had a hard time at the get go getting the people in place thanx to turtleboy's senate. he concentrated on america. donny, in the end did not. some day you will see that.
All he had to do was not tell Iran we would ease the sanctions and not send money to Palestine.

however we may be going back into the nuke deal.
And that is not good. Again, Iran takes those monies and funnels them to Hamas. Iran wants every Jew obliterated.

i am more worried about americans being obliterated.
By Iran? LOL....that would never happen. China? Maybe but Biden loves China.

donny has his cheap sweatshop crap made there. he never moved one product to be made here in america.

truth over facts.
Donny? Go to any store. 90% of goods are made in China. We have become highly reliant on China cause we want cheap shit.

Truth over Facts

but DONNY was the one who bloviated about american manurfacting be done right here in ' america - fuck YA! ', remember? i do. biden is trying to do just THAT. let's start with the bridge in TN.
I have no idea what you fags have against Trump.

A) i am a born & raised hetero female.

B) i don't know, nor care where you're from, but i am from the east coast & have seen donny in action for 4 decades - there is a ALOT to say about his defects. are you kidding me?
Do you sign your name "she/her/hers" or "Left/Leftist/Communist"? he he

all of it.

& proudly - if it bothers you.

he he

You gotta do you...what bothers me is hypocrisy of leftists. Everything is whatever.

that is not true. you consider me a leftist. so therefore & henceforth you are mistaken. i believe i said that earlie, did i not? .

you have a record of that.
I disagree that you're not one. That is all. I know you don't consider yourself one but alas you are one.

as in-de-pendant as you, zoggerinooooooooooo..........
I disagree. You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. You are OK with us funneling money to Iran. You're OK with Biden packing the court. I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls.

i understand your stance. BUT it is not an issue that's high on the priority list for me, like abortion is to you.

You are OK with us funneling money to Iran.

didn't say that. i said i value american lives over any other.

You're OK with Biden packing the court.

gorsuch. brett. & the handmaiden. AND alllll the seated justices that turtleboy jammed thru. lol . please.

I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

bernie didn't incite a bloody attempted coup against the united states of america,...

so there is that.
Trump did not pack the court. Packing is increasing the size from nine. We disagree on what caused the Jan 6 riot. I actually Blame our media.

trump didn't ... but turtleboy did with the full blessing from donny.

Updated:Oct 13, 2020Original:Oct 8, 2013

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court​

Find out seven surprising facts about how the nation’s highest court works and how it’s changed over the years.
Elizabeth Nix

2. There haven’t always been nine justices on the court.​

The U.S. Constitution established the Supreme Court but left it to Congress to decide how many justices should make up the court. The Judiciary Act of 1789 set the number at six: a chief justice and five associate justices. In 1807, Congress increased the number of justices to seven; in 1837, the number was bumped up to nine; and in 1863, it rose to 10. In 1866, Congress passed the Judicial Circuits Act, which shrank the number of justices back down to seven and prevented President Andrew Johnson from appointing anyone new to the court. Three years later, in 1869, Congress raised the number of justices to nine, where it has stood ever since. In 1937, in an effort to create a court more friendly to his New Deal programs, President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to convince Congress to pass legislation that would allow a new justice to be added to the court—for a total of up to 15 members—for every justice over 70 who opted not to retire. Congress didn’t go for FDR’s plan.

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court

the media was not responsible nearly as much as the chosen one.

his own deplorables said so & the media sure didn't create the proud boys, 3%ers, or the oath keepers - who btw, a major founder/leader is squealing like a pig on his buds.
Proud boys are run by a Hispanic male. Enrique Terio? Media divides us nonstop. Hell they caught a CNN exec stating as such on tape. Now that Trump is out they are pushing climate change. Division = ratings.

trump & his flying monkeys incited it - working his base up for weeks b4 hand. too many pawns - as he predicted - played out a sick fantasy he had. he lied when he said he would walk w/ them because he knew what was gonna go down.

that's the dude you voted for & you misssssssssssssssssss him. anything & anybody else media wise - no matter what role they played - is a far distant second to the chosen one.
I disagree. So now what? We keep yelling at one another?
After the record setting disaster of the Biden administration everyone is missing Trump. Certainly each time they visit the gas pump and have to pay sky high Biden gas prices.
Boo FN hoo Get a job get off the dole and you too can afford a gallon of gas
^^^ there's that compassion for the poor Dems are noted for #sarcasm
You complain constantly

you are constantly mistaken. i am not the one who misses donny.

Yet you still complain constantly. Do you believe, all jokes aside, that Hamas attacks Israel if Trump is still President? I do not.

i will admit i don't have much knowledge or investment that you understandably would - but biden is not to be blamed for something that is literally centuries/ions old.
When you deal with bullies you have to stand up to them. Trump stood up to Iran. Now Biden was being nice, Iran funneled money to Hamas and voila. This is what I was afraid of. Believe it or not there aren't very many Jews left in the world and I have family in Israel.
hoever we ma
& biden had a hard time at the get go getting the people in place thanx to turtleboy's senate. he concentrated on america. donny, in the end did not. some day you will see that.
All he had to do was not tell Iran we would ease the sanctions and not send money to Palestine.

however we may be going back into the nuke deal.
And that is not good. Again, Iran takes those monies and funnels them to Hamas. Iran wants every Jew obliterated.

i am more worried about americans being obliterated.
By Iran? LOL....that would never happen. China? Maybe but Biden loves China.

donny has his cheap sweatshop crap made there. he never moved one product to be made here in america.

truth over facts.
Donny? Go to any store. 90% of goods are made in China. We have become highly reliant on China cause we want cheap shit.

Truth over Facts

but DONNY was the one who bloviated about american manurfacting be done right here in ' america - fuck YA! ', remember? i do. biden is trying to do just THAT. let's start with the bridge in TN.
I have no idea what you fags have against Trump.

A) i am a born & raised hetero female.

B) i don't know, nor care where you're from, but i am from the east coast & have seen donny in action for 4 decades - there is a ALOT to say about his defects. are you kidding me?
Do you sign your name "she/her/hers" or "Left/Leftist/Communist"? he he

all of it.

& proudly - if it bothers you.

he he

You gotta do you...what bothers me is hypocrisy of leftists. Everything is whatever.

that is not true. you consider me a leftist. so therefore & henceforth you are mistaken. i believe i said that earlie, did i not? .

you have a record of that.
I disagree that you're not one. That is all. I know you don't consider yourself one but alas you are one.

as in-de-pendant as you, zoggerinooooooooooo..........
I disagree. You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. You are OK with us funneling money to Iran. You're OK with Biden packing the court. I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls.

i understand your stance. BUT it is not an issue that's high on the priority list for me, like abortion is to you.

You are OK with us funneling money to Iran.

didn't say that. i said i value american lives over any other.

You're OK with Biden packing the court.

gorsuch. brett. & the handmaiden. AND alllll the seated justices that turtleboy jammed thru. lol . please.

I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

bernie didn't incite a bloody attempted coup against the united states of america,...

so there is that.
Trump did not pack the court. Packing is increasing the size from nine. We disagree on what caused the Jan 6 riot. I actually Blame our media.

trump didn't ... but turtleboy did with the full blessing from donny.

Updated:Oct 13, 2020Original:Oct 8, 2013

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court​

Find out seven surprising facts about how the nation’s highest court works and how it’s changed over the years.
Elizabeth Nix

2. There haven’t always been nine justices on the court.​

The U.S. Constitution established the Supreme Court but left it to Congress to decide how many justices should make up the court. The Judiciary Act of 1789 set the number at six: a chief justice and five associate justices. In 1807, Congress increased the number of justices to seven; in 1837, the number was bumped up to nine; and in 1863, it rose to 10. In 1866, Congress passed the Judicial Circuits Act, which shrank the number of justices back down to seven and prevented President Andrew Johnson from appointing anyone new to the court. Three years later, in 1869, Congress raised the number of justices to nine, where it has stood ever since. In 1937, in an effort to create a court more friendly to his New Deal programs, President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to convince Congress to pass legislation that would allow a new justice to be added to the court—for a total of up to 15 members—for every justice over 70 who opted not to retire. Congress didn’t go for FDR’s plan.

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court

the media was not responsible nearly as much as the chosen one.

his own deplorables said so & the media sure didn't create the proud boys, 3%ers, or the oath keepers - who btw, a major founder/leader is squealing like a pig on his buds.
Proud boys are run by a Hispanic male. Enrique Terio? Media divides us nonstop. Hell they caught a CNN exec stating as such on tape. Now that Trump is out they are pushing climate change. Division = ratings.

trump & his flying monkeys incited it - working his base up for weeks b4 hand. too many pawns - as he predicted - played out a sick fantasy he had. he lied when he said he would walk w/ them because he knew what was gonna go down.

that's the dude you voted for & you misssssssssssssssssss him. anything & anybody else media wise - no matter what role they played - is a far distant second to the chosen one.
I disagree. So now what? We keep yelling at one another?


but feel free to change yer mind.
You complain constantly

you are constantly mistaken. i am not the one who misses donny.

Yet you still complain constantly. Do you believe, all jokes aside, that Hamas attacks Israel if Trump is still President? I do not.

i will admit i don't have much knowledge or investment that you understandably would - but biden is not to be blamed for something that is literally centuries/ions old.
When you deal with bullies you have to stand up to them. Trump stood up to Iran. Now Biden was being nice, Iran funneled money to Hamas and voila. This is what I was afraid of. Believe it or not there aren't very many Jews left in the world and I have family in Israel.
hoever we ma
& biden had a hard time at the get go getting the people in place thanx to turtleboy's senate. he concentrated on america. donny, in the end did not. some day you will see that.
All he had to do was not tell Iran we would ease the sanctions and not send money to Palestine.

however we may be going back into the nuke deal.
And that is not good. Again, Iran takes those monies and funnels them to Hamas. Iran wants every Jew obliterated.

i am more worried about americans being obliterated.
By Iran? LOL....that would never happen. China? Maybe but Biden loves China.

donny has his cheap sweatshop crap made there. he never moved one product to be made here in america.

truth over facts.
Donny? Go to any store. 90% of goods are made in China. We have become highly reliant on China cause we want cheap shit.

Truth over Facts

but DONNY was the one who bloviated about american manurfacting be done right here in ' america - fuck YA! ', remember? i do. biden is trying to do just THAT. let's start with the bridge in TN.
I have no idea what you fags have against Trump.

A) i am a born & raised hetero female.

B) i don't know, nor care where you're from, but i am from the east coast & have seen donny in action for 4 decades - there is a ALOT to say about his defects. are you kidding me?
Do you sign your name "she/her/hers" or "Left/Leftist/Communist"? he he

all of it.

& proudly - if it bothers you.

he he

You gotta do you...what bothers me is hypocrisy of leftists. Everything is whatever.

that is not true. you consider me a leftist. so therefore & henceforth you are mistaken. i believe i said that earlie, did i not? .

you have a record of that.
I disagree that you're not one. That is all. I know you don't consider yourself one but alas you are one.

as in-de-pendant as you, zoggerinooooooooooo..........
I disagree. You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. You are OK with us funneling money to Iran. You're OK with Biden packing the court. I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls.

i understand your stance. BUT it is not an issue that's high on the priority list for me, like abortion is to you.

You are OK with us funneling money to Iran.

didn't say that. i said i value american lives over any other.

You're OK with Biden packing the court.

gorsuch. brett. & the handmaiden. AND alllll the seated justices that turtleboy jammed thru. lol . please.

I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

bernie didn't incite a bloody attempted coup against the united states of america,...

so there is that.
Trump did not pack the court. Packing is increasing the size from nine. We disagree on what caused the Jan 6 riot. I actually Blame our media.

trump didn't ... but turtleboy did with the full blessing from donny.

Updated:Oct 13, 2020Original:Oct 8, 2013

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court​

Find out seven surprising facts about how the nation’s highest court works and how it’s changed over the years.
Elizabeth Nix

2. There haven’t always been nine justices on the court.​

The U.S. Constitution established the Supreme Court but left it to Congress to decide how many justices should make up the court. The Judiciary Act of 1789 set the number at six: a chief justice and five associate justices. In 1807, Congress increased the number of justices to seven; in 1837, the number was bumped up to nine; and in 1863, it rose to 10. In 1866, Congress passed the Judicial Circuits Act, which shrank the number of justices back down to seven and prevented President Andrew Johnson from appointing anyone new to the court. Three years later, in 1869, Congress raised the number of justices to nine, where it has stood ever since. In 1937, in an effort to create a court more friendly to his New Deal programs, President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to convince Congress to pass legislation that would allow a new justice to be added to the court—for a total of up to 15 members—for every justice over 70 who opted not to retire. Congress didn’t go for FDR’s plan.

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court

the media was not responsible nearly as much as the chosen one.

his own deplorables said so & the media sure didn't create the proud boys, 3%ers, or the oath keepers - who btw, a major founder/leader is squealing like a pig on his buds.
Proud boys are run by a Hispanic male. Enrique Terio? Media divides us nonstop. Hell they caught a CNN exec stating as such on tape. Now that Trump is out they are pushing climate change. Division = ratings.

trump & his flying monkeys incited it - working his base up for weeks b4 hand. too many pawns - as he predicted - played out a sick fantasy he had. he lied when he said he would walk w/ them because he knew what was gonna go down.

that's the dude you voted for & you misssssssssssssssssss him. anything & anybody else media wise - no matter what role they played - is a far distant second to the chosen one.
I disagree. So now what? We keep yelling at one another?


but feel free to change yer mind.
You complain constantly

you are constantly mistaken. i am not the one who misses donny.

Yet you still complain constantly. Do you believe, all jokes aside, that Hamas attacks Israel if Trump is still President? I do not.

i will admit i don't have much knowledge or investment that you understandably would - but biden is not to be blamed for something that is literally centuries/ions old.
When you deal with bullies you have to stand up to them. Trump stood up to Iran. Now Biden was being nice, Iran funneled money to Hamas and voila. This is what I was afraid of. Believe it or not there aren't very many Jews left in the world and I have family in Israel.
hoever we ma
& biden had a hard time at the get go getting the people in place thanx to turtleboy's senate. he concentrated on america. donny, in the end did not. some day you will see that.
All he had to do was not tell Iran we would ease the sanctions and not send money to Palestine.

however we may be going back into the nuke deal.
And that is not good. Again, Iran takes those monies and funnels them to Hamas. Iran wants every Jew obliterated.

i am more worried about americans being obliterated.
By Iran? LOL....that would never happen. China? Maybe but Biden loves China.

donny has his cheap sweatshop crap made there. he never moved one product to be made here in america.

truth over facts.
Donny? Go to any store. 90% of goods are made in China. We have become highly reliant on China cause we want cheap shit.

Truth over Facts

but DONNY was the one who bloviated about american manurfacting be done right here in ' america - fuck YA! ', remember? i do. biden is trying to do just THAT. let's start with the bridge in TN.
I have no idea what you fags have against Trump.

A) i am a born & raised hetero female.

B) i don't know, nor care where you're from, but i am from the east coast & have seen donny in action for 4 decades - there is a ALOT to say about his defects. are you kidding me?
Do you sign your name "she/her/hers" or "Left/Leftist/Communist"? he he

all of it.

& proudly - if it bothers you.

he he

You gotta do you...what bothers me is hypocrisy of leftists. Everything is whatever.

that is not true. you consider me a leftist. so therefore & henceforth you are mistaken. i believe i said that earlie, did i not? .

you have a record of that.
I disagree that you're not one. That is all. I know you don't consider yourself one but alas you are one.

as in-de-pendant as you, zoggerinooooooooooo..........
I disagree. You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. You are OK with us funneling money to Iran. You're OK with Biden packing the court. I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

You're OK with trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls.

i understand your stance. BUT it is not an issue that's high on the priority list for me, like abortion is to you.

You are OK with us funneling money to Iran.

didn't say that. i said i value american lives over any other.

You're OK with Biden packing the court.

gorsuch. brett. & the handmaiden. AND alllll the seated justices that turtleboy jammed thru. lol . please.

I mean come on now. Who is zooming who? You're as Independent as Bernie Sanders.

bernie didn't incite a bloody attempted coup against the united states of america,...

so there is that.
Trump did not pack the court. Packing is increasing the size from nine. We disagree on what caused the Jan 6 riot. I actually Blame our media.

trump didn't ... but turtleboy did with the full blessing from donny.

Updated:Oct 13, 2020Original:Oct 8, 2013

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court​

Find out seven surprising facts about how the nation’s highest court works and how it’s changed over the years.
Elizabeth Nix

2. There haven’t always been nine justices on the court.​

The U.S. Constitution established the Supreme Court but left it to Congress to decide how many justices should make up the court. The Judiciary Act of 1789 set the number at six: a chief justice and five associate justices. In 1807, Congress increased the number of justices to seven; in 1837, the number was bumped up to nine; and in 1863, it rose to 10. In 1866, Congress passed the Judicial Circuits Act, which shrank the number of justices back down to seven and prevented President Andrew Johnson from appointing anyone new to the court. Three years later, in 1869, Congress raised the number of justices to nine, where it has stood ever since. In 1937, in an effort to create a court more friendly to his New Deal programs, President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to convince Congress to pass legislation that would allow a new justice to be added to the court—for a total of up to 15 members—for every justice over 70 who opted not to retire. Congress didn’t go for FDR’s plan.

7 Things You Might Not Know About the US Supreme Court

the media was not responsible nearly as much as the chosen one.

his own deplorables said so & the media sure didn't create the proud boys, 3%ers, or the oath keepers - who btw, a major founder/leader is squealing like a pig on his buds.
Proud boys are run by a Hispanic male. Enrique Terio? Media divides us nonstop. Hell they caught a CNN exec stating as such on tape. Now that Trump is out they are pushing climate change. Division = ratings.

trump & his flying monkeys incited it - working his base up for weeks b4 hand. too many pawns - as he predicted - played out a sick fantasy he had. he lied when he said he would walk w/ them because he knew what was gonna go down.

that's the dude you voted for & you misssssssssssssssssss him. anything & anybody else media wise - no matter what role they played - is a far distant second to the chosen one.
I disagree. So now what? We keep yelling at one another?


but feel free to change yer mind.

i always am.
After the record setting disaster of the Biden administration everyone is missing Trump. Certainly each time they visit the gas pump and have to pay sky high Biden gas prices.
Boo FN hoo Get a job get off the dole and you too can afford a gallon of gas
^^^ there's that compassion for the poor Dems are noted for #sarcasm
^^^ there's that witless, mean, unfunny "humor" that Trumpers are known for.#notsarcasm
Trump doesn’t know me. He doesn’t think anything of me. I liked his policies.
Trump doesn't need to know you to think you are a low class slob, which he most assuredly does. We aren't talking about a normal human being with basic human traits and mental processes, here. We are talking about a garbage human with malignant narcissism.
Want to insult me some more?
I didn't insult you. I told you what the orange slob thinks of us.
Who is “us”?
You and me, in this case
Trump doesn’t know me. He doesn’t think anything of me. I liked his policies.

b4 both elections he only thought of you as a pawn with cash to spend on his campaign & get him in the WH; now he thinks of you as a pawn with cash to help pay his mounting lawyers' fees.
Trump doesn’t know me. He doesn’t think anything of me. I liked his policies.
Trump doesn't need to know you to think you are a low class slob, which he most assuredly does. We aren't talking about a normal human being with basic human traits and mental processes, here. We are talking about a garbage human with malignant narcissism.


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